Economics (q-fin.EC)

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    Empirical researchers often estimate spillover effects by fitting linear or non-linear regression models to sampled network data. Here, we show that common sampling schemes induce dependence between observed and unobserved spillovers. Due to this dependence, spillover estimates are biased, often upwards. We then show how researchers can construct unbiased estimates of spillover effects by rescaling using aggregate network statistics. Our results can be used to bound true effect sizes, determine robustness of estimates to missingness, and construct estimates when missingness depends on treatment. We apply our results to re-estimate the propagation of idiosyncratic shocks between US public firms, and peer effects amongst USAFA cadets.
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    I use proprietary data from the online job scouting platform BizReach in Japan, spanning from 2014 to 2024, to estimate the matching function for high-skill employed workers on a private on-the-job search platform, employing a novel nonparametric approach developed by Lange and Papageorgiou (2020). This analysis is compared to the public off-the-job search platform, Hello Work. The results indicate that matching efficiency on the private platform is both more volatile and higher than that of the public platform, suggesting the increasing popularity of the private platform. The matching elasticity with respect to users consistently hovers around 0.75, while the elasticity with respect to vacancies reaches approximately 1.0, indicating a higher and more balanced elasticity compared to the Hello Work platform. Additionally, the study reveals evidence of industry-level heterogeneity on the private platform.
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    Using the secured transactions recorded within the Money Markets Statistical Reporting database of the European Central Bank, we test several stylized facts regarding interbank market of the 47 largest banks in the eurozone. We observe that the surge in the volume of traded evergreen repurchase agreements followed the introduction of the LCR regulation and we measure a rate of collateral re-use consistent with the literature. Regarding the topology of the interbank network, we confirm the high level of network stability but observe a higher density and a higher in- and out-degree symmetry than what is reported for unsecured markets.
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    In this paper, we address three Principal--Agent problems in a moral hazard context and show that they are connected. We start by studying the problem of Principal with multiple Agents in cooperation. The term cooperation is manifested here by the fact that the agents optimize their criteria through Pareto equilibria. We show that as the number of agents tends to infinity, the principal's value function converges to the value function of a McKean--Vlasov control problem. Using the solution to this McKean--Vlasov control problem, we derive a constructive method for obtaining approximately optimal contracts for the principal's problem with multiple agents in cooperation. In a second step, we show that the problem of Principal with multiple Agents turns out to also converge, when the number of agents goes to infinity, towards a new Principal--Agent problem which is the Principal--Agent problem with Mckean--Vlasov dynamics. This is a Principal--Agent problem where the agent--controlled production follows a Mckean-Vlasov dynamics and the contract can depend of the distribution of the production. The value function of the principal in this setting is equivalent to that of the same McKean--Vlasov control problem from the multi--agent scenario. Furthermore, we show that an optimal contract can be constructed from the solution to this McKean--Vlasov control problem. We conclude by discussing, in a simple example, the connection of these problems with the multitask Principal--Agent problem which is a situation when a principal delegates multiple tasks that can be correlated to a single agent.
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    Crowdsourced annotations of data play a substantial role in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is broadly recognised that annotations of text data can contain annotator bias, where systematic disagreement in annotations can be traced back to differences in the annotators' backgrounds. Being unaware of such annotator bias can lead to representational bias against minority group perspectives and therefore several methods have been proposed for recognising bias or preserving perspectives. These methods typically require either a substantial number of annotators or annotations per data instance. In this study, we propose a simple method for handling bias in annotations without requirements on the number of annotators or instances. Instead, we ask annotators about their beliefs of other annotators' judgements of an instance, under the hypothesis that these beliefs may provide more representative and less biased labels than judgements. The method was examined in two controlled, survey-based experiments involving Democrats and Republicans (n=1,590) asked to judge statements as arguments and then report beliefs about others' judgements. The results indicate that bias, defined as systematic differences between the two groups of annotators, is consistently reduced when asking for beliefs instead of judgements. Our proposed method therefore has the potential to reduce the risk of annotator bias, thereby improving the generalisability of AI systems and preventing harm to unrepresented socio-demographic groups, and we highlight the need for further studies of this potential in other tasks and downstream applications.
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    Despite millions of war widows worldwide, little is known about the economic consequences of being widowed by war. We use life history data from West Germany to show that war widowhood increased women's employment immediately after World War II but led to lower employment rates later in life. War widows, therefore, carried a double burden of employment and childcare while their children were young but left the workforce when their children reached adulthood. We show that the design of compensation policies likely explains this counterintuitive life-cycle pattern and examine potential spillovers to the next generation.
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    Against the backdrop of increasingly severe global environmental changes, accurately predicting and meeting renewable energy demands has become a key challenge for sustainable business development. Traditional energy demand forecasting methods often struggle with complex data processing and low prediction accuracy. To address these issues, this paper introduces a novel approach that combines deep learning techniques with environmental decision support systems. The model integrates advanced deep learning techniques, including LSTM and Transformer, and PSO algorithm for parameter optimization, significantly enhancing predictive performance and practical applicability. Results show that our model achieves substantial improvements across various metrics, including a 30% reduction in MAE, a 20% decrease in MAPE, a 25% drop in RMSE, and a 35% decline in MSE. These results validate the model's effectiveness and reliability in renewable energy demand forecasting. This research provides valuable insights for applying deep learning in environmental decision support systems.
