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Last Call #1

Whiskey Neat

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I want a commitment like I want a rash so why can’t I get the bossy twink with pretty lips and plenty of snark out of my head? 

Anyone who spends time with me knows two things. 1. If I want something I get it, which is how I end up back in my old college haunts, buying a dilapidated bar with my five best friends and staring down the barrel of an unknown future. 2. The idea of settling down makes my skin crawl, and that’s how I made it to forty with zero serious relationships in the rear view mirror.

At least I’m smart enough to hire the right people. Enter Salem Barlowe, the prettiest twink who ever twinked and my personal kryptonite. Physically he’s everything I like but our personalities couldn’t be more at odds. I didn’t want to like him with all his sass and acting like he runs the place, but someone tell that to my...Uh, you get what I’m saying.

As if my hands aren’t full enough figuring out how to run the town’s only gay bar, my nights are filled with a man younger than me, bossier than me, and definitely prettier than me, and like a finely aged whiskey, Salem should be enjoyed slowly, savoring every complex note.

We just have to keep it casual. No problem. I can do casual with my eyes closed.

Whiskey Neat is book one in Last Call, a contemporary series set in the New Onyx universe. You can expect the antics and bond of six long time friends, the shenanigans happening at a quirky gay bar, a commitment phobe with a penchant for sweet guys, a bossy twink with mad top energy who doesn’t have a sweet bone in his body (or does he), the eternal f*ckboi has finally met his match, you can come home again vibes, midlife glow ups, an easter egg or two, and plenty of steam.

At Moby’s Bar, there aren’t any rogue white whales to harpoon, but they are serving up plenty of D… Drinks, folks. Come on.

260 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 14, 2024

About the author

Mia Monroe

58 books642 followers

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August 19, 2024
4.25**** stars

Despite the tiny voice inside of me screaming no, I nod, filled with a desire strong enough to power a city.


I’m so glad I didn’t realized before picking up this series that I’ve read this author before and all my previous attempts were fails. I really loved this book. Sure it got a tiny bit cheesy here and there but it still counted as swoony for me. ♡

The college boys we met in the prequel have grown up, took chances, claimed successes and failures and are now returning to the town where they parted ways almost 20 years ago to open a queer bar together.

Can’t wait for this series to continue. This first one was glorious with the romance between beautiful Indy and the sassy femme guy, Salem, they hired to support them getting their bar open and running.

And it was hoooot! Loved that too!

“Mmm.” He grips my throat, not squeezing, but tight enough to make me feel owned in the best way. Sayonara to my bossy bottom or topping days. I’m officially a pillow princess.

Last Call Series

Prequel - Lights Out - 3.5 stars
Book 1 - Whiskey Neat - 4.25 stars
August 25, 2024
I really love books about more mature characters ❤️

After reading the prequel, I kind of imagined this to be a series about a couple of college friends who’re about to start their “adult” lives all over the country, just loosely connected to each other.

Imagine my (very pleasant) surprise when the book starts 18 years AFTER their graduation, each of them at a point in their lives where they’re ready to start something new. And that new path brings them all together again to the place where they spent a huge part of their college days: the old bar, that they decide to buy and turn into a gay bar.

This book is about Indy, the “love them and leave them” guy. His counterpart is Salem, a 28yo (femme ish twink) who’s forced to return home when his life in the “big city” didn’t turn out the way he planned to.

The attraction between them is immediate, and what I loved most about this book is that they’re 2 adult men, going after what they want. There’s no huge miscommunication, apart from the fact that it takes them (both) a while to realise that their “no relationship/feelings” policy is moot.

Another thing I loved: their “found family” and the way each of them is unique in their own way. I can’t even decide which book I’m most excited about, I really like all of them and want them to find their significant other (or, in one case, see what’s been in front of their eyes for 20 years).

