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What If

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A novel by the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Breathing Series . . . What if you had a second chance to meet someone for the first time? Cal Logan is shocked to see Nicole Bentley sitting across from him at a coffee shop thousands of miles from their hometown. After all, no one has seen or heard from her since they graduated over a year ago. Except this girl isn't Nicole. She looks exactly like Cal's shy childhood crush, but her name is Nyelle Preston and she has no idea who he is. This girl is impulsive and daring, her passion for life infectious. The complete opposite of Nicole. Cal finds himself utterly fascinated-and falling hard. But Nyelle is also extremely secretive. And the closer he comes to finding out what she's hiding, the less he wants to know. When the secrets from the past and present collide, one thing becomes Nothing is what it seems.

375 pages, ebook

First published September 16, 2014

About the author

Rebecca Donovan

17 books9,394 followers
Optimism seeps from every pore of my body. I truly believe that what's supposed to happen... will! In that regard, I don't know how to give up; it's not part of my biological make up.

I'm a passionate (and some would say, overly enthusiastic) person. I learn by doing (and have been burned more times that I'd like to admit), but I will always throw my entire self into whatever I do - fail or succeed.

I think this is evident when I write, leaving nothing behind and spilling it all out on the pages. I give it all to my readers - love it or hate it.

The path I'm on is very often my own, veering off the beaten path at the sight of something more interesting or captivating, getting caught in the vines and thorns in order to experience the beauty and intrigue others often pass by. And I always meet the most interesting people along the way...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 892 reviews
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
September 18, 2014

This is a story of friendship, love, and self-discovery woven together in an intricate tale that'll keep you guessing as you read. I don't want to to tell you much about it though because I feel that the excitement of reading this book comes from discovering the story as you go so I'm just going to tell you this...

This story is about Cal and the mysterious woman who changes his life. He is shocked to see Nicole, his childhood crush, one day in a coffee shop on campus. No one had seen or heard from her since graduation. But, he'd recognize her eyes anywhere. He's sure of it. After all, he did spent years seeing them every day as they grew up together. But this girl shows no sign of recognizing him at all. She says her name is Nyelle and even he has to admit that even though she looks the same as Nicole, she's a completely different person -- polar opposite in personality. So he can't help but wonder.... who is she?

"She continues to confuse me with every conversation we have. But this girl makes me happy. Frustrated too. But mostly happy. And so I'm going to take advantage of every second I have with her."

I loved trying to piece the story together as I read. I pretty much came up with a different theory on every page. The more I read, the more it changed. Every time I thought I was sure about what was happening, something would happen to shake things up and keep me guessing.

I mean, this girl looked exactly the same as the one he knew but acted like a completely different person. Were they the same person? Were they different? Was he crazy? Was she crazy? What happened that night so long ago when he'd last seen the girl he'd been friends with? What if he'd not walked away? Was I completely and totally off base in all my guesses? Was it something else entirely?

Cal had his theories about her but more importantly, he wanted to get to know the girl who was in front of him. He liked her for who she was, not for who she reminded him of. He didn't know the truth behind her story but he didn't care. He was perfectly willing to accept her as she was. Just her. Whoever she was.

"Hey." I roll to my side an redirect her attention with a finger under her chin, so she's looking at me. "You can always show me exactly who you are. No matter what."

This multi-layered story is told from different POVs, each one bringing to light a new side and sharing a different perspective. It's told in a mixture of both past and present storylines. In the end, you'll see that everything happens for a reason. The things that seemed random, weren't. The things that made no sense, do. It all falls into place as the pieces of the puzzle begin to come together.

While the storyline and writing drew me in, I did have a few issues here and there. It bothered me a little to see how passive Cal's character was. I guess it was just his personality type but, especially from a male lead character, it took me a little while to adjust to it. I also wish that there had been a more intense romantic connection between the lead couple too. There was a point where I even felt like the emotions were describing a love triangle of sorts in a way that made me question the motivations for their actions. But I just tried to accept these people as they were, for who they were, and not judge. And quite honestly, I was so intrigued by the storyline that I could not put the book down and read it in one sitting.

Rebecca Donovan is an incredible gifted author whose writing keeps you absorbed in her words. As you read, you can't help but as yourself "what if?" -- Who knows how different our lives would be, or if we'd even be the same people we are today if only we'd made different choices.

This is a unique, well-written story about finding the courage to be who you want to be, about living the life you want to live, about being true to your friends, about asking What If? and then following your heart.

Rating: 4 stars. Standalone.


For more of my reviews, book news and updates:
Main blog: Aestas Book Blog
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Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
October 19, 2014
*arc provided per publisher via Netgalley in exchange for honest review*

So this is one of those books that is difficult to review and rate for me. I start by stating I am blown away by this author and her writing style. This story is very unique and told through multiple POV’s that shift from childhood memories to present context. This is story of friendships and connections that no matter time or space have powerful impacts on the main characters.

That being said, something about the tale seemed off, a bit disconnected for me. There was a constant air of mystery in the story as 3 girls and 1 boy, so uniquely different, find happiness together as young children. They truly grow into themselves experiencing the highs and lows until one friend, Richelle, is abruptly gone, and another, Nicole, forgets her old friends. What’s left is a heartbroken Cal, an angry Rae.

After a year that “what happened to us” feeling is still strong. Far away from California, Cal comes face to face with the elusive “Nicole” or is it? A very free spirited “Nyelle” may look like his childhood friend, by this girl is anything but the perfect, Ivy League girl he knew.

So begins a mysterious push-pull relationship of craziness in which Cal does just about anything to be near and learn more about Nyelle. Every so often the author puts in a bit of information that makes you wander who is who, what really happened, what is going on. With each passing scene Nyelle is starting to slip her façade away until Cal knows exactly who she is…but he just doesn’t care anymore as long as she is his.

I think my struggle with this story was the story was “too much” in terms of 4 characters tied to one big mysterious journey. The connections are vast as there is Cal and Rae, Cal and Richelle, Richelle and Nicole, Nicole and Rae, and Nicole and Cal. I felt like there was a bit of a love triangle occurring with all the secrets even though there wasn’t! I also felt as if “Nyelle” was very disturbed! She seemed to be to be so broken…her attempt to “be someone else” felt as if she truly took over her best friend’s life. I can’t really get a feel as if anything about her was genuine…

Overall, I suppose I sit on the fence.

