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Finding Me #2

Found Underneath

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It began as a ruse.

Take a girlfriend. Divert the press from the fucked up mess that’s my family until my father is re-elected. Stage a public breakup. Move on.

Only that brilliant plan went straight south the moment I set eyes on Willow Blackwell.

I found her.

My center. My future. A soulmate with the will of a mule and the mouth of a harpy.

I now want things I never wanted before. Permanent kinds of things.

Only Fate—and her ex—have other plans for us.

In some sort of cosmic impossibility, our lives unknowingly intersected years before when tragedy befell both our families. Once the devastating truth is finally revealed, the future I’d found in her will come crashing down around us and for the first time in my life I’m completely helpless.

I may very well lose the only woman I've ever loved to a past neither of us saw coming.

*warning: 18+ only. Contains foul language, explicit sex and a hot alpha (or two, or three). NOTE: This is NOT a standalone. It’s the conclusion to LOST IN BETWEEN, which MUST be read first.

375 pages, ebook

First published January 1, 2017

About the author

K.L. Kreig

24 books2,555 followers
Follow me on TikTok: @klkreig_author

I’m just a regular ol’ Midwest girl who likes Game of Thrones and am obsessed with Modern Family and The Goldbergs. I run, I eat, I run, I eat. It’s a vicous cycle. I love carbs, but there’s love-hate relationship with my ass and thighs. Mostly hate. I like a good cocktail (oh hell…who am I kidding? I love any cocktail). I’m a huge creature of habit, but I’ll tell you I’m flexible. I read every single day and if I don’t get a chance…watch the hell out, I’m a raving bitch. My iPad and me: BFFs. I’m direct and I make no apologies for it. I swear too much. I love alternative music and in my next life I want to be a bad-ass female rocker. I hate, hate, hate spiders, telemarketers, liver, acne, winter and loose hairs that fall down my shirt (don’t ask, it’s a thing).

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Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
October 5, 2018
4.5 "Hold My Hand" Stars!!

The conclusion to the Finding Me duet was absolutely stunning! And no, I'm not biased by my love of all things KL Kreig, although there seems to be no limit to her literary magic. This story and its predecessor had all of the makings for an epic duet. As is typical with this author, the writing was beautiful, fluid, eloquent, poignant and evocative. The plot and its characters were not only moving, but realistic. I also have trouble voicing and trusting my feelings and often get stuck in my own head so I found it quite easy to relate to Willow's character. These are just some of the reasons that earned this book its 5 stars. Read it for yourself to find the other reasons why.

"Everything before her is blank, empty. Everything after her is life."

Once again I was immediately captivated by the connection shared between Shaw and Willow. Their resistance to commitment was all but obliterated in the face of their deep and abiding love for one another. However, old habits die hard. Not only do they have to find a way to open up and truly make themselves vulnerable to each other, but past hurts suddenly become present torment, rocking the very foundation of the shaky relationship that Shaw and Willow are building.

"You are different because I'm in love with every last piece of you. The scared, the scarred, and the sacred."

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. What will the path to forgiveness even look like, if it even exists? Will these two beloved characters be holding onto each other in the coming storm? READ THE BOOK!! See for yourself how each character has grown and how their feelings have only further blossomed and witness their hard-fought journey to a possible happy ending.

I'll repeat my warning from Lost in Between: this story is not only heartwarming and profound, it is a freaking scorcher. No two ways about it, Shaw will melt your heart and your panties. KL Kreig is a master at writing truly beautiful erotic scenes between her lovers. This tale was sweetly romantic with a heavy contemporary feel and it was easy to fall in love with it and its characters. Although it was hard to say goodbye (you better believe I savored this read right to the end), I'm more than satisfied with where the author left things.

I highlighted pretty much the entire book but obviously can't include it in my review. However, I'd love to leave you with this final quote:
"There's no one here but you." I grab her hand and place her palm flat, right over my heart. It's racing. Beating for her. "No one else has ever been in here before. No one will be again." I didn't understand that crushing loneliness took up that space, but it's noticeably absent now, replaced with the only woman I'm convinced can breathe the very life into me."

That's just one example, out of many, that showcase how utterly swoon-worthy Shaw was!

Release Date: May 30, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person
Steam: 4.5 out of 5
Book Type: Book 2 of the Finding Me duet
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,768 reviews2,826 followers
May 20, 2017


descriptionI like this cover. Hot guy. Great use of graphics. Bold text. Fairly good composition. Similar to book one so good unity within the series.description

descriptionAt the end of book one I was a bit on the fence on whether I would bother going on to read this one or not. I enjoyed book one, but it didn't WOW as much as I expected it to. That said when this landed on my tablet I found myself curious to see how all these twists and turns and secrets would turn out and I am happy to report that I enjoyed this one IMMENSELY.


As I said in my review for book one this author has a very readable way of writing and book two was no different in that respect. Although this was another relatively long read I found the pace to be much better than the first. I was never bored or felt the need to skim. There was no OW drama. Some OM drama. A ton of angst. A whole lot of frustration and feels. Some hot sex scenes. Twists and turns. Interesting secondary characters. I need Noah to get a book..please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?? Both Willow and Shaw remained likable characters. I wanted to smack Willow a few times, but Shaw's unwavering love and commitment went a long way to smooth my ruffled feathers.

