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Finding Me #1

Lost in Between

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We all have one.

A price.

That magic number that will get us to agree to do anything, be anything.

Don’t sit on your gold-plated high horse and say you don’t because you do. Everyone does. Each of us has something we covet enough that we’d sell ourselves to have it.

What’s my tipping point, you ask? Apparently a cool quarter mil will do the trick.

What does one do for 250 large, you wonder? Anything the infamous, gorgeous playboy of Seattle wants. For the next four months I’ll be Shaw Mercer’s arm candy, his beck and call girl, his faux girlfriend. I’ll be his to command, mold, push and pull in any direction he sees fit.

I’ll fight falling into bed with him. I’ll fight falling in love with him even harder. I’ll fail at both. And when my past and present collide in the most unexpected of ways, I’ll learn that while one man’s love for me has never died, the only man’s love I really want will never be mine.

*If dirty-talking, dominant alphas are not your thing, move along. Mature, 18+ only. Book 1 in a 2-part duet.

420 pages, ebook

First published February 20, 2017

About the author

K.L. Kreig

24 books2,555 followers
Follow me on TikTok: @klkreig_author

I’m just a regular ol’ Midwest girl who likes Game of Thrones and am obsessed with Modern Family and The Goldbergs. I run, I eat, I run, I eat. It’s a vicous cycle. I love carbs, but there’s love-hate relationship with my ass and thighs. Mostly hate. I like a good cocktail (oh hell…who am I kidding? I love any cocktail). I’m a huge creature of habit, but I’ll tell you I’m flexible. I read every single day and if I don’t get a chance…watch the hell out, I’m a raving bitch. My iPad and me: BFFs. I’m direct and I make no apologies for it. I swear too much. I love alternative music and in my next life I want to be a bad-ass female rocker. I hate, hate, hate spiders, telemarketers, liver, acne, winter and loose hairs that fall down my shirt (don’t ask, it’s a thing).

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Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
September 23, 2019
OMFG!! May is seriously too far away right now and I need Book Two right now!! I highlighted about 90% of this book and it was virtually impossible for me to decide on which quotes to use because the entire book was freaking quotable!!

I fell in love with K.L. Kreig's writing when I read Black Swan Affair. The writing was smooth, beautiful, eloquent, poignant and evocative and part of me felt that that 5-star read was some sort of fluke. Well, that theory was quickly quashed when I got lost in the story of LOST IN BETWEEN.

It didn't take long for me to become absorbed by the chemistry and connection between Shaw and Willow. They were both commitment-phobes, but the electricity that buzzed between them strongly tested their resistance. What started as a business arrangement soon turned into something deeply personal and intimate. There was only so long that these two could deny themselves what they instinctively wanted: each other.

Fair warning readers: this story is not only heartwarming and profound, it's a freaking panty scorcher. Although this tale was sweetly romantic with contemporary flair, the sizzling scenes between Shaw and Willow were hot enough to tantalize even my erotic sensibilities. So freaking hot!

Release Date: February 20, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person
Steam: 4.5 out of 5
Book Type: Book One of the Finding Me series
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,598 followers
February 20, 2017

4 Stars!!

Since I've read and enjoyed my first book by this author, 'Black Swan Affair', I was eagerly looking forward to start this series. 'Lost in Between' is thrilling, tastefully erotically done and fantastically written. This first installment in the series is sexy, scorching hot at times, sweet, emotional and even funny. Needless to say, I enjoyed it very much. If you love intriguing stories with sexy as sin alpha males, you don’t want to miss this one.

“We look pretty, we adorn our clients, we dote, we mingle, we act the part we’re given, and we go home at the end of the ‘date’ a few hundred or thousand dollars richer, with our legs shut and our pride intact.”

Willow Blackwell loves her day job as an audio books narrator. She’s relatively new in this industry and she works for a small publisher. She also has a part-time job she’s not ashamed of at all - she’s an escort. Willow learned life is hard and unforgiving and that no one takes care of you, so she’s willing to do anything to care for herself and her loved ones. While she doesn’t sleep with her “clients”, she’s not exactly in love with her second job. But she needs the money to care for her mother with Alzheimers so she becomes ‘Summer’ once in a while.

“You don’t look like a Summer,” I say casually as I take a seat and cross my legs.

“Is that so? What do I look like then?”


Shaw Mercer co-owns “Wildemar & Company” with his best friend now. He’s the mayor’s son, a successful businessman and lives and breathes his company like no other. Women and relationships are not a priority for Shaw. His focus lies on his company and, of course, his family, which he loves very much. And that’s why, when his father asks him a favor, a small sacrifice, Shaw accepts immediately willing to do anything for his family. So, he needs a girlfriend, a fake girlfriend since he doesn’t do relationships. When his best friend comes with the idea to hire an escort, Shaw agrees. He’s mesmerized by Willow - by her beauty and her vulnerability, so he’s looking forward to spend the next months getting to know her. Everything gets complicates between them as time passes, their relationship getting more intense with each and every day.

“Shaw’s presence is commanding, absolute. A force to be reckoned with. So, I expect him to claim, own, invade. But he doesn’t. He takes his time, imprinting me instead. Slowly branding me as promised, drawing my top lip in between his before doing the same to the bottom.”

I really enjoyed this one! The writing is fantastic and the story addictive and well written with just a little bit of everything to keep any reader glued to the pages from start to finish. Despite the fact that I love more fast-paced stories and this one was more on a slower side, I still enjoyed it. The story-line is interesting, but personally I would have preferred a little more tension or angst as the story unfolded.

The two main characters are well portrayed, endearing and I really liked them and enjoyed reading about them. Willow is a great heroine. She’s smart, beautiful, fierce, sweet and caring towards her mother, so yeah, I liked her portrayal a lot. I loved her feistiness and I actually enjoyed how hard she tried to resist Shaw. It was entertaining, to say the least!

“I want her. Her pussy, her ass, her mouth. I can picture her now on her hands and knees making those exact noises as she takes every inch of me wherever I desire. I want parts of her she doesn’t want to give me. And I want them badly.”

Shaw is a wonderful hero and I love his portrayal as well. Sexy-as-f@ck, he intrigued me from the very beginning. I loved his dirty mouth, his Alphaness, how cocky and arrogant he was at times, but also how sweet, thoughtful and considerate he was other times. Shaw is a man who knows what he wants and he wants Willow in his bed and in his life no matter what. I totally loved how persistent he was. I also liked his loyalty towards his family and his relationship with them.

What I truly loved here was off the charts and palpable chemistry between Willow and Shaw. The passion between them, the intensity, the sexy scenes, were absolutely amazing. As for the sexual tension between them – Holy sh*t! – fantastic! The slow burn romance between these two characters was nicely done and I actually liked them as a couple. The romance aspect was really great and satisfying.

“Every time her heart races, mine keeps pace. Every time her gaze fills with desire, I want to slide into her and live there.”

I enjoyed some of the supporting characters, my favorite being, of course, Noah. So, it goes without saying, I wouldn’t mind reading his own book/series. Just saying…

As for the plot twist in the end, I didn’t see it coming. I’m eagerly waiting for the next book!

All in all, 'Lost in Between' is an erotic, spellbinding, enthralling read that I really recommend if you want to read something hot, yet very sweet at times, with two interesting main characters and a lovely story-line that will keep your attention from beginning until the end.

