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Angels in My Hair

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The true story of a modern-day Irish mystic

288 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 2008

About the author

Lorna Byrne

13 books391 followers

Lorna Byrne is an international number 1 bestselling author (her last two books have gone straight in at #1 on the UK Sunday Times Chart) with more than a million readers around the world. Her books, Angels in my Hair, Stairways to Heaven, A Message of Hope from the Angels and Love from Heaven have been translated into 30 languages.

Lorna has been seeing angels since she was a baby. Very unusually, she sees angels physically with as much clarity as the rest of us see people and she sees them every day. This diminutive, soft-spoken, uneducated Irish woman who did not talk about what she was seeing until seven years ago, says she has no idea why she can see angels when others can’t, adding that she is just an ordinary person.

While it is difficult to believe that someone can see angels physically the clarity and hope inherent in Lorna’s message that everyone regardless of religion has a guardian angel, has made her a world-wide phenomenon. She has been featured extensively in respected European media - including BBC TV and Radio, The Economist, The Observer, The Telegraph, The Times, The Catholic Herald. She is a blogger for the Huffington Post.

, Few who have spoken with Lorna Byrne fail to be impressed by the wisdom and humility of this Irish woman. The overwhelming response of her more than a million readers all around the world is that knowing that Lorna sees a guardian angel with everyone has given them the belief that they have a guardian angel. They say that this assurance gives them tremendous hope and comfort, particularly in these challenging times.

An important part of Lorna’s message is that she sees a guardian angel with everyone regardless of religion (or lack of religion). She talks of the guardian angel as the gatekeeper of the soul. Lorna frequently speaks to and prays with groups from different faiths and says that interfaith prayer is particularly powerful.

Lorna is a widow with four children and lives quietly in rural Ireland
For more information, please visit http://www.lornabyrne.com or http://www.facebook.com/lornabyrneangels

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1 review4 followers
January 14, 2012
This is the best book that I have read. I came across it in time of need and I truly believe that God's Angels lead me to it. It has changed the way I look on life and has certainly changed my life arround. God's Angels have proven to me again and again that they exist and this has given me hope that I will get better throughout my cancer treatment over the last five years. I could write a book myself about all the Angel Experiences that I have had which now I can share with other people, somtimes strangers I just happen to come across, I am given messages for them. I know that God's Angels are guidimg me to people and encouraging me to do this and this is since reading Lorna Byrne's two books, 'Angels in my hair' and 'Stairways to Heaven'. I met Lorna Byrne in London at Friends House where she did a meet and greet. Lorna blessed us. She is such a humble lady and so sweet. I wish I had the chance to talk to her for hours and hours. She is so interesting. Hopefully, one day I will have that long chat with her so I can lso tell her how much she has helped me survive cancer!
Profile Image for KyBunnies.
1,207 reviews9 followers
November 27, 2011
This book sounds more like New Age Philosophy than an actual CHRISTIAN. The angels that the author describe sound like the little cherubs that were a fad several years ago. The to actually say that she is a Catholic but not even talk about accepting Jesus Christ as her Lord & Savior. This book is nothing more than New Age Philosophy that is a fad and will be gone in several more years. Sorry but this book sounds more like fiction than any thing that actually happened in real life. Also when the author talked about the Queen of the Angels. The way I understand it there is only GOD and JESUS there is no FEMALE involved! I could keep going on and on about all the stuff in this book but I will stop. If you are a True Christian then this book is not for you! The only reason I finished this book was because I had to review it from the contest win.

***This was a goodreads.com first read contest win.***
Profile Image for Emma.catherine.
510 reviews37 followers
June 20, 2024
Wow! This book really opened my eyes and encouraged me to take a look at myself and my own faith. I believe it has brought me even closer to God than before, from a different angle. I have never read a book solely about angels to this was a completely new perspective for me and also encouraged me to pray for things I don’t normally think of, including simple things such as our vegetable garden and fruit trees.

