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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The D7 class battlecruiser was a type of warship starship designed and built by the Klingon Empire during the mid-23rd century. Many also entered the service of the Romulan Star Empire following the formation of a Klingon-Romulan alliance in the 2260s. (TOS episodes: "Elaan of Troyius", "The Enterprise Incident", "Day of the Dove"; WizKids module: Attack Wing)

History and specifications[]


The D7-class was the next step in Klingon battlecruiser design, its form being a development of the earlier D4 class. The first prototypes entered service in the 2250s decade. (Star Trek Adventures RPG module: Core Rulebook)

Similar designs had been in service since as early as the year 2151. (ENT episode: "Unexpected")


The proposed D7 design presented to the High Council in 2257.

By the mid 23rd century the class had become the mainstay of the fleet. In the 2250s some D7s were used as prison ships. (DSC episode: "Choose Your Pain")

Following the Federation-Klingon War of 2256-2257 a new D7 variant was designed. Instead of bearing the banner of any one Klingon House, the new cruisers were intended to bear the mark of the unified Klingon Empire, and become the mainstay of the fleet following the war. (DSC episode: "Point of Light")


One of the first new D7s created after the war.

After a red burst was observed over Boreth, Chancellor L'Rell traveled to that world on one of the first new D7s of that variant to meet with Captain Christopher Pike on the USS Discovery. (DSC episode: "Through the Valley of Shadows")

Following the formation of a Klingon-Romulan alliance in the 2260s, many D7s entered service in the Romulan Star Empire as Stormbird-class cruisers. (TOS episode: "The Enterprise Incident", FASA RPG module: The Romulans: Starfleet Intelligence Manual)

A variant of this cruiser was the D7-A, which saw use as early as 2269. Another significant class variant was the D7-M or K't'inga-class. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update)

In 2272, several D7-class ships were among the Klingon vessels assimilated by the Borg, who were manipulated by the rogue Vulcan scientist T'Uerell while she was allied with the Klingons. These assimilated Klingon ships engaged Starfleet in battle, during Admiral James T. Kirk's efforts to thwart T'Uerell's plans, and were destroyed. (ST video game: Legacy)


The D7 class name describes any number of variants of the class, which included many individually named and numbered series.

The Romulan-owned D7s were referred to as Stormbird-class vessels, and that class name seems to refer to multiple types listed above, most notably the Akif and K't'inga-classes.


D7 startrek10

D7 class battle cruiser under attack.

D7-class vessels were armed with disruptors, photon torpedoes, and tractor beams. (WizKids module: Attack Wing)

Known vessels[]


Unknown Klingon battlecruiser that eluded USS Enterprise in 2267.

Klingon starships[]


D7A K't'agga-class[]

D7c K't'agga-class[]

K't'inga class

A K't'inga-class vessel.

D7M K't'inga-class[]

Other variants[]

IKS Terror

Dreadnought IKS Terror.

Mirror universe Klingon starships[]


Romulan D7s surrounding the USS Enterprise.

Romulan starships (Stormbird-class)[]


D-7M K't'inga class[]

Mirror universe Romulan starships[]




