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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The QuD-class (translated as Insurrection-class) was a type of starship, a destroyer used by the Klingon Empire in the year 2293.

History and specifications[]

The Insurrection-class was essentially a much larger version of the venerable B'rel-class bird-of-prey. It is said that orbital factories around Qo'noS were capable of building a single hull of these ships every month which is a remarkable capability considering the limitations that the Klingon government faced in those decades.

These destroyers placed a higher emphasis on speed and offensive capabilities than armor or shield strength. The Insurrection-class was noted for its extensive array of forward facing weapons which were more powerful than a qa'HoS-class light cruiser's. A common tactic used with the QuD-class involved making attack runs on enemy positions while at high impulse speeds, using the ship's agility to escape harm.

Within the Klingon Defense Force, these destroyers would serve as vital escort elements within a fleet and were used as interceptors against enemy starships that the slower battleships were incapable of catching. Beyond this, they were known to be excellent raiding vessels and many trading convoys fell prey to these ships. Klingon warriors assigned service on a Qud saw this as a great honor and captains of such vessels were known to turn down promotions to larger ships in order to stay on these infamous destroyers.

The design of the QuD was originally a concept vessel programmed into the war simulators at the Klingon Defense Force's Elite Command Academy. The ship's designer, one Colonel Galt'naH, introduced the vessel to the High Council as a solution to the KDF's lack of a dedicated destroyer that could serve in long term search and destroy missions and convoy escort. The High Councillors initially scoffed at the idea that such a ship would be needed during a future (and what seemed at the time to be an inevitable) war with the Federation. Colonel Galt'naH decided to prove the worth of his concept design by having the members of the Council attempt to conduct the war simulation against the Federation using the qa'HoS light cruiser to fill the dual role of destroyer and light fleet escort, which it was qualified to do. However, it became apparent to the Council that the number of qa'HoS required to fulfill these roles was far larger than the number of light cruisers in service at the time, and constructing more was impractical in terms of time and resources. Galt'naH then started his own war simulation and accessed his programmed concept destroyer. The destroyer performed so well in its role that the High Council reversed its decision and ordered that design and construction efforts for the vessel be commenced immediately. Ironically, the name of the class, Insurrection, pays honor to the stubborness of Colonel Galt'naH, who refused to accept the "final" decision of the High Council. (TOS video game: Klingon Academy)

As a later large capital ship built on a Klingon bird-of-prey platform, the K'vort-class destroyers could be considered a successor to this design.

Mirror universe[]

These ships were also present within the mirror universe, with two such vessels attacking the ISS Excelsior in 2293. (TOS video game: Shattered Universe)

Known ships[]