Not much left to say at this point. I am glad I gave this one a chance. It exceeded my expectations and ended up being an enjoyable way to spend a few hours. Two thumbs up from yours truly.description


May 30, 2017
Everything in this book aligned in the most perfect way, resulting in 5 breathtakingly beautiful stars! I was completely captivated and mesmerized by the exquisite writing and the way the characters bled their passion and emotion into every nook and cranny of the story. I couldn't have asked for anything more from this book. It was a perfect storm swirling with electric heat, agonizing heartbreak and an unrelenting, all-consuming love that left me breathless. This poignant story of love, loss and forgiveness has left a permanent mark on my heart!
Profile Image for Lillian ☁ Cloud 9 Books ☁.
574 reviews344 followers
June 16, 2017
***** 4 Stars *****

Cannot be read as a standalone.

A great conclusion! With all the steamy and passionate scenes, I couldn't put this down.

The story also had some good twists that got me riled up.

I thought some of the moments went a bit too slow (kind of like the previous book), but I honestly enjoyed these books.

description description description

Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,599 followers
June 13, 2017
“Lost in Between” is the first part of the duet “Finding Me” and it ends in a cliffhanger. “Found Underneath” is the conclusion to the duet.

“Finding Me” is the story of Shaw and Willow, whose relationship begins on a contract and then, goes far beyond their plans and imagination.

See the review of the first part of the duet "Lost in Between" here:


This second book starts where the first book ends and the story slowly unfolds until all secrets are revealed.

The pace of this second book is also as slow as the first one but this book is also as hot and emotional as the first book with adorable characters, all of which make the book worth reading although it drags.

I need to reiterate that the main problem of this beautiful duet is its unnecessary length for me. This duet could easily have been one book with 350-400 pages and it would be a 5-star read for me. However, when it drags so much with its slow pace and repetitive content, it becomes boring at certain times no matter how sweet a love story theirs is.

Still, the story was heartwarming and I enjoyed it. Let me warn you that you shouldn’t compare this duet with Black Swan Affair from the same writer as this one doesn’t come close to its magnificence.

SAFETY - Cheating or sharing ?
Nope, Shaw doesn't cheat on her ever and he doesn't share Willow with anyone - even the idea of sharing her makes him crazy although it was something he always did in the past!

“You are not like anyone. You have changed me. You are all mine, you understand that? All fucking mine. Tell me you believe me.”

Believe that I wouldn’t let Noah touch one hair on your head, let alone hear the way your breath hitches when you unravel.

“I’m trying,” she whispers. Her hands now come to my forearms, curling around them. “I really am.”

Some more quotes from it...

Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere and sometimes in the middle of nowhere you find yourself.

But how do I tell her she’s the one I never saw coming? That she’s moved in. Taken up residence inside me without my knowledge, without my permission. Without even trying.
How do I make her understand I see something in her I’ve not seen in another woman? Hell, it’s something I never wanted to see in a woman before.


Our lives unfold a certain way for reasons that aren’t always apparent to us until the time is right.


In her, I found what was lost in me.
She’s color, she’s sun, she’s rain, she’s earth, she’s breath, she’s warmth, she’s salt, she’s sweet. She’s life. She’s mine.
Without Willow, I am nothing.
A ghost of the man I thought I was.

Profile Image for Jena .
2,313 reviews2 followers
May 3, 2022
DNF 75%

Was worse than book 1. This series needed more drama and angst. God, this second book was so unnecessary.

- some of their lines were too corny. It wasn’t hot or romantic, just cringy.

I can’t believe this author went from writing the amazing Black Swan Affair book to this series full of fillers and no plot to sell 2 books instead of 1.

I’m so disappointed.
Profile Image for Shannon.
475 reviews152 followers
May 29, 2017
I'm never quiet about what I like in a book. It basically all comes down to two major things. 1. Feels. 2. Angst. I such an angst whore, it's ridiculous. I want to feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest and stomped on. I love seeing how the author brings it back together from that level. And then throw in the feels. Romantic, swoony, tender, innocent, all of it. Add them together and I'm a happy, happy camper, so you can imagine that I was ecstatic to be reading Found Underneath.

I had a bit of a hard time with the first book. I found that there was no a lot, and nothing going on at the same time. I was confused because it would feel some so much was happening, but looking back I couldn't pick out any details. I thought it was long, drawn out and had some unnecessary parts, but regardless, I still needed book two in my life like I need a million dollars. *Hint* everyone needs a million dollars. Therefore, you need these books! I found it so much easier to dive into book two and become immersed into the story. There were lots of twists and turns and I love how the author didn't shy away from tough issues. It kept me engaged and neither Willow nor Shaw left my mind for too long. These characters go through a lot and they each grow exponentially as a result. It was such an enjoyable ride and transformation, I definitely recommend!

Character wise, like I already said, I loved the development with all of the characters and their individual stories. Though willow was a bit frustrating at times, I understood her point of view. The best part though was how Shaw absolutely refused to give up on her. Shaw was the real winner here for me, he was simply so incredibly swoony. He's a classic alpha. But easily sweet and caring as well. He's domineering but tender with Willow. What's better than this combination? I don't think there is anything better.

These books are indeed long, so prepare yourself. I found the writing to be a bit too flowery for my personal preferences at times and just taking up too many words to get the point across. Again, person opinion. Perhaps though part of the length has to do with the amount of sex scenes. I'm no prude, I love the hot and heavy like everyone else, but sometimes I want to be immersed in the plot as well! I don't need to read a detailed scene every time the main characters are together. I get it, they like each other. But I don't need four or five or six or seven sex scenes in a book. I'm the type of person who will skip them to just get on with the story. I would prefer to have half of them cut out, and spend that time moving the pace along instead. Though I will admit, Shaw and Willow could be muy caliente! Very hot.