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    This paper explores the intersection of economic anthropology and generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). It examines how large language models (LLMs) can simulate human decision-making and the inductive biases present in AI research. The study introduces two AI models: C.A.L.L.O.N. (Conventionally Average Late Liberal ONtology) and M.A.U.S.S. (More Accurate Understanding of Society and its Symbols). The former is trained on standard data, while the latter is adapted with anthropological knowledge. The research highlights how anthropological training can enhance LLMs' ability to recognize diverse economic systems and concepts. The findings suggest that integrating economic anthropology with AI can provide a more pluralistic understanding of economics and improve the sustainability of non-market economic systems.
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    Based on options and realized returns, we analyze risk premia in the Bitcoin market through the lens of the Pricing Kernel (PK). We identify that: 1) The projected PK into Bitcoin returns is W-shaped and steep in the negative returns region; 2) Negative Bitcoin returns account for 33% of the total Bitcoin index premium (BP) in contrast to 70% of S&P500 equity premium explained by negative returns. Applying a novel clustering algorithm to the collection of estimated Bitcoin risk-neutral densities, we find that risk premia vary over time as a function of two distinct market volatility regimes. In the low-volatility regime, the PK projection is steeper for negative returns. It has a more pronounced W-shape than the unconditional one, implying particularly high BP for both extreme positive and negative returns and a high Variance Risk Premium (VRP). In high-volatility states, the BP attributable to positive and negative returns is more balanced, and the VRP is lower. Overall, Bitcoin investors are more worried about variance and downside risk in low-volatility states.
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    In countries with a growing number of elderly and a shrinking workforce, one of which is Russia, it becomes impossible to maintain a solidary pension system and a need to switch to a more stable funded system appears. This paper analyzes various scenarios of Russia's transition to such a system. This is the first study on the Russian economy in which an Overlapping Generations Model is used to simulate the pension transition. It is demonstrated that in the long term, the transition to a funded system slightly reduces the welfare of pensioners, and during the transition, the situation of pensioners deteriorates strongly. However, it is also important to emphasize that the transition imposes a heavy burden on all generations living during the reform, they are forced to consume less and greatly change their savings, while also often starting to work more. Such conclusions are made concerning average population cohorts, and the results may not be the same for different groups of individuals within these cohorts. In different scenarios, the pension system transition can cause both economic growth and economic recession, as well as a corresponding increase or decrease in wages and consumption.
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    Traditional methods for computing equilibria in auctions become computationally intractable as auction complexity increases, particularly in multi-item and dynamic auctions. This paper introduces a self-play based reinforcement learning approach that employs advanced algorithms such as Proximal Policy Optimization and Neural Fictitious Self-Play to approximate Bayes-Nash equilibria. This framework allows for continuous action spaces, high-dimensional information states, and delayed payoffs. Through self-play, these algorithms can learn robust and near-optimal bidding strategies in auctions with known equilibria, including those with symmetric and asymmetric valuations, private and interdependent values, and multi-round auctions.
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    The shift towards decentralized and renewable energy sources has introduced significant challenges to traditional power systems, necessitating innovative market designs. Local energy markets present a viable solution for integrating distributed energy resources such as photovoltaic systems, electric vehicles, and heat pumps within various grid topologies. This study investigates the techno-economic benefits of local energy markets compared to conventional market designs, focusing on their impact on average energy prices and operational peak power, using a self-developed agent-based energy system simulation tool. Through comprehensive simulations across the countryside, rural, suburban, and urban grid topologies with varying penetration levels of the distributed energy resources, totaling 400 simulation setups, we demonstrate that local energy markets can enhance economic efficiency and grid stability with 99 % of the scenarios boasting lower average energy prices and 80 % lower operational peak power levels. Our findings suggest that local energy markets can play a role in the future energy system, especially in areas with high shares of PV and HP, provided that additional infrastructure, management costs, and bureaucratic complexity are kept to a minimum.
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    This paper overviews the economics of scientific grants, focusing on the interplay between the inherent uncertainty in research, researchers' incentives, and grant design. Grants differ from traditional market systems and other science and innovation policy tools, such as prizes and patents. We outline the main economic forces specific to science, noting the limited attention given to grant funding in the economics literature. Using tools from information economics, we identify key incentive problems at various stages of the grant funding process and offer guidance for effective grant design. In the allocation stage, funders aim to select the highest-merit applications while minimizing evaluation costs. The selection rule, in turn, impacts researchers' incentives to apply and invest in their proposals. In the grant management stage, funders monitor researchers to ensure efficient use of funds. We discuss the advantages and potential pitfalls of (partial) lotteries and emphasize the effectiveness of staged grant design in promoting a productive use of grants. Beyond these broadly applicable insights, our overview highlights the need for further research on grantmaking. Understudied areas include, at the micro level, the interplay of different grant funding stages, and at the macro level, the interaction of grants with other instruments in the market for science.