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Profile Image for Becky Rendon.
3,719 reviews78 followers
May 3, 2017
Some books offer you a break.
Some offer an escape.
Others give you friendships.
Bring you a family you never knew you wanted.
But then there are the ones that ruin your life!

Okay maybe those are harsh words...I said maybe. Maybe I thought (foolishly I admit), that this would be the sweetest most uncomplicated book in the world. Nobody would think that, this is KL Kreig, drama and twist are her middle name. I'm positive.

Ok you aren't reading this to find out that I contemplate stalking KL further to obtain book two because if I were to say that it would be premeditated and then the police might have a case for my accidental sit-in in her kitchen. So hypothetically speaking, if I were to find her kitchen and sit/chain myself to it, it is purely coincidental. (wink, wink)

You want to know what my problem is. What has got me so riled up? Why this book is ruining my life?!?!

This book!!!! Seriously, the gentle seduction. The lure. The tease of a story you know will never unfold exactly how you want it. You feel the fingers of desire gently tracing your collar bone. You can't help but succumb to the lust in his eyes. The feel of whispered filthy words along your skin.

Then BAM out of nowhere you are hit with the end ( coughs *for now*). The teasing Temptress, aka the author, has lulled you into your perfect blissed out orgasm face only to shove you out the door without your clothes on. So yes, this frustratingly well written, bone deep aggravating, Machiavellian twist of a cliff hanger has me panting just shy of climax.

Will I tell you? Nope, the blurb says it all. But I will say that the shameless plugs had me giggling. The first chapter actually had me twisted my head in confusion because well...I've read that before...

It's just...squeeee! Ugh, she did it to me again. KL Kreig has me twitching in sheer frustration, desire, and glee. This story will hold you hostage and keep the tension high. You won't be able to put it down. If you are anything like me, it's going to be 5 PM and you will have played hooky and still be in pjs. Hypothetically speaking of course ...

So if you need to take one thing only out of this craziness I call therapy, I mean a review, it's that this book should already be in your hands.

reviewed for New Chicks on the Blog
Profile Image for Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥.
845 reviews3,207 followers
February 21, 2017
3.5 stars

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When I read the blurb for Lost In Between, I was sold! Let’s be honest, just the mention of a dirty talking, dominant alpha was enough for me! Then, I saw that the author was K. L. Kreig, and you have to have been living under a rock not to have been subjected to the hype surrounding her previous book, Black Swan, so at that point there was no question that I was going to read this book! Needless to say, I went into this one with excitement and high expectations, and while it didn’t exactly turn out the way I thought it would, I still enjoyed it.

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Shaw Mercer is rich, sexy, and successful, in other words, not the type of guy that would normally have to pay for a date. His father, the mayor, is up for re-election, and his campaign advisor suggests that his son, a well-known ladies man with a penchant for threesomes, settle down with one girl to help keep the focus on him instead of his siblings. Between his younger sister recovering from a drug addiction, his older sister’s husband’s wandering eye, and his brother identifying with the opposite gender, the press would have a field day with his family. Shaw agrees to thrust himself into the spotlight to protect them and prevent his father’s campaign from turning into a media circus. The only problem is he never plans on settling down with any woman. It simply doesn’t fit into his life plan. The sole female he can think of to ask this type of favor will likely get the wrong idea. Shaw really doesn’t want or need that type of complication, so when his best friend, Noah, comes up with an alternative solution to his problem, he is all ears.

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Willow Blackwell has had a hard life. First, her older sister died of an accidental drug overdose. Then, her father committed suicide leaving her to take care of her mother that needs round the clock care due to Alzheimer’s. Paying for her mother’s medical expenses is no easy feat, which is why when Shaw makes her the offer of a lifetime, there is no way she can say no.

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They say everyone has a price, and in this case, the price was $250,000. That’s how much Shaw agrees to pay Willow to pretend to be his girlfriend for four months. Audiobook narrator by day, and escort by night, Willow is used to serving as glorified arm candy for a price. Of course, there are rules and limits that go along with obtaining her services. No one is allowed to have her real name, her address, or her body. Shaw and his $250,000 has her breaking all the rules.

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Lost in Between got my attention right away, and held it for a while. Somewhere around the middle though, I started to feel like it was dragging a little. Thankfully, it picked back up again eventually, and I was more or less satisfied with the ending considering we are getting another book to complete the story.

My biggest problem aside from the pacing was the inconsistency of Shaw’s character. One minute, he sounds like the alpha playboy that he is, and the next, he sounds like a lovesick puppy. He claims she is his, and that he never want to let her go. Then, he talks about how he is going to leave her in four months. It was so back and forth that it made me dizzy. Not to mention, Shaw’s feelings for Willow bordered on instalove and seemed too much too soon for me. I guess we are supposed to believe he is just deep in denial, but it was a bit ridiculous in my opinion.

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I would still recommend this book to fans of the fake romance trope despite any problems I may have had with the story. Willow’s selflessness, strength, and sass made her a heroine that I could respect and more than that, I liked. Shaw’s dirty mouth and dominance coupled with his fierce loyalty and love for the people he cares about endeared him to me from the beginning. Put these two together and I was in love! I absolutely felt their connection and the sex scenes were hot! If you are a fan of this author’s work or the blurb sounds appealing to you, I think you should give this one a try!

ARC generously provided for an honest review.

All teasers are slightly altered and taken from the author's Facebook page.
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
April 2, 2017
Lost in Between the 1st book in Finding Me Duet, is the second book by K L Kreig that I've read. The first one, Black Swan Affair was not one of my favourites, so I was hoping that this one would surprise me.

Surprised me it did...in such a good good way!!
We all have one.
A price.
That magic number that will get us to agree to do anything, be anything.
Don’t sit on your gold-plated high horse and say you don’t because you do. Everyone does. Each of us has something we covet enough that we’d sell ourselves to have it.
Shaw Mercer, Seattle billionaire playboy needs a temporary girlfriend to keep the paparazzi in line during his father's election as the city's mayor.
“Shaw’s presence is commanding, absolute. A force to be reckoned with. So, I expect him to claim, own, invade. But he doesn’t. He takes his time, imprinting me instead. Slowly branding me as promised, drawing my top lip in between his before doing the same to the bottom.”
Willow Blackwell, beautiful, smart, working two jobs to pay her mothers' medical bills. Her day job is a narrator of romance audio books (I loved that) and her other job is an escort/companion to rich men.....
“We look pretty, we adorn our clients, we dote, we mingle, we act the part we’re given, and we go home at the end of the ‘date’ a few hundred or thousand dollars richer, with our legs shut and our pride intact.”
What I liked about this book

* The two main characters. Shaw Mercer is without a doubt an alpha-male but he has a softness and kindness that shines out in the way he interacts with his family, friends and Willow. He's sexy, hot and totally interesting.

I adored Willow. There's a lot of secrets she keeps back. I found her endearing and very likeable. Her kindness and understanding truly shines out of her.

* The chemistry between Shaw and Willow - I thought the build-up was done very well....as was the development of their relationship.

* Great dialogue - witty, real and some really hot and dirty talk between the two main characters.

* Fantastic secondary characters. Liked the family dynamics and am most interest in finding out more about Noah and Sierra.