I really liked to concept and the amazing bonds of friendship that can define someone. I also love the theme that “you can do it over.” I am a sucker for “second chance” stories especially when the characters get happiness they deserve!

However, I really wasn’t sold on the Cal/Nyelle relationship. I struggled with the big reveal and “aha” moment as it was not quiet what I had expected…nor was any ones reaction. You know the whole thing could have been wrapped up so much sooner if Cal would have listened to Rae and talked to him mom!!!!

Profile Image for Sandee is Reading.
684 reviews1,269 followers
December 29, 2014
What if this book was fast paced.
What if this book was a not in Cal's POV.
What if this book wasn't too long

I would have liked this book.

This book was hard one for me to review. It's not that I hated it. No. Not at all. I didn't hate this book, but I didn't quite like it either. The BIG SECRET was a big let down for me. It didn't satisfy me at all. Smiley I would have thought it was something REALLY BIG. and would really WOW me. The secret was built up so much, that when it was revealed... I was like... not too interested anymore.

Also, I kind of felt the secret was very obvious. There were clues... And if you look closely enough... you'll get it... soo... yeah... that was a big let down.

I'm not gonna spoil anything on this review because the author made a note at the end of the book to not put any spoilers on the reviews. So, I won't.

To start, here's the gist.

Cal grew up with three girls Rae, Richelle, and Nicole. They were the best of friends. But some things, just don't always stay the same.

The four of us grew up together in the same small-town California neighborhood. Rae lives next door, although she's pretty much an extension to my family at this point. Nicole and Richelle were neighbors a few houses down the street. When we were kids, we were inseperable. But things change when we got older.

Time changes people. When Richelle moved away without saying a word, Nicole started to drift away from Cal and Rae. The takls became less and less, until they don't even talk to her anymore.

Richelle moved away. We stayed in touch for a while. And then we didn't. Nicole chose popularity over our friendship soon after. Rae never gotten over Nicole's betrayal. And I never gotten over Nicole.

What a dickhead seriously! See that statement right there? That's one of the reasons I didn't like Cal and will never like Cal. It's so annoying why I can't even say why...Smiley

Graduation came and gone. It was time for college.

Cal was at a party. His girlfriend just dumped him to hook up with another guy. His night was not going too well. He then decided to leave, but then he met someone on his way out. Someone he didn't think he'll meet again, especially not on the school he was currently in. She was supposed to be at Harvart. They met at the party. And then, they met again the next morning at a coffee shop.

Then i just stand there and stare at her. She doesn't notice me, and that's probably a good thing because I look like a creep hovering above her. I have no idea what to say because I am standing in front of Nicole Bentley. But this girl looks... different.

But this wasn't Nicole. This wasn't the girl he grew up with overprotective parents who makes her wear dresses and was not allowed to get dirty. The girl standing in front of Cal was outgoing and carefree. And most of all, her name wasn't Nicole, but Nyelle Preston.

So the mystery is... WHO THE FUCK WAS NYELLE PRESTON? Smiley

I had lots of theories you know. A lot. I got it right eventually.

So there are a lot of things I couldn't reveal about the plot so... I'll just tell you about the things I could reveal.

Writing: I'm not a writer. Let's just make that clear. I don't claim to know much about how writers write their books and what type of devices they use on their writings. But I am a reader. As readers, I think we would know if the writing style of the author would suit our taste or not. I would be in the minority for this book again.

I read a lot of rave reviews for this book. But for me? I was just... okay. And most of the time, I just find it really boring and dull. It dragged on a lot of scenes. It wasn't really engaging for me. I had to force myself to finish this one, I was almost at the point where I was ready to put this on my DNF shelf... but I had to not do that because I'd had a lot of those recently.

I didn't really like reading Cal's POV. The only reason I continued on with reading this was to find out what the BIG SECRET was. I think I liked it better reading Nicole and Richelle's POV from the past. I honestly feel that Cal was not a very effective character and narrator. Meeeehhh..

Plot: UUuggghh. Where do I even start? It would have been good, but for me, I think the story was told in the wrong POV. I understand that the author wanted to add that mystery element to the story, and I admire that, but... It didn't work for me. I felt the story unnecessarily got dragged too long because of that. And because I really think Cal's stupid and naive. It probably would have been nice to have the story told on both Nicole and Nyelle's POV. There would still be mystery. There would still be questions. But the narrator would be more realiable... Hope that makes sense. Because honestly, I'm not sure I'm explaining this quite as much as I want to.

Majority of this book was Cal trying to figure out if Nyelle and Nicole are the same person. He was trying to comprehend whether they were separate people or not. Because they were alike physically, but not their actions, not the way they talk or the way they dress... Cal could have figured it our early on, if he only know how to fucking use his head. He should have asked.

I think this book went on, and on, and on. Seriously, a chunk of this book for me was a waste of paper. The longer it went, the more annoyed I become. The only thing that was keeping me from stopping was the secret... disappointing as it was.

And... I was right.

Again, sometimes, the simpler the story, the better the readers could connect with the characters and thee story.

Okay let's talk about the characters.

The book didn't focus too much on the characters. This book was an event-driven that caused the characters to become bland and one dimensional. No scratch that... That only applies to Cal. Haha.

Cal: I didn't like him at all. I thought he was douche, to be honest. He was obsessing over Nicole when he should be focusing on finding out why his ex-gf/gf stopped writing back. This book was majorly on his POV, and I didn't enjoy it one it. He was too passive for my taste.

I didn't like how obsessive he sounded everytime he talks about Nicole. He just mentioned his ex-gf once. ONCE!!! I'm not gonna say who is ex was because that's a spoiler. Buf if have picked up on some clues I left, you probably would have figured it out. He cared about her sure (probably), but didn't show it too much. He only finds out later on the story on what happened to her, but it still wasn't enough emotions on his part. What a fucking asshole! People just don't move away without saying anything without any reason. Right? Right? He should have at least tried to figure out at least what went wrong and why his ex stopped chatting with him.

Every time I read about Cal thinking on whether this Nyelle girl was Nicole, I want to slap some sense to him. Why didn't he ask her upfront instead of frying his brains trying it figure it out?

He was just stupid. I hate him. Book boyfriend material? That would be a big no.

