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Questions tagged [discussion]

Questions that may not necessarily have a clear-cut right or wrong answer and are often subjective. If your question isn't a bug report, feature request, or request for assistance, or question with a concrete answer, it's probably a discussion.

2 votes
0 answers

Dark Theme Tag Pop Especially Bright

I'm not sure when the tag-popup changed, but when activated by mouse-over, the button color is a bit over-bright for the dark theme and the rest of the text in the popup. For example, As a suggestion,...
David C. Rankin's user avatar
-13 votes
0 answers

How to get initial reputation on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I have been using Stack Overflow for quite some time. But I am not able to up-vote or comment my suggestions on any of the answers or questions because I need to have a minimum of 15 or 50 reputation ...
Nihal Gupta's user avatar
-14 votes
1 answer

Language aliases for Stack Exchange sites and Stack Overflow requirements [closed]

There are Stack Exchange sites only for a few languages: Russian Ukraine Portugal Latin Korean Chinese Japan Italian German Esperanto English Same for Stack Overflow, only for a few languages: ...
Damian Chudobiński's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

Is archiving the best solution for duplicates from the Staging Ground?

At the moment, a Staging Ground question that gets enough duplicate votes becomes archived. You can see a list of all such archived questions here. Once a question is archived like this, it gets taken ...
Anerdw's user avatar
  • 1,358
37 votes
1 answer

How should I handle repeat questions in the Staging Ground?

On the main site, when someone repeatedly posts the same question, the new attempt can be closed as a duplicate of the old attempt, even if the first question was closed for a different reason and ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
-12 votes
0 answers

What details are missing in the question about flattening git history?

The question How to flatten git history as if there was no branch? was closed for lacking details or clarity. What details is it missing?
Ooker's user avatar
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-14 votes
0 answers

Question no longer marked as duplicate but I still can't ask a new one [duplicate]

My question, c++ - Overloading indexing operator assignment, was marked as a duplicate 4 months ago, and at that time I was unable to post a new question until I edited that question. However, my ...
Alex DeStefano's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Are questions regarding software protocols truly "not related to programming"?

I submitted a question asking the difference between two content types used in HTTP requests and the when/why to use one over the other. My question was closed as off-topic, as it is allegedly "...
Cardinal System's user avatar
34 votes
7 answers

Announcing the new Staging Ground Reviewer Stats Widget

Update on September 18th, 2024 : this feature is now live! As a response to feedback since the launch of Staging Ground, we are excited to announce a new feature, the stats widget, launching next ...
Bella_Blue's user avatar
  • 101
87 votes
1 answer

Should podcast episodes in The Overflow Blog have a distinct icon?

In the below image, you can see two posts in The Overflow Blog. One of these is a written blog post, and the other is a podcast episode. Currently, all content in the Blog has the pencil icon. I've ...
Jordan's user avatar
  • 86
6 votes
2 answers

Proposed changes to Twilio-related tags

The Developer Advocacy Team at Twilio, who work with Stack Overflow on the Collective, have done an assessment of the Twilio-related tags on Stack Overflow and have proposed changes to several tags. ...
Berthold's user avatar
  • 101
-10 votes
0 answers

help to understand the reasons of closing - kiosk-mode-in-android-maui

Below question was closed and deleted The question is not "unclear" - at the end I found that exist API in Android ...
Vladimir B's user avatar
-8 votes
0 answers

Why was my question downvoted and how do I improve it?

I asked the following question: speech to text using Google instead of default Samsung configuration I thought this was a challenging and on-topic question, but it received three downvotes. I can't ...
Vladimir B's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Why are reviewers deleting answers on old (closed) recommendation questions?

I've recently run into a Low Quality Answers review for a recommendation on an already-closed question. In the past, I usually just "Recommended Deletion" for these answers, but I thought ...
ipodtouch0218's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

What was wrong with my edits and re-open vote?

A user posts a "why did they do this like that in Java" question. Someone warns them in the comments that it will, naturally, be closed. In an attempt to save it, the OP makes an edit, which ...
Mike Nakis's user avatar
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