* The story is told in dual POV - Shaw and Willow's which gives you a good insight into their heads and their feelings.

* The twist at the end that leaves you with a cliff-hanger of note.

This was such a great book and I can't wait for the next book to discover more about Willow and where she and Shaw go from here.
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My favourite quote:

‘It takes a special girl to open a boy’s eyes to what’s right in front of him, Willow. But when he realizes it, he’ll fight to the death for her and only her. Don’t settle until you find that man.’
Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,000 reviews1,164 followers
February 21, 2017
⭐⭐⭐ 3.5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐

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After finding out that everyone and their Mama has read “ Black Swan Affair”, I knew I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to read this book because let’s be real: an escort that has secrets of her own that’s being offered a quarter of a million dollars to be a fake girlfriend to one of the hottest bachelor’s? I practically needed a baby bib with the amount of drool I was sporting but after reading this, I was left feeling unsatisfied with a huge case of it’s not you, it’s me.

“We look pretty, we adorn our clients, we dote, we mingle, we act the part we’re given, and we go home at the end of the ‘date’ a few hundred dollars richer, with our legs and pride intact.

Willow Blackwell is has a lot of responsibilities for a twenty-six year old and the financial burden is starting to rear it’s ugly head. Having a day job as an audio book narrator, she knows that’s not going to help her so much with all of the bills she has racking up. Her night job as an escort however, helps make her dire situation just a little bit more bearable. But make no mistake, she doesn’t want or need anyone’s pity, and while she doesn’t sleep with her clients, it is still a hard thing for to do. But little does Willow knows is that one offer is about to change the course of her life.

“When was the last time you were good and kissed? Painstakingly completed branded by a man so thoroughly you could still feel the press of his lips and the coiling of his tongue with yours when you went to bed at night?

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Shaw Mercer is a certified playboy that has no plans on ever settling down. Being co-owner of a very successful company and the son of the Mayor, all he has to do is smile and women will drop to their knees. Told to find something more serious and settle down for a while, Shawn decides to seek out the woman who’s been the star of his illicit fantasies and who also rear ended his car. The funny thing about fate is that you have no control over it and once it’s on the designated path, there’s no stopping it.

How far will these two go to make a fake relationship seem believable?

I really liked the fact that Willow was her own person in the beginning of the story. Her life was not easy but she handled it with such certainty and grace, that I had to applaud her for it. But….. I had some major issues with certain people and that made it very difficult to connect with them. In the beginning I really loved Shaw and I thought to myself, this guy is going to ruin me and will go down as one of my favorites hero of all time. But one minute he’s dominant and is exuding his alpha tendencies, and next he’s all hearts and flowers mushy type. I got serious whiplash to the point I had to double check to make sure I was reading is POV and not Willow’s.

I also felt like there was something missing. I don’t know if it’s because this is only part one or it was just me, but I feel like I’m missing that connection between the characters that would make me want to hang on to their every word. Now as for the ending, I knew something was going to happen but I wasn’t expecting something like that and for that alone, I loved I was given the element of surprise. If you’re a fan of this author’s work, then you should give this one try.

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Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,769 reviews2,826 followers
February 6, 2017


Shaw Mercer needs a girlfriend. A fake one. One to be at his beck and call for the next 4 months.

Willow Blackwell needs money. A lot of money. Her mother is sick and the bills are starting to pile up.

When Shaw offers Willow a cool quarter million for four months of her time, the offer is too good for Willow to pass up. But this is just business and business is what it will stay. That is until lines start to blur and feelings Willow swore she wouldn't develop start to creep in.

Now the waters are muddy and with a ghost from her past stirring up trouble, things are about to get even more complex for this couple.


After reading the little excerpt for this book in the Alphas & Fairytales Anthology last year to say I was excited for this one would be an understatement! And although I did end up liking it overall it just didn't QUITE live up to the high expectations I had.

It started out strong for sure, but then from around 30% in I found myself starting to get bored. The dancing around each other thing these two were doing was wearing thin. Not to mention, nothing of consequence was really happening. That said, it did pick up around the 60% mark and it managed to capture my attention once again.

It was a very well-written and very readable book. Nicely paced and with some interesting side characters (NOAH = YUM). Both Shaw and Willow were likable main characters. The sex scenes were hot (though after reading the little excerpt previously I was expecting something WAY hotter than we got). There is even a little bit of mystery injected at the end and I am looking forward to seeing how that plays out. I'm also unsure how REID is going to fit into all this.

Like I said above, I enjoyed it for the most part. I think it was a tad bit on the long side and could have been tightened up plot wise. That said, I am still looking forward to what this author has in store for Shaw and Willow in the next book. So two thumbs up from yours truly.


Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,599 followers
June 13, 2017
“Lost in Between” is the first part of the duet “Finding Me”. It ends in a cliffhanger and you need to read “Found Underneath” for the conclusion.

The duet is about Shaw and Willow, whose relationship begins on a contract and then, goes far beyond their plans and imagination.

Shaw is a man who doesn’t do relationships. It is not because of a cliché traumatic past, he just thinks he doesn't need one. He has casual sex with numerous women and he shares some of them with his best friend Noah! (yeap, threesomes!)

As there is no real girlfriend in his life, Shaw needs a beautiful fake girlfriend for the benefit of his father’s political campaign until the elections.

Despite his promiscuous activities, Shaw is a lovable character and he is a very hot alpha male!!!

Willow needs to look after her mother who has Alzheimer's and her regular job doesn’t pay it so she also works as an escort girl. She doesn’t have sex with clients, she just acts as a beautiful and intelligent woman in their arms for the appearances.

Willow was engaged once but then, she left her fiancé. She has a sad past and she doesn’t do relationships anymore, either.

When Willow & Shaw start a relationship on a contract, things change for the both of them as they have this insta-love&lust between them.


Their physical attraction is off the charts and their intimate scenes are really hot.

What also made me happy was their emotional connection, the way they slowly discovered each other’s soul was endearing.

The first part of the duet ends at a “not so tragic” but a “problematic” point. There is a cliffhanger that requires you to read the next book for a conclusion.

The book is good in so many ways.
I liked the characters
I liked the plot & the story.
I liked the writing.

What bothered me was the fact that it dragged a lot.

The first book is 336 pages and the second book is 332 pages and if you ask me, this is way too long for this story. There are not a lot of events or a lot of mysteries to be solved. For chapters and chapters, it is the same thing happening all over again.

Shaw claims that Willow is his and he is nearly obsessive about her. He feels jealous when her ex comes back to the scene. He cannot get enough of her. But he also keeps saying that this has to end in 4 months at the deadline of the contract.

He worries about how he will get used to being without her after their contract ends. But then again he thinks she belongs to him. It takes more than a 100 pages for him to say "Fuck the contract" and decide to keep her no matter what. This “too long” denial of his feelings and not accepting that he has fallen in love with her already for a long while is annoying. It was so back and forth that it made me crazy after a certain point.

Willow is more aware of the fact that she is falling for him although she believes she shouldn’t. He is a player. He is the epitome of casual relationships and threesomes with his best friend Noah. He is too dangerous for such a fragile woman like Willow but her heart and body are not in harmony with her brain :)

Willow is a sassy woman who is not a doormat. However, she is weak towards Shaw. It didn’t bother me as her feelings were real and deep and his feelings were also as strong as hers although he was in denial for long.