Rae: I liked Rae. Rae is Cal's best friend and she's awesomje. I think she's the only character I liked from this book.

I understand why she's angry, that's a normal reaction to someone who was supposed to be your friend, but just stopped talking to you and pretend you don't exist. Nicole was a dick. I didn't like that she was such a pushover. I kind of feel Rae knew, but she had to let it go. Which is what Cal should have done too.

Richelle: The story was told in both present and past. We hear Cal's POV on present events while we hear Richelle's and Nicole's on the past ones. Based on the one's I do hear from Richelle, she was okay. She was that outgoing kid that liked to be friends with everyone. How could you hate a kid like that? Really? She's such a sweetheart.

There was a time though that she asked Nicole to do something, just because spoilery section... and did it because they wanted to remain friends. That was so... unrealistic to ask someone as they were just kids... Tsk tsk. That was a bit WTF moment.

Nicole: I feel bad for her, but it wasn't enough for me to sympathize with her situation. Does that make sense? I feel that the situation she was in, was not enough for her to do the things she did. I really hate when I couldn't say anything. She was the typical i'm-rich-so-a-lot-is-expected-of-me problem. Her parents had a bizarre way of treating their kid. If every rich family's kids were treated like that, I wouldn't want to be rich.

Okay. I'm not a fan of her either. Like I said earlier, she was a dick.

Nyelle: She was weird. And I like weird, but I still didn't like her. She was quirky which is a thumbs up. But the author overdone her mysteriousness that it was too obvious what happened to her. I felt that her illussiveness gave away the secret. I'm not particularly sure really if I like her or not. I could relate to how she thinks sometimes, because we share the same opinions on some stuff.

But.. I didn't really like her that much still.

So, let's talk about the books predictability. I have already got a good idea on what happened, right before the second half of the book started. So... it was a little predictable. There were a lot of clues here and there which totally destroyed the whole mystery aspect for me.

The pacing was a slow burn for me. Thumbs down for this one.

For enjoyability, not really sure if I did. It was okay. I couldn't rate it higher than 2 stars though. For books that I have a problem with the plot, my rating actually gets raised because of the characters. They compesate for the obvious lack of plot development which wasn't the case here. There was a plot. But... I just didn't enjoy the plot. I have to give the author props for trying to keep the mysteriousness althroughout the book. It really kept me reading, although I was getting a bit upset when it dragged too long.

Last Words

This book wasn't for me. Smiley

Usually, books that deal with real life issues, move me to tears. I cry easily over sad books, movies, stories, even songs. But this book, didn't do anything for me. It didn't make me cry. It didn't touch me. I felt bad for some of the characters, but wasn't sad about it. I didn't sympathize with a lot of stuff that went on.

Anyways, that's all for this review. For those of you who want to know the secret and is not in any way interested in reading this... message me... we'll talk.
September 28, 2014
This is really a story of a group of four friends who grew up...and apart from each other and what's happening in their lives. How perceived "slights" weren't slights at all. And what the heck? Why not throw in a love story too.

This book had me hooked from the get go. I fell for Cal hard especially because he is sooo taken by Nyelle. He just can't get enough!

Nyelle is very intriguing...she's a free spirit for sure. But her activities were so interesting and fun! I couldn't fault Cal for going along and looking forward to what crazy stuff she came up with next. But...there's something else going on and that drove me crazy!


Yes, Nyelle reminds Cal of his childhood friend, Nicole, but he is falling for Nyelle and I. Loved. That. It was sooo sweet and frustrating. Just like those fade to black steamy scenes! :(

I loved getting Cal's POV and the story is told in the present but we get chapters from the past and in some of the other friend's POVs. It really helped with shedding some light on things.

I really enjoyed Rae and Richelle but some of the things were hard to read. We've all gone through friendships that haven't lasted and have done things when we were younger that we regretted.


There are a couple of twists...one is pretty obvious but the other...not so much. I think most people will catch what's going on. It just takes a while to get any confirmation.

I think it ended well and I loved the epilogue. I'm always wanting more but I do like that this is a standalone (at least it is right now).


Favorite quotes

♥ “I’m looking for the girl I’ll regret if I let her go.”

Nyelle ponders thoughtfully for a moment. “Your what if girl. I like it.”

♥ "I keep getting lost in her. She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever known."

♥ “Want to have sex?”

“What?” My eyes flip open. I blink quickly, trying to appear alert. “What did you say?”

“I knew that would wake you up.”

♥ “I’m sorry I chose the Titanic to go across the arctic water.”

♥ “I love breakfast in bed,” I say, returning to her lips once again. “So much better than cereal.”

♥ "You are loved."

♥ "I want be your best friend. But I can’t be just friends with you,” I explain, taking in the big crystal-blue eyes staring at me. And then… I fall backward. “You’re her… my what if girl. The girl I will forever regret if I let you go.”

♥ “I’ve always loved you,” she says. “You were my first wish.”
Profile Image for Seda.
568 reviews177 followers
June 6, 2017
Konusunu hiç bilmeden, hikayesi hakkında hiçbir fikrim olmadan, kapağını çok severek aldım. Sadece ikinci şansı anlattığını biliyordum. Arka kapak yazısında da hiçbir bilgi vermiyor kitap. Bütün bu belirsizliklere rağmen çok beğendim.

Kapağını gördüğümde hissettiğim sıcacık duygular, kitap bittiğinde de devam ediyordu. İçi de dışı gibi yani. 😃

Konusundan bahsedilmemesi, yazarın kitabın arkasındaki özel isteği. Bu yüzden çok detay veremesem de karakterlerin ikisini de çok sevdiğimi belirtmeden geçemeyeceğim. Biraz dram yönü ağır basan, ama aynı zamanda yer yer eğlendiren bir kitap. Çok naif, sıcak ve duygusal bu kitabı en iyi tanımlayan kelimeler olur sanırım.
Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,659 followers
Shelved as 'brb'
June 14, 2015
The Breathing Series will always always always always hold a special place in my heart!!
I will always hate that bitch of an Aunt, forever.

Can't wait to read more by Miss. Donovan!!

What If seems to have a great plot going for it xD NEED IT NOW, ASAP!!!