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    Do labor market policies initiated in periods of loose monetary policy yield different outcomes from those introduced when monetary tightening prevails? Using data from 11 euro-area members up to 2010 -- and extending to 17 countries up to 2020 -- we analyze three labor market policies: replacement rates, spending on active labor market policies (ALMPs), and employment protection. We find that these policies deliver different macroeconomic outcomes in low- and high-interest rate environments. In particular, ALMPs reduce unemployment if implemented under a loose monetary policy but not otherwise, whereas higher employment protection delivers expansionary effects under a tight monetary policy. These findings highlight that the effectiveness of labor market policies is significantly influenced by the monetary policy environment, emphasizing the need for coordinated policy design. Methodologically, we contribute by proposing to average local projections using Mallow's $C_{p}$ criterion, allowing for inferences that are robust to mis-specification and accommodate non-linearities.
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    This paper provides a new theory of the observed co-movement between overall wage inequality and its between-firm component. We develop and solve analytically a frictionless sorting model with two-sided heterogeneity, in which firms consist of distributions of tasks, choose how many workers to employ and reward their workers both through wages and amenities. We show that, for empirically-relevant parameter ranges, overall and between-firm inequality are firmly linked: A change in any of the models' primitives increases overall wage inequality if and only if it also increases the ratio of between-firm to overall inequality. Subsequently, we calibrate the model to match the Norwegian economy and find that the increase in wage inequality from 1995 to 2014 had a different primary cause (raising span-of-control cost) than the accompanying rise in welfare inequality (increased skill variance), and that the apparent decrease in wage inequality after 2015 masked a continued increase in welfare inequality.
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    The objective of this study is applying a utility based analysis to a comparatively efficient design experiment which can capture people's perception towards the various components of a commodity. Here we studied the multi-dimensional poverty index and the relative importance of its components and their two-factor interaction effects. We also discussed how to model a choice based conjoint data for determining the utility of the components and their interactions. Empirical results from survey data shows the nature of coefficients, in terms of utility derived by the individuals, their statistical significance and validity in the present framework. There has been some discrepancies in the results between the bootstrap model and the original model, which can be understood by surveying more people, and ensuring comparative homogeneity in the data.
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    Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly large language models (LLMs), holds the potential to bridge language and information gaps, which can benefit the economies of developing nations. However, our analysis of FLORES-200, FLORES+, Ethnologue, and World Development Indicators data reveals that these benefits largely favor English speakers. Speakers of languages in low-income and lower-middle-income countries face higher costs when using OpenAI's GPT models via APIs because of how the system processes the input -- tokenization. Around 1.5 billion people, speaking languages primarily from lower-middle-income countries, could incur costs that are 4 to 6 times higher than those faced by English speakers. Disparities in LLM performance are significant, and tokenization in models priced per token amplifies inequalities in access, cost, and utility. Moreover, using the quality of translation tasks as a proxy measure, we show that LLMs perform poorly in low-resource languages, presenting a ``double jeopardy" of higher costs and poor performance for these users. We also discuss the direct impact of fragmentation in tokenizing low-resource languages on climate. This underscores the need for fairer algorithm development to benefit all linguistic groups.
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    In recent years, with rising consumer demand, fresh products have gained increasing attention, leading to rapid growth in the fresh food market. However, due to their perishable nature and sensitivity to storage conditions, fresh products are vulnerable to damage during transportation. Improper handling, excessive transit times, and physical impacts can result in significant losses. As a result, enhancing the efficiency of fresh product distribution while maintaining quality has become critical to the further development of the fresh food industry. Using Y chain supermarket as a case study, this paper investigates the logistics of fresh product distribution, identifying current challenges and inefficiencies. Through literature review, expert interviews, and comparative analysis, the study offers strategic recommendations for optimizing fresh product delivery routes to improve distribution efficiency and product quality.
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    External debt has been identified as the most liable to cause financial crises in developing countries in Asia and Latin America. One recent example of near bankruptcy in Sri Lanka has raised serious concerns among economists about how to anticipate and tackle external debt-related problems. Bangladesh also faced a decline in export income and a sharp rise in import prices amid the aforementioned global shocks. Nevertheless, the international reserves of Bangladesh have never fallen to the level they did in Sri Lanka. This paper examines the relationship between remittance inflows, international reserves, and external debt in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Econometric estimations reveal that remittance affects external debt both directly and through international reserves in Bangladesh. The existence of a Dutch Disease effect in the remittance inflows-international reserves relationship has also been confirmed in Bangladesh. We also show that Bangladesh uses international reserves as collateral to obtain more external borrowing, while Sri Lanka, like many other developing countries, accumulates international reserves to deplete in "bad times." Remittances can be seen as one of the significant factors preventing Bangladesh from becoming a sovereign defaulter, whereas Sri Lanka faced that fate.