All in all, an interesting duet. The first story I found to be a little more basic but the second branched out significantly and I found much more enjoyable. If you're looking for a fake girlfriend story with a few twists also the way, check this duet out! Now, what about Noah? Can I have him?

*An ARC was received in exchange for an honest review.


Profile Image for The Book Bee.
568 reviews279 followers
May 30, 2017
"And he's eyeing me as if I'm the queen he needs to secure his kingship, his rightful place on the throne. As if I'm his next and only breath."

WOW! Ok, so we all know how LOST IN BETWEEN ended and the emotional position Shaw and Willow were put in with their pasts colliding. This book immediately picked up where that one left off. Their turbulent love affair was compounded by their pasts, and their pasts have come back to haunt them in a crazy twist of events only the devil can think up. The amount of heartache these two endured because of coincidence is nothing to take lightly.

We saw Shaw falling in love. We saw Willow denying the possibility of love. It was a scary step for them both to take and the journey to get there was an agonizing one. The brevity of their situation was not for the weak, and the journey we took to get to their HEA was a beautiful but very twisted and heartbreaking one. When a man has to fight for his woman, it shows a lot about his character when he won't give up, but he's very cognizant of her feelings and continues to fight. I think KL nailed this one. Shaw is perfection in book boyfriend form. He recognized his innate need for the balm that Willow provides his soul. She was what he needed, and he recognized that. I ached down to my very soul for what Shaw was going through and the juggling act he had to perform with the secrets he was holding.

"You can't beat your enemy if you don't know your enemy and all I know is his weakness, but that's not enough. His weakness is my weakness, too."

I love KL's alphas. I love her in-depth storylines. I love what she does with her characters' hearts and the paces she makes them take in order to find their true love. This one was no different. I have to say that their admission of love was one of the most beautiful ones I have read in a very long time. It will stick with me. It was so intimate, so loving and so true. They felt it. It was just a beautiful profession of love and I honestly loved it. When you get to that point in this book, slow down and revel in it. Soak it up and read it with all the emotion KL intended. It was absolute perfection.

A real man knows what he wants and goes after it, but a good man knows how to take care of and soothe his woman. He knows what her greatest strengths are, but he knows what her weaknesses are too. Shaw knew. OMG. He is sigh-worthy in every way. He fought so hard and so noble, but when he finally decided he was done....he was done. I loved him so hard. He fought so freaking hard. I admire his patience, but loved his tenacity.

While we knew Shaw was a hardcore businessman from the get-go, I didn't really know how strong Willow was. When I was worried that she would be meek and bow down to the pressures of what was perceived to be happening, she actually surprised me and was very strong and was a stand-up heroine. I loved her strength and her straight-forward thinking. She didn't let the what-ifs stop her, instead she saw through it and stood up for her heart and what she believed in. When there was a question about something, she knew to get to the bottom of it and not dwell on the negatives. With Noah being a best friend to Shaw, he was also a shoulder for Willow and to say that I hope that KL writes his story, that would be a gross misstatement. I need Noah's story. I need to see him weak and give in to the one woman that holds him by the balls! I want to see him CAVE!!

I am not and cannot reread a book, so that never works out well for me. Unfortunately, the almost 3 months in between books bit me back hard. I read so many books in between that I lost what was going on so I had to go through and play catch-up again. The book took off immediately and I didn't get a quick recap worked into the beginning of the book, so it threw me off jus ta bit. This is the *only* reason I hesitate on cliffhangers. But the fact that their love story was so intense and so rich, it made catching up easy, allowing me to fall right back into it once I did some "research". KL is so detailed in her storyline and so much depth is provided to enhance the story, I had to make sure to be on my toes while reading this one. I love her angst, I love her stories and I love her alphas!!! Dirty talkers with strong desires, they have a take-no-prisoners mentality and it makes for an amazing read. I will always and easily recommend the books of hers I have read. She has many more on my TBR and I will make the time to read them.

"In them, I saw a means to an end. In you, I only see the beginning."


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Profile Image for Christine (Shh Moms Reading).
1,403 reviews568 followers
May 24, 2017
#MostAnticipatedRead #ShawIsMine #ExcerptAndGiveaway

Shaw never lets go of my hand as he stands, but once he’s on his feet, he drops it to my side and takes my face in his stronghold. Uncaring that someone’s waiting for us, he lowers his mouth to mine and gives me the sweetest kiss I’ve ever had in my life. It brims with reverent purpose and burgeoning love.

Read the full excerpt HERE and enter the giveaway!!!
These characters and THIS story mesmerized me. Passionately heartfelt, sinfully sexy and completely unputdownable - K.L. Kreig gives readers her most flawless book to date. My most anticipated book of this year did not disappoint!
May 16, 2017
 photo E73CFB98-E20B-4409-A357-1C877AF9B397_zpsgdebgh7c.jpg

I could not wait for KL Kreig to write this second installment in the Finding Me duet. I swear, I devoured the first book, Found in Between, in a day. Shaw Mercer was simply perfection for me as a lead MC. A wealthy, successful businessman, devoted family man, dominate dirty talker who's brought to his manwhore knees when he least expects it. That's this duet in a nutshell. Add a lot of depth of plot, deception and secrets and we've got a great story.

Willow Blackwell is a high-end escort contracted to be arm candy for those clients that can afford her. Not for sex, for image. She's under contract with Shaw Mercer to clean up his rakish image to more of a committed boyfriend material so his father can clinch the mayoral election. But when business morphs into pleasure and the heart gets involved, all bets are off. Willow battles the tenacity that is this mesmerizing man but even her walls start to crumble.

