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Villain Overview

Are you really the son of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda? Didn't your daddy teach you how to use a sword?
~ Trish to Dante.
You fool! You’re so easy! Ahahahahaha. Humans. What sweets! You should know better than to trust a stranger. Your presence has become a hindrance to my master's bloody scheme. Now die!
~ Trish betraying Dante.
Looks like we have a winner!
~ Trish's most famous quote.

Trish, also known as Gloria, is the tritagonist of the Devil May Cry franchise.

She is a demon created by Mundus in the image of Dante and Vergil's mother, Eva, to manipulate Dante and lure him to Mallet Island. However, after being saved by Dante, Trish has a change a heart and joins forces with him against Mundus, eventually becoming Dante's sidekick.

In Japanese, she is voiced by the late Atsuko Tanaka in most of her appearances and Ruri Shinato in Shengoku Basara vs. Devil May Cry. In English, Trish has been voiced by Sarah Lafleur in the first two Devil May Cry games and Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble, Danielle Burgio in Devil May Cry 4 and Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds/Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Luci Christian in the English dub of the anime, and Wendee Lee in Devil May Cry 5.


Devil May Cry[]

Trish was created by Mundus to look like Eva, mother of Dante and Vergil, and was sent to the Devil May Cry. Upon her arrival, the two engaged in battle and though she managed to impale him and electrocute, Dante defeated her but spared her when Trish said that he needed her help. She told him that the Dark Emperor, Mundus, is planning to make a return and brought him to Mallet Island, the location where the demon lord planned to open a portal to the human world. However Trish had really brought Dante there to get him killed and get rid of the one who could oppose Mundus.

After Nelo Angelo's defeat, Trish was ordered by Mundus to see to it that Dante was destroyed. Trish then waited in the lair of the dark emperor's demonic creation, Nightmare, to draw Dante in. She managed to get him trapped with Nightmare and began blasting him with lightning as the battle went on. However the half-demon still emerged victorious. During the aftermath of the fight with Nightmare, the ceiling began to collapse. When the ceiling was about to crush Trish, Dante jumped in and saved her. Trish was confused why he saved her, and was about to walk towards Dante. But Dante pointed one his guns at her telling her to back off. Despite being enraged at Trish, Dante refused to slay her since she looked just like his mother. However, angered by the deception, he doesn't want to see her ever again.

That is until she was imprisoned by Mundus and held hostage by the demon lord so he could use her against Dante. When the son of Sparda confronted him, Mundus attempted to finish him off with a powerful beam attack, only for Trish to push him out of the way and take the hit instead, apparently killing her. After Dante defeated Mundus, he left the sword, Sparda, as a headstone for the demoness and began to escape the island. However he later found himself cornered by the more monstrous form of the demon emperor. But Dante heard his mother's voice and Trish burst through the wall to lend him some of her energy, giving his guns the power to defeat Mundus. After that Trish began working at Devil May Cry, renamed Devil Never Cry.

Devil May Cry 4[]

After hearing about the Order of the Sword gathering Devil Arms, Trish infiltrated the Order disguised as a woman named Gloria. She managed to gain a high position within the Order after she brought Sanctus the Sparda, which he needed for his plans. Because of her suspiciously quick promotion, negative rumors about Gloria spread throughout the Order's members, though they recognized her combat skills. However, it seemed that Sanctus always knew that Gloria was really Trish and simply allowed her there, since he had needed Dante to come to Fortuna and didn't want to arise her suspicions. Trish eventually revealed herself and helped Dante get the people of Fortuna to safety after the true Hell Gate's opening.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds/Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3[]

Trish appears as a playable character in Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds and its definitive edition, known as Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.


Trish's personality is slightly hard to determine, since it varies from game to game. In the first, she seemed rather cruel and harsh, but began to warm up to Dante and even showed care for him as well as showing excitement at the idea of working with him. In Devil May Cry 4, Trish seemed more determined to work for her own gain and to enjoy causing Dante trouble.