It’s not a perfect, and I can’t even put my finger on why I can’t give it 5 stars - maybe the almost complete lack of drama? But I definitely enjoyed myself, and I feel like I got to know them. In fact, I want them all to be my friends in real life 😅

Can’t wait for the next books in this series!
Profile Image for Lady Macbeth.
756 reviews17 followers
August 9, 2024
4 stars
Indy, a forty years old, just lost his job and, exasperated, called his 5 best friends who lived around U.S and abroad to make them a business proposition: buying the bar where they used to hang out during college and converting it into a gay bar.
Salem, twenty eight years old, lost his job too and he returned to his childhood home, after living for a decade in the city. He goes back to live with his parents while looking for a new employement.

Between Indy and Salem it's lust at first sight: they are exactly each other's type but Indy is never been in love and he's not interested in a relationship, while Salem has been burned too many times and he doesn't want anything serious anymore.
This should be the perfect friends with benefits arrangement if they weren't so right for one another.
I liked how they became aware of their feelings by working together and getting to know each other.
What I really liked it's that Salem and Indy were very good at communicating with each other and also at apoloogising and admitting when they're wrong.

What prevented me from givng a higher rate:
They admit their feelings too late in the story, I needed more "open" romance between them.

The guys are amazing, kind, funny and especially not meddling or noisy. They're all in each others' business, but they never intrude, they are very respectful of each others' spaces.
I really enjoyed Salem's friendship with Lowen

This is going to be a good series, I really like all the 6 friends and I cannot wait to read Lowen's story because he deserves a lot of love after what he went through (maybe Oakley will be the love of his life?).
I also hope Wren, Jackson and Jimmy's grandson will find a place in the following books.

I received an ARC of this book from Gay Romance Review and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Monikat.
1,140 reviews7 followers
August 18, 2024
Naughty, dirty, cute and sexy.
But most of all, feel good and sweeeeeeet 🤗
Loved it.
I'm loving the world building, I'm loving the hope of starting over with besties. I love the feeling that everything is going to be o.k. I love the feeling of new friends. And also, I'm loving that Salem and Indy are not compatible, I think this is a first for me. It makes for an interesting hook. And I'm hooked to see how these gorgeous men navigate the relationship.

i can't wait for the rest of the stories, so much potential here!
Profile Image for megan.m.reads.
656 reviews48 followers
September 2, 2024
“We’re really doing this?”

“We’ve been doing this, beautiful. We’re just gonna stop pretending that we’re not all in.”

A new start for 6 best friends who met in college almost 20 years ago. This book focuses on Indy - the unofficial owner/leader of the bar and Salem a younger man who moved back home when his life didn’t go as planned. I loved how immediately obsessed they were with each other - esp Indy. His jealousy and need to stake his claim (even in the office during working hours!) was so hot! 🥵 There’s not a ton of drama or anything, just a bit of hurt/comfort and the slow realisation that neither of these two has been acting particularly casual about their relationship. I’m excited to see the other guys meet their matches!
Profile Image for Ana.
512 reviews
September 20, 2024
I think this author is really not for me.

There is *gasp* too much screwing and not much plot. Or anything else happening.
And I kept thinking what 6 grown men in their forties are going to do all day long with no job (they co-own a bar).
They hire a chef, bartender and inventory manager (is this a full time job???) and have a firm doing their payroll....so what's left? Maybe that's the reason for too much screwing 🤔
And all those love you 4eva declarations after knowing each other for 6 weeks.
Not a fan.
Profile Image for Lisa.
3,087 reviews124 followers
August 30, 2024
I started off really enjoying this and thought the premise would make a good book.
However, I really didn't warm to Salem and Indy. I thought Indy for a 40 year old man was quite immature due to his jealousy. The attraction between him and Salem was a little too insta love. Both men being tops and wouldn't bottom for anything... yeah right.
If there are more books I might continue on with the series as I liked the remaining 5 friends and would be interested to find out their HEAs.
Profile Image for Julia Toth.
67 reviews1 follower
August 17, 2024
Did I finish this in less than 24 hours? I absolutely did! This is a low angst, quick and easy read that gave me all the good vibes, found family, banter, laughs, swoon and spice I wanted.