Klingon starship classes
Klingonese names Akif • An'quat • BaSro' • Batlh • Bre'el • B'rel • B'Rotlh • Baka Re' • Ber'taa • Besz Ra'te' • Birok • Bortas • BortaS bIr • Bortasqu' • Ch'Tang • Chargh • CharghwI' • Chava'Kal • Chontay • ChunDab • Chuq'Beh • Chutok • DaSpu • D'aka • D'ama • Dath D'lan • D'esta Kar • D'Gavama • DujHod • Eakin K'nall • Fek'lhr • Fer'Jai • H'ban Pav • Haqtaj • Hegh'ta • HoH'SuS • Jach • Jach'Eng • Jfolokh • K'mirra • K'nall • K'nel • K't'agga • K't'alla • K't'inga • K't'kara • K't'mara • K't'rika • K'Tanco • K'vort • K'vort Cha • Kalath • Kamarag • Karas • Kas Maal • K'el Ri'anda • Keth Ke Se • Kh'exrilin • K'hanakh • Khitomer (bird-of-prey) • Kl'ar • Klinzhai • Klolode • Kl'sarza • Kl'xenova • Koloth • Kom Ka'des • Komo Val • Korath • Koreba • Koro't'inga • Kronos • K'toch • L'rexa • Lar'hal • Lara'atan • LI'wI' • Mas To Gal • Mat'Ha • May'Duj • M'Chla • Mogh • MoQ • Mortum Hesta • Na Ra'den • Negh'Var • Nemosin • Ning'tao • Norgh • Nov • NuQ'Duj • Oniros • Pach • Peghqu' • PIH • Plen Zha • PumwI' • Puyjaq • qa'HoS • Qang • Qaw'Dun • Qeh'Ral • Qexa • QeylIS BetleH • Qib • Qin • Qoj • Qorgh • QuD • Qugh • Riskadh • Sech • Sivista • Somraw • SuQ'jagh • SuQob • SuvwI'Qeh • T'h'lar • Ta'Sub • Tajtiq • Talat Kh'exesta • Tas'esta • Tor'Kaht • Ty'Gokor • V'al'kon • V'kar Zadan • V's'talo • Vakk • Vo'Quv • VoDleH • Voodieh • Vor'cha • Vor'Kang • Xechas • Z'gal • Z'gavasta • Z'gavva • Z'mortama Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
Translated names Accuser • Administrator • Alliance • Battle Cruiser • Bird of Prey • Bringer of Agony • Bringer of Destiny • Bringer of Destruction • Bringer of Justice • Carrier of Doom • Catapult • Chancellor • Death Boot • Death Rite • Death Stalker • Defender • Devil • Emperor • Enforcer • Ever Victorious • Fat Man • Fierce Revenge • Great Bird • Grim Reaper • (Gull) • Healer • Insurrection • Little Killer • Luckless • Mender • Mover • (Murph) • One Wing • Painbringer • Pathmaker • Predator • (Raptor) • Ravenous • Relentless • Revenge • Saber • Seeker • Shadow • Speedstar • Stalker • Star • Stinger • Stingtongue • Strong Victor • Stronger Bird • Suspicious • Swiftwind • Sword of Kahless • Throne Seeker • Trader's Game • Truthbringer • Tugboat • Unseen Creeper • Warrior's Anger • Watcher • Winner
Alphanumeric names B5 • D2 • D3 • D4 • D4x • D5 • D6 • D7 • (D7/D5 Klolode • D7 Akif • D7A • D7C • D7G • D7M • D7R • D7S • D7 Koloth) • D9 • D10 (bird of prey) • D10 (cruiser) • D11 • D12 (bird of prey) • D12 (cruiser) • D14 • D16 • D18 • D20 • D21A • D32 • E4 • E6 • F5 • F5B • F5C • F5G • F5GB • F5K • F5L • F5W • F5Y • F6 • FWC • FWK • FWL • G2 • G3 • G4 • G5 • G6 • G8 • K3 • K4 • K5 • K6 • K14 • K15 • K17 • K18 • K22 • (K22B) • K23 • K24 • K26 • K27 • K30 • K32 • L6 • L9 • L13 • L20 • L24 • L42 • S4 • S5 • S8 • T3 • T5 • T12 • W2 • W4
By time period or type Birds-of-prey (22nd century bird of prey • 2260s bird of prey) • 23rd century scout vessel • mobile battle base • battleship • cargo ship • colony ship • construction ship • dropship • mining freighter • prison barge • repair ship • scout ship • strike raider • transit-hopper
Romulan starship classes
