Diablo Wiki
"One-handed swords are sharp blades held by their hilts. They’re truly versatile weapons, used effectively for slashing, thrusting or hacking at exposed, sensitive flesh."

- Game Guide(src)

A Sword is a type of sharp-edged weapon seen throughout the Diablo series of games. Swords come in many forms, shapes, and sizes. In Diablo I and Diablo II, both one-handed and two-handed swords are classified as single weapon type, but in Diablo III a separate type of Two-Handed Swords exists.

Generally, Swords are balanced for faster Attack Speed than Maces and Axes.

Diablo I[]

In Diablo I, Swords are mostly used by Warrior, Barbarian and Bard. They deal bonus damage to Animal enemies, but are less effective against the Undead. Daggers are considered a subtype of Swords in this game.

The two-handed swords prevent heroes from carrying a Shield, but are animated as one-handed still. Barbarian may wield those in one hand however.

Diablo II[]

In Diablo II, many Swords have two profiles: they can be wielded in one hand by the Barbarian. Other swords are always one-handed. Swords from Diablo II do not have any special damaging effects against either type of enemies however, and are separate from Daggers.

Diablo II Swords

Normal Swords — Short Sword • Scimitar • Sabre • Falchion • Crystal Sword • Broad Sword • Long Sword • War Sword • Two-Handed Sword • Claymore • Giant Sword • Bastard Sword • Flamberge • Great Sword
Exceptional Swords — Gladius • Cutlass • Shamshir • Tulwar • Dimensional Blade • Battle Sword • Rune Sword • Ancient Sword • Espandon • Dacian Falx • Tusk Sword • Gothic Sword • Zweihander • Executioner Sword
Elite Swords — Falcata • Ataghan • Elegant Blade • Hydra Edge • Phase Blade • Conquest Sword • Cryptic Sword • Mythical Sword • Legend Sword • Highland Blade • Balrog Blade • Champion Sword • Colossus Sword • Colossus Blade

Diablo II Unique Swords

Normal Swords — Rixot's Keen (Short Sword) • Blood Crescent (Scimitar) • Skewer of Krintiz (Sabre) • Gleamscythe (Falchion) • Griswold's Edge (Broad Sword) • Hellplague (Long Sword) • Culwen's Point (War Sword) • Shadowfang (Two-Handed Sword) • Soulflay (Claymore) • Kinemil's Awl (Giant Sword) • Blacktongue (Bastard Sword) • Ripsaw (Flamberge) • The Patriarch (Great Sword)
Exceptional Swords — Bloodletter (Gladius) • Coldsteel Eye (Cutlass) • Hexfire (Shamshir) • Blade of Ali Baba (Tulwar) • Ginther's Rift (Dimensional Blade) • Headstriker (Battle Sword) • Plague Bearer (Rune Sword) • The Atlantean (Ancient Sword) • Crainte Vomir (Espandon) • Bing Sz Wang (Dacian Falx) • The Vile Husk (Tusk Sword) • Cloudcrack (Gothic Sword) • Todesfaelle Flamme (Zweihander) • Swordguard (Executioner Sword)
Elite Swords — Djinn Slayer (Ataghan) • Bloodmoon (Elegant Blade) • Lightsabre (Phase Blade) • Azurewrath (Phase Blade) • Frostwind (Cryptic Sword) • Flamebellow (Balrog Blade) • Doombringer (Champion Sword) • The Grandfather (Colossus Blade)

Diablo III[]

In Diablo III, Swords are faster than Maces and Axes, but the average damage per second of all three types is roughly the same. All three weapon types are free to be transmogrified into each other.

Mighty Weapons also exist in sword variants.

Diablo IV[]

Swords return in Diablo IV. Their appearance varies based on the region they're obtained in. For instance, in Kehjistan, swords are based on scimitars, whereas in Scosglen, they're based on broadswords.[1]

See also[]


  1. ↑ 2021-02-21, BlizzConline 2021 - Diablo IV: What's Next. YouTube, accessed on 2021-02-28