To say Willow is a complex character is a gross understatement. Walls of protection doesn't even touch upon the scope of her. She's endured so much loss in her life, she cannot fathom consciously signing up for more at the hands of love.

She's thundering strength inside quiet courage.

One word for Shaw Mercer- tenacious. This man does not give up. He risks his own vulnerability to commit to a girl as guarded as Willow. When outside threats creep in, he's torn on how to handle it without losing everything.

I must admit, some readers will want to throttle this heroine. She is a true test of patience for Shaw and we as readers. Her psyche is truly wounded and it takes a fair amount of this book to gradually unfold the complex layers of her story. She's truly a closed box but Shaw reassures her he will wait...she's worth it. If he has to remind her daily, he will, until she believes it too.

You're worth fighting for.

A dramatic conclusion to this sexy duet. Looking forward to more from K.L. Kreig.

Advanced copy received by author in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Kay (❦ ᴗ ❦ ✿) BooksandMe.
470 reviews7 followers
June 5, 2017


Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere and sometimes in the middle of nowhere you find yourself.”
~ Unknown

Lost in Between ended with so many questions and emotions I don't know where to start. My feelings were on the precipice of either falling over and being frustrated, I am torn between Reid Mergen and Shaw Mercer and I'm not sure I approved of Willow Blackwell's decision.
“I let him see that I don't want anything between us but real and reckless, no matter if it hurts one, or both of us, in the end.”

I love how this book started, it made me look deeper into Shaw's character and that slowly, I am getting to know the characters in a new light but that the flow in connection with the previous book is smooth and consistent.

Shaw captured my heart in this book. He's driven, knows what he wants, he is loyal than ever to his family, and most of all, he's passionate and has that obsessive personality that calls to me.

Willow is just Willow. She can't deny what she has found in Shaw, but that she's still scared than ever. She's afraid to be vulnerable, but that heart of hers is trying to be brave and live, and not just let the moments pass by.
“With each twist of his tongue against mine I feel more lost, but also as if he's found me underneath all the masks I use to hide behind. ”

I love a good conflict and this has all kinds of conflict that connects and doesn't make it overwhelming nor super complicated. I finally was able to understand what Willow has found in Shaw, and it was more than the physical aspects. And that even if I felt Reid was everything I thought I want in a man should be, there was just something in him that would make me give up in him.
“I'm having a hard time keeping up with how fast you're changing me, Goldilocks.”

The above quote is a definite contradict to the pacing of the story, as it is slow and steady but something you'd be able to appreciate as the details are delicate and although it revolves around appearances and what people would say, because politics, the heart of it all is that the importance of family and the connections you made with them.

This is definitely a great conclusion to the duet! I admit, I probably wanted to rush what is happening but it couldn't be or the story might be ruined. All the feels, that feeling of nostalgia and love and longing, and just everything! I was afraid my kindle would burn with the hotness! Love!

“And once you feel that fear burning holes in your belly, that's when you know you have found something rare and special, worth holding on to.”

Books in the Series (must be read in order):
Lost in Between (Finding Me #1)
Found Underneath (Finding Me, #2)

Check out my blog here:

Profile Image for ~Stéphanie~.
623 reviews360 followers
May 16, 2017
Found Underneath is the second part of the Finding me serie and if you didn't read Lost in Between first, you should stop right there.
If you've read my first review, you know I was raving about how Shaw Mercer He's still the dedicated guy he was in the first book, he's determined and it gets worse - in the good way - when he realises his feelings for Willow.

"How do I tell her she’s the one I never saw coming? That she’s moved in. Taken up residence inside me without my knowledge, without my permission. Without even trying. How do I make her understand I see something in her I’ve not seen in another woman? Hell, it’s something I never wanted to see in a woman before."

At the beginning of the book, KL Kreig advices to buckle up and be sure to do it because it's a rollercoaster of emotions. I had so many feelings while reading: happy, giddy but also angry and frustrated. The way certain characters acts made me shout more than once. I loved Sierra in the first book but in here it was a complete 180. And I wish I knew why.
There were actions that I didn't fully understand until late in the book. The last 35% got me hooked on my seat. All the revelations and hurts start to take place and the grand finale was absolutely fantastic!

"I am his. He is mine. There is an us"

There's one particular thing that I completely loved in Found Underneath is the love Willow & Shaw feels for each other. It was strong and even if some parts were definitely antsy, I loved the fact this love was a sure thing. Love is never easy, theirs was most definitely not. But they love each other and it's what really matters.

"I’m in love with every last piece of you. The scared, the scarred, and the sacred"

Once again my mind was capture by side characters and I really hope to have their book soon. Noah is more than ever MINE and Annabelle deserves her own happy ending, she was a character I wanted to help and hug so bad. She needs her own HEA. Why not with Noah? I can only imagine what reaction Shaw will have *laughing hysterically*

~Arc provided by the author in exchange of an honest review~

Profile Image for Carlene Inspired.
991 reviews273 followers
May 19, 2017
ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
You must read Lost in Between in order to read (fall in love with) Found Underneath.

Well, I wasn't expecting to be a puddle of tears as I read this one, but goodness did it make me emotional! K.L. Kreig warns readers that it's going to be one heck of a ride, but I wasn't prepared for the amount of emotions I'd feel as I read Found Underneath. The final book in the Finding Me duet made me cry, laugh, steam with anger, and fall head over heels in love with Shaw Mercer a little bit more than I already was. It's romance with a splash of suspense and this novel provides every answer readers begged for after finishing Lost in Between.