It was really interesting to read about how the angels shaped Lorna’s childhood, to meeting her first boyfriend (to be husband) and even guided her through various jobs, childbirths and deaths. It was an all encompassing experience of a book and I believe the best way I share it will you is by sharing some of her words:

‘God wants us to be happy and enjoy our lives, and so he sends angels to help us. We have so much spiritual help waiting for us to grasp…’

‘The answer is clear: God had me in the palm of his hand. The angels made me laugh and cry and were the best friends one could possibly have; they are everything to me.’

She came from an extremely poor family; her mother and father working every hour they could get. They were eventually blessed with a council house in Dublin Council. I also loved reading about her and Joe picnicking in the Wicklow Mountains, it was utterly charming as it is also one of my favourite places in Ireland 🇮🇪 She had a challenging life but got through each hurdle in an inspirational way. I believe her story is rare in the modern day - especially in Ireland in the 1990s when these things were NOT spoken of. Yet, she offers us an incredible insight into the world beyond.

Lorna even experienced a vision from Elijah - an Old Testament prophet - a man with the soul of an angel 😇 When her soul screamed out in pain, the angel Elijah showed her the other side: the wonderful love, laughter and joy and all that is good in humanity.

One of her angels gave her this healing prayer which she shared far and wide to help anyone in need of healing emotionally, spiritually or physically:

“Prayer of Thy Healing Angels,
This is carried from God by Michael, Thy Archangel.
Pour out, Thy Healing Angels,
Thy Heavenly host upon me,
And upon those that I love,
Let me feel the beam of Thy
Healing Angels upon me,
The light of Your Healing Hands.
I will let Thy Healing begin,
Whatever way God grants it,

Despite many difficulties of her own including the loss of her husband, miscarriage and being extremely poor, she reaches out to whoever will listen to heal them from the illness and provides a light and a way forward for people across the country. I believe SHE is a true angel in human form. She also talks beautifully about the power of prayer and that ‘God hears the prayers of all his children equally’.

Overall, I felt a real and deep connection to Lorna and truly wanted the best to come to her. The angels guided her through the happy and tough times. They weaved in and out of her daily life. Turning up in different situations and teaching her many lessons along the way.
Profile Image for Leslie.
49 reviews5 followers
August 8, 2009
This is a delightful story about a woman who speaks with angels. The author's take on what the "truth" is about God and Satan is only slightly off-putting, as after describing her perspective, she does not insist that others should embrace it. Although she does mention God throughout, the open-minded reader can easily take it for what it is: one of many labels given to the universe/supreme being/superconscious/etc.

The story wends its way through the author's life, starting with her childhood and progressing chronologically, but with flashes of foreshadowing and the occassional look back. These are never distracting, and only add to the spirit in which the story is written.