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    This paper studies transaction execution mechanisms (TEMs) for blockchains as the efficient resource allocation across multiple parallel execution queues or "local fee markets." We present a model considering capacity constraints, user valuations, and delay costs in a multi-queue system with an aggregate capacity constraint due to global consensus. We show that revenue maximization tends to allocate capacity to the highest-paying queue, while welfare maximization generally serves all queues. Optimal relative pricing of different queues depends on factors such as market size, demand elasticity, and the balance between local and global congestion. Our results have implications for evolving blockchain architectures, including parallel execution, DAG-based systems, and multiple concurrent proposers, and can help design more efficient TEMs.
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    Climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss are calling for innovative approaches to effective reforestation and afforestation. This paper explores the integration of artificial intelligence and remote sensing technologies for optimizing tree planting strategies, estimating labor requirements, and determining space needs for various tree species in Gabala District of Azerbaijan. The study employs YOLOv8 for precise identification of potential planting sites and a Retrieval-Augmented Generation approach, combined with the Gemini API, to provide tailored species recommendations. The methodology incorporates time-series modeling to forecast the impact of reforestation on CO2 emissions reduction, utilizing Holt-Winters for predictions. Our results indicate that the AI model can effectively identify suitable locations and species, offering valuable insights into the potential economic and environmental benefits of large-scale tree planting thus fostering sustainable economic development and helping to mitigate the adverse effects of global warming and climate change.
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    In this paper, we address the identification and estimation of insurance models where insurees have private information about their risk and risk aversion. The model includes random damages and allows for several claims, while insurers choose from a finite number of coverages. We show that the joint distribution of risk and risk aversion is nonparametrically identified despite bunching due to multidimensional types and a finite number of coverages. Our identification strategy exploits the observed number of claims as well as an exclusion restriction, and a full support assumption. Furthermore, our results apply to any form of competition. We propose a novel estimation procedure combining nonparametric estimators and GMM estimation that we illustrate in a Monte Carlo study.
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    Structural change consists of industrial diversification towards more productive, knowledge intensive activities. However, changes in the productive structure bear inherent links with job creation and income distribution. In this paper, we investigate the consequences of structural change, defined in terms of labour shifts towards more complex industries, on employment growth, wage inequality, and functional distribution of income. The analysis is conducted for European countries using data on disaggregated industrial employment shares over the period 2010-2018. First, we identify patterns of industrial specialisation by validating a country-industry industrial employment matrix using a bipartite weighted configuration model (BiWCM). Secondly, we introduce a country-level measure of labour-weighted Fitness, which can be decomposed in such a way as to isolate a component that identifies the movement of labour towards more complex industries, which we define as structural change. Thirdly, we link structural change to i) employment growth, ii) wage inequality, and iii) labour share of the economy. The results indicate that our structural change measure is associated negatively with employment growth. However, it is also associated with lower income inequality. As countries move to more complex industries, they drop the least complex ones, so the (low-paid) jobs in the least complex sectors disappear. Finally, structural change predicts a higher labour ratio of the economy; however, this is likely to be due to the increase in salaries rather than by job creation.
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    I study altruistic choices through the lens of a cognitively noisy decision-maker. I introduce a theoretical framework that demonstrates how increased cognitive noise can directionally affect altruistic decisions and put its implications to the test: In a laboratory experiment, participants make a series of binary choices between taking and giving monetary payments. In the treatment, to-be-calculated sums replace plain monetary payments, increasing the cognitive difficulty of choosing. The Treatment group exhibits a lower sensitivity towards changes in payments and decides significantly more often in favor of the other person, i.e., is more altruistic. I explore the origins of this effect with Bayesian hierarchical models and a number-comparison task, mirroring the mechanics of the altruism choices absent any altruistic preference. The treatment effect is similar in this task, suggesting that a biased perception of numerical magnitudes drives treatment differences. The probabilistic models support this interpretation. A series of additional results show a negative correlation between cognitive reflection and individual measures of cognitive noise, as well as associations between altruistic choice and number comparison. Overall, these results suggest that altruistic preferences -- and potentially social preferences more generally -- are affected by the cognitive difficulty of their implementation.
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    This paper explores how ad platforms can utilize Bayesian persuasion within blockchain-based auction systems to strategically influence advertiser behavior despite increased transparency. By integrating game-theoretic models with machine learning techniques and the principles of blockchain technology, we analyze the role of strategic information disclosure in ad auctions. Our findings demonstrate that even in environments with inherent transparency, ad platforms can design signals to affect advertisers' beliefs and bidding strategies. A detailed case study illustrates how machine learning can predict advertiser responses to different signals, leading to optimized signaling strategies that increase expected revenue. The study contributes to the literature by extending Bayesian persuasion models to transparent systems and providing practical insights for auction design in the digital advertising industry.
