Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction Romulan RepublicCaprimul Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird
Rank background icon
Vice Admiral Rank icon (Romulan)
Upgrade cost:
Upgrade Requires an Upgrade Token
Science Destroyer Warbird
Tier 5: 31350
Lvl 50 T5U: 36053
Lvl 55 T5U: 38926
Lvl 60 T5U: 41800
Lvl 65 T5U: 47025
Hull modifier:
Shield modifier:
Turn rate:
Impulse modifier:
Inertia rating:
Warp core:
Generic Singularity Core Singularity
Bonus Power:
+15 auxiliary power
Bridge Officers:
Lieutenant Commander Tactical Ensign Tactical Lieutenant Engineering Commander Science Lieutenant Universal
Fore 3+1 Aft 3
Can equip dual cannons.
Type-specific slot:
Secondary Deflector
Device slots:
Console tac icon 3 Console eng icon 2 Console sci icon 5
Console (T5-U):
Console eng icon +1
2,500Zen small icon
Admiralty stats:
Adm eng rom 12 Adm tac rom 32 Adm sci rom 54
February 20, 2014

Release date: February 20, 2014

The Caprimul-class Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird is a Tier 5 (Level 50) Science Destroyer Warbird which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters, as well as characters of any other faction. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store.

Players can obtain this starship from the Zen Store for 2,500 Zen small icon under the name Dyson Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird. This ship can be purchased individually, or as part of the Dyson Romulan Science Destroyer Warbird Bundle 3-pack for 5,000 Zen small icon. It is also available as part of the following: Dyson Science Destroyer Mega Bundle 9-pack for 10,000 Zen small icon.

Overview[ | ]

The Dyson Joint Command’s engineering and scientific efforts within the Solanae Dyson Sphere have yielded incredible results. The Romulan Republic, Klingon Defense Force, and Federation have all been able to adapt the astonishing technologies found within this artificial celestial structure to their own ends.


The Caprimul-class Advanced Dyson Science Destroyer

After the success of the Aves-class prototype, Romulan engineers started working on improved variants. The Caprimul-class Surveillance Warbird is one of these "Advanced Science Destroyer" variants. Dyson Science Destroyers have been inspired by designs found within the Solanae Dyson Sphere, but adapted to suit the needs of Romulan Republic without the required use of Omega Particles. These starships are first and foremost a Science Vessel, but are capable of entering Tactical Mode to significantly alter their performance.

The Dyson Science Destroyers manufactured by the Romulan Republic have lower shield modifiers than the Starfleet variants and less hull than the Klingon Defense Force’s variants, but they make up for this with a built-in Romulan Battle Cloaking Device.

Class variants

Class Information
Ship Variant - ROM - Aves Dyson Science Destroyer (T5)
Aves class
With its prominent command "head" section and split hull design, the Aves class bears more than a passing resemblance to the Ar'kif class - only far more advanced looking. The ship has a comparatively much longer neck section and more prominent warp nacelles than the D'deridex.
Ship Variant - ROM - Caprimul Dyson Science Destroyer (T5)
Caprimul class
SKIN UNLOCK: Free with this starship
The first of the Advanced Dyson Science Destroyers, the Caprimul class is a science-oriented variant of the original Romulan Aves-class Destroyer. Its science focus is reflected in its pitch white hull plating.
Ship Variant - ROM - Harpia Dyson Science Destroyer (T5)
Harpia class
SKIN UNLOCK: Harpia Reconnaissance Science Destroyer Warbird, 2,500 Zen small icon
The Harpia class is a tactical-oriented variant. It is very similar to the original Romulan Aves-class Destroyer - the biggest differences are Harpia's command section and slightly larger warp nacelles.
Ship Variant - ROM - Tyton Dyson Science Destroyer (T5)
Tyton class
SKIN UNLOCK: Tyton Strategic Science Destroyer Warbird, 2,500 Zen small icon
The Tyton class is an engineering-oriented variant. The Tyton bridges the design difference between the Caprimul and Harpia classes with its mostly white hull plating and only a few black accents on the ship's "tail" and underneath the "head" and "neck" section.

Starship Mastery[ | ]

Starship Mastery
Enhanced Particle Generators
Enhanced Particle Generators
Enhanced Particle Generators
Enhanced Singularity Circuitry
Enhanced Singularity Circuitry
Enhanced Singularity Circuitry
Advanced Shield Systems
Advanced Shield Systems
Advanced Shield Systems
Reactive Shield Technology
Reactive Shield Technology
Reactive Shield Technology
Level Name Description
I Enhanced Particle Generators +15% Damage to Exotic Damage abilities.
II Enhanced Singularity Circuitry Reduces the cooldown time on Singularity Power use by 15%.
Increases your Singularity Charge rate by 30%.
III Advanced Shield Systems +10% Shield Hitpoints.
IV Reactive Shield Technology 5% Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds.
Reduces Damage to Shields by 5%.
V No Starship Trait specified
VI Account-Wide Reclaim Unlock Complete this tier of Starship Mastery to be allowed to claim this starship on any character on this account.

Abilities[ | ]

Universal consoles[ | ]

The Caprimul Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird comes equipped with the [Console - Universal - Shield Inversion Projector].

This ability is part of the Solanae Advanced Technologies Set, which also includes [Console - Universal - Protonic Shield Matrix] and [Console - Universal - Proton Destabilizer Module] obtainable with Dyson Strategic Science Destroyer Warbird (T5) and Dyson Reconnaissance Science Destroyer Warbird (T5), but also equippable on the Caprimul Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird. For each console added after the first, an additional passive bonus is unlocked.

Battle Cloak

The Caprimul-class Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird has a battle cloak that allows the ship to cloak during combat, granting stealth and a damage bonus upon decloaking.

Sensor Analysis[]

Sensor Analysis is an active toggle ability. While maintaining a Sensor Lock on a target, the player gains a stacking effect that either improves the damage and power drain against an enemy, or improves any heal directed towards an ally. This effect stacks every 3 seconds, to a maximum of 6 stacks after 18 continuous seconds. To maintain the desired effect, the player must hold the sensor lock.


As a Romulan Warbird, the Caprimul-class Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird comes with built-in Singularity abilities. These abilities do not automatically rank up when acquiring higher tier Warbirds. These powers build in severity based on the charge built up by the ship's Singularity Core.

Subsystem Targeting[]

The Caprimul-class Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird comes with built-in Subsystem Targeting abilities. These built-in abilities stay at Rank I and do not automatically rank up when acquiring higher tier Science starships. They are separate from Subsystem Targeting abilities gained through Tactical Space Bridge officer abilities.

Activating a subsystem targeting ability will upgrade all energy weapons to inflict a stacking power drain on the foe's targeted subsystem for the next 10 seconds. They will also have a small chance to knock the targeted subsystem offline for a short duration.