It is autobiographical, and I have no doubts after reading "Angels in My Hair" that Ms Byrne does indeed seen angels and always has. Whether I can join her belief is another matter; I want to believe in angels, but I haven't had a lifetime of seeing them, speaking to them and living with them to convince me they exist.
Profile Image for BookSweetie.
887 reviews19 followers
August 29, 2016
International best-selling Memoir of Lorna Byrne..... This sweet Irish woman and mother, whom some might call a mystic, has written very simply about her interesting and unusual life experiences. One factor that sets her life apart from most of the rest of us is that while she was growing up, she was called "retarded," an inadequate label for mystifying and serious learning difficulties that I suspect reflect neurological wiring differences. She was taken out of school, when she was -- I believe-- about ten, but she was considered "retarded" from her earliest years -- even before entering school. If by using the internet you observe her being interviewed, it should be quite clear that "retarded" is a completely erroneous label for this pleasant-looking, somewhat shy, but clear-spoken and articulate woman.
What some readers may have difficulty absorbing is the theme throughout the story -- that Lorna, from her very earliest memories, sees and communicates with beings of light she calls angels. These spirit beings are characters in her life story as prevalent as family members.
She says that she did not realize in her earliest life that others did not see and experience the world as she did (well, young children normally "see" things and have imaginary playmates and the like, but are taught in our western culture to categorize such experiences as not REAL...) Indeed, she soon learned not to share much with others -- she was being raised in an Irish Catholic family and culture, after all, and her experiences -- even as a child-- seemed to her outside the norm. (Lorna had guides instructing her and showing her possible glimpses of the future, for starters. )
What is perception anyhow? How do we know what anyone else is really experiencing? Reading this book is a start. She speaks of how distracting it could be at times to have so many spirit beings present, sometimes playfully doing somersaults or speaking to her, when human beings were communicating with her, too. Her life journey is one most open-minded readers will enjoy learning about--- even if they have an alternate explanation for some of the experiences that she writes about. She is a woman most of us would be fascinated to meet. I, for one, have always considered the possibility that I might have a guardian angel. Here comes a person who says that everyone she has seen has a guardian angel of light. How cool would it be to meet a person such as Lorna who could talk to our guardian angels and find out their names!
Profile Image for I. Mónica del P Pinzon Verano.
213 reviews84 followers
September 2, 2021
Leí Ángeles en mi cabello porque quería adentrarme en el mundo angélico, también porque creo en los milagros y porque buscaba algo especial, lo necesitaba. Mi única lectura sobre ángeles era la de Diccionario angelical de sueños (Teresa Salazar) que es lindo, pero no cuenta una vivencia. Encontré este libro y lo rechacé de plano, varias veces, porque me parecía que era otro hit de mercadeo de la autora de El secreto y, aunque Rhonda Byrne no me ha hecho nada, no resultaba creíble para mí. Es una impresión caprichosa porque repito: no tengo nada en contra de R. Byrne.

Pero eran tan grandes mis ganas de conocer experiencias con ángeles que el libro se me seguía atravesando en la Kindle una y otra vez. Entonces, decidí revisar sinopsis del libro y oh grata sorpresa: la autora no es Rhonda Byrne sino Lorna Byrne. Jajajaaj, son personas distintas, “pequeño“ despiste el mío.

Una vez superados mis caprichos y mis dudas me entregué al libro sin dificultad, porque desde la primera página quedé maravillada. Lorna Byrne es una irlandesa que ve y se comunica con los ángeles y con espíritus de personas. Y no de la manera que un día vi esto y otro día aquello. Su experiencia con el mundo espiritual ha ido de la mano con su propia vida, desde que era una niña hasta hoy; así que ese libro también es biográfico. La vida de Lorna no fue nada fácil y tiene detalles que la hacen especialmente diferente y dura. Me ha gustado mucho como ella muestra sin pretensiones los momentos que van componiendo su vida. Es un relato lleno de amor, fe, magia, ternura, risa, tristeza, maravillas y milagros. Y, aunque Lorna es católica, ella se aleja de todo dogma y no pretende imponer su verdad como única.

Creo en los ángeles, soy devota de San Miguel Arcángel y del ángel de la guarda y, estoy segura que nunca estamos solos y que mis ángeles me insistieron con esta lectura. Este libro me dio mucha inspiración y belleza en un momento difícil, no puedo estar más contenta por haberlo leído y haber conocido a Lorna Byrne. Lorna Byrne para mí es una guía espiritual ideal para estos tiempos, si se animan a leerlo entenderán porqué lo digo y porqué creo que lo que ella dice es cierto, se siente.

Feliz con esta lectura; tan feliz como para tenerlo entre mis favoritos, como para haber comprado dos títulos más inmediatamente después de haber terminado este. Y tan feliz como para ya estar terminando Un mensaje de esperanza de los ángeles ¡ESTOY FELIZ!
Profile Image for Sandra.
659 reviews22 followers
April 18, 2018
I loved this sweet and inspiring book. The subtitle says, "The True Story of a Modern-Day Irish Mystic," and that seems to be the case. Lorna Byrne has seen, felt, and spoken to angels her whole life, as long as she can remember, and was thus considered odd (at best) by her family, doctors, teachers, and others she encountered. She was often distracted by the angels, and would sit and stare into space, seemingly at nothing, leading others to believe there was something wrong with her intellect.