Yet, the consistent aspect of Trish's personality is a moral sense she developed from the moment she was humbled by the events in Mallet Island beneath her non-caring attitude. This is best shown through her decision to help Dante banishing Mundus back to Demon World and evacuating the inhabits of Fortuna during the conflict against the Order of the Sword. Similar to Dante, she enjoys a fight.

As Gloria, she took on a more humbled and refined personality, though this was just good acting on her part. Though it may be an act, she does seem to enjoy to flirt with others and being a bit of a sexual tease, as seen when she's fight the Scarecrows, her combat seems to be kinda erotic, and while she's talking to Nero.

Trish also developed a friendly rivalry against Mary Arkham, a.k.a. Lady, finding the latter more interesting that she initially assumed and impressed by her skill and determination during their two days fight. Other example of their rivalry is when they argue over who'll be in charge of Dante's shop since he and Vergil are stuck in the Underworld, only for Morrison to reveal that the Devil Hunter has entrusted the place for him instead, much to their chagrin.

Powers and Abilities[]


Luce & Ombra

Luce & Ombra

  • Demonic Powers: As a demon in human form, Trish possesses all the enhanced durability, speed, strength and regenerative capacities of high ranking Demons, with years of skills and experience to utilize these assets flawlessly. She also possess Electrokinesis, which drastically augment her superhuman abilities and weapons. So far, only the Sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil (As Urizen), have managed to overpower and defeat her in combat.
  • Devil Trigger: Trish also as the ability to temporarily enter into form known as the Majin Devil Trigger form. In this form, she is given the ability to either fly, also known as Air Raid or gain superhuman speed. She's also capable of firing extremely powerful electrical blasts, that home in on the target, and a few other abilities in this form.
  • Supreme Combatant: Trish's most prominent power is her control over lightning and fights primarily with melee attacks. She's also shown to be incredibly athletic. She has also demonstrated skilled use of handguns.

Devil Arms and Equipment[]

She often carries two guns known as Luce and Ombra.

Sword of Sparda

Sword of Sparda

She also sometimes wields the Sword of Sparda, which Dante gave her. The Sword can used like a regular sword, but it can also change into a scythe in combat. She can even use the Sword and throw it like a boomerange. She also wields another gun known as Nightmare-y that specializes when Trish is fighting underwater.



It's very similar towards the Nightmare-β, but it doesn't consume DT runes.

As Gloria, she wields a pair of short blades and uses a graceful acrobatic combat style.

Former Powers and Equipment[]

It is also shown that Trish has some abilities to teleport, but she never uses her teleporting abilities after she betrayed Mundus. It's likely that Mundus stripped Trish's ability to teleport as punishment for failing her mission. She also no longer wields the Devil Sword Sparda since Dante absorbed it into his being to unlock his true demonic potential.


  • Dante's coin in Devil May Cry 2 has Trish's silhouette on both sides, as seen on the Devil May Cry logo.
  • Trish appeared in every Devil May Cry installment except Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, where she does not appear physically.
  • Trish is currently the only playable character in the Devil May Cry series that does not have any significant changes when she activates her Devil Trigger. The only thing that changes is that she acquires sunglasses, and a yellow aura surrounds her.

See Also[]


Devil May Cry Logo Villains

Mallet Island
Mundus | Trish | Nelo Angelo | Phantom | Griffon | Nightmare

Vie de Marli
Agrosax the Chaos | Arius | Bolverk | Freki & Geri | Furiataurus | Infestants | Jokatgulm | Nefasturris | Noctpteran | Phantom | Plutonian | Tartarussian | Tateobesu | Trismagia | Uroboros

Vergil | Arkham | Cerberus | Agni & Rudra | Leviathan | Nevan | Beowulf | Doppelganger | Damned Chessmen | Geryon | Gigapedes | Hell Vanguard

Order of the Sword (Sanctus | Agnus | Credo | The Savior) | Bael | Dagon | Berial | Echidna | Vergil

Vergil (Urizen) | Qliphoth Roots | Goliath | |Artemis | Nidhogg | Elder Geryon Knight | Gilgamesh | Cavaliere Angelo | Malphas | King Cerberus