So, when the “back and forth” ends and when they surrender to their feelings, her ex fiancé goes in between them and he has a secret information that will destroy what Shaw and Willow have. This is the cliffhanger!

If this book was 200 pages instead of 336, or if it weren’t a duet but one long book of maybe 350-400 pages, I would definitely give it 5 stars. My -1 point is for its unnecessary length, slow pace and repetitive content.

Still, the story touched my heart and I am happy that I have read it. However, do not compare this with Black Swan Affair, which is from the same writer as this one doesn’t come close to it.

I lost myself by being what everyone else needed me to be, and how can you let someone in if you don’t know who the hell you are yourself?


I just feel weightless.
And so damn lost I’m not sure it’s possible for anyone to find me, including me.


I’ve decided I will pay whatever it takes to have her. To own her. I think I would give away my own soul.


“Everyone has a price, Summer. What’s yours?”

I want to be someone’s life. I want to be their breath. I want to be their very fucking sustenance. But I’m not sure that will ever happen for me.

Here is the review for Book 2:

Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,414 reviews9,952 followers
February 19, 2017
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This is the second book I’ve read by this author. Black Swan being the first which I absolutely loved and couldn’t wait to get my grabby little hands on this to see what kind of journey she was going to take us on.

LOST IN BETWEEN: This is spoken in 'Dual Perspectives'

A day that goes from bad to worse, from a flatmate meltdown, to a mother that’s suffering from Alzheimer’s, things needing to be fixed in the family home to being rear ended by a hot arrogant bastard whilst stopped at red lights has twenty-six year old Willow at her wits end.

During the day Willow has a audiobooks narration business that’s just starting to take off and a high scale escort at ‘La Dolce Vita’ as Summer when the occasion is required until she can build up her business enough where she won’t need the extra money this brings in.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic We look pretty, we adorn our clients, we dote, we mingle, we act the part we’re given, and we go home at the end of the ‘date’ a few hundred or thousand dollars richer, with our legs shut and our pride intact.

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With an ailing mother and bills piling up with all that comes with a sick mother in care Willow Blackwell needs a lot of money to keep her head above water and thirty six year old Shaw Mercer Seattle’s unattached golden boy the man who rear ended her car is just the man who can give it to her. He needs a girlfriend. A fake one that will get dysfunctional family off his back and as a favour from his father. One that will be on call for the next 4 months for the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic The duration is for approximately the next four months. Ten hours a week, maybe more, maybe less, depending on my schedule. You may be required to travel, and you will be available at all times when I need you, day or night. You will attend social events, fundraisers, business dinners, and family functions.

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In the beginning I wasn’t really feeling it, was just a wee bit drawn out I felt, but once I reached the part of the actual signing of their binding contract was when it started to all click into place for me and that where I connected with the storyline and the characters.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Four months of my life is a small price to pay to get out from under this financial stress plaguing me. If Shaw wants to pay me a stupid amount of money to play his girl friend, I will take it and walk away with a clean conscience when our contract ends.

The connection, the undeniable attraction, the heat, the sexual appetite these two encountered had me devouring the pages. A slow burn romance. HOT HOT HOT!!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic When was the last time you were good and kissed? Painstakingly, completely branded by a man so thoroughly you could still feel the press of his lips and the coiling of his tongue with yours when you went to bed that night?

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Lines got crossed very very quickly, what was meant to be fake turned very real in a matter of moments. Hearts on the line.

When their four months are up are they both left intact to walk away or have they both fallen further than they realised?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic You may own my time. You may own how I dress, how I act, what I say, where I go. But to own is to possess. And I am no man’s possession.

How this ended has me craving, needing, wanting the next instalment of this..

*Teasers used are off the authors Facebook page*

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Profile Image for Dri ✰.
693 reviews235 followers
October 7, 2018
★ 1 disappointing STAR ★


Eu sempre penso comigo que independente se o enredo é batido, se existe vários e vários livros com o mesmo tema... Não importa, porque o que faz uma história realmente boa e marcante é a forma com que o autor consegue escrevê-la e com o seu talento e toque, torná-la especial e de certa maneira única.

Infelizmente isso não aconteceu aqui. Não vi nada notável nesta história que a destacasse entre as outras. Aliás, no decorrer da trama encontrei vários fatos que foram cada vez mais diminuindo o meu interesse de saber como esse romance terminaria.

Willow a princípio até que foi uma personagem interessante e com um bagagem que me deixou curiosa. Mas com o passar do tempo não consegui manter nem mesmo uma mínima conexão com ela.
Shaw foi um mocinho que me incomodou demais. Pra mim ficou muito difícil de acreditar que um homem de 36 anos, um CEO bem sucedido fosse daquele jeito... sem nenhuma profundidade, sem conteúdo, vazio. Pois foi essa a imagem que tive dele durante toda a trama... seus pensamentos eram a maioria direcionados ao sexo, nada mais significativo ou substancial que isso. Parecia um adolescente excitado a todo momento, o que me irritou muito!

Pra ser honesta eu acho que o verdadeiro protagonista nesta história foi o sexo. E olha que pra ter o destaque que teve, nem foi lá essas coisas. Nada de extraordinário e bem sem graça. Muitos pensamentos sobre sexo, muitas cenas intermináveis de sexo. Sexo, sexo, sexo. Não vi muita coisa além disso.
O tempo todo eu tive a sensação de ler e ler e continuar dando voltas, a história perdeu o rumo e progrediu a passos de tartaruga

A trama tinha potencial, mas não foi bem elaborada e desenvolvida. Os personagens não foram bem construídos. Se tirar as inúmeras partes enroladas e desnecessárias deste livro, não precisaria de um segundo, uma continuação para enfim termos o desfecho.
Sinceramente eu desisti de ler o próximo, depois desta leitura cansativa e arrastada eu perdi totalmente o interesse em saber como a história terminará.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,580 followers
May 31, 2017
3 Stars

Overall Opinion: Hmmm.... I'm a bit disappointed to be honest. I think after Black Swan Affair this author had a tough act to follow. I felt like it was mostly inner dialogue (which I usually hate) and not much really happened. To be frank, I think we could've done with a lot of it edited out and the duet been made a solo. It felt repetitive at times, and like it was just being stretched out. While they had great sexual chemistry and scenes, I never connected to either of the mc's characters either. After what felt like an anticlimactic cliffy to me, I'm not itching to spend the $3.99 and jump into the next book, Found Underneath, at this point -- especially with such a "meh" first book 🤷🏻‍♀️

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Willow and Shaw's story. Willow is working as an escort to help support herself and her mother after some bad events have effected their family. She meets Shaw's best friend, Noah, one night when he saves her from an undesirable situation. Shaw is in a tough position when his father, who is running for mayoral reelection, tells him that he needs to be portrayed in the media as settling down with a woman. Noah sets them up together, and Willow accepts the job of taking on the role of Shaw's fake girlfriend until after the election. There is some dancing around each other, but they do give in to their strong attraction and also start to develop stronger feelings. There is some family drama, some hot sexy times...and a mild cliffy to set up for the next book.

POV: This alternated between Willow and Shaw's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Ok. I felt like it dragged a bit, and unless the second book is jammed pack full of events I really do think it probably could be edited down to one book. I skimmed, but not a ton (mostly the repetitive inner dialogue stuff).