Indy and his 5 friends go back to the college town they met at and buy a bar, which they want to turn into the towns first gay bar. Salem also goes back to that town, which is his hometown, after things not working out for him and is in search for a job. A job which he finds by asking Indy and friends what they plan to do with the bar. From the moment they meet we feel the tension between them and things just escalate from there.

Salem is guarded because of his past relationships and it's not easy for him to be open with Indy. Indy on the other hand has only had casual relationships, thinking that is what he's made for. They both want to keep things casual, but that never works like that does it? I loved how they were each others perfect men and they still tried to fight it, even when Indy was jealous and possessive. I loved them together. They were swoony, cute, funny and spicy. There is a 12 year age gap, but you don't even notice it. I love how bossy Salem could be, but how he melted for Indy.

The cherry on top was Indy's friend group. Indy, Lowen, Ridley, Kit, Bane and Jerryn have known each other since college and you can see the history in their friendship. I loved all the banter and all the teasing and talks they had. They truly made the vibes of the book even better.

I loved how the whole story progressed and how everything ended. The spice was consistent and really good.

I'm excited to read the other men's stories when they come out. Safe to say this won't be my last Mia Monroe book.
Profile Image for Heather MMRomanceReviewed.
1,446 reviews59 followers
August 14, 2024
I love anything Mia Monroe writes, but honestly, my heart gave a start when I found out she was writing a new contemporary series and I wasn't disappointed by the friend group we get to explore with the Last Call series! Blending into her New Onyx world, without the vampires and demons, we get a return to a simpler, sweeter story and meet up with Indy and Salem... and get instalust and a FWB that goes beyond benefits and even a little cameo from the New Onyx family that started it all...

This was a fun, steamy and quick read, but the characters still have depth and real world issues that are so much a hallmark of Monroe's writing. Whether you've been introduced to the New Onyx world or this is your first jump off, you'll enjoy getting to know Salem and Indy (I definitely did)
Profile Image for Dawn Siemer.
1,127 reviews5 followers
August 26, 2024
So sexy

This is a low angst sex fest. Indy and Salem's relationship starts off hot and heavy and never slows down. The sex is varied and very hot.

So why only 3 stars? Well, I like some hot sex, but that's not really why I read romance novels. I like to get to know new characters, and these guys don't have much personality. They don't have a passion for their work, or a hobby, or a charity. There isn't anything about these guys I will remember more than a week, except maybe how frustrated I was that I didn't learn why Indy is so divorced from his emotions.

I also don't know why (or if) Indy never had a real relationship before, and does with Salem. Did he have relationships and didn't acknowledge them? His backstory is largely a mystery.

Overall, I'd say it's worth reading if you're mostly interested in a lot of hot gay sex.
Profile Image for Bridgette.
223 reviews
August 15, 2024
I really enjoyed this story; it was the first in a new series. Indy is looking for a change and decides to open a bar with his group of friends. Salem is also at a turning point in his life and comes back home to regroup. He gets a job with this new bar. Indy and Salem have great chemistry from the beginning. The storyline was good, pretty much insta-love/attraction and low angst. It contains a diverse group of friends that I loved. I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Thurman.
61 reviews4 followers
August 2, 2024
It was a great book. I couldn't put it down and read it in one day. Indy and Salem were great together. I think it was instalove but they were both too scared and/or confused to admit it. Very low angst and high heat. I can't wait to read the other friends' stories.
I received the arc from GRR for my honest review
Profile Image for Claire Louisa.
1,847 reviews113 followers
August 20, 2024
I loved this so much, it have me all the feels and even had me teary at times.

I enjoyed meeting the 6 men who make up the foundation of this new series in the prequel Lights Out as it set the stage for the friendship they have all these years on. But it's not a must read if you haven't read the prequel.

This first book revolves around Indy who is 'not ever going to fall in love' and who brings his friends back to join him in opening a gay bar. But in walks Salem looking for a job and there goes Indy, falling in love.

These two men were just perfect for each other and though they both had things to work through, there was plenty of communication between them and their chemistry was off the charts.