F5-class frigate
IKV Ardent • IKV Arduous • IKV Audacious • IKV Bandit • IKV Barracuda • IKV Beast • IKV Blackguard • IKV Blackstar • IKV Brave • IKV Courageous • IKV Dasher • IKV Devil's Anvil • IKV Eviscerator • IKV Fearless • IKV Fiend • IKV Fury • IKV Harasser • IKV Hero of Zursk • IKV Glorious • IKV Khedive • IKV Kievak • IKV Kor • IKV Mayhem • IKV Nova • IKV Stalker • IKV Stealth • IKV Stormer • IKV Tenacity • IKV Terrorist • IKV Undaunted • IKV Vandal • IKV Vengeful • IKV Vicious • IKV Vigilance • IKV Violation • IKV Volcano • IKV Voracious • IKV Axe Wielder • IKV Axe Demon • IKV Axe Slayer • IKV Axe Warrior • IKV Battle Chariot • IKV Battle Cry • IKV Battle Demon • IKV Battle Dog • IKV Battle Dragon • IKV Battle Fire • IKV Battle Song • IKV Battle Storm • IKV Battle Sword • IKV Battle Wind • IKV Blood Chariot • IKV Blood Demon • IKV Blood Fire • IKV Blood Lust • IKV Blood Slayer • IKV Blood Storm • IKV Blood Sword • IKV Death Angel • IKV Death Chant • IKV Death Chariot • IKV Death Cry • IKV Death Demon • IKV Death Song • IKV Death Storm • IKV Death Sword • IKV Death Warrior • IKV Death Wielder • IKV Death Wind • IKV Doom Chant • IKV Doom Chariot • IKV Doom Cry • IKV Doom Song • IKV Doom Sword • IKV Doom Warrior • IKV Doom Wind • IKV Dragon Claw • IKV Dragon Chariot • IKV Dragon Cry • IKV Dragon Fire • IKV Dragon Scale • IKV Dragon Song • IKV Dragon Sword • IKV Dragon Tooth • IKV Fire Air • IKV Fire Angel • IKV Fire Chariot • IKV Fire Cry • IKV Fire Demon • IKV Fire Dog • IKV Fire Dragon • IKV Fire Hound • IKV Fire Lust • IKV Fire Slayer • IKV Fire Song • IKV Fire Starter • IKV Fire Storm • IKV Fire Sword • IKV Fire Warrior • IKV Fire Wielder • IKV Fire Wind • IKV Storm Cry • IKV Storm Chariot • IKV Storm Demon • IKV Storm Dog • IKV Storm Dragon • IKV Storm Slayer • IKV Storm Song • IKV Storm Warrior • IKV Storm Wielder • IKV Storm Wind • IKV War Angel • IKV War Chant • IKV War Chariot • IKV War Cry • IKV War Demon • IKV War Dog • IKV War Dragon • IKV War Hound • IKV War Lust • IKV War Slayer • IKV War Song • IKV War Storm • IKV War Sword • IKV War Wielder • IKV War Wind
F5B-class/F5K-class frigate
IKV Battle Chariot • IKV Battle Cry • IKV Battle Demon • IKV Battle Dog • IKV Battle Dragon • IKV Battle Fire • IKV Battle Song • IKV Battle Storm • IKV Battle Sword • IKV Battle Wind • IKV Blood Chariot • IKV Blood Demon • IKV Blood Fire • IKV Blood Lust • IKV Blood Slayer • IKV Blood Storm • IKV Blood Sword • IKV Death Angel • IKV Death Chant • IKV Death Chariot • IKV Death Cry • IKV Death Demon • IKV Death Song • IKV Death Storm • IKV Death Sword • IKV Death Warrior • IKV Death Wielder • IKV Death Wind • IKV Doom Chant • IKV Doom Chariot • IKV Doom Cry • IKV Doom Song • IKV Doom Sword • IKV Doom Warrior • IKV Doom Wind • IKV Dragon Claw • IKV Dragon Chariot • IKV Dragon Cry • IKV Dragon Fire • IKV Dragon Scale • IKV Dragon Song • IKV Dragon Sword • IKV Dragon Tooth • IKV Fire Air • IKV Fire Angel • IKV Fire Chariot • IKV Fire Cry • IKV Fire Demon • IKV Fire Dog • IKV Fire Dragon • IKV Fire Hound • IKV Fire Lust • IKV Fire Slayer • IKV Fire Song • IKV Fire Starter • IKV Fire Storm • IKV Fire Sword • IKV Fire Warrior • IKV Fire Wielder • IKV Fire Wind • IKV Storm Cry • IKV Storm Chariot • IKV Storm Demon • IKV Storm Dog • IKV Storm Dragon • IKV Storm Slayer • IKV Storm Song • IKV Storm Warrior • IKV Storm Wielder • IKV Storm Wind • IKV War Angel • IKV War Chant • IKV War Chariot • IKV War Cry • IKV War Demon • IKV War Dog • IKV War Dragon • IKV War Hound • IKV War Lust • IKV War Slayer • IKV War Song • IKV War Storm • IKV War Sword • IKV War Wielder • IKV War Wind