What if you had a second chance to meet someone for the first time?
Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books781 followers
August 16, 2014
***Kindly provided by the publisher for an honest review***

This was absolutely amazing! I can't form coherent thoughts at the moment, but oh my damn. What a pleasant surprise, filled with many heartfelt and emotional moments...followed by heart pounding and sexy steamy times. Cal was a hero to swoon over and I absolutely loved his voice. I loved that he was the narrator most of this story and then we see a different pov from the past. Wow, I'm astounded. It was nothing what I expected. It was so much more. I kept guessing what was the big reveal and then I wasn't sure. It definitely had me thinking and trying to solve the mystery behind this story. And when it was finally revealed, I was in tears. And it wasn't at all what I'd been guessing. My heart broke for these characters. I found that most of them, Cal, Nyelle, Rae, Eric, Richelle, and Cal's family were all so well-flushed out. They each played roles that were important to the story. And I loved them all. I loved the snippets of their childhood and how it tied into the present.

So good.

I won't do a full review until closer to release date, just know...it's a journey worth experiencing with your eyes shut and your mind open. And not one to miss! Beautiful!
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,048 reviews940 followers
September 16, 2014

What If I’d never read What If?

I would never have felt my heart break into small pieces

I would never have experienced this pure flawless perfection of writing

I would never have cried for Nyelle and Cal

I would never have cried for Richelle, Nicole and Rae

I would not have experienced the inspirational beauty found in this story

I would not have experienced this strong connection of love

I would not have been part of a journey of finding out who you truly are

“Do you ever wish you could do something over again?”

What If I’d never read What If?

I would not have seen such incredible loyalty and friendship

I would not have experienced this exquisite tenderness and understanding

I would never have met the beautiful and tender soul that is Cal

I would never have met the hurting yet inspiring free spirit that is Nyelle

I would never have experienced this hope that was found in burdened tragedy

I would never have experienced growing up with characters who ended up with my heart

I would never have experienced such brokenness unthought-of to be mendable

I would never have experienced a ‘what if you could do it over’

I would never have experienced the intricate and emotional second chance

“Who are you looking for?”

What If I’d never read What If?

I would never have striven to uncover a multitude of interwoven and veiled secrets

I would have missed out on the spirituality with which Rebecca Donovan writes

I would have missed out on a story that touched my heart and soul

I would never have sat for hours thinking about my own ‘What If’s…’

“What if I had done it differently? Who would I be? What would my life be like? What if…”

What If I’d never read What If?

I do know I would have missed out on something extremely special

♥ ♥ ♥


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Profile Image for KAS.
317 reviews3,124 followers
August 11, 2016
Right now I am thinking "what if" my daughter never introduced me to this extraordinarily talented author? If she hadn't, I would be missing out on the most incredible and emotional novels that grab you from word one and never let go. I fell in love with Cal and Nyelle. Well heck, there isn't a character in this book I didn't love. To say anything more would be giving away spoilers. Just do yourself a favor and read "What If" and if you haven't already, put on your list to read her "Breathe" three book series and prepare to be blown away.
Profile Image for Holly Reads Xx.
833 reviews101 followers
May 21, 2015
When I pick a book up by Rebecca Donovan, you can guarantee that my day will be cancelled. I Will do absolutely nothing but sit and not just read, but live the book. She manages to drain me of just about every emotion possible, just in the course of one novel.

As much as I love reading her books, I hate when it comes time to review them because what could I possibly say that would even come close to explaining this authors talent? Even the word "talent" itself doesn't seem enough.

What If just blew me away. There was no way I could put it down, even if I tried. I Loved the mystery to it. I had constant theories running through my head. I loved experiencing the story from the multiple POVs, and getting a deeper understanding of the characters. I loved the friendships, the romance, the emotion... I can honestly say that there wasn't anything that I didn't love.

Before reading What If it had been so long since I'd cried at a book, I'd had friends questioning if I had a pulse. But What If made it happen. Such a beautiful, cleverly told story. Rebecca Donovan takes my breath away with every novel, and this was no exception. Perfection, from beginning to end.

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Tahsin.
1,190 reviews90 followers
September 24, 2014
i am torn on the rating, because on one hand, i loved the writing. but on the other, i'm thinking WTF because i wasn't a fan of the writing despite how genius it was. i will admit i was tempted to wave the white flag and DNF this several times because the beginning is super extra slow despite all that is going on. it actually felt pretty irrelevant to the progression of the story, but it makes sense eventually.

at the end of the book, the author makes a request to the readers to not spoil anything from this book in their reviews because it is a journey that one should experience on their own, without any further intervention. so i won't spoil anything.

this story was a web of confusion until the end. if you're reading this book, do yourself a favor and don't read the end first - like i was so tempted to do. it will seem like an oversimplification of some complex matters that may seem stupid.

if you are going to read this book, go in without any preconceived ideas. it won't do proper justice to the story that it deserves. read it on your own, and make up your own mind without any external interruption.
Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,070 followers
Want to read
July 2, 2014
Release date 16 September 2014

It sounds so good....
When the secrets from the past and present collide, one thing becomes clear: Nothing is what it seems.

Very excited to be getting a new story from Rebecca Donovan. I always know there'll be major...

...coming my way!

Can't wait!
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,346 reviews1,236 followers
February 2, 2015
3.5 stars

I loved Rebecca Donovan's breathing series so of course as soon as I heard about her new stand alone novel What If I knew I had to read it. She has created another emotional story with great characters and I'm sure her fans will love this novel.

This is actually a really hard book to review though, not because I didn't enjoy it but because I would hate to spoil it for anyone so I'm going to keep this deliberately vague. What If is a story about friendships, it introduces readers to four childhood friends who grew apart when one of them moved away and another started hanging out with a new group. The story is told from Cal's point of view in the present but we get to see flashbacks told from Nicole's, Richelle's and Rae's perspectives and it is through these flashbacks that we gradually learn what happened to them and why they started drifting apart.

The focus of the story is the friendships between the four main characters but it also has a lot of great themes about living life to the fullest and being the person you want to be rather than trying to live up to other people's expectations. It's about following your dreams and taking chances so that you're not looking back with regrets. It's also about how childhood friendships can shape you and the importance of being true to both yourself and the people you love.