Aves-class Tactical Mode

Activating the Tactical Mode extends warbird's nacelles and reveals frontal heavy cannons

Aves Dyson Science Destroyer - Proton Heavy Cannons

Solanae Dual Heavy Proton Cannons are fused into a Fore weapon slot and can only be fired while in Tactical Mode

Tactical Mode[]

A built-in Tactical Mode ability allows the Caprimul Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird to switch between a default Science Mode and Tactical Mode.

Activating the Tactical Mode transforms the starship from a typical Science Vessel into a combat-oriented Destroyer. This disables most of advanced science systems while activating additional tactical systems:

  • Upgrades Lt. Commander Tactical Bridge Officer seat to Commander Tactical
  • Activates Solanae Dual Heavy Proton Cannons
  • +15 Weapon Power
  • +2 Turn Rate; +10% Impulse Speed; +20 Inertia

Tactical Mode may be deactivated at any time to return to the default Science Mode, but doing so incurs a 60 second cooldown on the transformation back to Tactical Mode.

Aves Dyson Science Destroyer - Type 02 Hull Material

Dyson Science Destroyers can use standard Romulan and Reman ship materials

Special features[ | ]

The Caprimul Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird comes equipped with the [Solanae Dual Heavy Proton Cannons Mk XII [Acc] [CrtH]x2], a proton weapon similar to the Dyson Proton Weapon and only usable on a Dyson Science Destroyer when Tactical Mode is active.

[Solanae Secondary Deflector], part of the Solanae Advanced Technologies Set, can be equipped in starship's Secondary Deflector slot, thus completing the console set.

Standard configuration[ | ]

Romulan Republic starships come with standard equipment and weapons of the lowest mark available at the ship's minimum rank. The items provided are appropriate to the type of vessel and its related playing style.

T5-X upgrade

By using an [Experimental Ship Upgrade Token], the Caprimul-class Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird may be upgraded to T5-X, unlocking an extra ship device slot, universal console slot, and the ability to slot an extra starship trait.

Ship comparison[ | ]

Following table compares the Romulan Dyson Science Destroyer variants.
Ship Rank Tier Hull  Hull modifier  Shield modifier  Fore weapons Aft weapons Can equip dual cannons? Console tac icon Console eng icon Console sci icon Ship Devices Hangar Bay slots Uni BOffs Turn rate Impulse modifier IR Cost
Romulan Republic
Aves Dyson Science Destroyer 40
Rank background icon
Subadmiral I Rank icon (Romulan)
5 28500 0.95 1.25 3 3 ✓ 3 2 4 3 {{{hangars}}} [[File:{{{uniconsole}}} icon.png|16px|link={{{uniconsole}}}]] Lieutenant Commander TacticalEnsign TacticalLieutenant EngineeringCommander ScienceLieutenant Science 12 0.16 50 600 Lobi Crystal icon
Romulan Republic,United Federation of Planets,Klingon Empire,Dominion
Caprimul Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird 50
Rank background icon
Vice Admiral Rank icon (Romulan)
5 31350 1.045 1.375 3 3 ✓ 3 2 5 3 {{{hangars}}} Console - Universal - Shield Inversion Projector icon Lieutenant Commander TacticalEnsign TacticalLieutenant EngineeringCommander ScienceLieutenant Universal 12 0.16 50 2,500 Zen small icon
Romulan Republic,United Federation of Planets,Klingon Empire,Dominion
Harpia Reconnaissance Science Destroyer Warbird 50
Rank background icon
Vice Admiral Rank icon (Romulan)
5 31350 1.045 1.375 3 3 ✓ 4 2 4 3 {{{hangars}}} Console - Universal - Proton Destabilizer Module icon Lieutenant Commander TacticalEnsign TacticalLieutenant EngineeringCommander ScienceLieutenant Universal 12 0.16 50 2,500 Zen small icon
Romulan Republic,United Federation of Planets,Klingon Empire,Dominion
Tyton Strategic Science Destroyer Warbird 50
Rank background icon
Vice Admiral Rank icon (Romulan)
5 31350 1.045 1.375 3 3 ✓ 3 3 4 3 {{{hangars}}} Console - Universal - Protonic Shield Matrix icon Lieutenant Commander TacticalEnsign TacticalLieutenant EngineeringCommander ScienceLieutenant Universal 12 0.16 50 2,500 Zen small icon

Admiralty ship[ | ]

Admiralty Ship
Shipshot Background Admiralty Romulan
Shipshot Science Dyson Rom Sci Plus
Shipshot Frame Science Romulan
Shipshot Frame Veryrare
Adm eng rom 12 Adm tac rom 32 Adm sci rom 54
+35 SCI when Alone
Shipshot Background Admiralty Romulan
Shipshot Science Dyson Rom Sci Plus
Shipshot Frame Science Romulan
Shipshot Frame Veryrare
Adm eng rom 12
Adm tac rom 32
Adm sci rom 54
+35 SCI when Alone

Notes[ | ]

Bridge - Romulan Dyson Science Destroyer

Solanae-inspired bridge

  • Acquiring the Caprimul Surveillance Science Destroyer Warbird unlocks the Caprimul Ship Material for all Romulan Dyson Science Destroyers.
  • This vessel comes with the unique Solanae-inspired bridge.

See also[ | ]

External links[ | ]