I don't know much about angels, and I'm interested in studying more of my books about them -- I've collected a few through the years, most of which have survived my various book-purges. Most people, like me, don't have any personal experience involving angels, and skeptics could easily claim that Byrne is just very eccentric or completely delusional.

That's certainly a possibility.

But I found her to be believable.

One pointer to the likely reliability of ancient writings, as I learned in seminary, is information or stories included that either don't seem useful or relevant, or that actually make the narrator or story look bad. (The Bible is *full* of this!) Byrne includes many incidents where she says she doesn't know why a specific angel encounter, or specific directions by an angel, came to her.

For instance, later in her story, Lorna says, "I became very conscious of the connection between myself and a man who had murdered his wife." The story about this murderer is odd: he had "disconnected his human self from his soul, so that his soul couldn’t interfere with what he planned to do . . . [a choice that] put coldness, ice, into his heart," she says, and goes on, "It’s hard to explain, but it was as if he had pushed his soul away, back away from him, and had then chained his soul to a wall, with chains that couldn’t be broken." She was able to see his soul as she was watching TV when the man was being led off to jail; this story shows no redemption or tidy conclusion. She doesn't even know why she was given the connection with him, and simply hopes that in the future he might, through remorse, break the chains that bind him.

She also says that "It wasn’t the devil or anyone else who had done this to this man’s soul; he had done it himself," and that he had taken his young wife before her time. Her conclusion about the murder fascinates me:
He had taken this soul before its time (I know some would say that if you are murdered, then it had to be your time, or it had to be retribution for an act in a past life—but this is not always true). 248-249
I really appreciate that she doesn't say what might seem popular or consistent with other peoples' beliefs -- that it must have been this young woman's "time," and the man was thus just a tool of some divinely ordained plan, something which I have never been able to accept because I don't think God works that way. I don't believe that we are all pre-programmed tools and that there is no such thing as genuine cause and effect because we are happy robots who act out in preordained ways.

"Organized religion" that so many people revile (Christianity, in my case) has provided a way for me to experience God's love and a powerful divine connection with God and humanity. Because I do not do not experience intolerance and judgment to "religious spirituality" so common to people in modern society (quite the opposite, of course), I was extremely appreciative about Lorna Byrne's own traditional religious expressions of spirituality. Lorna consistently mentioned attending Mass (she was raised Catholic), never in a dismissive or judgmental way; she also talks about how much she loved to attend prayer meetings -- Catholic, "born-again," or otherwise. There's absolutely no knee-jerk rejection of organized religion here; she, in fact, sees angels in abundance whenever people are praying. She mentions Christian and Muslim examples, but specifically includes all genuine, heart-felt religion.