"He's waiting for me to fuck up. He's working to win her back."

"It's there, simmering. A noxious combination that's ready to boil over and scald everyone around him. It's coming. Fast. Without warning. And when it does, no one will be sheltered from the damage it will cause. No one."

Shaw is, well...Shaw. He's a man with strength and determination, Found Underneath really showcased the qualities that made me swoon in the first place. He's definitely an Alpha, but has a good heart that really drives this book. Willow is a complex character with a suitcase of hard life stories weighing her down. Together they lift one another up, they both become far better people, but they've got secrets and a contract that nearly promise an implosion. Outside of these two, K.L. Kreig writes some phenomenal secondary characters. This isn't just a one story line book, it's multifaceted, made better with family drama, politics, and a haunting past that no one is prepared to face. I get bored so easily with a book I can guess the ending of and this one is impossible to do that with. There's no telling where the next secret and conflict may come from, but there is a definite promise of perfect resolution as Shaw fights to win the heart of the girl.

"For those stolen moments, I let him in all the way. I let him see that I don't want anything between us but real and reckless, no matter if it hurts one, or both of us, in the end."

It was impossibly hard to review Found Underneath without spoilers, so I will close with this note and hope you will find yourself convinced that it is a must read. The Finding Me duet is on my re-read forever list. It's romantic, it's got just enough twists and turns, and oh my lanta are the smut scenes HOT AS HECK. Now, when do we get Noah? That man deserves a standalone of his own, at the very least!
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,817 reviews321 followers
May 31, 2017
Found Underneath (Finding Us #2) by KL Kreig
5 stars!!!

“We all love and lose. It’s a sad fact of life. But we can choose to hold on to the loss itself or to the love that came before it. All this time I’ve chosen wrong.”

After finishing Lost In Between, I was salivating for this book. I had patiently waited and as soon my scheduled permitted I dived into this one with gusto. Found Underneath continues where Lost In Between finished and there is no time to take a breath, because this book starts as it means to go on…rollercoaster…twists and turns galore which I loved and never saw coming but more importantly a romance that grabbed a hold of my heart and never let go. Man, these two…seriously…one of my favourite book couples ever. This is testament to KL Kreig’s exceptional writing talent, because these two became real, I lived their journey, I breathed it but most importantly I loved it.

“I think if I had woken you, I would have lost myself in you, Willow.”
“Maybe you can find yourself in me, instead.”

Willow and Shaw may not have started with pure romantic intentions but the heart wants who the heart wants, and these two, their hearts only beat for one and other. The more and more this story progressed the more that this became apparent. Their connection was tangible, never once did I believe that these two wouldn’t make it. The chemistry between these two was seriously off the charts and the scenes between these two left me fanning myself and some much-needed freezer time for my kindle. KL Kreig delivered that character connection with such intensity and ferocity that my emotions were all over the place, tears of happiness, tears of sadness, but no matter what these characters felt, I felt it too.

“But the fact still remains that professing our love only adds layers of complexity to this already convoluted mess and for once, I don’t know what to do about it.”

KL Kreig’s writing style is one that I gelled with from the very first book, her books are incredibly easy to read and the pages turn freely and this one was no different. The pacing was perfect and the story flowed with ease and felt like a natural progression. Nothing felt forced, plot lines were well explained and delivered and KL Kreig remained true to her characters.

“I love you, but I’m not sure that’s enough.”

As I said above, Shaw and Willow are one of my favourite couples ever, it’s hard to explain, I just felt like I was watching friends fall in love, I related to these two on a personal level and became a part of their journey. It was intense, it wasn’t always plain sailing, but what relationships are? It is just whether the couple have the strength and belief in what they have to navigate those choppy seas.

“In them, I saw absolutely nothing…But in you, Willow, I see a blank page I want to fill with color and memories, light and laughter. I want to pack page after page with the story of our life, and I’ve never wanted that before.”

The change in Shaw was overwhelming, from serial manwhore to a man literally debilitated by love and it was one affliction that this man grabbed with both hands. While some mens stories feel unbelievable or forced, I actually felt this one and with every scene where this man is pouring his heart out, words that had never crossed his lips before, my heart swelled with pride, like a mum being proud of her kid. I adored Shaw.

“…but in you, Willow Blackwell, I’m not lost at all. In you, I have finally found my reason for existing. You epitomize graceful strength and quiet courage. You are different because I’m in love with every last piece of you. The scared, the scarred, and the sacred. I think I love those the most, the sacred parts you haven’t shared yet because I know when you eventually do they will mean even more to me than the extraordinary gift of your name.”

Willow is such a strong character, I adored her. She has had such a tough life and yet she battles on regardless. Willow takes the rough with the smooth and yet still keeps that smile pasted. Her propensity to forgive and just to give a piece of herself to those that need it was humbling and just made me adore her all the more. Willow’s inability to share her emotions was understandable, her hesitance and reluctance to trust justifiable, she just hadn’t met anyone worthy…until Shaw. Willow was just a woman shaped by her past and now it was up to her to let Shaw in and reshape her future.

“Don’t squander the gift Charles Blackwell gave you. Make my father proud.”

This was a fantastic conclusion, it was hot, seriously hot, it was angsty but not overly so, all wrapped up with an abundance of feels and emotions that ticked all my boxes. I didn’t want to leave these characters behind. The epilogue was perfection and now I am itching for Noah’s story...best friend, loyal, partner in crime and business, but most of all, he is still single. His brother in arms may be off the market, but he certainly isn’t…or is he? Bring it on KL Kreig, pretty please!!

Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,883 reviews2,067 followers
July 31, 2017

3.5 Stars

“…bad memories take up too much space and you need that space for good memories.”

It did take us a while to get back into the swing of things with these characters; we felt it moved quite slow and felt quite repetitive nookie wise. However, that’s not saying we didn’t enjoy this book, as we sure did. We loved Willow and our hearts still broke for her, yet we celebrated her feistiness, her strength and her compassion. We understood her reluctance to open up and her actions of self-preservation. When such personal tragedy and an almost forced loneliness is your day to day, how does one live with that or even come to terms with life without bearing the scars and having it affect relationships with others?

‘He fits me. He sees me. He makes my blood boil, my heart sing, and my soul crave something I haven’t in a long, long time, if ever.’

Shaw is a formidable man with an enigmatic presence. He knows who he is and what he wants and whilst life can be mapped out with joys and needs met, it’s the unexpected that throws everything off the rails and into the back seat. Yet Shaw is still there for anyone who needs him. His fake relationship is anything but, as he knows that Willow is the one he wants, despite the secrets tainting this pure almost aggressive love affair.

‘I want her body. Her soul. Her divinity. Her love and devotion. I want to dominate her mind, rule her soul, eat her cries every morning for breakfast.’

There is no doubt that we felt the tangible need and attraction Willow and Shaw had for one another. Their passion and desperation was vividly written with beauty, heat and humour. By the end there was no question and the secrets threatening their love were believably met with maturity and empathy.

‘For those few stolen moments, I let him in all the way. I let him see that I don’t want anything between us but real and reckless, no matter if it hurts one, or both of us, in the end. That it’s too late and I’m already madly in love with him.’

We have a love/hate relationship with this new popular wave of duets. We love them as they’ve taken away the dreaded ‘middle book filler syndrome’ from trilogies but also because more time is given to fleshing out characters. Where we may falter is when a certain time has passed we need to reconnect with characters or we feel lost for a certain percentage of the book. Sadly this happened for us here. Having read the initial short story and book one in in quick succession and absolutely loving it, we felt the wait and the slow repetitiveness disconnected us somewhat and the story moved off in a bit of a different destination. This is an honest and personal opinion and most likely won’t affect any other readers, saying this- we have enjoyed this series for sure.

‘The truth is we control very little in this life. And accepting that, finding peace within after we’ve mourned and closed ourselves off for a while so we can heal is the only control we do have.’.... Click here for full review

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Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,419 reviews237 followers
May 30, 2017
‘Sometimes getting lost is how we find ourselves.’

This is the fantastic conclusion to Shaw and Willow’s story and it was perfect! At the end of Lost in Between these two seem to have moved from a short term paid arrangement to them falling for each other. However, there is a lot more at stake now.

Shaw’s father is busy campaigning for the election and is counting on Shaw to stay out of the papers, keeping their family name in a good favour. Willow is overwhelmed with what she is feeling for Shaw, he has managed to breach the inpenetrable wall that she has had up for years and it makes her feel very vulnerable.

‘He fits me. He sees me. He makes my blood boil, my heart sing, and my soul crave something I haven’t in a long long time, if ever.’

Shaw is completely gone for Willow, he has never felt this way about a woman before and there is no way he is ever letting her go. However, there is someone who is hell bent on proving to Willow that Shaw is not the man she thinks he is.

When information is revealed to Shaw that could not only have an impact on his father’s campaign but more importantly his relationship with Willow he is determined to get to the truth, even though it may mean losing Willow forever. Will the strength of their relationship be able to survive what is coming at them?

Nothing gets in the way of what Shaw Mercer wants and no matter what happens with Willow he will make sure her mind and heart is at peace with her past. He can only hope that he will be a part of her future.

‘She’s colour, she’s sun, she’s rain, she’s earth, she’s breath, she’s warmth, she’s salt, she’s sweet. She’s life. She’s mine. Without Willow I am nothing. A ghost of the man I thought I was.’

I just loved this series, Shaw is a man that has a strong alpha male presence about him but when he is with Willow he just melts into a big soft marshmallow. Willow had so many layers to her and they were slowly peeled back throughout this story. These two are just meant for each other!
Profile Image for Francoise.
762 reviews34 followers
May 29, 2017
4 Goldilocks Stars!

Found Underneath is the second part of Shaw Mercer and Willow Blackwell’s story. Shaw is born into privilege and is one of Seattle’s most eligible bachelors. As the son of Seattle’s mayor, conformity is of the utmost importance to help his father get reelected for a second term. Willow is an escort and accepts to play the part of his girlfriend for a few months, against a substantial sum. As it happens, their business arrangement has turned out to be far more than they initially thought.

"I've finally met my match. There is no chink in her armor. No ace up my sleeve to use against her. Willow is not weak in any way, shape or form. She is thundering strength inside quiet courage."

Shaw and Willow’s connection is undeniable, but one night has intersected the future of their respective families in a tragic way. Shaw’s younger sister, Annabelle, seems to be the key to the mystery of that tragic night. Even if Shaw doesn’t show his emotions and seems non-committal, he knows what he wants and he is ready to fight for Willow. She has been going through a lot of hardship and she deserves a chance at happiness. Shaw accepts her for who she is, obstinate and broken. This character had depth, and accepts his vulnerabilities. His past as a famous womanizer is behind him.