I know this review is vague but if you like coming of age stories and you enjoy a good mystery then I'm sure you'll love What If. I was already a fan of Rebecca Donovan but I'll definitely be keeping an eye on her to see what she comes up with next.
Profile Image for Ana Stanciu-Dumitrache.
873 reviews99 followers
March 21, 2019
What If e un roman de la care eu aveam alte asteptari si despre care nu pot spune ca mi-a placut, dar nici ca a fost o pierdere de vreme. A fost o lectura ok, mai mult pentru adolescenti, destul de scurta si usor de citit. Nu mi-am dorit sa o abandonez, mai ales ca a existat si putin suspans si chiar am fost curioasa in privinta finalului. Ce mi-a displacut insa cel mai tare a fost faptul ca autoarea a exagerat cu multe situatii, iar explicatiile au fost trase de par: adolescenti care fac ce vor ei, isi iau lumea in cap in pleaca, parinti absenti din peisaj sau prea neimportanti sa aiba ceva de spus, iubiri fortate si decizii imature. Fiind o carte cu si despre adolescenti, a avut din plin clisee, insa a avut si putina profunzime, ceea ce a fost un plus pentru mine. Nu mi-au placut personajele, nu ca ar fi fost construite prost, ci pentru ca nu le-am apreciat caracterul. Poate un adolescent ar simti altfel povestea si chiar ar admira-o pe Nicole si l-ar iubi pe Cal. In fine, nu vreau sa mai critic ca poate ati vrea sa-l cititi si nu's eu contra. Povestea chiar e buna, intriga m-a facut si pe mine sa-i dau o sansa.
E vorba de un grup de prieteni: Cal, Nicole, Rea si Richella, care, desi foarte apropiati cand erau mici, ajung sa se desparta din cauza imprejurarilor si sa ramana fiecare cu amintiri si resentimente. Nicole pleaca la Harvard si nu mai da niciun semn de viata, Rea si Cal raman apropiati, iar Richella rupe brusc orice relatie si se muta. Ani mai tarziu, la facultate, Cal o recunoaste pe Nicole, insa descopera ca nu e ea, ci altcineva: Nyelle. Nyelle e identica Nicole, insa total schimbata ca personalitate, lucru care ii bulverseaza pe Cal si Rea si decid astfel sa descopere ce s-a intamplat de fapt in trecut, ce le-a stricat relatia si unde au disparut cele doua prietene. Mi-a placut faptul ca am avut parte de mai multe perspective si ca am cunoscut varianta de poveste a fiecaruia si am apreciat faptul ca autoarea a dorit sa ii dea o nota profunda si sa abordeze o tema sensibila in randul adolescentilor. A fost un roman construit ok, care a avut putin din toate, insa nu a excelat la ceva anume, din punctul meu de vedere.
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,950 reviews1,523 followers
September 26, 2014
4 Frustrating Stars

What If was a very difficult read for me. I’m still reeling on how I feel. There’s plenty of ups and downs and all arounds. All I can say is that if you want a bumping ride, intense book, frustrating, pull-your-hair-out, just scream book, then THIS.ONE.IS.FOR.YOU


You know that movie, Sweet November? Where the girl meets a guy and changes his life upside down by just being fun and free spirited? What If is kind of like that and no, she doesn’t get cancer and die.

Cal had a really loving childhood. He had a group of friends who he loved, but once they all reached high school, everything changed and Nicole, his closest friend, stopped talking to him.

Nyelle walks into his life during college and she looks exactly like Nicole, but it can’t be her because she acts NOTHING like Nicole. Cal is instantly drawn to her and needs to find out if Nyelle is Nicole.


Nyelle is fun, she’s loose, she’s carefree and very adorable. You would want to be her friend. She doesn’t care what people think of her and she has a heart of gold. The girl volunteers at homeless shelters, visits sick kids and eats a lot of sugar. I will admit Nyelle is a unique Heroine, I’ve never read anyone so different. It’s obvious she is compensating for something, but we just don’t know what.


I’m on the fence with Cal. I liked him, but he frustrated me at times. There are plenty of times he could have straight out asked if Nyelle was Nicole, but he never did because he didn’t want to push the issue, but to me, it felt like the author was just trying to stretch the storyline. He’s a sweet guy and kind of acts like a puppy in the way he accepts whatever bread crumbs Nyelle throws at him.


I have mixed feelings towards What If because first, I don’t like the flash backs. It���s a pet peeve and a personal choice of mine. Not only do I not like flash backs, but I don’t like it when flash backs are not in order and they are from different POV’s. It’s confusing sometimes and frustrating, but it did show me glimpses of the childhood.

Second, I don’t like a book based on a secret, well this one has two. Is Nyelle Nicole and why does Nyelle act the way she acts? I think my issue with books with secrets is that it drives me nuts while I read it, but it did get me to read it in two sittings, because I had to find out. So hence my mix feelings.

The whole book is frustrating, because you are ripped between flash backs to present tense, then Nyelle acts so mysterious and Cal doesn’t confront Nyelle. You are screaming for someone to just talk it out. However, with all that said, What If is written well and you are jumping page to page. It’s crazy I know.

Sometimes you want those crazy books, sometimes those crazy books that make you scream, rip your hair out and fuss are really good ones that leave you breathless and like me, reeling.

So take it for what it’s worth, that is my opinion.

AN ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review

What If by Rebecca Donovan AMAZON
Profile Image for Donna.
1,053 reviews586 followers
February 13, 2015
Cal Logan hasn’t been able to get his mind off one of the girls he grew up with – Nicole Bentley. They used to be close but Nicole left him behind for a new set of friends. When Nicole enrols at Harvard and no-one sees or hears from her, Cal can’t get his mind off of her. But one night at a party, he meets a girl who looks exactly like Nicole except this girl doesn’t act like the Nicole he knew. Gone is the shy person and instead Nyelle is outgoing and strangely addictive. The more time that Cal spends with Nicole the more he’s determined to get the truth.

I wasn’t sure what to expect before heading into What If. I’ve only had one other experience with Rebecca Donovan as an author and I had major issues with it, so of course a part of me was hoping this time I would been blown away because I know so many people love her work. But unfortunately I was left disappointed.

What If is a mysterious story about four childhood friends who seem to lose touch of the years. During the story we have Cal telling the main part of the story but we also get flash backs from the other characters told from when their childhood days. I enjoyed how the story was told. Going back and forth from past to present but I struggled to connect to the childhood days. While I was reading the story was I was trying to think how these chapters fit into the story and even now I’m still impressed by how well these chapters were written and how it tells a past story.