F5G-class/F5GB-class commando frigate
IKV Sergeant Korl • IKV Sergeant Kobol • IKV Senior Sergeant • IKV Sergeant Victorious
F5C-class/F5L-class frigate leader
IKV Audacity • IKV Alacrity • IKV Barbarian • IKV Demonfire • IKV Ferocity • IKV Firestar • IKV Glory • IKV Marauder • IKV Urgency • IKV Venom • IKV Axe Leader • IKV Axe Lord • IKV Battle Leader • IKV Battle Lord • IKV Battle King • IKV Blood Leader • IKV Blood Lord • IKV Death Lord • IKV Dragon Leader • IKV Dragon King • IKV Dragon Lord • IKV Doom Leader • IKV Doom Lord • IKV Fire King • IKV Fire Leader • IKV Fire Lord • IKV Storm King • IKV Storm Leader • IKV Storm Lord • IKV War King • IKV War Leader • IKV War Lord
F5Y-class cloaking frigate
IKV Silent Death • IKV Silent Strike • IKV Hidden Death • IKV Hidden Strike • IKV Stealth • IKV Quiet Death • IKV Quiet Strike
F6-class battle frigate
IKV Bakurian • IKV Valorian • IKV Sefarian • IKV Walkurian
F5W-class war destroyer
IKV Axe Destroyer • IKV Axe Killer • IKV Axe Soldier • IKV Battle Destroyer • IKV Battle Killer • IKV Battle Soldier • IKV Blood Destroyer • IKV Blood Soldier • IKV Death Destroyer • IKV Doom Destroyer • IKV Doom Soldier • IKV Dragon Destroyer • IKV Dragon Killer • IKV Dragon Soldier • IKV Fire Destroyer • IKV Fire Soldier • IKV Storm Destroyer • IKV Storm Killer • IKV War Soldier • IKV War Destroyer
FWK-class war destroyer
IKV The Destroyer • IKV Axe Killer • IKV Axe Soldier • IKV Battle Destroyer • IKV Battle Killer • IKV Battle Soldier • IKV Blood Destroyer • IKV Blood Killer • IKV Blood Soldier • IKV Death Destroyer • IKV Death Killer • IKV Death Soldier • IKV Doom Destroyer • IKV Doom Killer • IKV Doom Soldier • IKV Dragon Destroyer • IKV Dragon Killer • IKV Dragon Soldier • IKV Fire Destroyer • IKV Fire Killer • IKV Fire Soldier • IKV Storm Destroyer • IKV Storm Killer • IKV War Soldier • IKV War Destroyer • IKV War Killer
FWL-class war destroyer leader
IKV Axe Destroyer • IKV Axe Killer • IKV Axe Soldier • IKV Battle Destroyer • IKV Battle Killer • IKV Battle Soldier • IKV Blood Destroyer • IKV Blood Killer • IKV Blood Soldier • IKV Death Destroyer • IKV Death Killer • IKV Death Soldier • IKV Doom Destroyer • IKV Doom Killer • IKV Doom Soldier • IKV Dragon Destroyer • IKV Dragon Killer • IKV Dragon Soldier • IKV Fire Destroyer • IKV Fire Killer • IKV Fire Soldier • IKV Storm Destroyer • IKV Storm Killer • IKV War Soldier • IKV War Destroyer • IKV War Killer
FWC-class war destroyer leader
IKV Axe Champion • IKV Axe Chieftain • IKV Battle Champion • IKV Battle Chieftain • IKV Blood Champion • IKV Blood Chieftain • IKV Death Champion • IKV Death Chieftain • IKV Doom Champion • IKV Doom Chieftain • IKV Dragon Champion • IKV Dragon Chieftain • IKV Fire Champion • IKV Fire Chieftain • IKV Storm Champion • IKV Storm Chieftain • IKV War Champion • IKV War Chieftain

