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"Courage begins by trusting oneself."

"The Jedi Who Knew Too Much" is the eighteenth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' fifth season. It aired on February 16, 2013.

Official description[]

"As the Republic military takes over the Temple bombing case, Ahsoka finds herself at odds with Admiral Tarkin."[1]

Plot summary[]

"I was told if I ever needed help, you were the Jedi to contact."
―Letta Turmond, to Ahsoka Tano[3]
Episode 18
Terror at the Temple! The Jedi Temple
is in disarray after a vicious
terrorist attack. Anakin Skywalker
and Ahsoka Tano set out to find the
truth of who was really behind this
horrendous catastrophe. Their
investigation led them to discover
the true saboteur, Letta Turmond.

Now the Jedi attempt to return the
Temple to normalcy. But first, Master
Yoda must give a eulogy to the fallen
Jedi warriors....

In the Jedi Temple, Master Yoda gives a eulogy for the Jedi who died during the explosion, attended by senior Jedi and Republic figures. During the eulogy, Ahsoka Tano notices that Barriss Offee is deeply grieving, and asks whether she was close to one of the fallen. Barriss reveals that she was a training companion of Tutso Mara, as Yoda exhorts those present to "live for the living."

After the funeral, Ahsoka, Barriss, and Anakin Skywalker return to their duties along with Admiral Tarkin. When Tarkin reveals that Letta Turmond, the bomber of the Jedi Temple, has been taken into military custody, Ahsoka protests that she should have remained in Jedi custody. Anakin tells Ahsoka to comfort Barriss, as she is clearly very grief-stricken. Entering the lift with Tarkin, he sighs that in many ways Ahsoka has yet to grow up.

Whilst discussing the importance of moving past one's emotions as a Jedi, Ahsoka is called away to the war room. Once there, a report from Obi-Wan Kenobi is interrupted by Tarkin, who explains that Letta Turmond is asking to talk to Ahsoka, and insisting on speaking only to her. She agrees to go and report back with what she discovers.

Arriving at the facility, Letta reveals that she was told to speak to Ahsoka if she ever needed help. Ahsoka asks for privacy when it becomes clear Letta does not want to speak in public, and she then reveals that the idea of bombing of the temple was not hers, but a Jedi's. She explains that many believe the Jedi have become weapons of war rather than peacekeepers, and claims a Jedi agreed with this and bombed the temple to make a statement. Fearing that this Jedi may harm her, she asks Ahsoka for protection. Ahsoka does not make the promise, but presses Letta for more. Just as Letta is about to reveal the Jedi's name, she is Force choked and dies.

The clones notice the security camera footage, which appears to show Ahsoka choking Letta. They rush into the cell to find Letta dead, and consequently arrest Ahsoka as the only suspect. Tarkin later arrives to confront her, and shows her the video recording of Letta 's death, which has no audio to accompany it.

Anakin attempts to visit her, but is refused entry under Tarkin's orders. Some time later, Ahsoka notices a key card lying outside of her cell. Believing it to be the work of her master, she uses it to free herself. However, as she makes her way through the corridors, she comes upon wounded clones. She finds her lightsaber and comlink lying next to the clones. At that moment, Commander Fox comes through the door, and quickly slams the emergency alert button, and Ahsoka takes off down the corridors. As Fox is about to give a comlink alert with warning to shoot on sight, Anakin belays the order. He attempts to call out to his Padawan, asking her to return and await judgment. She explains that he is the only one who really believes in her, and thus keeps running.

Anakin tells the clones to capture her but keep her alive. When she is spotted above a statue outside, a chase ensues in which she runs into the industrial areas in an attempt to shake off the clones. Eventually, they surround her, and she loses her shoto while deflecting their stun blasts. She jumps onto a nearby pipe and escapes through the pipe system. Anakin eventually catches up with her at an outlet leading to a vertical shaft. She says that she will not take the punishment for something she did not do. As Rex and Fox come down the tunnel behind Anakin, she asks him to trust her, and jumps out of the pipe onto a passing ship, thus making her escape.



Tarkin and Tano's interaction in the prison cell was based upon Tarkin's conversation with Leia Organa in A New Hope

The episode was named for the 1934 Alfred Hitchcock film The Man Who Knew Too Much.[4] The Republic base was designed specifically to foreshadow the rise of the Galactic Empire. In addition, it was also located near the Venator staging areas that were seen in Revenge of the Sith. Likewise, the interaction of Tarkin and Tano in her prison cell is blocked out in a manner very similar to Tarkin and Leia Organa aboard the Death Star in A New Hope. Ahsoka asserting her innocence to Anakin before jumping from a water pipe to escape capture is a reference to the 1993 film The Fugitive, which stars Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones.[5]



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Notes and references[]

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