v · d · e
Playable starships (All Factions)
Faction Khitomer Unlocking Cross-Faction Flying will grant the player the ability to use any starship, from any faction.
Faction DSC Faction TOS Starfleet Faction Federation Starfleet: (Complete & Detailed List)
Small Craft
Shuttles Faction DSC Starfleet Federation Shuttlecraft • Aeon Timeship Lobi Crystal icon • Class F Shuttle • Delta Class Shuttle • Tal'Kyr Support Craft • Type 7 Shuttle • Type 8 Shuttle • Type 10 Shuttle
Runabouts Captain's Yacht Faction Starfleet Veteran • Danube Runabout • Mirror Danube Runabout (Promotional) • Yellowstone Runabout
Fighters Peregrine Attack Fighter • Stalker Stealth Fighter
Tier 1 - 4 ships
Rank Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Rank Starfleet Lt Rank Starfleet LtCom Rank Starfleet Com Rank Starfleet Cap
Cruisers • Starter Ship
  - Faction Federation Miranda Light Cruiser
  - Faction DSC Starfleet Malachowski Light Cruiser
  - Faction TOS Starfleet Pioneer Utility Cruiser
• Constitution Light Cruiser
• Constitution Cruiser
  - Exeter Cruiser Refit
• Ambassador Support Cruiser
• Cheyenne Heavy Cruiser
  - Constellation Heavy Cruiser Refit
• Excelsior Advanced Heavy Cruiser
• Galaxy Exploration Cruiser
  - Venture Exploration Cruiser Refit
• Gemini Temporal Cruiser
• Prototype Walker Light Exploration Cruiser Rank Starfleet Cap
Escorts • Andorian Kumari Light Escort
• NX Light Escort
• Steamrunner Blockade Runner Escort
• Saber Escort
  - Gladius Escort Refit
• Akira Heavy Escort
  - Thunderchild Heavy Escort Refit
• Perseus Temporal Escort
• Defiant Tactical Escort
  - Sao Paulo Tactical Escort Refit
Freighters • Kobayashi Maru Freighter Rank Starfleet Cap Appointment Progress
Science Vessels • Oberth Light Science Vessel • Daedalus Temporal Science Vessel
• Nova Science Vessel
  - Rhode Island Science Vessel Refit
• Nebula Advanced Research Vessel
• Olympic Research Science Vessel
• Intrepid Long Range Science Vessel
  - Bellerophon Long Range Science Vessel Refit
Tier 5 ships
Rank Rank Starfleet LAdm
Tier 5 (Lvl. 40)
Rank Starfleet VAdm
Tier 5 (Lvl. 50)
Battlecruisers • Ranger Temporal Battlecruiser • Avenger Battlecruiser Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Fleet Avenger Battlecruiser Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Cruisers • Ambassador Support Cruiser Retrofit
• Emissary Star Cruiser
  - Mirror Sovereign Star Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Excelsior Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Sovereign Assault Cruiser
  - Mirror Emissary Assault Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Mirror Cheyenne Heavy Cruiser Retrofit Generic Lock Box v2
• Fleet Yamaguchi Support Cruiser Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Nomad Star Cruiser Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Excelsior Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Regent Assault Cruiser Refit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Fleet Imperial Assault Cruiser Refit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Cheyenne Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
  - Fleet Cheyenne Heavy Cruiser Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Galaxy Exploration Cruiser Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Fleet Galaxy Exploration Cruiser Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Odyssey Star Cruiser
• Odyssey Star Cruisers: Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Odyssey Operations Cruiser
  - Odyssey Science Cruiser
  - Odyssey Tactical Cruiser
Destroyers & Science Destroyers • Chimera Heavy Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Mobius Temporal Destroyer (Retired) Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Solanae Dyson Science Destroyer Lobi Crystal icon Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Chimera Heavy Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Advanced Dyson Science Destroyers: Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Montgomery Dyson Reconnaissance Science Destroyer
  - Omega Dyson Strategic Science Destroyer
  - Helios Dyson Surveillance Science Destroyer
Escorts • Hermes Patrol Escort
  - Mirror Phoenix Patrol Escort Generic Lock Box v2
• Prometheus Advanced Escort
  - Mirror Dervish Advanced Escort Generic Lock Box v2
• Mirror Saber Escort Retrofit Generic Lock Box v2
• Tempest Patrol Escort Refit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Fleet Maelstrom Patrol Escort (Retired)
  - Fleet Maelstrom Patrol Escort Refit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Prometheus Multi-Vector Advanced Escort Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Fleet Hephaestus Advanced Escort Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Andorian Escorts: Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Andorian Kumari Escort (Tactical)
  - Andorian Charal Escort (Engineering)
  - Andorian Khyzon Escort (Science)
• Aquarius Light Escort
  - Fleet Aquarius Light Escort Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Defiant Tactical Escort Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Fleet Defiant Tactical Escort Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Saber Escort Retrofit
  - Fleet Saber Escort Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Steamrunner Blockade Runner Escort Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Science Vessels • Luna Reconnaissance Science Vessel
  - Mirror Trident Reconnaissance Science Vessel Generic Lock Box v2
• Nebula Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Trident Deep Space Science Vessel
  - Mirror Luna Deep Space Science Vessel Generic Lock Box v2
• D'Kyr Science Vessel Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Wells Temporal Science Vessel (Retired)
• Mirror Nova Science Vessel Retrofit Generic Lock Box v2Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Comet Reconnaissance Science Vessel Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Nebula Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Nimbus Deep Space Science Vessel Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Intrepid Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Fleet Intrepid Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Multi-Mission Explorers: Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Aventine Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer
  - Rademaker Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer
  - Vesta Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer
• Nova Science Vessel Retrofit
  - Fleet Nova Science Vessel Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Olympic Research Science Vessel Retrofit
  - Fleet Olympic Research Science Vessel Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Carriers   • Caitian Atrox Carrier Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Dreadnought Cruisers   • Galaxy Dreadnought Cruiser Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Fleet Galaxy Dreadnought Cruiser Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Strike Wing Escorts   • Armitage Heavy Strike Wing Escort Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Fleet Akira Heavy Strike Wing Escort Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Tier 6 ships