I know I am going to really enjoy this series, I also liked seeing the guys from the Immortal Assassins series near the end.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
748 reviews17 followers
August 7, 2024
Indiana and his five close college friends all find themselves at a point in their life when they're ready for change and a serendipitous inheritance has them all reuniting in their college town to pursue a shared dream of opening a queer bar. Except that isn't the only sweeping change in Indiana's life because when a pretty, femme twink walks into the bar looking for a job, Indy gets hit by a trainload of lust that's threatening to derail the no-strings-attached rules that have always guided his sex life. Salem has a steady stream of disappointing romantic experiences in his past and he's determined to keep what he and Indy have as casual, but how long can he keep his walls up when Indy seems determined to demolish them.

This was a fun introduction to this world and I am very excited to continue reading the series, but I found that I didn't really "feel" the pull between the characters as much as I would have liked so much as I was being told their was a pull between them. The instalust part was definitely viscerally described (and hot!), but the deeper emotions felt more elusive to me. What I did really like (and also found really funny) is how utterly obtuse Indy was about the fact that he was falling in love, and how his friends clearly knew he was and were just like, "You'll figure it out eventually, buddy." I could practically see them giving him the you-sweet-summer-child looks and pat on the head.

I really liked the close friend group and actually found myself getting more excited to read their stories--Lowen and Oakley, for sure! Ridley and Wren, for sure! I have no clue who Kit is going to end up with...I assume we haven't met his eventual partner yet? But I think Bane and Jerryn are the ones I am most excited to read about! Surely they're together already?? What is their STORY?!?!

I can't wait to see that old mansion stuffed to the gills with people in love!

This was a 3.5 stars for me, but I decided to round up because I really like books where men communicate with each other about their emotions and there was a lot of that in here, and both Salem and Indy do it, so it isn't one-sided. I love me some emotionally healthy masculinity!


I was provided with an ARC from Gay Romance Reviews and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Tara Bennett.
Author 3 books17 followers
August 15, 2024
It was time for a change, another corporate buyout, another job hunt. It was just too much to deal with, and Indy had an idea, but he needed his friends to pull it off. Fortunately, they were ready for a change, too, so moving back to the town where they graduated college and opening a queer-friendly bar was what they did.

Salem found himself back at his parents' house, which was not what he had planned, but that was how it ended up. Flat broke, homeless, and jobless. Finding a job at the new queer bar in town was just luck, and it ended up being one of the best possible things.

Both men realize the huge changes to their lives might have been the best possible thing to happen.

OPINION: This is a great start to a series. I didn’t read the prequel, but I enjoyed this story regardless. This group of men is wonderful, and you immediately look forward to the stories that will be told about their lives. Indy and Salem’s story is great. Both men don’t want to be committed, but their bodies have very different ideas. Everything about the other is perfect, and the lust starts the second Salem walks in the door. Indy just can’t help himself, and Salem is more than willing to comply, creating some very nice spicy scenes. There are lots of great moments between them, but both continue to fight what their hearts have decided for them. This is a pretty low-angst slice-of-life story. It pulls you through with a great story, and seeing them fighting their obvious attraction and pretending there isn’t emotion is great. They can’t keep their hands off each other, and it’s a lot of fun to read. All the friend groups are wonderful, and you get a good feel for a few of them; there are stories there, I am sure. Getting to this Happily Ever After was wonderful. Definitely read this book. You will be glad you did.
Profile Image for Alix .
719 reviews19 followers
August 18, 2024
4+ What a great cast of characters and I love that they're somewhat older MCs (around 39 or 40).

Around 18 years after their college graduation, a group of 6 friends returns to the college town where they met in order to buy and renovate a bar. They name it Moby's after the book they were reading in the lit class where they met and bonded. These friends have strong emotional ties to one another and I can't wait to see each of them get their HEA.

First up is Indy, short for Indiana, whose idea it is to do this project, though they all come together to make it happen. Although Indy loves his friends very much, when it comes to his sexual life, he is a one and done kind of guy; he is not interested in love or anything long term. However, little did he expect to meet Salem, 28, who has returned home without a job and without a love life. When Indy and Salem meet...sizzling chemistry happens!