The main issue for me were the characters. They were all so flat. As a main character Cal didn’t stand out. There was nothing about him that excited me and he doesn’t do anything daring. Overall he’s a very bland character. Then we have Nyelle who I just didn’t really like. Her character was weird and I didn’t get her reasoning’s for doing anything she did. She acted half-crazy most of the time and was really aloof.

I understand there is more going on in this story than what we’re first lead to believe and some of the issues are quite heavy, but I just don’t think the author took enough time to explore the issues. And eventually by the time I came to the end of the story and the big reveal happened, I had no excitement for it. I was actually pretty disappointed with it.

In all, What If just wasn’t for me but I know a lot of people love Rebecca Donovan’s work therefore I’d still urge you to read it and make up your own mind.

Thank you to Penguin for giving me the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,759 reviews40 followers
September 13, 2014
Often times you read books and love them but rarely do you read a book that touches your soul. For me, What If, is one of those unique books. I not only loved this story, but it left me pondering my own life and relationships with those around me. This book unfolds like a symphony; there are multiple layers and in order to fully appreciate it, you must experience the entire piece. I had no idea of the direction it was headed throughout most of the book, and that is the beauty of it.

There are many times I think about a decision I’ve made and wonder, “What if I had done it differently. Who would I be? What would my life be like. What if…”

There are multiple points of view for the story but the primary ones are Cal and Nyelle. While I am not usually a fan of flashbacks, they work exceptionally well in this storyline. There are small moments in the past that are pivotal to Cal and Nyelle’s relationship. As a reader, the best way to deliver them is with the flashbacks. Some things “appear” to be obvious but are they really?

“You’re the first person to ever make me feel beautiful.”

I adored Cal from the first few chapters. He is the kind of friend you want to have and eventually fall in love with. So much of Cal and Nyelle’s life is shaped by those closest to them. There is an outstanding supporting cast, including childhood friends and family. While I immediately loved Cal, I could not say the same thing for Nyelle. She is a complete enigma and it took me most of the book to truly understand her. It was difficult not to form opinions about her until the story was complete. She has a beautiful soul and I truly loved her outlook on life.

“I love looking at the stars. They can take away your pain and distant, like a memory.”

There are numerous twists and turns that unfold throughout the story. My advice is to not even bother trying to unravel them because you will not! Just take a deep breath and enjoy the journey. While this book is vastly different from The Breathing Trilogy, I think Rebecca Donovan fans will fall in love with What If just the same.
Profile Image for Jessica *The Lovely Books*.
1,251 reviews647 followers
October 5, 2014
My heart, it bleeds. That was good.

Need to process before review.


What If is a story of mystery and intrigue. The type of book that you need to go into blind. The synopsis is vague but makes you want to know more. What you get instead is not anything what you expected.

I know that What If will not be leaving me anytime soon. The whole time while reading I kept asking myself, what's going on? And why can't I make any guesses as to what will happen? The book is gorgeously written and takes the reader into both past and present as we travel on this epic journey. It's more than just a novel. It's about finding yourself in a world that's really messed the hell up.

I know Donovan had me guessing until the very end and once I knew what I did, I had a complete sense of emptiness. These characters will lodge themselves in your heart and demand to stay there. I'll tell you one thing, What If wont be leaving me anytime soon. If you haven't already, pick this book up, and experience it for all its glory.
Profile Image for Paz.
52 reviews
September 22, 2014
I love me some mystery. Especially the ones where you can't flip the pages fast enough. However, this book was just too slow for me that I almost did not finish it but I was determined to unravel the mystery hoping for the best. Unfortunately, the build up leading to the revelation was just mediocre. The flashbacks were a bit of a let down and confusing as there were too many characters. Honestly, I ended up not caring too much about the flashbacks and the present story. I just wanted the big reveal. Thinking about it, why didn't I just read the spoilers??? Anyhow, this was just ok. 3 stars
Profile Image for i..
332 reviews36 followers
May 17, 2015
This is a gripping story about friendship and love and how sometimes friends become much more important in our lives than our own families. It is also a novel about loss and the fact that we really need to seize the day, write our bucket list and start fulfilling all our wishes RIGHT NOW!

If you want to see my bucket list click here : http://theleisurediaries.blogspot.com...
Profile Image for Nerd-Light-Books.
33 reviews16 followers
September 18, 2014
I worked with Rebecca on this story from start to finish! Believe it or not, even though we've worked on three books together, that's a first! I love, love, LOVE this story. I missed the characters when we finished the writing stage. I fell in love with at least 4 of them. This story has it all: angst, sweetness, heart-tugging sadness and joy! I think you're all going to love it too!
Profile Image for Cissie.
399 reviews
September 17, 2014
What an interesting story. It had a unique plot I don't recall ever reading before. This group of 4 friends were so endearing, I especially liked how the chapters switched from past to present. The entire book kept me on edge and every time I thought I had it figured out BOOM! another twist! I'm so glad it had a HEA, I think I would have gone on a hunger strike if not. Lol!
Profile Image for Lisa.
884 reviews1,250 followers
September 23, 2014
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*

4 “butterfly” “shooting star” “wish” “I trust you.” ‘I’m on fire.’ Kisses

Have you ever read a book where you had absolutely no idea what was going to happen next...had so many questions it was ridiculous...and yet still loved every single solitary moment while reading it? Well...that just happened to me. What If is like a puzzle dipped in an enigma and wrapped in riddle...written beautifully and with insanely memorable characters and a unforgettably emotional story line. It was a crazy, intense roller coaster but it truly touched my heart.

Cal Logan...sweet, loving Cal...I was completely invested in anything and everything involving this boy. He's a genuinely good, kind guy...even though he's a bit of a hot mess in the relationship department, but that never made me dislike him because I never felt like his intentions were bad. He has his priorities...family, friends, school...he doesn't know what he wants to do with his life but what 20 year old really does. Cal is a pretty basic, simple guy...but I think that's what I liked most about him, he’s easy going, charming, funny – I could list his loveable qualities for hours. He's a little closed off emotionally but once I found out why, it made total sense. The one thing I always knew about Cal was where his heart was...and it's plain as day it has always belonged to a certain girl with wavy brown hair.

“Are you sure you didn’t do anything to her?”
“I swear,” I answer, then add after a moment of thought, “I guess I wasn’t who she wanted me to be.”
“Are we ever?”