Lorna Byrne is a woman of prayer. She doesn't just speak to the angels she sees; she lives a very single-minded life of prayer, seeking God's will (often expressed to her by the angels) in everything. Sometimes she admits to resisting it, but she never stops seeking guidance. "When I’m working around the house, out in the garden, or even walking down to the shops," she says, "I always pray silently." (274) If nothing else, she's a reliable witness in her devotion to prayer, something I find both encouraging and inspiring.
Profile Image for Aly Hughes.
62 reviews2 followers
May 5, 2013
I wish i could rate it more than five stars.it touched me deeply . I know this sound s cheesy but i truly believe in angels now!(and lorna bryne is irish!!!)
Profile Image for Pat.
192 reviews1 follower
December 11, 2019
I resonate strongly with the peace and interfaith work Lorna Byrne is doing. I enjoyed reading this clear, detailed story of her unusual life which gave me a clearer perspective on my own life. I gave up religion in my teens, but always felt protected by and connected to something, something older and more expansive than any religion. Then recently, while in deep meditation with a circle of friends, I saw that we were encircled by incredibly tall columns of light. I thought, "Angels," because I had nothing else to call them. Synchronistically, later that night, I came across the idea that angels are our highest thoughts and everything clicked for me. All of my life I have been strongly connected to inner wisdom/my soul. And that is the perspective from which I read this book, making it a most enlightening experience.
68 reviews10 followers
December 29, 2011
The book is a good example of New Age spirituality.
Byrne claims that she has been seeing and talking to angels since she was born.
She also claims that she speaks to ghosts.
One religion is as good as another.
Elisha the O.T. Prophet, became an angel.
God forgives everyone and all go to heaven.
She claims she saw God face-to-face, twice.
The body and soul to become more united and eventually become one.
being murdered could be retribution for an act committed in a past life.
Don't waste your money.
Profile Image for R.W. Patterson.
Author 4 books100 followers
September 25, 2017
Love Lorna Byrne's writing voice. Very personable and flows easily. Her encounters with angels are inspiring; and reading about some of her personal struggles to understand the context of her life is definitely motivational.
Profile Image for Lauren Chase.
131 reviews8 followers
April 23, 2024
A lovely, perfectly ordinary life filled with the extraordinary presence of angels.
January 29, 2016

Души всегда прощают, они никогда не бросят, они как ангелы. Наша душа никогда не бросит другую душу.

Я вижу множество таких моментов, когда серия маленьких событий вместе выстраивается в единое целое. Поэтому, когда ангелы подталкивают вас сделать что-то маленькое, например, улыбнуться кому-то или сказать, что он хорошо поработал, даже если в этот момент это кажется незначительным – вам следует это сделать!

Молитва к исцеляющим ангелам от архангела Михаила

Ниспошлите, исцеляющие ангелы,
На меня Силу небесную,
А также и на тех, кого люблю я,
Дайте мне почувствовать, исцеляющие ангелы,
На себе лучи ваши,
Свет ваших исцеляющих рук.
Я позволю исцелению начаться,
Каким бы образом ни даровал его Господь.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Barbara.
10 reviews2 followers
December 3, 2010
I enjoyed this book very much. It is a very sweet story full of hope. I believe in miracles. I believe that there are countless angels among us, whether they choose to be visible or not. Thank you angels!
Profile Image for Odette.
54 reviews
April 7, 2015
I'm a firm believer in angels and believe we all have our guardian angels with us at all times. But there were some things in this book I found hard to believe.
Profile Image for Linda Snow.
170 reviews22 followers
April 17, 2024
A lovely story, and who wouldn’t want to believe that it’s true? Almost rounded up to 3 stars, because it was entertaining up to a point. I love that Lorna Byrne has helped so many people with the help of her angels. I, too, believe in angels, and yet I find her combined experiences exaggerated and unbelievable. Still, I don’t doubt at all that she has experienced many remarkable visions and mystical experiences.
Profile Image for Marco.
16 reviews
May 12, 2019
Libro meraviglioso sulla presenza degli angeli tra di noi. Storia autobiografica dell’autrice dall’infanzia alla ricerca di un lavoro, fino alla vedovanza e al peso della famiglia sopportato con l’aiuto degli angeli.
Profile Image for Haylee.
105 reviews2 followers
July 30, 2023
SO beautiful! Each moment a reminder that our angels are right there working so hard to help, teach, show, love, and care for us. SO much power in acknowledging and working with them.
Profile Image for Rheama Heather.
251 reviews5 followers
August 4, 2021
I adore this book! It doesn’t try to convince you. It just is what it is - a gentle autobiography full of light, love, comfort, and inspiration.

