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The World of Mind Control is a mental realm that appears in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.


When a Time Patroller is hit with a Brainwash Attack during Expert Missions or Raid Quests, they are transported to the World of Mind Control where they must face off against doppelgängers of themselves, in order to free themselves of mind control which allows them to return to the real world.

In order to prepare Time Patrollers on how to deal with Brainwash Attacks, Chronoa created Expert Mission 01: "Expert Missions - Tutorial 1" to explain Brainwash Attacks which also covers the World of Mind Control. The tutorial also reveals that unaffected Time Patrollers can prevent their allies from being brainwashed by hitting them before they fully succumb to the Brainwash Attack's effect. Only Time Patrollers who fully succumb to brainwashing will be transported to the World of Mind Control.

As it is entirely a mental realm, from the perspective of Time Patrollers still fighting in the real world, the brainwashed Time Patroller's body is empowered with imperfect Supervillain state, with the doppelganger fought within the World of Mind Control being a mental representation of it. As a result, the doppelganger takes damage if the brainwashed Time Patrol's body in the real world is attacked by their unaffected Time Patroller allies. Thus, the Time Patroller fighting in the World of Mind Control can assist their allies' efforts in the real world by attacking the doppelganger resulting in the doppelganger effectively taking damage from both sides.


The World of Mind Control resembles the Crack of Time.

Video Game Appearances[]

In Xenoverse 2, as part of the Legendary Pack 2 DLC, the World of Mind Control also appears in New Parallel Quest 150: "Battle of the Mind".


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