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    The COVID-19 pandemic struck education system around the globe and initiated an immediate and complete lockdown of all the educational institutions, to maintain social distancing. CRY (Child Rights and You) in collaboration with RILM (Rotary India Literacy Mission) initiated a project to assess the learning abilities of 4000 children across four states: Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Manipur and West Bengal. Every child was provided with the books of appropriate class according to their age in order to test their competency in reading and basic calculation as well and thereafter the compatible class was determined. The assessments were carried over 3 quarters in 4 subjects: oral assessments in 1st Language, 2nd Language and Mathematics and a writing assessment and a binary variable for improvement or no improvement (1/0) was provided. This paper suggests a measure which gives a unique score for improvement level of students with varied class lag since it will not be a desirable idea to grade the students with varied class lags on the same basis. This paper also investigates and evaluates the progression of student performance over the 3 quarters, suggests the use of a comprehensive score measure for summarising the inter-quarter performance. The analysis of progression has been carried out by gender and state level for male-female and inter state comparison respectively.
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    What drives formal employment creation in developing cities? We find that larger cities, home to an abundant set of complex industries, employ a larger share of their working age population in formal jobs. We propose a hypothesis to explain this pattern, arguing that it is the organised nature of formal firms, whereby workers with complementary skills are coordinated in teams, that enables larger cities to create more formal employment. From this perspective, the growth of formal employment is dependent on the ability of a city to build on existing skills to enter new complex industries. To test our hypothesis, we construct a variable which captures the skill-proximity of cities' current industrial base to new complex industries, termed 'complexity potential'. Our main result is that complexity potential is robustly associated with subsequent growth of the formal employment rate in Colombian cities.
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    In this study, we propose LLM agents as a novel approach in behavioral strategy research, complementing simulations and laboratory experiments to advance our understanding of cognitive processes in decision-making. Specifically, we reproduce a human laboratory experiment in behavioral strategy using large language model (LLM) generated agents and investigate how LLM agents compare to observed human behavior. Our results show that LLM agents effectively reproduce search behavior and decision-making comparable to humans. Extending our experiment, we analyze LLM agents' simulated "thoughts," discovering that more forward-looking thoughts correlate with favoring exploitation over exploration to maximize wealth. We show how this new approach can be leveraged in behavioral strategy research and address limitations.
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    This paper explores the evolving role of health economics within economic research and publishing over the past 30 years. Historically largely a niche field, health economics has become increasingly prominent, with the share of health economics papers in top journals growing significantly. We aim to identify the factors behind this rise, examining how health economics contributes to the broader economic knowledge base and the roles distinct subfields play. Using a combination of bibliometric methods and natural language processing, we classify abstracts to define health economics. Our findings suggest that the mainstreaming of health economics is driven by innovative, high-quality research, with notable cyclicality in quality ratings that highlights the emergence and impact of distinct subfields within the discipline.
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    We investigated the impact of female politicians on waste collection in Italian municipalities in different territories observed over the years 2010-2019. We used a staggered difference-in-differences design to obtain a causal interpretation of the estimated effects. We find that the majority of women in the municipal council positively influence pro-environmental individual behaviour. The impact of a female-majority council is heterogeneous by region and more pronounced in areas with lower social capital. Female politicians as catalysts for positive change fade after 5-6 years, likely due to persistent social norms locally, thus stressing the need for additional cultural actions with long-lasting effects.
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    We study the effects of a free-fare transport policy implemented by Brazilian localities on employment and greenhouse gas emissions. Using a staggered difference-in-differences approach, we find that fare-free transit increases employment by 3.2% and reduces emissions by 4.1%, indicating that transport policies can decouple economic activity from environmental damage. Our results are driven by workers transitioning from higher-emission to lower-emission sectors instead of being driven by a decline in private transportation use. Cost-benefit analyses suggest that the costly policy only presents net benefits after considering the tax inflows of the increased economic activity and the benefits of reduced carbon emissions.
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    Bidding is a key element of search advertising, but the variation in bidders' valuations and strategies is often overlooked. Disclosing bid information helps uncover this heterogeneity and enables platforms to tailor their disclosure policies to meet objectives like increasing consumer surplus or platform revenue. We analyzed data from a platform that provided bid recommendations based on historical bids. Our findings reveal that advertisers vary significantly in their strategies: some follow the platform's recommendations, while others create their own bids, deviating from the provided information. This highlights the need for customized information disclosure policies in online ad marketplaces. We developed an equilibrium model for Generalized Second Price (GSP) auctions, showing that adhering to bid recommendations with positive probability is suboptimal. We categorized advertisers as bid-adhering or bid-constructing and developed a structural model for self-bidding to identify private valuations. This model allowed for a counterfactual analysis of the impact of different levels of information disclosure. Both theoretical and empirical results suggest that moderate increases in disclosure improve platform revenue and market efficiency. Understanding bidder diversity is crucial for platforms, which can design more effective disclosure policies to address varying bidder needs and achieve their goals through costless information sharing.
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    We study how efficient resource reallocation across cities affects potential aggregate growth. Using optimal resource allocation models and data on 284 China's prefecture-level cities in the years 2003--2019, we quantitatively measure the cost of misallocation of resources. We show that average aggregate output gains from reallocating resources across nationwide cities to their efficient use are 1.349- and 1.287-fold in the perfect and imperfect allocation scenarios. We further provide evidence on the effects of administrative division adjustments and local allocation. This suggests that city-level adjustments can yield more aggregate gain and that the output gain from nationwide allocation is likely to be more substantial than that from local allocation. Policy implications are proposed to improve the resource allocation efficiency in China.