Rank Rank Starfleet Lt (Lvl. Scaling)
Tier 6 (Zen small icon unless otherwise noted)
Rank Starfleet Lt (Lvl. Scaling)
Tier 6 (Fleet+)
Battlecruisers • Arbiter Battlecruiser
• Eclipse Intel Cruiser
• Europa Heavy Battlecruiser
• Gagarin Miracle Worker Battlecruiser
• Paladin Temporal Battlecruiser
• Fleet Avenger Battlecruiser (T6)
• Fleet Eclipse Intel Cruiser
• Fleet Nimitz Heavy Battlecruiser
• Fleet Shepard Miracle Worker Battlecruiser
• Fleet Paladin Temporal Battlecruiser
• 10th Anniversary Legendary Starships (T6):
  - Kelvin Constitution Intel Battlecruiser
• Command Battlecruisers (T6):
  - Concorde Operations Command Battlecruiser
  - Geneva Science Command Battlecruiser
  - Presidio Tactical Command Battlecruiser
• Legendary Discovery-Federation Captain Bundle:
  - Walker Light Battlecruiser
• Inquiry Battlecruiser Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Kirk Temporal Heavy Battlecruiser Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Section 31 Command Heavy Battlecruiser Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
Carriers & Flight Deck Carriers • Caitian Aspero Support Carrier
• Seneca Command Carrier
• Jupiter Carrier
• Tellarite Pralim Flight Deck Assault Carrier
• Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier (T6)
• Fleet Hiawatha Command Carrier
• Fleet Jupiter Carrier
• Fleet Tellarite Pralim Flight Deck Assault Carrier
• 10th Anniversary Legendary Starships (T6):
  - Constitution Temporal Flight Deck Carrier
• Constitution Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
Cruisers • Andromeda Exploration Cruiser
• Archon Intel Assault Cruiser
• Guardian Cruiser
• Narendra Support Cruiser
• Reliant Advanced Light Cruiser
• Resolute Advanced Heavy Cruiser
• Sagittarius Temporal Cruiser
• Vizier Command Assault Cruiser
• Mirror Guardian Cruiser
• Fleet Galaxy Exploration Cruiser
• Fleet Imperial Intel Assault Cruiser
• Fleet Guardian Cruiser
• Fleet Yamaguchi Support Cruiser
• Fleet Soyuz Advanced Light Cruiser
• Fleet Excelsior Advanced Heavy Cruiser
• Fleet Sagittarius Temporal Cruiser
• Fleet Vizier Command Assault Cruiser
• 10th Anniversary Legendary Starships (T6):
  - Constitution Miracle Worker Light Cruiser
  - Ross Command Exploration Cruiser
  - Sovereign Miracle Worker Assault Cruiser
• 11th Anniversary Legendary Starships (T6):
  - Ambassador Intel Support Cruiser
  - Excelsior Miracle Worker Heavy Cruiser
• Flagship Star Cruisers (T6):
  - Sojourner Operations Star Cruiser
  - Yorktown Science Star Cruiser
  - Endeavour Tactical Star Cruiser
• Miracle Worker Cruisers (T6):
  - Scott Operations Miracle Worker Cruiser
  - Daystrom Science Miracle Worker Cruiser
  - Tucker Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
• California Miracle Worker Utility Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Constitution Temporal Light Cruiser Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Excelsior II Intel Heavy Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Farragut Temporal Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Kelvin Constitution Heavy Command Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Parliament Miracle Worker Surveyor Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Sagan Command Cruiser Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Walker Light Exploration Cruiser Lobi Crystal icon
Destroyers & Science Destroyers • Manticore Heavy Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran
• Lafayette Recon Destroyer
• Titan Science Destroyer
• Fleet Manticore Heavy Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran
• Fleet New Orleans Recon Destroyer
• Fleet Comet Science Destroyer
• Courage Command Science Destroyer Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Deimos Pilot Destroyer Generic Lock Box v2
• Kelvin Einstein Heavy Destroyer Generic Lock Box v2
• Klein Temporal Destroyer Lobi Crystal icon/Zen small icon
• Mirror Crossfield Science Destroyer Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Section 31 Intel Science Destroyer Generic Lock Box v2
Dreadnought Cruisers • Buran Command Dreadnought Cruiser
• Yamato Dreadnought Cruiser
• Fleet Cardenas Command Dreadnought Cruiser
• Fleet Galaxy Dreadnought Cruiser (T6)
• 10th Anniversary Legendary Starships (T6):
  - Verity Command Dreadnought Cruiser
• Mirror Universe Bundle:
  - Legendary Galaxy Dreadnought Cruiser
• Atlas Prototype Dreadnought Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Kelvin Vengeance Intel Dreadnought Cruiser Lobi Crystal icon
• Section 31 Intel Dreadnought Cruiser Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Universe Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Cruiser Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
Escorts • Cabot Command Light Escort
• Caitian Shikaris Escort
• Da Vinci Miracle Worker Escort
• Hestia Advanced Escort
• Phantom Intel Escort
• Shran Light Pilot Escort
• Theseus Temporal Escort
• Valiant Tactical Escort
• Fleet Magee Command Light Escort
• Fleet Caitian Shikaris Escort
• Fleet Saber Miracle Worker Escort
• Fleet Hephaestus Advanced Escort (T6)
• Fleet Phantom Intel Escort
• Fleet Magee Light Pilot Escort
• Fleet Theseus Temporal Escort
• Fleet Defiant Tactical Escort
• 10th Anniversary Legendary Starships (T6):
  - Columbia Temporal Escort
• Andorian Allied Pilot Escorts (T6)
  - Andorian Kuthar Pilot Escort (Engineering)
  - Andorian Chimesh Pilot Escort (Science)
  - Andorian Thozyn Pilot Escort (Tactical)
• Pilot Escorts (T6)
  - Ajax Engineering Pilot Escort
  - Icarus Science Pilot Escort
  - Mercury Tactical Pilot Escort
• Appalachia Blockade Runner Escort
• Mars Pilot Escort Generic Lock Box v2
• NX Escort Refit Lobi Crystal icon
Frigates • Bozeman Intel Heavy Frigate • Fleet Soyuz Intel Heavy Frigate
• Freedom Exploration Frigate Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
Multi-Mission Cruisers • Clarke Multi-Mission Command Cruiser • Fleet Malachowski Multi-Mission Command Cruiser
• Legendary TOS Starfleet Captain Bundle:
  - Miranda Multi-Mission Cruiser
Science Vessels • Dauntless Experimental Science Vessel
• Grissom Light Science Vessel
• Nautilus Temporal Science Vessel
• Nobel Miracle Worker Research Science Vessel
• Pathfinder Long Range Science Vessel
• Scryer Intel Science Vessel
• Somerville Intel Science Vessel
• Sutherland Advanced Research Vessel
• Fleet Dauntless Experimental Science Vessel
• Fleet Oberth Light Science Vessel
• Fleet Nautilus Temporal Science Vessel
• Fleet Olympic Miracle Worker Research Science Vessel
• Fleet Intrepid Long Range Science Vessel
• Fleet Scryer Intel Science Vessel
• Fleet Hernandez Intel Science Vessel
• Fleet Magellan Advanced Research Vessel
• 10th Anniversary Legendary Starships (T6):
  - Glenn Temporal Science Vessel
  - Intrepid Miracle Worker Multi-Mission Science Vessel
• Legendary Federation (2409) Captain Bundle:
  - Caelian Intel Multi-Mission Explorer
• Multi-Mission Explorers (T6):
  - Palatine Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer
  - Esquiline Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer
  - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer
• Crossfield Science Spearhead Generic Lock Box v2