DMC: Devil May Cry
Vergil | Raptor News Network (Mundus | Bob Barbas | Lilith | Hunter | Mundus' Spawn | Poison) | Hollow Dante | Hollow Kat | Hollow Vergil

           Capcom logo Vs. Villains

Capcom Universe
Abyss | Akuma | Albert Wesker | Anakaris | Astaroth | Baby Bonnie Hood | Balrog | Black Hayato | Demitri Maximoff | Devilotte | Dr. Wily | Druk, Shtrom and Shtrom Jr. | Evil Ryu | Firebrand | Grandmaster Meio (Original) | Hugo | Huitzil | Jedah Dohma | Juri Han | Lord Raptor | M. Bison | Megaman Juno | Nebiroth | Nemesis | Pyron | Red Arremers | Rolento | Sagat | Seth | Shadow | Shadow Lady | Sigma | Solo | Strider Hien | Trish | Tong Pooh | Urien | Vector | Vega | Vergil | Vile | Yami | Zangief

Marvel Universe
Apocalypse | Blackheart | Black Widow | Dark Phoenix | Deadpool | Doctor Doom | Dormammu | Galactus |

Juggernaut | Lady Death | Magneto | Marrow | Mephisto | M.O.D.O.K. | Omega Red | Onslaught | Sabretooth | Sentinels | Shuma-Gorath | Silver Samurai | Spiral | Taskmaster | Thanos | Ultron | Winter Soldier

Sega Universe
Aya-Me | Break | Ciseaux | Coco ★ Tapioca | Dokurobo | Dural | Goro Majima | Kurohagane | Ranmaru Mori | Reala | Riemsianne La Vaes | Selvaria Bles | Shadow | Wizeman

SNK Universe
Chang Koehan | Choi Bounge | Earthquake | Geese Howard | Genjuro Kibagami | Goenitz | Iori Yagami | Mars People | Raiden | Rugal Bernstein | Ryuji Yamazaki | Vice

Namco Universe
Amazona | Ancient Ogre | Azure Flame Kite | Black Bravo | Black Valkyrie | Charade | Dokugozu | Dokumezu | Drei Belanos | Druaga | Due Flabellum | Eins Belanos | Heihachi Mishima | Janga | Jin Kazama | Joker | Kamuz | Kazuya Mishima | Kiso Yoshinaka | Marduk | Meden Traore | Minamoto no Yoritomo | Minamoto no Yoshitsune | Musashibō Benkei | Omicon and Necron | Phantom | Saya | Sheath | Skeith | Stehoney | T-elos | Unknown | Vajra | Waya Hime | Zagi | Zouna

Tatsunoko Universe
Berg Katse | Boyacky | Doronjo | Tonzura | Sosai X

Nintendo Universe
Metal Face

Sony/PlayStation Universe
Cole MacGrath

Original Generation
Ultron Sigma

           PSABR Logo Villains

Cole MacGrath | Heihachi Mishima | Kratos | Mael Radec | Sweet Tooth | Zeus

Baron Praxis | Ciokina | Dollface | Dr. Nefarious | Goliath | Hades | Hydra | Hyper-Sonic Brainwave Scrambler | Negativitron | Pipo Monkeys | Polygon Man | Satan | Songbird | Specter | Vox Populi

Alias | Athena | Bakuki | Captain Qwark | Colossus of Rhodes | Count Veger | Helghan Empire/Helghasts | Logan Graves | Kuma II | Mr. Grimm | Nevi | Nix | Polyphemus | Poseidon | Scolar Visari | Zarok

Andrew Ryan | Ares | Chimera Soldier | Cronos | Hunter | Jin Kazama (Devil Jin) | Jinpachi Mishima | Joseph Bertrand III | Katherine Marlowe | Kessler | King Bohan | Krimzon Guards | Lord Palethorn | Nina Williams | Roach | Sasha | Scabs | Songbird | Talbot | The Beast | The Corrupted | Trish | Vergil | Zombies | Zoran Lazarević