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    India's urbanization is often characterized as particularly challenging and very unequal but systematic empirical analyses, comparable to other nations, have largely been lacking. Here, we characterize India's economic and human development along with changes in its personal income distribution as a function of the nation's growing urbanization. On aggregate, we find that India outperforms most other nations in the growth of various indicators of development with urbanization, including income and human development. These results are due in part to India's present low levels of urbanization but also demonstrate the transformational role of its cities in driving multi-dimensional development. To test these changes at the more local level, we study the income distributions of large Indian cities to find evidence for high positive growth in the lowest decile (poorest) of the population, enabling sharp reductions in poverty over time. We also test the hypothesis that inequality-reducing cities are more attractive destinations for rural migrants. Finally, we use income distributions to characterize changes in poverty rates directly. This shows much lower levels of poverty in urban India and especially in its largest cities. The dynamics of poverty rates during the recent COVID-19 pandemic shows both a high fragility of these improvements during a crisis and their resilience over longer times. Sustaining a long-term dynamic where urbanization continues to be closely associated with human development and poverty reduction is likely India's fastest path to a more prosperous and equitable future.
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    Traffic systems are becoming increasingly automated. How will automated objects interact with non-automated objects? How will partially-automated systems handle large disruptions? Low-Earth orbit (LEO) -- filled with thousands of automated and non-automated satellites and many more uncontrollable pieces of debris -- offers a useful laboratory for these questions. I exploit the COSMOS-1408 (C1408) anti-satellite missile test of November 2021 -- a large and exogenous shock to the orbital environment -- to study how an unexpected disruption affects a partially-automated traffic system. I use publicly-available close approach data, network theory, and an econometric analysis of the C1408 test to study the effect of close encounters with new fragments on the configuration of objects in orbit. I document spillover effects of close encounters with C1408 fragments, heterogeneity in impacts across operators, and changes in system-level resilience to new shocks. These results shed light on the nature of partially-automated traffic systems, and provide a basis for new models to anticipate and mitigate space traffic disruptions.
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    This study explores the differential impacts of global value chain (GVC) participation on foreign direct investment (FDI)-related job creation in EU-27, emphasizing the role of sector-specific and regional factors. The study is based on a rich set of project-level data on FDI-generated jobs. It utilizes a labor demand function estimated through GMM estimator to account for endogeneity. Results indicate that forward GVC participation significantly boosts FDI-related job creation by enhancing domestic value-added and production capacity. However, this effect is moderated by sector-specific characteristics such as productivity or wages. Conversely, backward GVC participation, characterized by reliance on foreign inputs, generally reduces FDI-generated jobs due to lower domestic labor requirements and diminished competitiveness. Despite this, the negative impact of backward GVC participation on employment becomes less significant when regional diversification is considered, highlighting the importance of regional factors like infrastructure and skilled labor. The study also finds that the impact of GVC participation on employment varies with EU membership status and sectoral characteristics, with old EU member states and high-tech sectors benefiting more from forward GVC integration. In contrast, new EU member states and low-tech sectors face greater challenges, particularly with backward GVC participation.
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    We use generative AI to extract managerial expectations about their economic outlook from over 120,000 corporate conference call transcripts. The overall measure, AI Economy Score, robustly predicts future economic indicators such as GDP growth, production, and employment, both in the short term and to 10 quarters. This predictive power is incremental to that of existing measures, including survey forecasts. Moreover, industry and firm-level measures provide valuable information about sector-specific and individual firm activities. Our findings suggest that managerial expectations carry unique insights about economic activities, with implications for both macroeconomic and microeconomic decision-making.
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    In social dilemmas where the collective and self-interests are at odds, people typically cooperate less with machines than with fellow humans, a phenomenon termed the machine penalty. Overcoming this penalty is critical for successful human-machine collectives, yet current solutions often involve ethically-questionable tactics, like concealing machines' non-human nature. In this study, with 1,152 participants, we explore the possibility of closing this research question by using Large Language Models (LLMs), in scenarios where communication is possible between interacting parties. We design three types of LLMs: (i) Cooperative, aiming to assist its human associate; (ii) Selfish, focusing solely on maximizing its self-interest; and (iii) Fair, balancing its own and collective interest, while slightly prioritizing self-interest. Our findings reveal that, when interacting with humans, fair LLMs are able to induce cooperation levels comparable to those observed in human-human interactions, even when their non-human nature is fully disclosed. In contrast, selfish and cooperative LLMs fail to achieve this goal. Post-experiment analysis shows that all three types of LLMs succeed in forming mutual cooperation agreements with humans, yet only fair LLMs, which occasionally break their promises, are capable of instilling a perception among humans that cooperating with them is the social norm, and eliciting positive views on their trustworthiness, mindfulness, intelligence, and communication quality. Our findings suggest that for effective human-machine cooperation, bot manufacturers should avoid designing machines with mere rational decision-making or a sole focus on assisting humans. Instead, they should design machines capable of judiciously balancing their own interest and the interest of humans.