• Crossfield Science Spearhead Refit Generic Lock Box v2
• Janeway Command Science Vessel Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Saturn Intel Science Spearhead Generic Lock Box v2
• Verne Temporal Science Vessel Generic Lock Box v2/Zen small icon
Scout Ships • Equinox Pilot Scout Ship • Fleet Nova Pilot Scout Ship
Strike Wing Escorts • Alita Heavy Strike Wing Escort
• Earhart Strike Wing Escort
• Valdres Command Strike Wing Escort
• Fleet Akira Heavy Strike Wing Escort (T6)
• Fleet Engle Strike Wing Escort
• Fleet Norway Command Strike Wing Escort
• Mirror Engle Strike Wing Escort Generic Lock Box v2/Zen small icon
Warships • Edison Temporal Warship • Fleet Hoover Temporal Warship
• 10th Anniversary Legendary Starships (T6):
  - Defiant Pilot Warship
• Mirror Constitution Warship Generic Lock Box v2
Juggernauts   • World Razer Temporal Ops Juggernaut Generic Lock Box v2
Science Dreadnoughts   • Merian Command Science Dreadnought Generic Lock Box v2
Faction Klingon Klingon Defense Force: (Complete & Detailed List)
Small Craft
DujHod Chariot Faction Starfleet Veteran • Kivra Shuttle • Rozhenko Timeship Lobi Crystal icon • To'Duj Fighter • Toron Shuttle
Tier 1 - 4 ships
Rank Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Rank Klingon Lt Rank Klingon LtCom Rank Klingon Com Rank Klingon Cap
Freighters • Tong'Duj Freighter Rank Klingon Cap Appointment Progress
Raiders • B'rel Bird-of-Prey
  - B'Rotlh Bird-of-Prey
• QulDun Bird-of-Prey
  - Qaw'Dun Bird-of-Prey
• Norgh Bird-of-Prey
  - Ning'tao Bird-of-Prey
• Ki'tang Bird-of-Prey
  - Ch'Tang Bird-of-Prey
Battlecruisers   • K'Tanco Battlecruiser • K't'inga Battlecruiser
  - Koro't'inga Battlecruiser
• Kamarag Battlecruiser
• Vor'cha Battlecruiser
  - Vor'Kang Battlecruiser
Raptors   • Somraw Raptor • Qorgh Raptor
  - SuQob Raptor
• Pach Raptor
  - Puyjaq Raptor
Destroyers     • Nausicaan Vandal Destroyer • Nausicaan Scourge Destroyer
Flight Deck Carriers     • Orion Corsair Flight Deck Carrier • Orion Dacoit Flight Deck Carrier
Support Vessels     • Gorn Phalanx Science Vessel • Gorn Draguas Support Vessel
Tier 5 ships
Rank Rank Klingon Gen1
Tier 5 (Lvl. 40)
Rank Klingon Gen3
Tier 5 (Lvl. 50)
Battlecruisers • Kamarag Battlecruiser Retrofit
• Negh'Var Heavy Battlecruiser
  - Mirror Negh'Var Heavy Battlecruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Vor'cha Battlecruiser Retrofit
  - Mirror Vor'cha Battlecruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Fleet Kamarag Battlecruiser Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Negh'Var Heavy Battlecruiser Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Tor'Kaht Battlecruiser Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Bortas Heavy Battlecruiser
• Bortasqu' Cruisers: Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Bortasqu' Command Cruiser
  - Bortasqu' Tactical Cruiser
  - Bortasqu' War Cruiser
• K't'inga Battlecruiser Retrofit
  - Fleet K't'inga Battlecruiser Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Mogh Battlecruiser Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
   - Fleet Mogh Battlecruiser Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Carriers & Flight Deck Carriers • Vo'Quv Carrier
  - Mirror Vo'Quv Carrier Generic Lock Box v2
• Orion Marauder Flight Deck Carrier Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Vo'Quv Carrier Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Orion Corsair Flight Deck Carrier Retrofit
  - Fleet Orion Corsair Flight Deck Carrier Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Destroyers & Science Destroyers • Peghqu' Heavy Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Krenn Temporal Destroyer (Retired) Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Nov Dyson Science Destroyer Lobi Crystal icon Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Peghqu' Heavy Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Advanced Dyson Science Destroyers: Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
  - Chontay Dyson Tactical Science Destroyer (Tactical)
  - MoQ Dyson Battle Science Destroyer (Battle)
  - Ta'Sub Dyson Command Science Destroyer (Command)
• Nausicaan Guramba Siege Destroyer Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Nausicaan Scourge Destroyer Retrofit
  - Fleet Nausicaan Scourge Destroyer Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Raiders • Hegh'ta Heavy Bird-of-Prey
• Mirror Ki'tang Bird-of-Prey Retrofit Generic Lock Box v2
• B'rel Bird-of-Prey Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
   - B'rel Fleet Bird-of-Prey Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• HoH'SuS Bird-of-Prey
  - Fleet HoH'SuS Bird-of-Prey Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Norgh Bird-of-Prey Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Raptors • Qin Heavy Raptor
  - Mirror Qin Heavy Raptor Generic Lock Box v2
• Mirror Somraw Raptor Retrofit Generic Lock Box v2
• Fleet Qin Heavy Raptor Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Somraw Raptor Retrofit
  - Fleet Somraw Raptor Retrofit Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Support Vessels • Gorn Varanus Support Vessel Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Korath Temporal Science Vessel (Retired) Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Gorn Varanus Fleet Support Vessel Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Tier 6 ships
Rank Rank Klingon Lt (Lvl. Scaling)
Tier 6 (Zen small icon unless otherwise noted)
Rank Klingon Lt (Lvl. Scaling)
Tier 6 (Fleet+)
Battlecruisers • Kurak Battlecruiser
• Negh'Tev Heavy Battlecruiser
• QeHpu' Advanced Light Battlecruiser
• Qib Intel Battlecruiser
• Qugh Miracle Worker Battlecruiser
• Vor'ral Support Battlecruiser
• Fleet Mogh Battlecruiser (T6)
• Fleet Negh'Tev Heavy Battlecruiser
• Fleet QeHpu' Advanced Light Battlecruiser
• Fleet Qib Intel Battlecruiser
• Fleet Qugh Miracle Worker Battlecruiser
• Fleet Vor'ral Support Battlecruiser
• 11th Anniversary Legendary Starships (T6):
  - Vor'cha Command Support Battlecruiser
• Command Battlecruisers (T6):
  - An'quat War Command Battlecruiser
  - Klinzhai Science Command Battlecruiser
  - Ty'Gokor Tactical Command Battlecruiser
• Flagship Battlecruisers (T6):
  - Kahless War Battlecruiser
  - Gorkon Science Battlecruiser
  - Martok Tactical Battlecruiser
• Legendary KDF Captain Bundle:
  - D7 Intel Battlecruiser
• D7 Temporal Battlecruiser Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Na'Qjej Intel Battlecruiser Generic Lock Box v2
Carriers & Flight Deck Carriers • Orion Blackguard Flight Deck Assault Carrier
• vo'DevwI Support Carrier
• Fleet Orion Blackguard Flight Deck Assault Carrier
• Fleet Vo'Quv Carrier (T6)
• D7 Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Sarcophagus Dreadnought Carrier Generic Lock Box v2
Destroyers • Duvqu' Heavy Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran
• Nausicaan Kolasi Siege Destroyer
• Fleet Duvqu' Heavy Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran
• Fleet Nausicaan Guramba Siege Destroyer
• Chargh'poH Temporal Destroyer Lobi Crystal icon/Zen small icon
• Kelvin D7 Heavy Destroyer Generic Lock Box v2
Dreadnought Cruisers • Qoj Command Dreadnought Cruiser • Fleet Qoj Command Dreadnought Cruiser