Salem is hired to work at the bar and during the renovations, he becomes Lowen's assistant and also friend. I love how all the guys basically absorb him into the group. During the course of the renovations, we meet some other men who could be potential love interests for the main group. I have thoughts and have already put couples together in my mind, haha!

I very much enjoyed reading this low angst, small town romance with feel-good vibes! I am eager to read the next book to see with whom Kit finds his HEA :) I hope the book comes out soon!

What to Expect:

* group of college friends return to college town 18 yrs post-graduation
* 40yo "most gorgeous" MC + 28yo beautiful twink MC
* small town bar
* lacy lingerie
* fun side characters/found family
* good communication between friends and between MCs

Thanks to GRR for this ARC - this is my honest opinion.

Profile Image for Bee.
923 reviews208 followers
August 2, 2024
Mia Monroe is quickly becoming one of my go-to authors for low angst sweet & steamy romance with humour and heart. While I've loved her Immortal Assassins series and the first book in its spin-off series, this is actually my first time reading a contemporary book of hers. Am definitely a fan now!

Whiskey Neat is about a group of friends that met in college. They each went in their own directions, but the friendship never went away. Now they're all about forty, and in need of a change when their unofficial group leader Indy suggests a wild idea. Open up a gay bar together in the town where their group started. While Indy has never had a serious relationship and has always been fine with that, the moment Salem walks through the doors, he's a goner. Salem is a beautiful, snarky twink who just moved back home with a bunch of baggage of his own. Neither of them wants something serious, but they want each other.

Man, the sparks flew between these two. I loved their chemistry and how well they fit together even when they were both too blind to see it for a long while. Their growing connection is beautiful to see though and I loved every bit of it. I also loved Indy's friends and can't wait to read their stories in the upcoming books!

Definitely recommend reading this one! Also be sure to grab the prequel novella! It's a great, fun introduction to the group of friends, honestly. It's their last night before graduating college, in their favorite bar (which actually ends up being theirs in this book!) and it's a bit of an insight into their personalities and shows their connection as friends. So don't miss out on that!
477 reviews4 followers
August 5, 2024
I absolutely loved this book, it's a great start to a new series involving six friends coming together to start something new in their lives, and all are around forty.
Indy's idea to open and refurbish a bar that they all have fond memories of is the beginning of a new adventure for all of the friends. We get to know a bit about each friend and see how they interact - which often leads to laughs. Indy has never been in a relationship and doesn't see a reason to change it - until Salem walks into the bar looking for work and leaves Indy tongue tied.
Salem is 28 and a sassy, bossy, pretty twink, he is slightly broken, and is looking for a fresh start after various failures in the city. The attraction and lust is mutual between them, leading to a friends with benefits type situation. However, while they give in and have some steamy, sexy encounters, neither is immune to the growing connection and feelings they have for the other.
There are some past things to be dealt with, a bad interaction to deal with, great friends to interact with, lots of sexcapades, intense emotions, an inevitable and genuine love, and a satisfying HEA.
This book was highly entertaining, had a great cast of characters - both MC's and secondary, and an interesting storyline. While Salem and Indy have gotten their HEA, I can't wait for the rest of the friends to find theirs!
I would definitely recommend this book.
The ARC I read had a few inconsistencies that will hopefully be fixed for the final copy.

I received an ARC from GRR, this is my unbiased, honest opinion.
401 reviews12 followers
August 12, 2024
I highly recommend reading Mia Monroe’s prequel short story ‘Last Call’ before diving into ‘Whiskey Neat’. It beautifully sets the scene on Indy and his group of friends the night before they all graduate from college and leave to take on the world full of youthful optimism. They drink the night away reminiscing about the last four years of college at their favourite bar which also happens to be closing down.