Instalove: No. Instalust? Yes.

H rating: 3.5 stars. Shaw. He was pretty hot! Other than that, I appreciated his care for his family but I never fully connected with him tbh.

h rating: 3 stars. Willow. She was a little cold to me. I never fully connected with her either.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Hot. They have some hot tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

Safe sex: No

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: Yes

Cheating: No

Separation: No, once they're together they are together.

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This ends on a cliffy of sorts. It's definitely not the worst cliffy I've ever read, but it does leave you with some big unanswered questions.

How I got it: I paid the $0.99 for it on Amazon.

Safety: This one is probably either Safe with expection or Not Safe for most safety gang readers depending on personal preferences.
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,022 reviews2,447 followers
February 24, 2017
2.5 stars

Last year’s Black Swan Affair by this author made my Best of the Year list, and I loved it so much. Because of this I want to read everything else by this author (and I still do). Lost in Between is a book I know others will love, but it missed the mark a bit for me.

Willow works as an audio book narrator by day, and an escort at night. After getting into a fender bender accident with an extremely handsome (if not arrogant) man named Shaw, Willow finds herself pondering about this good looking stranger. Very soon after that they meet again, and he tells Willow he wants to hire her to be his fake girlfriend for a few months for the good of his family.

To keep things professional between them, they agree the fake relationship is to be exactly that in every sense of the word. But the more time they spend together, the more they cannot resist the pull between them and things get physical.

I’ve always been a fan of fake relationship/contract romances, I feel it adds an interesting aspect to a story and sets down rules that are so fun to watch the characters break. I really liked Willow as a heroine, she’s resilient and works hard for what she has in life. She won’t take handouts and she is protective of herself. This book also contained a lot of hot and steamy scenes lots of readers will love.

I wanted to love this book so much ,and it just didn’t quite mesh well with me. The pacing was a bit on the slow side, I didn’t really feel the connection between Willow and Shaw, and near the end there were some twists thrown in that I felt like they had come out of nowhere. But despite not loving it myself, I feel that many readers will enjoy and love this book so I hope you give it a chance. I am like a broken record saying this, but I am a picky reader and much of what doesn’t work for me, many other readers will indeed love.

Here are some positive reviews to consider if you are on the fence:
Arianna’s review
Paige’s review
Stephanie’s review

ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for aNneMarLi - Chatterbooks Book Blog.
416 reviews293 followers
February 22, 2017
We all have one.
A price.

Having read Black Swan Affair that really messed up with my sanity because of the issues delivered, I was so eager to read Lost In Between. Well, you cannot blame me. BSA is my first book of the author and it left lasting impression, so needless to say, I was having high expectations in this book. The blurb alone and that cover caught my interest stat and I'll be honest it took me until almost the end to realize that it was a duet. That's saying something right? I read this book blind and I might have overlooked the "duet" plastered on the cover because hello? It's KL Kreig and that book I read from her before stirred my senses plus this is fake relationships with an alpha man and hot scenes. Who wouldn't be a goner?

First few pages and I was captivated, really. I devoured it. I was so curious as to what the story will do me. I love the thrill, I love that the heroine is something out of the ordinary I was used to. I wanted her depth and I wanted her past to burn into my system reading her story. What made her the way she is.
“We look pretty, we adorn our clients, we dote, we mingle, we act the part we’re given, and we go home at the end of the ‘date’ a few hundred or thousand dollars richer, with our legs shut and our pride intact.”

And then entered Shaw Mercer, let's be honest here, the name alone screams sex. Can melt panties with heat of that juices soaking it, and what's even hotter? The thought of sharing women with his buddy. Scorching. And reading that bar scene had me plead for a menage. Pervert, yes! And I really do not mind. It's what makes this book even more interesting and it kept me turning on the pages in anticipation. That and the fact that he's an alpha.
“It’s more than just paper, sweetheart. My hands will be on you. Touching you, stroking you, holding you. My lips will graze your ear, your neck, your shoulder, your mouth. Especially your mouth. You need to get used to it, because I’ll be doing it. A. Lot.”

My verdict:

I'm gonna be totally honest here, reading this book gives me conflicting emotions. I really cannot deny the fact that I'm loving it. I am liking it. That first few chapters really do me and I am so excited to read what's behind everything. I love how there's a mystery lurking that needed to be solved and I love how it was written this way. But admittedly, it was so hard for me to connect with Willow and Shaw. It felt off and I am not having any strong connection into their chemistry. I dis not feel satiated.Yes, scorching scenes and sexual tension was portrayed but it lacks that spark that will give you butterflies. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't that bad actually, because to be honest the plot of the story is really good and in fact I was trying to solve the mystery as well. I even shed a tear or two, because seriously when you read the book, there's really more than what's beneath them. There's more to the story. But then, I feel like there's something missing. Inconsistency perhaps? Or just plain chemistry or that angst this kind of plots usually brings? Or is it me?

But even then, who knows what's gonna happen next?It's just the first part of he book anyway.

Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
February 24, 2017
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review

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K.L. Kreig is an author that has been on my radar for quite some time now after I absolutely devoured Black Swan Affair. So when I found out that she was going to be releasing a new book, I knew that I had to get my hands on Lost In Between especially after reading the synopsis.

 photo b53a280de56ce543a60a48dbc912f0_zpslxr73sjm.gif We all have one. A price. That magic number that will get us to agree to do anything, be anything. Don’t sit on your gold-plated high horse and say you don’t because you do. Everyone does. Each of us has something we covet enough that we’d sell ourselves to have it.What’s my tipping point, you ask? Apparently a cool quarter mil will do the trick.”

They say we all have a price and apparently K.L. Kreig’s heroine, Willow had a price in order to stay afloat and so for a $250,000, she was willing to be the pretend girlfriend of Shaw Mercer for four months. Pretending how hard that can be? Well, what happens when lines are crossed? Emotions get involved? And sex? Yes, Kreig hits her readers hard when she has us begging and craving for more as she slowly unravels Shaw and Willow.

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In truth, perception can be a deception. Nothing is black and white. In the shades of grey, we can get lost in the between of knowing what we want and what we need. And in the case of the story of Willow and Shaw, readers are taken on a journey of their reasoning for the choices they both made. The objective was a four month contract but what they failed to see was beyond their control. Lost in between of their contract laid their hearts and emotions. So what happens when their time comes to an end? Will Willow and Shaw be able to walk away with both their hearts intact?

K.L. Kreig did a great job showcasing the depth of her characters. I was left intrigued and wanted to know Willow and Shaw on a deeper emotional level. While I loved the progression of their chemistry and sexual tension, I couldn’t give this book five stars because I felt the first 30% of the book was a bit slow for my taste but once the author finally throws the readers in a whirlwind love affair, I finally got lost between the pages. This book was well-written and definitely has left me excited to see what the author has in store especially with that ending!!!

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Profile Image for ~Stéphanie~.
623 reviews360 followers
February 9, 2017
I'm certainly one of the few who didn't really liked Black Swan Affair. I got the story all wrong and I was disappointed BUT the writing captured my attention and I was waiting for the next book patiently. When reading the blurb I knew I was in right away because how can you resist the appeal of a man, a contract a woman who doesn't want to fall in love? Well I don't! It's always a good start to see the main characters change, to let them discover that only one person is needed to change all your plans!