Nyelle Preston...oh boy...my feelings on Nyelle are a little complicated. I was unsure of her at first...it was hard for me to connect because well...she's a little unpredictable. It's hard to develop an emotional connection with a character who you're not sure if they're flighty or have mental problems...but neither is the case for Nyelle. Everything she said and did was very calculated and actually quite brilliant when I think back on it. It takes a lot of bravery and heart to do what she does. On the outside, she’s a beautiful, funny, carefree girl but…I truly never knew what she was going to say or do next...which was both fun and scary. I was very cautious about Nyelle because she was like a loose cannon and I was worried about the mess she would leave in her wake (a.k.a how it was going to affect Cal). Nyelle was a lovely surprise…I didn’t expect to fall in love with her as much as I did.

‘“Okay,” Nyelle says, scrunching her face in thought. “What if I had been a better liar?”
I laugh. Isn’t that what she’s doing right now? “You regret not being able to lie?”
“What can I say?” Nyelle smiles. “I can keep a promise for an eternity, but don’t ask me to lie. I will avoid having to lie to a person like you avoid your exes.”
Wow, I mouth. “I promise to never ask you to lie for me.” I just wish she’d stop lying to me.’

Cal and Nyelle have a very unique relationship...it's hard to really describe because for most of the book it's not a romantic relationship...it's a friendship. Because of how Nyelle is…we never know if Cal is going to see her the same day…week…month, who knows! She’s like the wind! But the moments that I experienced with them were incredibly special and memorable…any sane guy probably would have run in the other direction, but that was never going to happen…Cal is too invested in Nyelle, now that he has her back in his life. He knows who she was...and he loved her then and he's learning who she is now...and falling for her in a whole new way which was absolutely awesome for me…breathtaking…beyond words. But this story is more than a romance...there is a deeper story and meaning...it's about friendship and the love and trust two people can establish. It's also more than just about Nicole and Cal...it's about Rae and Richelle too...the friendship and bond that these four created when they were younger and how it morphed and forever changed their lives forever.

‘A light streaks across the sky.
“Make a wish,” I lean over and whisper. Nyelle closes her eyes, a slow smile emerging. I’m about to ask what she wants to do over again when her hand slips into mine and she threads our fingers together. Warmth rushes up my arm. I squeeze her hand lightly and take in the starlight reflecting in her eyes as she says quietly, “I wished for a butterfly.”’

Nicole, Cal, Rae and Richelle…like the four musketeers of their neighborhood…it’s hard not to remember their stories of them growing up and not smile. We don’t get every story of their past…but the pieces we do get are what’s important…not all of them are good but I loved them all. For me they were little gemstones that really added an extra layer onto these characters…gave me insight as to who they were…I cannot imagine the plot without them. The way What If was written was very specific and absolutely perfect for the way the story unfolds. It's not the first time I've read alternating past and present but this was different. All of the present was written from Cal's POV...while the past alternated between Nicole and Richelle, which was another thing I didn't totally understand the need for until about half way, but it all makes sense. That was another thing...with as many questions and raised eyebrows as this book gave me, I was totally taken aback at how logical everything was, once everything was revealed. It's very precise and looking back, the clues and facts are there...the detail of it really blew me away.

“Yeah,” I respond, unable to see her beside me.
“Have you ever been in love?”
There’s a silence for a moment. I’m not exactly prepared for the question.
“No. Have you?”
“No. I wonder what it’s like.” Her voice sounds like an echo in the stillness. “I think it will be like falling backward in the dark. Terrifying. Exhilarating. Having to trust that there’ll be someone there to catch you.”

God this story is so intricate and I don't wanna ruin anything because the impact at the end is really everything. It's not that you have to wait till the very end to get any answers...we get pieces here and there but it does take the last 10% for it to finally all click. It was worth every second of it, and I can’t imagine it coming together any other way…I do wish there had been a bit more closure on certain aspects…like with Nyelle’s parents, and little minor things, but it didn’t take away my enjoyment of the story. There were little things that I picked up on and figured out but I really and truly had no idea how things were going to turn out until the very end...and I had no idea how it was going to hit me emotionally. I was a bit of a mess...I cried, I was a little angry and frustrated with the whole situation – it was one of those things where you really can’t be mad at anyone or anything, but you’re still filled with the emotion and…there it is. But at the same time…I got it…I didn’t have to like it, I just hurt for Cal and Rae...and also Nyelle…there was just no getting out of the pain of what was happening. It hit me after a little while what Nyelle had to go through...the decisions she had to make...and it hit me. All her actions...her behavior...the way she was - it finally sunk in and any previous doubts or concerns I had ever had about her vanished and I felt dumb for even having them in the first place.

“You’re beautiful,” slips out instead.
Her body tenses.
“Don’t hurt me,” I plead, suddenly afraid of being maimed. “But I think you deserve to know, and I want to be the one to tell you. And it’s not just your insanely blue eyes, or unbelievably soft mouth, or painfully perfect body.” Her mouth pops open, stunned. Maybe that wasn’t the best way to say it. “You’re beautiful because you don’t care if you are. I think I understand why you get so angry when you’re judged for how you look. Hell, it’s not your fault you’re gorgeous. Blame genetics.”
Nyelle continues to stare at me, speechless.
“But what is your fault is who you are underneath all that. You can hide under clothes that are too big, or not put any effort into your appearance, but you’re beautiful regardless. And I’m glad I get to see who you really are. Not just the naked version of you, which…has changed me…forever – ” Nyelle’s eyes narrow. I laugh, quickly continuing before I lose momentum – or a body part. “But the caring, thoughtful, selfless, and spontaneous side of you. To watch you live is breathtaking. You live a life filled with possibilities. A life most people miss out on. So yes, Nyelle, even if I couldn’t see you, I’d still be attracted to you.”

What If is a brilliant standalone…the ending is perfect for the characters, I mean…at least I am content, but I can’t lie that I’m not a little hopeful for the possibility of more. OMG…I would give anything to have What If from Nyelle’s POV, holy cow would that be amazing! A crazy bookworm can dream, can’t she? :-) What If was a beautiful…powerful…deep…and moving story that I will never forget.