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    This study investigates the impact of increased debt servicing costs on household consumption resulting from monetary policy tightening. It utilizes observational panel microdata on all mortgage holders in Israel and leverages quasi-exogenous variation in exposure to adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) due to a regulatory shift. Our analysis indicates that when monetary policy became more restrictive, consumers with a higher ratio of ARMs experienced a more marked reduction in their consumption patterns. This effect is predominantly observed in mid- to lower-income households and those with a higher ratio of mortgage payments to total spending. These findings highlight the substantial role of the mortgage cash-flow channel in monetary policy transmission, emphasizing its implications for economic stability and inequality.
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    The synthetic control method has emerged as a widely utilized empirical tool for estimating the causal effects of public policies, natural disasters, and other interventions on various economic, social, institutional, and political outcomes. In this study, we demonstrate the potential application of this method in empirical comparative law by estimating the impact of the 2010 constitutional referendum in Turkiye on the trajectory of judicial independence. By comparing Turkiye with a salient Mediterranean donor pool of countries that did not experience similar interventions during the period from 1987 to 2021, we provide evidence of a severe breakdown and erosion of judicial independence. This deterioration appears to be a direct response to the populist constitutional backsliding initiated by the government-orchestrated assault on the judiciary, which was carried out under the guise of judicial modernization in 2010, before the additional constitutional reforms in 2017.
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    Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has opened the possibility of automated content production, including coding in software development, which can significantly influence the participation and performance of software developers. To explore this impact, we investigate the role of GitHub Copilot, a generative AI pair programmer, on software development in open-source community, where multiple developers voluntarily collaborate on software projects. Using GitHub's dataset for open-source repositories and a generalized synthetic control method, we find that Copilot significantly enhances project-level productivity by 6.5%. Delving deeper, we dissect the key mechanisms driving this improvement. Our findings reveal a 5.5% increase in individual productivity and a 5.4% increase in participation. However, this is accompanied with a 41.6% increase in integration time, potentially due to higher coordination costs. Interestingly, we also observe the differential effects among developers. We discover that core developers achieve greater project-level productivity gains from using Copilot, benefiting more in terms of individual productivity and participation compared to peripheral developers, plausibly due to their deeper familiarity with software projects. We also find that the increase in project-level productivity is accompanied with no change in code quality. We conclude that AI pair programmers bring benefits to developers to automate and augment their code, but human developers' knowledge of software projects can enhance the benefits. In summary, our research underscores the role of AI pair programmers in impacting project-level productivity within the open-source community and suggests potential implications for the structure of open-source software projects.
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    Population pressure is speeding the rate of deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa, increasing the cost of biomass cooking fuel, which over 80 percent of the population relies upon. Higher energy input costs for meal preparation command a larger portion of household spending which in turn induces families to focus their diet on quick cooking staples. We use a field experiment in Zambia to investigate the impact of solar cook stoves on meal preparation choices and expenditures on biomass fuel. Participants kept a detailed food diary recording every ingredient and fuel source used in preparing every dish at every meal for every day during the six weeks of the experiment. This produces a data set of 93,606 ingredients used in the preparation of 30,314 dishes. While treated households used the solar stoves to prepare around 40 percent of their dishes, the solar stove treatment did not significantly increase measures of nutritional diversity nor did treated households increase the number of dishes per meal or reduce the number of meals they skipped. However, treated households significantly reduced the amount of time and money spent on obtaining fuel for cooking. These results suggest that solar stoves, while not changing a household's dietary composition, does relax cooking fuel constraints, allowing households to prepare more meals by reducing the share of household expenditure that goes to meal preparation.
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    Agentic AIs $-$ AIs that are capable and permitted to undertake complex actions with little supervision $-$ mark a new frontier in AI capabilities and raise new questions about how to safely create and align such systems with users, developers, and society. Because agents' actions are influenced by their attitudes toward risk, one key aspect of alignment concerns the risk profiles of agentic AIs. Risk alignment will matter for user satisfaction and trust, but it will also have important ramifications for society more broadly, especially as agentic AIs become more autonomous and are allowed to control key aspects of our lives. AIs with reckless attitudes toward risk (either because they are calibrated to reckless human users or are poorly designed) may pose significant threats. They might also open 'responsibility gaps' in which there is no agent who can be held accountable for harmful actions. What risk attitudes should guide an agentic AI's decision-making? How might we design AI systems that are calibrated to the risk attitudes of their users? What guardrails, if any, should be placed on the range of permissible risk attitudes? What are the ethical considerations involved when designing systems that make risky decisions on behalf of others? We present three papers that bear on key normative and technical aspects of these questions.