Romulan language names Alocala • Amarcan • Amosarr • Aye Mosaram • Baydron • Caladan • Comilius • D'delitham • D'deridex • D'dredar • Delitham • Delon Vastam • Deresus • D'gerok • D'Kazanak • Draconarius • D'renet • D'retex • D'ridren • D'sera • D'seren • D'tavan • D'theros • D'valek • D'vanga • D'vas • D'viret • D'virin • D'Vorix • Dhelan • Ferrax • Galan Stelri • Ganum • Golgaroth • Graffler • Hathos • Horos • Ivarix • Kelkarrum • Khnial • Klivai Vang'radai • Lanora • Llaihr • Llaiir'Dhael • Mandukam • Meret • Mogai ~ Norexan • Moorabbin • Morlasam Cl'vangas • Morlasasi Stelam • Mularr • Narvasam'al • Nei'hrr • Nelvek • Nir'at • N'renix • Ocala Sindari • Phaeros • Praex • Prelar • Ralaaram Ocala • Ralek • Ranajmar • Ras Lovah • R'daran • R'derex • Re'ravsam • Reemea • Revastal • R'tan • Sehin Morlatta • Serex • Sethen • Shirekral • Stelai'deletham • S'ten Vastam • T'varo • S'ten Talasam • Takaan • Takara Morlatta • Talas Mosarum • Temar Vastaram • Temar Vastari • Thalan • Theron • Tirethi • T'kairin • T'kassan • T'korex • T'Liss • T'rasus • T'varo • Ustalam Stelas • Vadak • Vadaso Stelri • Vas Hatham • Vas Hatham (scout) • Vas'deletham • Vas'kalabam • Vas'maklaram • Vas'rosvlai • Vastagor Lattam • Vastagor Vastarum • Vastam Cl'vangas • Vastari Sanalam • Vasteme • Veles • Venator • Ventarix • Veranal • Vercaal • Verelan Vastarum • Vereleus • Vespin • Vidian • Vithrel • V'geren • V'gurin • V'tana • V'tir • Valdore Emblem of the Romulan Star Empire.
Translated names (Akif) • Battlehawk • "Bird of Paradise" • Bird of Prey • Bird of Prey (scout) • Centurion (cruiser) • Bright One • Comet of Destruction • Deathsting • Death Talon • Death Flyer • Defender of Stars • Dreadnaught • Enhanced Fire • Executioner • Explosive Avenger • Falcon • Free Flight • Fire Swarm • Gallant Carrier • Gallant Wing • Graceful Flyer • Great Defender • Great Bird • Griffin • Gryphon • Harpy • Hawk • Heavy Defender • Hunter • Imperial Hawk • Imperium • (Kalath) • Kestrel • (K'hanakh) • (K't'inga) • Legion • Little Nest • Night Flyer • Nightwing • Nova • Phoenix • Praetor • Praetorian • Protector • Raptor • Scimitar • Senator • Shadow • Shrieking Bird • Shrike • Silver Bird • Skyfire • Snipe • Star Seeker • Starglider • Starlifter • Stormbird • Swarm • Swift Wing • Talon ~ Theta • Traitorous Enemy • Unbound Brother • Vengeance • Vigilant One • War Eagle • Whitewind ~ Whitewing • Wind Carrier • Wing of Doom • Wing of Vengeance • Winged Defender • Wings of Justice
Alphanumeric names B-type warbird • CS2 • (D7 • D7 Akif • D7M) • E5 • H4 • H5 • I4 • I7 • J2 • J3 • J4 • J8 • (K3) • M4 • M8 • N1 • N2 • N5 • N8 • P2 • P3 • P8 • P12 • Q1 • Q4 • R1 • R4 • S3 • S4 • S9 • S11 • T2 • T5 • T10 • Theta • U4 • U7 • U9 • U13 • U15 • U21 • V1 • V2 • V4 • V5 • V6 • V7 • V8 • V9 • V11 (D7) • V20 • V24 • V27 • V30 ~ V31 • Z1
By time period or type biogenic transport • 22nd century bird-of-prey • 2150s bird-of-prey • late-2150s bird-of-prey • 23rd century bird-of-prey • late 23rd century bird-of-prey • 24th century bird-of-prey • 25th century bird-of-prey • attack raptor • battlecruiser • 22nd century cargo ship • 24th century cargo ship • colony ship • construction ship • mining freighter • repair ship • science vessel



External links[]