"While he may be like the wind, uncontrollable and wild, Shaw Mercer is an inescapable force of nature. He kissed my soul leaving an indelible stain behind."

This emotional, compelling read kept me hooked till the last page. The climax was full of heartbreak, passion and emotion. One thing is for sure, K.L. Kreig knows how to write a super sexy alpha and this book brought out all the feels. I loved the characters, their smoldering romance and abundance of chemistry. I was totally invested in their story and so happy to see them walk into the sunset!

An advanced copy of this book was provided to me by the author.
Profile Image for Eva LeNoir.
Author 21 books560 followers
May 27, 2017
There is a shortlist of authors that will have me coming back to their writing with every single release. KL Krieg is most definitely on that list, even more so after I finished reading Found Underneath. There is something to be said about a style of writing that hooks its claws into your soul, making you forget all other happenings in your life.
Gripping. Heartfelt. Flawless. These are the adjectives that pop into my mind when I think of this duet.
The characters are down to earth and real, so much so that the reader is living the emotions just as the MCs. The writing is spectacular, the perfect mixture of cheeky, sexy and heartbreaking.
A MUST read through and through.
Profile Image for Tracy *To the point Reviews*.
647 reviews174 followers
January 2, 2018
What a sweet ending! I loved this conclusion. All the characters are well fleshed out. There's no excessive bantering or descriptions. No over the top ex woman. Just a really beautiful love story.

The best part... SHAW!

He's in my top 3 book heroes! OMG! Hot dude who is sans dark past, deep rooted issues. Just a man driven to succeed and love his family. I have rarely read a hero POV where there is so much devotion and love for a heroine. From the moment he truly realizes he's in love he's goes hard and it was a delight to read.
Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,471 reviews432 followers
June 4, 2017
Que livro maravilhoso. Não tenho nem como explicar como essa história me tocou profundamente. Romance épico!!!!! Os personagens me marcaram demais! Parabéns pra autora!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Lacy Words we love by.
171 reviews22 followers
May 30, 2017


All the stars in the universe.

God how am I ever gonna review this book . To convey all the feelings I had experienced while reading it is just mission impossible . I didn’t just love this book I LIVED it , breathed it and stayed with me days after finishing it .

You know once in a while comes a book that knocks you off your socks , steals your breath and makes you remember why you love reading . Found Underneath was this book for me . Everything about it spoke to my heart , I wouldn’ t change a single sentence . K L Kreig created this passionate, intense , highly emotional tale woven so delicately I have to bow at her feet . Everything in it was in the right doses . I got my fill in every single department . The angst was nail biting but just was it needs to be , no unnecessary drama and I love the author for it . The hot scenes were truly mesmerizing and the connection between the H&H was so intense I’m having chills just thinking of it.

It is very rare for me to equally love both the hero and heroine as my heart always swings a certain way . It happened in this book . I can safely say that Shaw and Willow are now up there with my most favorite ones . Willow was such a strong , inspiring , driven female character . Her personality was so intriguing to me . She never once in the whole two books let me down . So beautiful and selfless . Sassy and everything a woman wants to be . Now Shaw, oh my god , BEST male character I’ve read in a long time . The tornado as I envisioned him . The raw , animalistic way he protects those he loves was nothing like I have read before . He is was so intense , swoon worthy , and every reader’s wet dream .

The relationship Shaw and Willow had was something written brilliantly , I loved how the author made the connection between them so deep you could feel it down to your marrow … Their moments were so intense I honestly felt like an intruder reading it. The long stares, the touches the love was truly breathtakingly beautiful . EPIC .

Hands down one of my top favorite reads EVER .

Profile Image for Angel.
1,234 reviews40 followers
May 11, 2017

What a conclusion...

I'm emotionally drained after reading this. What a book!

Shaw and Willow took me on a ride of emotional highs and lows,
Their love for each other didn't waver, their commitment was UNBREAKABLE,
their STRENGTH and LOVE tested. Their FIGHT was til the end. This story was written phenomenally and was told brilliantly.

This book was EVERYTHING I'd hoped and more. Willow is balls to the wall with her sassy mouth. I loved her character so much. She's strong and resilient. But at the same time she's soft and caring, she's selfless and a nurturing being. I adored he character.

Shaw is a man who knows what he wants and he will stop at nothing to have it.
He's strong and confident. He's got the sex appeal of a god, he takes what he wants and he won't apologize for it. He's all ALPHA and so very sexy. And that dirty mouth. (Fans self).

THEIR SEX IS OFF THE CHARTS !!!! Phew had to get that out of the way. LOL

This was an amazing conclusion filled with angst, TONS OF PASSION, love, loss, heartbreak, deceit, and devastating lies and truths that will keep you flipping the pages.
I can't give this book enough praises. If you haven't read any of K.L. Kreigs books do it now.
Profile Image for Brandi.
1,158 reviews148 followers
May 27, 2017
5 You are worth fighting for Stars

This is the conclusion to the Finding Me series. If you have not read Lost in Between then you need to turn away now. This review will be spoilery for that book. I will do what I can to not ruin this one though.

I felt so strongly while reading this. I laughed and cried and loved. I wanted more of Shaw and more of Willow. I also wanted more of Annabelle, more Noah. Hell, I even want more Reid. I want it all!!!

Willow and Shaw are worth fighting for.

Somehow, someway you have managed the impossible. You have captured every shred of my heart, every piece of my mind, every bit of my very soul. Everything I am belongs to you.

God, Shaw. I'm pretty sure this was on repeat throughout the entire book. I couldn't come up with other words. Everything he did, everything he said, everything he didn't do.