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    In an era of "moving fast and breaking things", regulators have moved slowly to pick up the safety, bias, and legal pieces left in the wake of broken Artificial Intelligence (AI) deployment. Since AI models, such as large language models, are able to push misinformation and stoke division within our society, it is imperative for regulators to employ a framework that mitigates these dangers and ensures user safety. While there is much-warranted discussion about how to address the safety, bias, and legal woes of state-of-the-art AI models, the number of rigorous and realistic mathematical frameworks to regulate AI safety is lacking. We take on this challenge, proposing an auction-based regulatory mechanism that provably incentivizes model-building agents (i) to deploy safer models and (ii) to participate in the regulation process. We provably guarantee, via derived Nash Equilibria, that each participating agent's best strategy is to submit a model safer than a prescribed minimum-safety threshold. Empirical results show that our regulatory auction boosts safety and participation rates by 20% and 15% respectively, outperforming simple regulatory frameworks that merely enforce minimum safety standards.
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    This paper examines how AI persuades doctors when their diagnoses differ. Disagreements arise from two sources: attention differences, which are objective and play a complementary role to the doctor, and comprehension differences, which are subjective and act as substitutes. AI's interpretability influences how doctors attribute these sources and their willingness to change their minds. Surprisingly, uninterpretable AI can be more persuasive by allowing doctors to partially attribute disagreements to attention differences. This effect is stronger when doctors have low abnormality detection skills. Additionally, uninterpretable AI can improve diagnostic accuracy when doctors have career concerns.
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    Toxicity is a widespread phenomenon in competitive online video games. In addition to its direct undesirable effects, there is a concern that toxicity can spread to others, amplifying the harm caused by a single player's misbehavior. In this study, we estimate whether and to what extent a player's toxic speech spreads, causing their teammates to behave similarly. To this end, we analyze proprietary data from the free-to-play first-person action game Call of Duty: Warzone. We formulate and implement an instrumental variable identification strategy that leverages the network of interactions among players across matches. Our analysis reveals that all else equal, all of a player's teammates engaging in toxic speech increases their probability of engaging in similar behavior by 26.1 to 30.3 times the average player's likelihood of engaging in toxic speech. These findings confirm the viral nature of toxicity, especially toxic speech, in competitive online video games.
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    I study the dynamic, general equilibrium implications of climate-change-linked transition risk on macroeconomic outcomes and asset prices. Climate-change-linked expectations of fossil fuel restrictions can produce a ``run on fossil fuels'' with accelerated production and decreasing spot prices, or a ``reverse run'' with restrained production and increased spot prices. The response depends on the expected economic consequences of the anticipated transition shock, and existing climate policies. Fossil fuel firm prices decrease in each case. I use a novel empirical measure of innovations in climate-related transition risk likelihood to show that dynamic empirical responses are consistent with a ``run on fossil fuel.''
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    Cross-sectional age-skill profiles suggest that workers' cognitive skills start declining by their thirties if not earlier. If accurate, such age-driven skill losses pose a major threat to the human capital of societies with rapidly aging populations. We estimate actual age-skill profiles from individual changes in skills at different ages. We use the unique German longitudinal component of the Programme of the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC-L) that retested a large representative sample of adults after 3.5 years. Two main results emerge. First, correcting for measurement error, average skills increase into the forties before decreasing slightly in literacy and more strongly in numeracy. Second, skills decline at older ages only for those with below-average skill usage. White-collar and higher-educated workers with above-average usage show increasing skills even beyond their forties. Women have larger skill losses at older age, particularly in numeracy.
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    This paper studies inflation in small open economies with production networks. I show that the production network alters the elasticity of the consumer price index (CPI) to changes in sectoral technology, factor prices, and import prices. Sectors can import and export directly but also indirectly through domestic intermediate inputs. Indirect exporting dampens the inflationary pressure from domestic forces, while indirect importing increases the inflation sensitivity to import price changes. Computing these CPI elasticities requires knowledge of the production network structure as these do not coincide with typical sufficient statistics used in the literature, such as sectoral sales-to-GDP ratios, factor shares, or imported consumption shares. Using input-output tables, I provide empirical evidence that adjusting CPI elasticities for indirect exports and imports matters quantitatively for small open economies. I use the model to illustrate the importance of production networks during the recent COVID-19 inflation in Chile and the United Kingdom.
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    Using individual-level data from Gallup World Poll and the Levada Center, we provide an in-depth analysis of how Russia's invasion of Ukraine has affected sentiments in the Russian population. Our results show that after the invasion, a larger share of Russians expressed support for President Putin, optimism about the future, anti-West attitudes, and lower migration aspirations. The 2022 mobilization and the 2023 Wagner rebellion had only short-lived and no effects on sentiments, respectively. Regions with low pre-war support for Putin displayed stronger rally effects, higher casualty rates, and increased incomes, suggesting a recruitment strategy that maximizes political support. Taken together, our results suggest strong public support for the war, except among Russians abroad who became more critical of Putin in line with global views.

Recent comments

Marcel Fröhlich Oct 08 2019 09:57 UTC

Thomas Klimpel Apr 20 2017 09:16 UTC

This paper [appeared][1] in February 2016 in the peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal Chaos by the American Institute of Physics (AIP).

It has been reviewed publicly by amateurs both [favorably][2] and [unfavorably][3]. The favorable review took the last sentence of the abstract ("These invalid