• D9 Dreadnought Battlecruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Durgath Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Battlecruiser Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
Escorts & Strike Wing Escorts • Ferasan Slithus Escort
• Sech Strike Wing Escort
• Fleet Ferasan Slithus Escort
• Fleet Sech Strike Wing Escort
• Lethean Allied Pilot Escorts (T6):
  - Lethean Oniros Pilot Escort (Engineering)
  - Lethean Nemosin Pilot Escort (Science)
  - Lethean Xechas Pilot Escort (Tactical)
Raiders • Kor Bird-of-Prey
• M'Chla Pilot Bird-of-Prey
• M'Chla Bird-of-Prey Refit Appointment Progress
• Fleet B'rel Bird-of-Prey
• Fleet M'Chla Pilot Bird-of-Prey
• 11th Anniversary Legendary Starships (T6):
  - B'rel Pilot Bird-of-Prey
• Kelvin D4x Pilot Bird-of-Prey Generic Lock Box v2
Raptors & Flight Deck Raptors • Ketha Recon Raptor
• Mat'Ha Raptor
• Qa'Tel Flight Deck Raptor
• Fleet Ketha Recon Raptor
• Fleet Mat'Ha Raptor
• Fleet Qin Flight Deck Raptor
• Pilot Raptors (T6):
  - Qui'tu Engineering Pilot Raptor
  - Klavek Science Pilot Raptor
  - Kortar Tactical Pilot Raptor
Support Vessels • Batlh Intel Science Vessel
• Naj'sov Research Vessel
• Fleet Batlh Intel Science Vessel
• Fleet Naj'sov Research Vessel
• Gorn Multi-Mission Explorers (T6):
  - Gorn Khaimas Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Vessel
  - Gorn Ihgomas Multi-Mission Strategic Vessel
  - Gorn Ahgamas Multi-Mission Surveillance Vessel
• Qul'poH Temporal Science Vessel Generic Lock Box v2/Zen small icon
Warships • Chargh Temporal Warship • Fleet Chargh Temporal Warship
Cruisers   • Miracle Worker Cruisers:
  - Mur'Eq (Operations)
  - Antaak (Science)
  - Klothos (Tactical)
Faction Romulan Republic Romulan Republic: (Complete & Detailed List)
Small Craft
Commander's Gig Faction Starfleet Veteran • Tiercel Shuttle • Kestrel Runabout • Scorpion Fighter
Tier 1 - 4 ships
Rank Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Rank Romulan Lt Rank Romulan LtCom Rank Romulan Com Rank Romulan Cap
Warbirds • T'liss Light Warbird
  - T'varo Light Warbird
• Dhelan Warbird
  - Dhael Warbird
• Mogai Heavy Warbird
  - Valdore Heavy Warbird
• Ar'kif Tactical Warbird
  - Ar'kala Tactical Warbird
Warbird Battlecruisers       • D'deridex Warbird Battlecruiser
  - D'ridthau Warbird Battlecruiser
Tier 5 ships
Rank Rank Romulan LAdm
Tier 5 (Lvl. 40)
Rank Romulan VAdm
Tier 5 (Lvl. 50)
Can all be upgraded Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
Destroyers • Daeinos Warbird Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Talvath Temporal Destroyer (Retired) Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Daeinos Warbird Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran
Warbirds • Ha'feh Assault Warbird
  - Mirror Ha'feh Assault Warbird Generic Lock Box v2
• Mirror Dhelan Warbird Retrofit Generic Lock Box v2
• Mirror Mogai Heavy Warbird Retrofit Generic Lock Box v2
• Mirror T'varo Light Warbird Retrofit Generic Lock Box v2
• Fleet Ha'feh Assault Warbird
• Ar'kif Tactical Carrier Warbird Retrofit
  - Fleet Ar'kif Tactical Carrier Warbird Retrofit
• Dhelan Warbird Retrofit
  - Fleet Dhelan Warbird Retrofit
• Mogai Heavy Warbird Retrofit
  - Fleet Mogai Heavy Warbird Retrofit
• T'varo Light Warbird Retrofit
  - Fleet T'varo Light Warbird Retrofit
Warbird Battlecruisers • Ha'apax Advanced Warbird
  - Mirror Ha'apax Advanced Warbird Generic Lock Box v2
• Haakona Advanced Warbird
  - Fleet Ha'apax Advanced Warbird
• D'deridex Warbird Battlecruiser Retrofit
  - Fleet D'deridex Warbird Battlecruiser Retrofit
Warbird Science Vessels • Ha'nom Guardian Warbird
  - Mirror Ha'nom Guardian Warbird Generic Lock Box v2
• R'Mor Temporal Science Vessel (Retired) Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Aves Dyson Science Destroyer Lobi Crystal icon Starship Upgrade Requisition icon
• Fleet Ha'nom Guardian Warbird
• Advanced Dyson Science Destroyers:
  - Harpia (Recon)
  - Tyton (Strategic)
  - Caprimul (Surveillance)
Dreadnought Warbirds • Dreadnought Warbirds:
  - Scimitar (Tactical)
  - Falchion (Engineering)
  - Tulwar (Science)
Tier 6 ships
Rank Rank Romulan Lt (Lvl. Scaling)
Tier 6 (Zen small icon unless otherwise noted)
Rank Romulan Lt (Lvl. Scaling)
Tier 6 (Fleet+)
Destroyers • Dinaes Warbird Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran Starship Upgrade Requisition icon • Fleet Dinaes Warbird Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran
• Tal'aura Temporal Destroyer Lobi Crystal icon/Zen small icon
Flight Deck Carriers • Suliban Silik Flight Deck Assault Carrier • Fleet Suliban Silik Flight Deck Assault Carrier
Warbirds • Faeht Intel Warbird
• Hathos Warbird
• Jhu'ael Tactical Carrier Warbird
• Kholhr Temporal Warbird
• Malem Light Warbird
• Morrigu Heavy Warbird
• Rahhae Recon Warbird
• Fleet Faeht Intel Warbird
• Fleet Dhelan Warbird
• Fleet Ar'kif Tactical Carrier Warbird
• Fleet Kholhr Temporal Warbird
• Fleet T'varo Light Warbird
• Fleet Mogai Heavy Warbird
• Fleet Rahhae Recon Warbird
• Legendary Romulan Captain Bundle:
  - T'liss Light Intel Warbird
• Pilot Warbirds (T6):
  - Khaiell Engineering Pilot Warbird
  - Jaeih Science Pilot Warbird
  - Okhala Tactical Pilot Warbird
• Dhailkhina Command Strike Wing Warbird Generic Lock Box v2
• T'liss Temporal Warbird Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
Warbird Battlecruisers • Aelahl Light Warbird Battlecruiser
• Deleth Advanced Light Warbird Battlecruiser
• D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser
• Kara Advanced Warbird
• Fleet Aelahl Light Warbird Battlecruiser
• Fleet Deleth Advanced Light Warbird Battlecruiser
• Fleet D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser
• Fleet Ha'apax Advanced Warbird (T6)
• Command Warbirds (T6):
  - Baratan Operations Command Warbird
  - Deihu Science Command Warbird
  - Vastam Tactical Command Warbird
• Legendary Romulan Warbird Bundle:
  - D'deridex Miracle Worker Warbird Battlecruiser
• Miracle Worker Warbirds (T6):
  - Nijil Operations Miracle Worker Warbird
  - Varel Science Miracle Worker Warbird
  - Tebok Tactical Miracle Worker Warbird
• Praetor Command Warbird Battlecruiser Generic Lock Box v2
Warbird Science Vessels • Laeosa Research Warbird • Fleet Laeosa Research Warbird
• Multi-Mission Explorers (T6):
  - Surhuelh (Reconnaissance)
  - Taenen (Strategic)
  - Galas (Surveillance)
• Sui'Mor Temporal Science Vessel Generic Lock Box v2/Zen small icon
Carrier & Dreadnought Warbirds • Ra’nodaire Support Carrier Warbird • Fleet Ra'nodaire Support Carrier Warbird
• Flagship Dreadnought Warbirds (T6):
  - Shamshir Operations Dreadnought Warbird
  - Flambard Science Dreadnought Warbird
  - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird
• Legendary Romulan Warbird Bundle:
  - Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird
• Kelvin T'laru Intel Carrier Warbird Generic Lock Box v2
• Thrai Dreadnought Warbird Generic Lock Box v2
• Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
Escorts • Dewan Allied Pilot Escorts (T6):
  - Dewan Dynnasia Pilot Escort (Engineering)
  - Dewan Ikkabar Pilot Escort (Science)
  - Dewan Vandros Pilot Escort (Tactical)
Faction Dominion Dominion: (Complete & Detailed List)