Shaw Mercer, CEO and the Mayor's son is a driven man. He loves his work and he loves his success. He is a devoted man who loves his family and would do anything to help them. When his father asks him a small sacrifice on his part, Shaw doesn't even think about refusing. And that's how he met Willow.

"He’s what? Gorgeous? Check.
Commanding? Check.
Larger than life? Double check.
Possesses mind-altering sex appeal? God, if I could fit a dozen checks in this box, I would."

Willow Blackwell is a woman who works as an escort because it pays her bills. While she doesn't sleep with her clients, she had never felt really comfortable with what she does. Unfortunately her "regular" job doesn't pay enough and she can't refuse the money it brings.

" We show the world what they want to see and keep the brokenness inside, marinating in our own secluded well of sadness and bitter tears."

Lost in Between had all the good ingredients to captive me from the start. The Prologue gives you a bit of a mystery and the way Shawn is described touches all the right buttons. As one of Willow's friends says he is a steaming cup of hot fucking coffee! Not only good on the eye, he is hot in every sense of the way. Dirty talk is like a second language for him so you can easily see why I couldn't resist him.

I'm going to take a minute right here to talk about the side characters. I enjoyed reading about Sierra, Willow's best friend but I'm going to beg K.L. to write a book about Noah! Ladies I'm warning you if this is happening, I call DIBS! Look but don't touch. Just to give you a small insight: Shaw and him loves to have threesomes. So if one likes dirty talk the other is quite the same. And I really can't imagine letting all that potential to waste.


But back to our lovebirds ;)

For them to be together they needed rules. But hell, you know what they say about rules?
Shaw is quickly unsettled by the feelings he has for Willow. He doesn't want or need a future with a specific someone but her personality is beautiful and refreshing? She's cultivated and smart at the same time.

I think I published only one update and at that time I remember the attraction was everywhere! I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. I wanted them to give in because my poor heart couldn't resist anymore of their torture.

"We’re a couple now.”
“On paper only.”

Hot breaths wash over the column of my neck when his mouth travels to my ear.

“It’s more than just paper, sweetheart. My hands will be on you. Touching you, stroking you, holding you. My lips will graze your ear, your neck, your shoulder, your mouth. Especially your mouth. You need to get used to it, because I’ll be doing it. A. Lot.”


The fact this book is a huge winner for me is also how K.L. balanced the steamy moments with a dose of sweetness. Willow is a mysterious woman and her secrets are shattering. There is an edge to her character which is more develops as the story goes. I loved discovering her and all her worries was justified.
I would recommend this for all my romance friends who love a good mix of naughty dirty talking with sweetness on the top.

“You feel this thing between us just as much as I do. It’s not going away. It’s going to spread and thicken until it consumes us both, burning so fucking hot and strong it will never be extinguished.”

Lost in Between is a duet so it ends indeed with a cliffhanger. I would qualify it as tolerable. While there's a twist you won't see coming, it gives you the right amount of anticipation for the next book which should be released for May 2017.

Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,419 reviews237 followers
February 21, 2017
Willow has recently graduated from University with a Master of Arts degree. She is working in the publishing industry but it doesn't pay all the bills so she also has another part time job. Willow is a high end 'party favour.' In a nut shell, she is a paid escort however, that only stretches as far as being some wealthy man's arm candy for events and occasions. She does not partake in anything physical with her dates and she never plans on doing so.

Willow has financial responsibilities that she needs to keep on top of so she really needs to make as much money as she can. When a wealthy businessman makes her a ridiculous financial offer to be his exclusive date for the next few months she finds herself saying yes, when her intuition is telling her no. This is not the first time she has met Shaw Mercer. A few weeks ago he rear-ended her car…

‘Staring at me with dark aviators covering his eyes, is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. Drop-dead-on-the-spot beautiful.
I would buy anything he's selling.
Air. I would buy air.’

Ever since that day Willow has found her mind drifting back to thoughts of him and she is very surprised to see he is the man who wishes to pay for her services. Shaw Mercer is the son of the local Mayor who is about to start campaigning for re-election and he is feeling the pressure from his family to find someone to be his ‘companion.’ He takes the advice his business partner gives him and engages with a company that can provide him with his own personal escort.

Shaw’s body is on high alert when Willow walks into the room and he realizes she is the woman he is willing to part $250k for. She has been on his mind ever since he met her the week before and it’s like fate has put her right in his path. However, as much as there is an intense amount of attraction between them, Willow is determined to keep this arrangement strictly non-physical. She just didn’t comprehend how hard that would be…

‘I want the enigmatic Shaw Mercer in a way I’ve not wanted another man, and that scares the ever-living shit out of me. This uncomfortable chemistry between us will take me down. I see my demise, my heartbreak before it even starts. The end before the beginning.’

Willow's family fell to pieces over a short space of time and she has carried the weight of grief around with her like a heavy winter coat. It was the reason she walked out on the only man she has ever loved and it is the reason why she never gets involved in relationships. She can never fully give herself over to a man so why even bother entertaining the idea. However, the unbridled lust she feels for Shaw Mercer wins out, her head is telling her one thing but her body is humming a very different tune.

'Holy fuck, I want to run my hands up the inside of her naked thighs, plunge my fingers inside her heat, and watch her writhe in ecstasy. If I had time, I would because the way she’s panting finally sounds like the sweet breath of submission.

Willow and Shaw have this undeniable chemistry that burns them both up inside. The sex is incredible and it quickly goes from lust to something way deeper than either of them anticipated. Then Willow’s past come flying back in the window and the reality of what this relationship is confronts them both. Willow has already fallen for Shaw but she knows there is no way it can ever been anything more than what it is and even that looks unlikely now.

So this book kind of ends a bit cliff-hangery as it is a two book series and OMG I cannot wait to read the conclusion!
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,883 reviews2,067 followers
February 17, 2017

4.5 steamy stars

‘…if loving someone – anyone – eventually leads to heartbreak, loss, and mourning, why do we do it? Why do we continue to let people into our lives, our hearts? Steal our very soul out from under us before we realize a vital piece of us is forever missing?’

Clear a space on the top shelf of book boyfriends….there’s a new man claiming a top spot and his name is Shaw Mercer. Bloody Nora, this man had us coming….over…..all unnecessary! We had a feeling we’d love Lost in Between but we had no idea how much until we’d finished, hungrily turning to that last page. Lost in Between is not only sexy and extremely hot, it’s emotional, funny, vulnerable and very clever at times. KL Kreig’s writing is fabulous and her story intriguing and sexy. As far as erotic novel’s go, with a dominant alpha male hero, this is one that hits that spot. We were in the mood for a hot steamy read and that’s just what we got.

‘I’ve decided I will pay whatever it takes to have her. To own her. I think I would give away my own soul.’

For us, this read like an erotic version of the movie Pretty Woman, and we loved that angst that came with the reluctance of giving your heart to another, in fear of breaking and losing your soul. The characters each vulnerable and fearful of their own limitations, whilst displaying their each individual strengths. Living in pretence and hiding their pasts unable to show their true selves.

‘The only thing available on my menu is pleasure. Immense, intense, unimaginable fucking pleasure.’