Mirror universe[]

IKS Chundab • IKS Jev



Bird-of-prey classes
Romulan birds-of-prey 2150s • late-2150s bird-of-prey • 22nd century • 23rd century (Kelvin timeline) • Ferrax • T'varo • T'Liss • Vas Hatham • Temar Vastaram • D'vas Romulan insignia image.
Reman birds-of-prey T'varo Romulan insignia image.
Klingon birds-of-prey 22nd century • 2260s • 23rd century (Kelvin timeline) • M'Chla • B'rel • Chuq'Beh • D12 • D'Gavama • E4 • E6 • G2 • Khitomer • K'vort • QuD • Z'gavasta • Z'gavva • QulDun • Norgh • Ki'tang • Hegh'ta Klingon insignia image.
Klingon starship classes
Klingonese names Akif • An'quat • BaSro' • Batlh • Bre'el • B'rel • B'Rotlh • Baka Re' • Ber'taa • Besz Ra'te' • Birok • Bortas • BortaS bIr • Bortasqu' • Ch'Tang • Chargh • CharghwI' • Chava'Kal • Chontay • ChunDab • Chuq'Beh • Chutok • DaSpu • D'aka • D'ama • Dath D'lan • D'esta Kar • D'Gavama • DujHod • Eakin K'nall • Fek'lhr • Fer'Jai • H'ban Pav • Haqtaj • Hegh'ta • HoH'SuS • Jach • Jach'Eng • Jfolokh • K'mirra • K'nall • K'nel • K't'agga • K't'alla • K't'inga • K't'kara • K't'mara • K't'rika • K'Tanco • K'vort • K'vort Cha • Kalath • Kamarag • Karas • Kas Maal • K'el Ri'anda • Keth Ke Se • Kh'exrilin • K'hanakh • Khitomer (bird-of-prey) • Kl'ar • Klinzhai • Klolode • Kl'sarza • Kl'xenova • Koloth • Kom Ka'des • Komo Val • Korath • Koreba • Koro't'inga • Kronos • K'toch • L'rexa • Lar'hal • Lara'atan • LI'wI' • Mas To Gal • Mat'Ha • May'Duj • M'Chla • Mogh • MoQ • Mortum Hesta • Na Ra'den • Negh'Var • Nemosin • Ning'tao • Norgh • Nov • NuQ'Duj • Oniros • Pach • Peghqu' • PIH • Plen Zha • PumwI' • Puyjaq • qa'HoS • Qang • Qaw'Dun • Qeh'Ral • Qexa • QeylIS BetleH • Qib • Qin • Qoj • Qorgh • QuD • Qugh • Riskadh • Sech • Sivista • Somraw • SuQ'jagh • SuQob • SuvwI'Qeh • T'h'lar • Ta'Sub • Tajtiq • Talat Kh'exesta • Tas'esta • Tor'Kaht • Ty'Gokor • V'al'kon • V'kar Zadan • V's'talo • Vakk • Vo'Quv • VoDleH • Voodieh • Vor'cha • Vor'Kang • Xechas • Z'gal • Z'gavasta • Z'gavva • Z'mortama Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
Translated names Accuser • Administrator • Alliance • Battle Cruiser • Bird of Prey • Bringer of Agony • Bringer of Destiny • Bringer of Destruction • Bringer of Justice • Carrier of Doom • Catapult • Chancellor • Death Boot • Death Rite • Death Stalker • Defender • Devil • Emperor • Enforcer • Ever Victorious • Fat Man • Fierce Revenge • Great Bird • Grim Reaper • (Gull) • Healer • Insurrection • Little Killer • Luckless • Mender • Mover • (Murph) • One Wing • Painbringer • Pathmaker • Predator • (Raptor) • Ravenous • Relentless • Revenge • Saber • Seeker • Shadow • Speedstar • Stalker • Star • Stinger • Stingtongue • Strong Victor • Stronger Bird • Suspicious • Swiftwind • Sword of Kahless • Throne Seeker • Trader's Game • Truthbringer • Tugboat • Unseen Creeper • Warrior's Anger • Watcher • Winner
Alphanumeric names B5 • D2 • D3 • D4 • D4x • D5 • D6 • D7 • (D7/D5 Klolode • D7 Akif • D7A • D7C • D7G • D7M • D7R • D7S • D7 Koloth) • D9 • D10 (bird of prey) • D10 (cruiser) • D11 • D12 (bird of prey) • D12 (cruiser) • D14 • D16 • D18 • D20 • D21A • D32 • E4 • E6 • F5 • F5B • F5C • F5G • F5GB • F5K • F5L • F5W • F5Y • F6 • FWC • FWK • FWL • G2 • G3 • G4 • G5 • G6 • G8 • K3 • K4 • K5 • K6 • K14 • K15 • K17 • K18 • K22 • (K22B) • K23 • K24 • K26 • K27 • K30 • K32 • L6 • L9 • L13 • L20 • L24 • L42 • S4 • S5 • S8 • T3 • T5 • T12 • W2 • W4
By time period or type Birds-of-prey (22nd century bird of prey • 2260s bird of prey) • 23rd century scout vessel • mobile battle base • battleship • cargo ship • colony ship • construction ship • dropship • mining freighter • prison barge • repair ship • scout ship • strike raider • transit-hopper