Profile Image for Jennifer.
323 reviews207 followers
September 20, 2014
As a huge fan of the Breathing series, I was thrilled to see that Rebecca Donovan was releasing the novel What If. She is one of my go-to authors, where I don't even have to read the synopsis or know what it's about before starting the book. I know I'm going to love it!

What If is the story of 4 childhood best friends - Cal, Rae, Richelle and Nicole. Cal is the only boy amongst the 3 girls, who each have their own special relationship with him. Rae is his best friend, the person he talks to every day, the person he can tell anything to, and the one that knows him best. Richelle is the fun loving, free spirit who is his first kiss and first girlfriend. Nicole is the pretty, perfect, sweet and shy one who finds comfort in just spending quiet time with him. They are all inseparable until Richelle has to suddenly move before 8th grade. Although Cal and Rae continue to be the best of friends, Nicole has now joined the popular clique and treats them as if they don't exist. What used to be the tightest friendship has now fallen apart. Cal doesn't know why it happened, but Richelle and Nicole are never far from his thoughts.

Scrawny throughout his childhood and high school, Cal finally shoots up several inches and fills out nicely when he starts college in a small upstate NY college town. Crenshaw is a long way away from his hometown in California. He now has his pick of any girl on campus, but no matter how many girls he dates, he can never commit. Everything changes though, the day he meets Nyelle. She looks just like his childhood friend Nicole but with a completely different personality. She is the not the flawless and reserved girl that he knew all his life. This version doesn't wear makeup, style her hair or care what she's wearing. She's fun, free, wild, and happy. The story was intriguing and as it progressed I had multiple guesses and conclusions as to what was happening, but there was not a clear answer until the very end.

The story takes place in both the present and the past, interchanging each chapter. The present is always in the point of view of Cal. The past is told in multiple points of view, amongst the four friends. What If is a very clean and easy read which I really enjoyed. I could pick it up at any point and not have to worry about re-reading chapters or pages. It's sort of a New Adult novel but written as YA. The female characters in the story were very well written. In my opinion though, Cal was underdeveloped. He came across as unenthusiastic and had a watered down personality. I don't think that he would be the type of guy most girls would flock to in real life. I really wanted him to talk more, feel more and verbalize his feelings. There were times when he did though and these were some of my favorite scenes.

The last 15% was the strongest and most riveting part of the book, as the story finally came to its conclusion. Although not an "ugly cry", it definitely left me teary eyed, feeling both sad and happy. The book will make you think about your "what if" situation - what you would do if you could finally be the person you've always wanted to be. There are some important messages delivered in What If, that as a parent, I want to share with my children. Most importantly, don't live the life that others want for you, live the life that you want for yourself. It's a lesson I wish I had learned long ago...but it's never too late!

What If is an excellent New Adult Romance by Rebecca Donovan that I highly recommend to young and not-so-young readers alike.

An ARC was kindly provided by the Author for an honest review.

Review posted at Love Between the Sheets

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Profile Image for Caterina Montebello.
869 reviews17 followers
February 16, 2015
Parliamo questa volta di un romanzo Standalone, che possiamo far rientrare nella categoria Young Adult. Anche se, secondo me, alla Donovan le categorie stanno strette, non la si può mai incasellare in parametri fissi, lei tende a spostarli.
Io direi che questa volta non possiamo parlare di un vero e proprio romanzo, dove il perno centrale è la storia d'amore, si parla anche di amicizia, e soprattutto di una seconda possibilità o almeno io così l'ho visto.
Da qui il titolo in inglese, che, a mio avviso, come sempre, era molto più azzeccato "What if".
Vi è ma capitato di chiedervi "e se ?".
Che cosa sarebbe successo se una nostra decisione fosse stata diversa?"... Se avessi preso un altra strada?... Se avessi fatto un altra scelta?
Il libro è molto complesso nella struttura e quindi, soprattutto all'inizio difficile da seguire, non solo si incrociano i pov di più persone, ma ci troviamo anche ad andare avanti e indietro nel tempo.
In pratica, un romanzo narrato a più voci, quindi secondo diversi punti di vista, ambientato al college, ma a questo periodo temporale, si alterna la narrazione di quello che accade ai protagonisti dai loro 5 anni.
La Donovan è brava, quindi se si riesce a superare indenni le prime 100 pagine, la narrazione aumenta d'intensità e ti regala momenti molto toccanti, commoventi ed emozionanti.
Ma sicuramente non si puo' dire che sia una lettura fluida e scorrevole.
Ti affezioni ai personaggi a poco a poco. Ma sei talmente curioso di sapere dove l'autrice vuole andare a parare che non puoi interrompere la lettura.
La difficoltà sta nel tentare di mettere i vari pezzi al giusto posto, quindi l'inizio del libro risulta veramente faticoso.
Possiamo anche dire che se la Donovan non si complica, e non ci complica un po' la vita non è lei. Ma bisogna riconoscerle il merito di riuscire alla fine sempre a districarsi e a convincere.
Lo consiglierei??? Mamma mia una domanda difficilissima... non so', in realtà anche se non mi sono pentita di averlo letto, anzi mi sarebbe dispiaciuto rinunciarvi, non credo, ma non perchè il libro non meriti, solo perchè è facile rimanere incastrati nelle prime 100 pagine.
Blog: http://newadultedintorni.blogspot.it/
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
September 12, 2014
The NA genre is a hard one for me. I use to love it and read every single thing released and then I think I got burned out on it and I found it harder and harder to really love what I was finding.

Very rarely (and sadly) do I pick one up anymore and expect to get a truly unique story and to be blown away by not only my love for the characters but the intricately woven plot line as well. Donovan managed to do just that. She blew me away. Not only was this well written by the mystery behind everything was so well played out. So well concealed until that final moment it was unveiled.

Take in to account that Cal, (A BOY! ) is the main narrator of this story and right there you have something original. Not only that, but the boy rocked. So darn sweet and swoon worthy. The flash backs from childhood memories to the now were so tender and emotional. I adored Nicole and Richelle and my heart went out to both of them. They were adorable and it was heartwarming to see them grow up through each other's eyes.

All of the characters were extremely fleshed out which is also quite rare these days. I felt like I truly knew each one and got to be in their head (of sorts) with each new thing revealed about them.

Even though I guessed early on what was happening and had happened it didn't matter. This was still such a great well written story that I was completely caught up in it until the very end.

This will not be my last Donovan book, not by a long shot.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 892 reviews

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