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Profile Image for Shirley.
275 reviews70 followers
October 25, 2021
"All of Me" von K.L. Kreig ist ein Buch, bei welchem mir von vornherein klar war, dass es sich bei der Geschichte nicht um einen rosaroten New Adult-Roman handelt. Dennoch hätte ich niemals mit solchen abwertenden und dämlichen Charakteren gerechnet.

Das Cover ist schlicht und meiner Meinung nach nicht wirklich ansprechend. Es sagt gar nichts über das Buch aus, weshalb man sich von dem Cover nicht täuschen lassen sollte. Der Schreibstil der Autorin war ganz okay. Jetzt im Nachhinein kann ich nicht sagen, ob mich dieser angesprochen hat oder nicht. Was ich aber noch gut in Erinnerung habe, ist, dass die Autorin viele Szenen irgendwie doppelt geschrieben hat und immer den gleichen Wortlaut verwendet hat.

Die Charaktere haben mich leider unglaublich sehr genervt. Nicht nur einmal musste ich meine Augen verdrehen. Protagonistin Willow ist für mich nicht greifbar geworden. Manchmal hatte sie widersprüchliche Charakterzüge. Sie hat sich oft beeinflussen lassen und ihre Prinzipien schnell vergessen. Ihr Love Interest Shaw hingegen hat sich wie der größte Neandertaler auf der Welt verhalten. Ihm hätte ich gerne links und rechts Mal eine geklatscht. Was er alles negatives über Frauen gesagt hat, hat ihn ganz und gar nicht in meinen Augen attraktiv wirken lassen. Eher im Gegenteil. Ich konnte ihn überhaupt nicht ausstehen. Vor allem in Momenten, als er Willow besitzen wollte und sie zu Dingen gedrängt hat, die Willow eigentlich gar nicht wollte...

Eine Handlung ist im Prinzip nicht vorhanden gewesen. Aller fünf Seiten haben die Charaktere Sex, wollen Sex oder reden über Sex. Shaw spricht gefühlt nur von seiner Erektion oder davon Willow zu besitzen. Ich vermute nach Beenden des Buches, dass er keine anderen Gedanken hatte. Die Kapitel aus seiner Sicht waren dementsprechend für mich eine Qual. Inwiefern Shaw einen angesehenen und erfolgreichen Geschäftsmann darstellen soll, ist mir schleierhaft. Das Buch beinhaltet wenige Plottwists, die aber relativ vorhersehbar waren. Es gibt ein wenig Potential für eine sinnvolle Handlung, welche von der Autorin noch mehr hätte ausgeschöpft werden können. Vielleicht hätte mich das Buch dann etwas mehr begeistern können. An Teil zwei habe ich überhaupt kein Interesse. Ich persönlich kann mir gar nicht vorstellen, was da noch geschehen soll. Der Cliffhanger am Ende des Buches konnte mich aus diesem Grund nicht neugierig machen.

Das Buch hätte ich am liebsten schon nach 50 Seiten abgebrochen. Lediglich die Hoffnung, dass die Charaktere über sich hinauswachsen, hat mich weiterlesen lassen. Auch die vielen guten Bewertungen und Rezensionen zu dem Buch haben mich verwundert. Ich wollte unbedingt herausfinden, weshalb das Buch von vielen so gemocht wird. Letztendlich konnte ich es nicht herausfinden und hätte einfach auf mein Bauchgefühl vertrauen sollen.

"All of Me" ist in meinen Augen nicht lesenswert. Lesen sollte man es nur, wenn man ein Buch mit unspektakulären Charakteren und oberflächlicher Handlung sucht.
Profile Image for Ilsa Madden-Mills.
Author 40 books16.1k followers
February 21, 2017
I can't say enough about this book. BLEW ME AWAY. Shaw and Willow are intense and emotional yet this isn't a cry book...BUT it has ALL THE FEELS. Did I mention it was hot? YES YES YES!!!!!!

One of my top books of the year!

March 20, 2017
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Well hot dayum, is it May 2017 yet? Because I cannot wait for the next installment in this duet. Lost in Between had me hooked from literally the first chapter. Let me say first and foremost that Shaw Mercer is mine, ladies and gents. Holy smokes that man has everything I look for in a book boyfriend. He's tall, dark, muscled, just enough scruff, and rocks a suit the likes of Christian Grey. In fact, this book had a very Fifty feel to it for me. And again, Shaw is mine!

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Willow Blackwell (aka Summer) is an aspiring audio book narrator by day, escort by night. Struggling to fund the care of a mother with Alzheimer's Disease, Willow wishes escorting wasn't on her resume but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Her foremost focus is financially funding the caring for her mother.

I lost myself by being what everyone else needed me to be, and how can you let someone in if you don’t know who the hell you are yourself?

One thing she doesn't do, however, is sleep with her Johns. That's a hard limit that's never been difficult to withstand...until Shaw.

Omnipotent. That's the one singular word I have to describe this man.

Shaw needs a girlfriend STAT. Known for his playboy ways, his father is running for Seattle mayor and is doing everything to "clean up" the family reputation. Shaw doesn't do relationships so when his friend comes up with an idea...a paid girlfriend...it seems too perfect. But when he eyes the potential girlfriend he can't pass up the chance. She wants to keep it chaste. We'll see about that!

Hot. Hot. Hot. This book is such a slow angsty build, it was smoking with anticipation. Willow, especially considering the cards she's been dealt in life, is one tough broad with Shaw. She's feisty and this guy is not used to having to work for anything from women. They come flocking but such is his luck, the one woman he contracted with as his "girlfriend" for four months throws the chastity card his way. But no woman is immune to Shaw Mercer. Even Willow.

This was a book where I dreaded the ending. I knew it was a duet and I wouldn't get my "wrapped up in a bow" ending I so crave. Not being able to put my kindle down, coupled with my dread of the ending made this reading experience all kinds of conflicted. It's sexy. It's suspenseful. It's romantic. And May seriously can't come soon enough....

No matter how much we deny it or try to push it away, love is inevitable. We fall in eyes wide open, the pain of loss well worth the beauty of everlasting memories, no matter how fleeting they are.

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Advanced copy received by author in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Lillian ☁ Cloud 9 Books ☁.
574 reviews344 followers
June 16, 2017
***** 4 Stars *****

Willow doesn't have an easy life. Her mother needs special care. And to support her medical requirements, she takes on questionable jobs. She doesn't sell her body, but she does occasionally escort men as arm candy.

Shaw is known to be a wealthy bachelor that enjoys a side of kinkiness. When his father tells him that he is running for a public office, Shaw is pressured into finding a girl to date seriously before the election. Reuniting with his ex-girlfriend is an option, but he doesn't want to use her since he knows she still has feelings for him.

The best option for him is to hire a temporary girlfriend... and Willow is the perfect match. The chemistry between them is explosive, and the romance scenes are extremely steamy. But they both know that they have an expiration date.

The story also has some surprising twists that I wasn't expecting. The pace was a little slow but smooth, and it did a great job building up the characters and plot. I instantly fell in love with Willow and Shaw. I can't wait to read the next book to see how things end!

description description description

Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
March 23, 2017
When Shaw Mercer finds himself in need of a girlfriend to clean up his public image a bit, he finds himself entering into a business deal with Willow for a quarter million. With debt piling up, a few months is worth it if it gives her piece of mind to care for her ailing mother.