‘Whiskey Neat’ starts when Indy is 40 years old, fed up with his current work status and life in general and aims to make a big change. He calls up his awesome group of friends and pitches the idea of buying their closed down once beloved college bar and opening a queer friendly space together. The whole group is in and away they go! Salem moves home shortly after construction begins on the bar and enquires about a job. They are instantly connected from the second their eyes meet but they both have some personal demons to conquer. There is a dash of lack of communication but these men cannot fight fate. They are so truly perfect for each other and I loved seeing them finally embrace the fact they actually love each other and are not just insanely attracted to the other. A very strong start. I have an inkling of two future matchups and I really hope I’m right. *fingers crossed*

It’s been awhile since Mia Monroe wrote a contemporary series and she hit the ground running and it was super enjoyable. Indy and Salem are scorching hot and low angst.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
Profile Image for Babara-Anne.
1,454 reviews15 followers
August 14, 2024

If you haven’t read the prologue to this series don’t fret as the bond that these six friends have since college and finding their ideal hangout spot-Jimmy’s bar is that of a true found family- it shines throughout the book!

“The heart has arguments with which the logic of the mind is not acquainted.”

“Blaine Pascal.”

Indiana Hart a 40 years old player finds his dream come to fruition when he contacts his old college friends to start a rainbow mafia friendly bar in Willow Bay but what he did not count on was meeting his kryptonite- a femme sexy lingerie wearing bossy twink with top energy-Salem Barlow…

At Moby’s Bar, there aren’t any rogue white whales to harpoon, but they are serving up plenty of D… Drinks!”

I enjoyed their journey to discovering a FWB situation is never casual when feelings develop…

I loved the banter and camaraderie between all the friends and the bets regarding a certain f*ck boy falling for the first time in his adult life..

The Easter eggs regarding the next couples for the next books was intriguing and interesting- something to look forward to!

A sweet, low angst love story with intense high heat with lots of banter, laughter and tears regarding these two commitment phobe soul mates!

I voluntarily received an ARC from GRR for an honest non biased review.
434 reviews2 followers
August 16, 2024
This was a light and easy read with not much angst.

I liked the relationship between Indy and Salem. The setup for the book (6 friends changing their life and opening a bar) was a little ridiculous, but c'est la vie.

I was expecting a bit more of a tragic backstory with Salem due to the foreshadowing, however the book didn't go down that road. I wanted to see more of Salem's re-integration into his hometown neighborhood. He had some demons to fight from his childhood, but we didn't really see any of this resolved outside of a five second conversation with Jackson. Side note, I hope we're not supposed to sympathize with Jackson here, that conversation seemed like it hand-waved a bunch of cheating.

My only real complaint is that everyone is a bit too model perfect here. It would be nice to have some nuance to the character descriptions as they're all a pretty generic package. Each of the 6 friends represents a basic archetype and that's about it. Even Jack the creep was super hot and muscular.

The friends weren't very well developed outside of Lowen. Kit seems like an asshole as he uses men as another notch on his bedpost. I'm looking forward to Lowen and Oakley's story and that's about it. Ridley and Wren don't seem that interesting and I don't remember a single thing about the twins other than living in Seattle.
Profile Image for Sheena.
678 reviews11 followers
August 15, 2024
- Age gap
- New series
- Low Angst

How do you spell oblivious? Because after reading this, I think it might be spelled Indy 😂. This is the first of a new series, it's contemporary but set in the New Onyx world created in the last paranormal series. Previous reading isn't required although there's a nice Easter Egg in there if you've read the Immortal Assassins series. Indy and Salem are both at a point in their lives where they're separately starting over, Indy opening a bar with his best friends, and Salem moving back to his hometown and reconnecting with his family. The connection between the two is instant, and Salem isn't shy about letting Indy know, and I loved that. There's a ton of heat between these two, they literally can't keep their hands off each other.

I liked both guys, and even though they were on the same page with a no strings arrangement at the start, you could almost see the threads joining them, they were so perfect together and I liked that neither of them could see it. There was no one sided pining here, just two guys growing closer until they both decided being together was what they wanted. I loved it, it was refreshing. I also really liked Indy's friend group, and can't wait for them to get their own stories.

