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Questions tagged [ssl]

SSL and its successor, TLS, are encryption and authentication protocols that encrypt the full contents of a TCP connection, as well as potentially verifying the identities of the devices making the connection.

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(Debian) Rsyslog unable to capture tls traffic on rsyslog

I am unable to capture tls/udp syslog (ports 443/514) via rsyslog on my debian bullseye. Appreciate any help regarding this! I have gone through both Rsyslog through TLS and Rsyslog not capturing ...
Ulysses's user avatar
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Ubuntu 24 certificate error "unknown issuer" using Firefox

My company has implemented an upstream device that does decryption and this requires all boxes to have the root CA certificate installed. I copied the ca certificate in pem format and did the below. ...
200mg's user avatar
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Nginx - Cloudflare ssl handshake failure sslv3

My website is and I am unable to connect to my website, if I enable proxying on Cloudflare. I have Nginx running on ports 80 and 443, and have installed the Cloudflare origin certifcate....
Seeker's user avatar
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passbolt can't send TLS mails to postal server

If you think this question is better suited for stack overflow or superuser, then tell me and I will close the question and repost. I'm having a passbolt server running as docker container. I'm also ...
gelonida's user avatar
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Access Aruba S5300 Web GUI with Modern Firefox Browser

Context: We have multiple Aruba S5300 switches on the networks we maintain. After a "factory reset," we usually go to the web GUI at to do the initial configuration. A ...
user371793's user avatar
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Xray Core does not respond to domain search

Im currently trying to setup Xray-core and 3x-ui to make residential proxies as explained in this SO question. Im on macOS but I downloaded UTM and created a Linux VM. I downloaded both Xray and 3x-ui ...
Ahmed Zaidan's user avatar
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Nginx Proxy Manager "502 Bad Gateway- openresty"

I've recently set up NPM for some servers on my backend and everything seems to be working just fine for most except for a couple servers that seem to return a "502 Bad Gateway" errors even ...
Mouad Rahoui's user avatar
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nginx working on http but on https giving 502 error

server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name; # Replace with your domain name location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; ...
Mehan Alavi's user avatar
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Using csi secrets store volume mounted cert with ingress controller

As the docs state ( kubernetes secrets are not too safe to use and one should strive to use external stores. But I am struggling to understand ...
Carl in 't Veld's user avatar
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Trouble to setup tls with kubernetes: "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR"

I'm trying to setup tls/https for my kubernetes-pod. I configured an ingress rule and I've a got service as loadbalancer. I obtained my certificate from my provider. Not sure, how important that is: ...
xforfun's user avatar
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Configuration to get web server to use certificates mounted in kubernetes deployment

Im looking to have my application running in a kubernetes cluster use the certificate mounted in a volume defined in my deployment.yaml file. I am not using ingress, instead I have my service set up ...
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Need help to edit NGINX config for SSL

I keep getting errors when adding SSL syntax. server { listen 443 ssl; server_name; ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/example.crt; ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/example.key; ...
Loke Wing Kin's user avatar
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Serving two Docker containers with SSL using Nginx

EDIT: I forgot to mention that both and need to be available externally- as a website and api service for a mobile app respectively. Edit 2: I feel a bit silly, ...
Abdelrahman Ayman's user avatar
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Ansible Automation Platform not Syncing with Gitlab project

AAP 2.4 Project not syncing GitLab using PAT and my error is SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain. I really don’t want to disable https and not sure if I download the ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Redirection www to non-www on Nginx gives me 400 bad request

I'm trying to redirect all www to non-www domain address. I have installed my LetsEncrypt SSL for non-www domain. non-www domains are working fine. I have configured www to non-www redirection on my ...
Ngine5's user avatar
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