As their purely business relationship starts to go from tensioned filled moments, these two can’t seem to keep within the lines of their agreement and a slow burn starts to catch fire.

I absolutely LOVE the way K.L. Kreig tells a story. I love the pace of it, I love the tone of it and I am head over heels in love with Shaw, Willow and Noah (oh, yeah – I love me some Noah).

By the time I reached the end of this book I was dying for book two. I need to know how this ends.

Profile Image for Shannon.
475 reviews152 followers
February 20, 2017
If you enjoy fake couple romances, you should definitely look into Lost In Between by KL Kreig. Not only is this quite the journey for these characters, but it starts out in an unconventional way as well. Willow isn't what you would originally expect, but I love how down to earth she still is and how strong her morals are. That probably sounds bad if you know what she does and haven't read the book, but I swear I don't mean it that way.

"She’s playing her role brilliantly while I’m trying to play her."

If that prologue didn't intrigue you about Willow, you suck. Seriously! How crazy was that? I was instantly hooked and NEEDED to find out more about what was happening. What are all these secrets from her past? What's happening with this guy? Why is she making these decisions? Even throughout the story, I was always curious about her and why she acted the way she did. From opening up to shutting down in seconds, she had so many different sides to her character. I'm glad that the reader is given little breadcrumbs to follow when finding out all of her secrets.

Shaw is different from other alpha males that I've read in the past and I actually really liked it. I don't even know how to describe it, it was more of a feel that I got with him. He's so protective of Willow immediately, but yet he takes her fire and challenges it. He sees the vulnerable sides to her and won't stop until he can peel back all of those layers and dig deep inside. He's honest with her but will do everything in his power to save this woman whom he has just met. Quite an interesting character.

The title is actually extremely clever and I love how it played into the storyline. Willow is definitely lost and she has been for a long, long time. But at the time of this novel, she was lost in between. Lost in between the girl that she used to be, and the girl that she is with Shaw. The girl that will be gone in just a few short months of time. It's such a confusing place and I really felt for her. Can't wait to see where the author goes with this concept in the next book!

"Lock everything else down, because if you don’t, you could easily get lost in between what is and what could never be."

I don't know about everyone else, but I felt the chemistry between Shaw and Willow immediately! I craved it, I needed it, I couldn't wait for them to meet again. He was a cocky, SOB and she was a feisty, scorned woman, what better combo than that? Throw in the help of a little guardian angel by the name of best friend and you've got yourself some fun. Plus, their banter and wit was so charming, I loved it.

In a gravelly voice, he tells me, “You feel this thing between us just as much as I do. It’s not going away. It’s going to spread and thicken until it consumes us both, burning so fucking hot and strong it will never be extinguished.”
Yes. That’s precisely what I’m worried about.

It's alluded to that Shaw and Noah used to partake in some... Extracurricular activities. Um, holy crap. Someone call a fire fighter because I was about to combust.
This? Yes, super hot. Plus the little snippets that you get; yeah, good stuff all around. Where can I sign up?

Speaking of Noah, let me just say real quick that I loved him! He was fun and cute and charming. Protective, loyal and knows exactly how to push Shaw's buttons. He was fantastic and I seriously hope we get to see more of him in the next book.

From knowing this author and reading the synopsis of this book, I'll be honest, I expected angst and drama. The beginning started off fiery and full of passion, but I found that these aspects mellowed and then started to fade in the second half. Based on how long and detailed this is, I felt like there should've been some more developments for this couple. It kind of feels like we read similar situations and scenarios over and over, leading towards the same result. Though I'm still extremely curious about Willow's past and Shaw's family, Lost In Between didn't enthral me as much as I originally had hoped for.

“God, how I want you, Willow. I’m not sure I’ve wanted anyone more.”
“The unattainable is always the most coveted,” she replies without missing a beat. It pisses me off. This is not about the rush of finally getting something just out of reach. She is different from any other woman I’ve met. There is something about her that whispers to me. It sounds suspiciously like mine.

So I'm not sure if I just wasn't paying attention, or had my head under a rock somewhere, because I did NOT know that there was going to be a book two! That actually explains a lot though because I was getting confused as to the plot and pacing, but a second book totally accounts for that. Prepare yourselves, because this is a doozy of a cliffhanger. I'm excited to see where Shaw and Willow go from here!

‘It takes a special girl to open a boy’s eyes to what’s right in front of him, Willow. But when he realizes it, he’ll fight to the death for her and only her. Don’t settle until you find that man.’

*An ARC was received in exchange for an honest review.


Profile Image for sara j.
201 reviews48 followers
April 10, 2017
100000000000000 unlimited stars for this book....



Dilek vt ,my friend you are damn right ....... don't read this book now....read it on may 30 when the second book own your shelf....the cliffhanger will kill you as much as it is killing me right now......because the last twist,really I didn't see it coming...

I loved this book so much that I am sure I will memorize it till May 30 by rereading again and again.....

emotional...heart wrenching....heart warming.....hot so much that your face will red all the time while reading Shaw and Willow anmalistic crazy lovemaking....

I am just ruined by this book.....the heroine of the book Willow is just so strong...so ferice..so adorable and lovely that you can,t stop loving her,and will definitely crying while reading her inner heart wrenching turmoil,she is so lost from inside,so empty due to her past demons.....

and oh my God...our hero....Shaw....

he is soooooo swoonweorthy....you will definitely love him so much...he is so strong alpha....so protective...so fierce towards his family and now Willow who is his soulmate.......

the plot of the story is too good.. suspense is over the top......emotional element is mind blowing.......hotness is just sizzling......and character development is so neatly and beautifully done by k.l.kreig....

k.l.kreig is just MIND BLOWING in conveying emotions,feelings so neatly......after black swan affair this book is another gem by k.l.kreigand I will read her other books too because her writing is so beautiful.....so capturing.....

and ofcource this book without no doubt my 2017 top favourite book right now.....I will reread again and again till May 30.....
Profile Image for Christine (Shh Moms Reading).
1,403 reviews568 followers
February 13, 2017
OMG I am in LOVE with this book! #LostInBetween
“This is part of the dance, Goldilocks.”
“Stop calling me that.” My reprimand comes out breathy instead of irate as I’d wanted.
“Every couple has pet names for each other. We’re a couple now.”
“On paper only.”
Hot breaths wash over the column of my neck when his mouth travels to my ear. “It’s more than just paper, sweetheart. My hands will be on you. Touching you, stroking you, holding you. My lips will graze your ear, your neck, your shoulder, your mouth. Especially your mouth. You need to get used to it, because I’ll be doing it. A. Lot.”
Read the full excerpt and enter the giveaway HERE!! Share with your friends!!!!


Whoa!!! I have been DYING to read this book since I read Forbidden in the Alphas & Fairytales Anthology. There is something about KL Kreig's writing that is mesmerizing and holds a reader captive to her amazing storytelling.
For the record before I say anymore...Shaw is MINE! Ok so there's that...my full review to come but I just want to say that KL Kreig writes spellbinding stories that are sexy and smart and I am a forever fan. This book left me WANTING MORE and Found Underneath is my most anticipated book to read this year! Lost In Between is not only panty melting hot but the sexual tension is off the charts and the characters are to die for!!! A top fave of this year!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 613 reviews

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