Faction Dominion

Small Craft • Jem'Hadar Fighter Tutorial Starship • Jem'Hadar Escort (T5-U)
Tier 5 Faction Khitomer Starship Upgrade Requisition icon • Jem'Hadar Attack Ship Phoenix Prize Pack icon • Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier Zen small icon • Jem'Hadar Heavy Strike Wing Escort Zen small icon
Fourth Rank icon (Dominion) (Lvl. Scaling)
Tier 6 (Faction Khitomer + Zen small icon unless otherwise noted)
✓ - These ships can be unlocked for other factions upon reaching Starship Mastery Level VI.
Carriers • Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier (T6) Generic Lock Box v2
• Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier ✓
• Jem'Hadar Vanguard Support Carrier
  - Fleet Jem'Hadar Vanguard Support Carrier
Cruisers • Jem'Hadar Light Battlecruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Jem'Hadar Vanguard Dreadnought Cruiser ✓
• Jem'Hadar Recon Ship Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Jem'Hadar Strike Ship Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Jem'Hadar Vanguard Heavy Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran
  - Fleet Jem'Hadar Vanguard Heavy Destroyer Faction Starfleet Veteran
• Jem'Hadar Vanguard Recon Destroyer
  - Fleet Jem'Hadar Vanguard Recon Destroyer
• Legendary Dominion Captain Bundle:
  - Jem'Hadar Vanguard Pilot Attack Ship
Strike Wing
• Jem'Hadar Heavy Strike Wing Escort (T6) Generic Lock Box v2
Raiders • Jem'Hadar Vanguard Heavy Raider ✓ Warships • Jem'Hadar Vanguard Temporal Warship
  - Fleet Jem'Hadar Vanguard Temporal Warship
• Jem'Hadar Vanguard Warship ✓
Faction Khitomer Cross-Faction (Event,Generic Lock Box v2, Lobi Crystal icon, Zen small icon Complete & Detailed List)
Ferengi Na'Far • Tholian Widow Fighter • Vaadwaur Pythus Fighter • Voth Heavy Fighter
Rank Starfleet Lt Suliban Cell Ship • Tuffli Freighter
Ship type Rank Starfleet LAdm
Tier 5 (Lvl. 40)
Can be upgraded Starship Upgrade Requisition icon unless otherwise noted
Rank Starfleet Lt (Lvl. Scaling)
Tier 6
Battlecruisers • Elachi Monbosh Battleship (Retired)
• Ferengi D'Kora Marauder (Retired)
• Tal Shiar Khnial Adapted Battlecruiser (Retired)
• Hirogen Apex Heavy Battlecruiser Lobi Crystal icon
• Malon Battlecruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Elachi Ornash Battlecruiser Lobi Crystal icon
• Ferengi Nagus Marauder (Promotional)
• Ferengi Quark Marauder Generic Lock Box v2
• Tal Shiar Khlinae Adapted Battlecruiser Lobi Crystal icon
• Khitomer Alliance Battlecruiser Appointment Progress
• Na'kuhl Acheros Battlecruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Son'a Intel Battlecruiser Lobi Crystal icon
• Terran Cygnus Battlecruiser Zen small icon
• Tzenkethi Rhas'bej Battlecruiser Lobi Crystal icon
• Vaadwaur Astika Heavy Battlecruiser Lobi Crystal icon
Carriers • Tholian Recluse Carrier (Retired)
• Xindi-Aquatic Narcine Dreadnought Carrier (Retired)
• Obelisk Carrier Fleet Ship Module icon, Cannot be upgraded
  - Advanced Obelisk Carrier Lobi Crystal icon
• Fek'Ihri Kar'Fi Battle Carrier
   - Fleet Fek'Ihri Kar'Fi Battle Carrier
• Tholian Jorogumo Carrier Generic Lock Box v2
• Xindi-Aquatic Briostrys Dreadnought Carrier Generic Lock Box v2
• Breen Sarr Theln Carrier Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Fek'Ihri Gok'tad Carrier Appointment Progress
• Fek'Ihri Fe'rang Dreadnought Carrier Zen small icon
• Herald Vonph Dreadnought Carrier Generic Lock Box v2
• Hur'q Vedcrid Hive Dreadnought Carrier Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon/Zen small icon
• Jarok Alliance Carrier Appointment Progress
• Sphere Builder Denuos Dreadnought Carrier Generic Lock Box v2
• Terran Acheron Dreadnought Carrier Generic Lock Box v2
• Tzenkethi Tzen-tar Dreadnought Carrier Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Vorgon Ryn'kodan Carrier Phoenix Prize Pack icon
Cruisers • APU Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Cardassian Galor Cruiser Zen small icon
• Risian Luxury Cruiser Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Undine Dromias Bio-Cruiser (Retired)
• Benthan Assault Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2/Zen small icon
• Cardassian Keldon Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Cnidarian Defender Appointment Progress
• Risian Luxury Cruiser (T6) Appointment Progress
• Undine Kiwavi Bio-Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Eisenberg Star Cruiser Appointment Progress
• Kobali Samsar Cruiser Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Zahl Heavy Cruiser Lobi Crystal icon
Destroyers • Tal Shiar Llaihr Adapted Destroyer (Retired)
• Nihydron Destroyer Generic Lock Box v2
• Sphere Builder Arehbes Destroyer Generic Lock Box v2
• Tal Shiar Mandukar Adapted Destroyer Generic Lock Box v2
• Hazari Destroyer Lobi Crystal icon
Dreadnought Cruisers • Voth Bulwark Dreadnought Cruiser Phoenix Prize Pack icon • Breen Rezreth Dreadnought Cruiser Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Chronos Temporal Dreadnought Cruiser Zen small icon
• Elachi Sheshar Command Dreadnought Cruiser Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Elachi Sheshar Intel Dreadnought Cruiser Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Styx Terran Dreadnought Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2
• Terran Lexington Dreadnought Cruiser Zen small icon
• Tholian Tarantula Dreadnought Cruiser Generic Lock Box v2/Zen small icon
• Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser Lobi Crystal icon
Escorts • Elachi S'golth Escort (Retired)
• Risian corvette Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Xindi-Reptilian Contortrix Escort (Retired)
• Hirogen Hunter Heavy Escort Generic Lock Box v2
• Tholian Meshweaver Escort Generic Lock Box v2
