Disney Wiki
Disney Wiki

This page is meant to inform all users and editors of the Disney Wiki's image policies, including the rules on photo spamming. The Disney Wiki administrations asks that you please adhere to these rules as a failure to comply will result in a block and, in more severe cases, a ban.


Main article: Disney Wiki:Image Organization

Images Titles

When uploading an image, use a name that makes sense. Poorly named files can be mistaken as spam, so please make sure pictures are named clearly and relevantly. Here are examples of correctly-named ones:

  • Kirby.jpg
  • Ferb.jpg

Bad Examples

  • gdseaiywrtgrsdfgjhe.jpg
  • rb7ohifbdg.jpg
  • gdsij7ewyhuw.jpg

Also, when naming images, please don't include the number of pixels the image has on the filename. For example, "300px-VanellopevonSchweetz.jpg". In that case, "300px-" should be omitted and the filename must become "VanellopevonSchweetz.jpg". If an image with that kind of filename is found, it will be renamed and a warning will be sent to its uploader. If there is no response and more files are uploaded with similar names, the images will be deleted and you will be alerted to upload a different version with a proper filename.

Naming of screenshots, such as movies and episodes, should be specifically named for identification and organising. Episode screenshots should include the show's title or initials, followed by the episodes season and number (1x01/1x01A), and the episode's tile. A description of the image is optional.


  • Movies
    • Moana 2 (88).png
    • Moana 2 - Moana and her sister.png
  • Shows
    • Lilo & Stitch - 1x22 - Melty (23).png
    • L&S - 1x22 - Melty (23).png
    • Lilo & Stitch - 1x28 - Dupe - Experiments at Lilo's slumber party.png
    • L&S - 1x28 - Dupe - Experiments at Lilo's slumber party.png

Fan Art

The Disney Wiki Administration asks that you do not add fan art images to article pages. Users can add fan art for their user page only (no exceptions). This includes edited pictures, deviant art pictures and drawings, and unrelated pictures. Also, don't add images with a confidential stamp on them.


Decent quality images are preferred over very low-resolution images or bad quality images like photographs taken of the image on a television screen. Pictures that contain blurry images are frowned upon and images in which characters are moving quickly are dis-advised.

Also if the images are screencapped or potentially copyrighted, please place the fairuse template within it. The template can be seen below:

This work is copyrighted. The individual who uploaded this work and first used it in an article, and subsequent persons who place it into articles assert that this qualifies as fair use of the material under United States copyright law.

If the images were originally added on a Wikimedia project, including Wikipedia, please place the From Wikimedia template within it. The template can be seen below:

This file was originally uploaded on Wikipedia or another Wikimedia project. (view original image)

Should you discover big images or replace over existing ones, you cannot upload anything bigger than up to around 2000 or 3000 dimensions. If you discover a new image that is over the size limit, you must adjust the size to Wiki standards.

Photo Spamming Policy

Due to a common issue with adding photos, the Disney Wiki has put rules in place to prevent further problems. The Disney Wiki administration asks that you refrain from adding almost every single frame of a scene and space out your pictures based on how long the video is. Please do not add blurry pictures of characters moving quickly and do not post pictures nearly a second apart. Such pictures are considered irrelevant and below the Disney wiki picture quality standards and will be removed. Failure to comply to this rule will be met with penalties and repeated violations will result in a block or, worst case scenario, a ban.

Unacceptable Photos

Edited Pictures/Fan Art

Picture Spamming Example

Acceptable Photos

A Final Word

On a final note, the Disney Wiki asks that you please edit to the best of your abilities and use your head. Each user edits to fulfill their own goals, but no matter the intentions, if actions do not fit apparent quality standards then the usefulness of the actions are nullified. Photos are meant to represent a scene, because a single photo alone speaks a thousand words. However, too many photos and poor quality photos draw away from their importance, as it causes the viewer to instead question the gallery, itself. Please follow these guidelines and help keep our wiki clean and proffesional. The Disney Wiki thanks you for your cooperation.