Lorna Byrne grew up poor in Ireland. As a child, she was regarded as mentally deficient. She spent her adult years raising a family in a small cottage, battling her husband’s chronic illness, and struggling to put food on the table.

Lorna describes a humble life, but she also claims to see and interact with angels, a facet of her existence since birth. She learned early no one else could see what she did, and she kept her angelic friends a secret, fearing she would be institutionalized. It wasn’t until late in life that a prayer group coaxed her out of her comfort zone, and she came to be known as a healer, one of the chosen few with a mystical connection to the spiritual world.

Lorna's view of life is fascinating. Angels, angels everywhere, constantly surrounding humanity. Guardian angels, healing angels, teaching angels, archangels - many are “unemployed” as people refuse to acknowledge God or ask for help. Lorna vividly describes the way the angels look, how they act, the things they say, and how they are entwined with each of us.

Angels In My Hair is a beautiful story full of God’s blessings, hope, and spiritual empowerment. Recommended to everyone, even the skeptics!
Profile Image for SueK.
725 reviews
April 28, 2018
I wasn’t going to, but I feel I have to explain my three star rating. I bought this book because I follow Mike Dooley/Notes from the Universe. I appreciate his “take” on life. Because he will be traveling with Ms. Byrne, and I was considering attending one of their angel seminars, I thought it would be good to get a feeling about her work. For the first... oh... 2/3 of the book, I was good to go, ready to buy my ticket, even though the performer (I was listening to an audio book version) made me cringe with her simplistic voice change for speaking the part of Ms. Byrne. But that’s for another review...

Near the end of the book, Ms. Byrne gets into the creeping presence of Satan. This doesn’t jive with my personal belief system, and frankly, I never had the impression that Mr. Dooley is onboard with that either.

Yes, I’m good with angels, not with Satan, and this is my belief... For those who embrace every aspect of this, it’s a good and hopeful read. If it weren’t hopeful, it wouldn’t have gotten the three stars.
Profile Image for Alannah.
45 reviews
July 19, 2022
This was very hard to get through. I just couldn��t believe some of the stuff Byrne was coming out with. There was such an overwhelming sense that this book was trying to shove God into every experience Byrne had, or others experienced to prove and justify. But there’s the weird reference to the “Queen of Heaven”.
She was very matter-of-fact in certain parts like when she would say something along the lines of … we said a prayer together they walked out the door and I knew I would never see them again. It feels wrong to hold information like that. I was very annoyed at Byrne.
A great example of a morbid and frank response Byrne had would be, “ She went home and went to bed, and never to out of it again”. I mean that just comes across very rude in my opinion. There’s a plethora of equally frustrating responses and opinions in this book from Byrne.
Profile Image for Lisa.
2 reviews
November 14, 2009
I like to think I have a guardian angel. Lorna Byrne is an Irish mystic and tells readers that she is surrounded by angels. She explains in what form they appear to her and the ways in which they have helped her and others during difficult times. I'm personally open to this kind of book but not sure it would convince a non-believer.....
11 reviews1 follower
August 4, 2010
Wonderful account by a modern day mystic of God's messengers all around us. It gives hope and encouragement that even though we don't see them, they are here in great abundance to minister to us for the greater glory of God.
Profile Image for Linda.
17 reviews
December 2, 2009
Very Good book loved hearing about all the angels and I believe in angels. Great message for everyone to hear from the angels....
Profile Image for Michelle Grayce.
188 reviews17 followers
May 9, 2016
I loved this book about being able to communicate with angels.
Profile Image for Karin.
796 reviews43 followers
September 26, 2019
Since i haven't seen angels, i can't vouch for the veracity of this book. I can say that it was entertainingly written, easy to read.

Some of the things she talks about like being kind and helping each other I can vouch for, but others like Satan showing up, i don't know. I had faith in one religion until i found out that it wasn't true and so am gun-shy about believing anything that someone else says just on their say-so.

This is a positive, uplifting book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 497 reviews

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