• Elachi S'ateth Escort Generic Lock Box v2
• Risian corvette (T6) Zen small icon
  - Risian Pilot corvette (T6)
• Xindi-Reptilian Sistruus Escort Lobi Crystal icon
• Amarie Smuggler's Heavy Escort Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon/Zen small icon
• Cardassian Detapa Intel Escort Zen small icon
• Denorios Bajoran Interceptor Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Fek'Ihri Byr'Jai Interceptor Appointment Progress
• Tzenkethi Shuk-din Escort Generic Lock Box v2
• Vaadwaur Manasa Assault Escort Generic Lock Box v2
• Vorgon Xyfius Heavy Escort Phoenix Prize Pack icon
Flight Deck Carriers • Voth Bastion Flight Deck Carrier (Retired) • Voth Rampart Command Flight Deck Carrier Generic Lock Box v2
• Cardassian Ghemor Intel Flight Deck Carrier Zen small icon
• Herald Quas Flight Deck Carrier Generic Lock Box v2
Raiders • Breen Plesh Brek Heavy Raider Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Kazon Heavy Raider Generic Lock Box v2
• Breen Plesh Tral Heavy Raider Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Courier Pilot Raider Generic Lock Box v2
• Herald Baltim Heavy Raider Lobi Crystal icon
• Jovian Intel Heavy Raider Generic Lock Box v2
• La Sirena Heavy Raider Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Maquis Raider Lobi Crystal icon
• Miradorn Theta Heavy Raider Generic Lock Box v2
• Na'kuhl Tadaari Raider Generic Lock Box v2
• Ouroboros Temporal Raider‎ Zen small icon
• Temer Alliance Raider Appointment Progress
• Terran Adamant Heavy Raider Zen small icon
Science Vessels • Tholian Orb Weaver (Retired)
• Voth Palisade Science Vessel (Retired)
• Tholian Iktomi Lobi Crystal icon
• Voth Bastille Temporal Science Vessel Lobi Crystal icon
• Ba'ul Sentry Vessel Generic Lock Box v2
• Eternal Temporal Multi-Mission Science Vessel Zen small icon
• Hur'q Nekcrid Assembly Multi-Mission Science Vessel Lobi Crystal icon
• Krenim Science Vessel Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Lukari Ho'kuun Science Vessel Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Na'kuhl Daemosh Science Vessel Lobi Crystal icon
• Risian Weather Control Vessel Appointment Progress
• Sh'vhal Temporal Science Spearhead Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Son'a Command Science Vessel Generic Lock Box v2
• Sphere Builder Edoulg Science Vessel Lobi Crystal icon
• Terran Trailblazer Science Warship Zen small icon
Scout Ships • Lukari N'Kaam Scout Ship‎‎ Generic Lock Box v2 • Lukari Dranuur Scout Ship‎‎ Fleet Ship Module icon
• Terran Somerville Scout Ship Appointment Progress
• Vulcan Experimental Scout Vessel Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Vulcan T'Pau Scout Ship Phoenix Prize Pack icon
Warships • Breen Chel Grett Warship Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Undine Nicor Bio-Warship (Retired)
• Breen Chel Boalg Warship Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Undine Cheirax Bio-Warship Generic Lock Box v2
• Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship Zen small icon
• Ferengi Nandi Warship Phoenix Prize Pack icon
• Husnock Warship Lobi Crystal icon
• Krenim Imperium Warship Generic Lock Box v2
• Mirror Gagarin Warship Appointment Progress
• United Earth Defense Force Vessel Generic Lock Box v2
Frigates • Elachi Qulash Frigate Zen small icon
• Kwejian Pilot Frigate Generic Lock Box v2
Juggernauts • Emerald Chain Intel Juggernaut Generic Lock Box v2
• Liberated Borg Command Juggernaut Generic Lock Box v2
• Vaadwaur Miracle Worker Juggernaut Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
Science Dreadnoughts • Cardassian Damar Intel Science Dreadnought Zen small icon
• Compiler Science Dreadnought Appointment Progress
• Krenim Annorax Science Dreadnought Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
• Paradox Temporal Dreadnought Lobi Crystal icon/Zen small icon
• Son'a Collector Science Dreadnought Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon
Strike Wing Escorts • Hur'q Vridyat Ravager Strike Wing Escort Generic Lock Box v2
• Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Strike Wing Escort Generic Lock Box v2
Legend & Lists of Starships
Starship Upgrade Requisition icon can be upgraded to T5-U capabilities
Faction Starfleet Veteran obtainable from a Lifetime Subscription
Appointment Progress obtainable from a Special Event
Zen small icon obtainable from the Zen Store
Phoenix Prize Pack icon obtainable from a Phoenix Prize Pack
Generic Lock Box v2 obtainable from a Lock Box
Lobi Crystal icon obtainable from the Lobi Crystal Consortium
Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack icon obtainable from a Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack
See also Playable ships by release date • Ship requisitions officers • Fleet Ship Module • Starship Upgrade Requisition • Experimental Ship Upgrade Token • Cross Faction Flying Unlock
Starships by type: Small Craft • Freighter
Commander Engineer Bridge Officer Cruiser • Battlecruiser • Dreadnought (Battle) Cruiser • Frigate • Engineering Carrier • Flight Deck Carrier • Heavy Dreadnought (Battle) Cruiser • Multi-Mission Cruiser • Warbird Battlecruiser
Commander Tactical Bridge Officer Escort • Raptor • Destroyer • Dreadnought Carrier • Strike Wing Escort • Flight Deck Raptor • Juggernaut • Raider • Siege Destroyer • Warship • Warbird
Commander Science Bridge Officer Science Vessel • Multi-Mission Science Vessel • Science Carrier • Science Destroyer • Science Dreadnought • Scout Ship • Warbird Science Vessel
T6 Starships by equipment slots: Engineering consoles • Science consoles • Tactical consoles • Weapons • Hangar bays
T6 Starships by specialization seating: Command • Intel • Miracle Worker • Pilot • Temporal