A great start to a new series, can't wait for more.
1,698 reviews5 followers
August 12, 2024

This book is amazing! The story of Indy and Salem is filled with great friends, fresh starts, old hurts, home comings and most of all love and is an absolute must read! After yet another layoff, Indy decides it’s time to do something completely different and open a bar in the town where he and his friends attended college. It will be a fresh start for them all, aided by the fact that one of them has recently acquired a home in town. Salem has returned to his hometown after things in the city don’t work out and the chance for a job in a new bar is just what he needs. The chemistry between Salem and Indy is immediate and off the charts but neither feels they are relationship material. I love how growly and possessive Indy gets when another man looks at Salem even though he swears relationships aren’t his thing. The way Salem gets along with Indy’s friends is fantastic and I loved how he fits right in. Love comes sneaking up on them even though everyone else can already see it but when the two finally admit the truth, it’s everything Salem has always dreamed of and everything Indy never even knew he wanted.

I read an ARC copy of this book and am volunteering my honest review.
Profile Image for ivanareadsalot.
620 reviews209 followers
August 14, 2024
I would like to thank GRR for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

Eeeeeeeee this was so freaking sweet! Like srsly, what's not to love? Inheriting money and a Victorian to reno. Setting up a queer bar with your very best friends who are all dope as fk. And ofc having the love of your life casually walk onto the scene of your dream-career in progress.THIS is the small town, low angst, feel good, romantic fantasy i live for!

Sometimes I just want easy, and this read was sexy fluff I could pretty much read forever! Sure the story's been done before, but the chemistry was pure fire, and from start to finish Whisket Neat was engaging and fun. The narrative flowed effortlessly and had great pace, and ALL the characters had charisma and I was charmed senseless! I can't believe I've slept on this author for sooooo long!!!

Whisket Neat was filled with fine as FK men who all decided to move back to Willow Bay to reinvigorate their lives with their best friends, and i'm so excited for everything that comes next for this series because for SURE love will be on the menu for all of them, and I'm already dying to devour each and every one of their stories!

Profile Image for Angel.
501 reviews6 followers
August 16, 2024
Mia Monroe just gave me a whole new group of men to fall in love with. The group of friends are all done with their current life and get together to open a bar. All are very intriguing from what I can gather from the few glimpses into their personalities and dynamics.
This story is focused on Indy. It was his idea to open the bar and start over in life. Little did he know that life had more plans for him. He was Mr. Single, never repeat but super loveable and nice. Then enters Salem, sassy and perfected faking self-confidence, who wants to be Mr. Single to avoid being hurt again. So perfect pairing according to them, no strings but with lots of "fun". But then Indy realizes that maybe he doesn't want to be Mr. Single, he wants that connection with Salem. Salem is slower to trust since he doesn't want to do more damage to his already bruised heart. However, he begins to have hope that Indy is really who he portrays, giving him the courage to reach out to confront his past to be able to move forward.
So if you're in the mood to read a low angst, funny, sweet, steamy, and full of wonderful loveable characters then I highly recommend this book.
I can't wait for the next book and see who is next in line for their HEA!
Profile Image for Amanda Winter.
192 reviews7 followers
August 18, 2024
I really enjoyed this first book in a new series and finished it in less than 24 hours! It’s a low-angst, quick read filled with good vibes, found family, banter, laughs, swoon-worthy moments, and just the right amount of spice.

The story follows Indy and his five friends who return to their college town to open its first gay bar. Salem, back in his hometown after a rough patch, lands a job at the bar, sparking immediate tension between him and Indy. Salem's guarded nature and Indy's history of casual relationships make them hesitant to pursue anything serious, but their connection is undeniable. The push and pull between them, complete with jealousy and possessiveness, makes for a swoony, spicy romance.

Indy's friend group—Lowen, Ridley, Kit, Bane, and Jerryn—adds even more charm to the story. Their history and playful banter elevate the book's vibe, making it even more enjoyable. The 12-year age gap between Indy and Salem is hardly noticeable, and Salem’s bossy yet soft side for Indy is a highlight.