"Did your soul ache for mine every fucking second of every fucking day?"

My soul ached for these two the entire time I read this book. I savored this book, I took my time with it, and felt every little thing Willow and Shaw felt. The writing is powerful.

Possessiveness rages inside me. He has parts of her I want. Lazy conversations. Inside jokes. Secret looks.

Reid Mergen poses a threat to the relationship of Willow and Shaw. He has information that could destroy this new relationship before it even has a chance to flourish. Reid is a man from Willow's past and he has collided headfirst with her future. But he wants her, of that there is no doubt.

"You are different because I'm in love with every last piece of you. The scared, the scarred, and the sacred."

I am in love with this entire book. The writing, the prose, the slow, slow burn, the uncertainty, the surety, the love. It's all here. It's all here and more. Shaw is more.

I am his. He is mine. There is an us. It's love, without a doubt, no matter if we say it or not.
Profile Image for Tara OG.
361 reviews58 followers
May 24, 2017

KL Kreig doesn’t just write words she writes words that will leave you desperate, needing more words, more stories, more perfection. She is a DJ with words and a mastermind of storytelling. I love to read and I will usually devour the words, but this author, she is something special. It's not about devouring her words its about letting them sink in and take hold. It takes a lot for me to fan girl over an author, but I would seriously hide in the bushes just to watch Ms. Kreig eat a peanut butter sandwich.

I fell in love with Shaw and Willow in book one and knowing myself usually I check out in book 2. Let me tell you, this was not the case. I couldn’t get enough of these two. The banter and the drama really brought out book 2. I found myself not wanting to put the book down for two seconds. Shaw, I cant say enough about him. Ms. Kreig's males are one of the main reasons I fall in love with her stories. I mean there are many aspects of her writing, but her males are to DIE for. Shaw was unrelenting in his love for Willow and watching him man up and fight sealed the deal for me. I can't say enough about this author. Her stories are captivating. Her characters and their banter are entertaining. Her writing will keep you coming back. If you can't tell I'm totally girl crushing over everything she does.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,789 reviews1,343 followers
June 6, 2017

5 Worth the Wait CROWNS

Found Underneath is everything I needed from the conclusion of K.L. Kreig's Finding Me duet. It is suspenseful, sexy, and provides that HEA I've been dying for since the end of book one.

Shaw is still that irresistible hero, desperately trying to hold onto all the people he loves while protecting them from harm. In this book in particular, he flays his heart open for Willow and eases her doubt at every turn. Even when making bad choices, readers can see his motivation behind his choices and they will love him all the more for it. Willow continues to be a rather stubborn heroine. She waffles back and forth between trying to trust the man she has grown to love and her uncertainty based on previous losses. She does, however, throughout the book, change and grow in order to move past the demons of her past that are weighing her down.

The one thing that has not changed from book one is all that steamy goodness. K.L. Kreig continues to bring the heat with Shaw and Willow, making each encounter just as fantastic as the one before. Through the second book, though, the reader gets to see a deeper emotional connection on top of the physical connection.

The plot of this story is filled with secrets, leaving readers waiting with bated breathes pondering when the proverbial shoe is going to drop. This part does take up a portion of the book, and when the bomb explodes all the causalities the reader expects happens. The devastation is massive, and the hurt and pain of the characters is palpable. Even with the devastation, readers will hope that Shaw's desire to fight for Willow pays off for that HEA, and K.L. Kreig does not disappoint.

This has been my first venture into the world of K.L. Kreig. I found it to be enthralling, sexy, and a fantastic read. This is definitely a world I would like to revisit, as not only the main characters were engaging but the secondary ones as well.
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

For more reviews and other book news, check out Musings of the Modern Belle at www.modernbellebooks.com.
Profile Image for Laura Lee.
957 reviews171 followers
May 15, 2017
Found Underneath (Finding Me #2)
By K.L. Kreig
4.5 Stars

Please note, you must read Lost in Between (Finding Me #1) Before reading this one.

Picking up right where we left off in Lost in Between, this story was all that I thought it would be/deserved to be.

For most of my life, I’ve wondered if it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Shaw is a woman’s dream man! I have thought of him since finishing the first book. He didn’t sell me short in this book either. Could it be that this one woman has changed the playboy himself? While inner Shaw knows, she is the one… The information that he has found makes it hard for him to express his true feelings.

“Bad memories take up too much space and you need that space for good memories.”

Willow is a head strong person. Always willing to help others out. Put them first and hope that all goes as planned. But the one thing she can’t force open is herself. She struggles with letting others in and struggles with expressing her thoughts and feelings.

You’re worth fighting for.

The turmoil these two go through for not opening and confessing their thoughts, although can be a bit overwhelming at times… it can also destroy what these two totally deserve!!!

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Profile Image for Heather.
332 reviews22 followers
May 30, 2017
I think I need therapy after reading Found Underneath....or maybe a stiff drink (or 5). I LOVE books that hook me emotionally. Books that dig their claws into me and don't let go. Those are the ones that I will never forget. Those characters will never be far from me.
I was rooting for Shaw and Willow from the beginning. Shaw discovering love for the first time was a beautiful thing. Holding onto all the people he loves and protecting them at the same time is a tough job but he's going to try.
Willow has to be one of the most complex characters I've read in a long long time. My heart broke for her repeatedly. I think I spent the last 20% of the book crying. It wasn't pretty. My husband was concerned.
This duet is hands down my favorite read of 2017 so far. Ms Kreig has outdone herself with this.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 428 reviews

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