The story's progression and ending were satisfying, with consistent, well-done spice. I'm excited to dive into the other characters’ stories and definitely plan to read more from Mia Monroe.
Profile Image for Xanthe.
2,264 reviews38 followers
August 20, 2024
What a brilliant start to a new series. This group of friends are just full of possibilities for future couples and romances.
Here we have Indy, their unofficial friend group leader, bringing his five best friends together in a small town to open a gay bar. He is also the man who does not do feelings or relationships, so when Salem comes into the bar looking for a job and knocks him for six, it's a joy to read! Salem is similarly not looking for anything serious but can at least admit to himself how dangerous a man like Indy is to his resolve. There's a great chemistry between the two that strikes really at any moment and makes for some intense moments. Though there seems to be trust with each other's bodies quite quickly, when it comes to the heart that is very much a slow burner.
There is a great group of people in the story and I can't wait to get to know them better, as well as have them all get their own HEAs.
A highly recommended new series from Mia. Fans of contemporary romance with a great group of friends will love it.
**Please note there is a scene of unwanted advance/groping towards an MC but it is quickly stopped**
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.
Profile Image for Lois.
541 reviews3 followers
August 2, 2024
If I'm honest, I went into this will low expectations. Whilst I've enjoyed the paranormal romances of Mia's that I've read, and I love the Drake Security collaboration, I've not had great experiences with her contemporary romances - until now. I loved this book. If you've read Lights Out, you'll have met all the guys on their last night of college. One last hurrah and the night that Jimmy's closes it's doors for good. Now, 12 years later and at a crossroads in their lives, they come back together to reopen the bar. Indy is a great character. A really nice guy. Kind, considerate and always there for his friends. The only thing he doesn't do is relationships. Salem has come home with his tail between his legs when life in the big city and a series of disastrous relationships defeat him. Neither of them are looking for more than a good time. Their slow slide into a relationship is sweet and sexy, all with the backdrop of refurbing and reopening the bar. At times laugh out loud funny, the ending made me cry and the final easter egg was the icing on the cake. Now I'm really looking forward to the next in the series.
Profile Image for Sarah Thornburg.
155 reviews10 followers
August 2, 2024
Mia Monroe has returned to writing contemporary romance and I am here for it. As much as I love all of her urban fantasy romances, I'm in love with her contemporary novels as well. This one is set in the same universe as her previous 'New Onyx' Immortal Assassins, but it's not tied to previous supernatural storylines. Although, I do like the cameos we get at the end!
Indy (don't make movie jokes!) and Salem (also no jokes) are so allergic to relationships that they almost ruin the one they have with each other. Their meet-cute is sweet if not a little over the top. Their baggage from previous relationships weighs them down, but they have the help of Indy's tight-knit friend group to help them through. I wish Salem had at least one or two friends of his own. It would have helped him grow, see past his misgivings of a relationship, and move on with Indy.
I really enjoyed the banter in Indy's friend group, and it's good to see that their friendships were strong enough to stand the test of time.
Overall, it was a very enjoyable read, with equal amounts of steam and angst and a sprinkle of snark to break it up!
Profile Image for Tammy Jones.
773 reviews5 followers
August 8, 2024
I can tell already that this is going to be an amazing series! Indy has finally had enough of the corporate world and is ready to pursue his dream of opening a gay bar back home. Knowing he can't do it alone, he calls on 5 of his best friends from college and they're more than willing to begin a new adventure together. Salem is a bit down on his luck and has been forced to move back home with the parents. Looking to get back on his feet as soon as possible, he wanders into Indy's bar looking for a job. The attraction between Indy and Salem was instantaneous but Indy has a strict policy of basically 'one and done'. Salem, however, is everything that Indy craves and proves to be hard to resist. Salem is full of sass and has no intention of letting another man get the best of him. I loved how he oozed twinky top energy! The side characters of the best friends added so much charm to this book. The way they supported Indy and enjoyed watching him break his own rules was fantastic. Even though Indy and Salem have boundaries in place, the chemistry that they share is just too strong and it doesn't take long for them to realize that going all in is so worth it!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 165 reviews

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