Diablo Wiki

Achievements are special badges automatically awarded for contributions to this Wiki. Badges cannot be revoked or manually awarded.

Do not "Badge Farm" - repeatedly make useless edits to the wiki in an attempt to win more badges, or you may have your account temporarily suspended.

To view the current rankings, see the Leaderboard.


The following is a list of all possible Achievements:

Badge Title Value Requirement
A New Beginning A New Beginning Bronze
(10 points)
Joining the wiki
Identifier Identifier Bronze
(10 points)
Editing your user page
Stay A While And Listen Stay A While And Listen Bronze
(10 points)
Adding to someone else's talk page
Explorer Explorer Bronze
(10 points)
Making 1 edit
Mercenary Mercenary Bronze
(10 points)
Making 5 edits
Adventurer Adventurer Bronze
(10 points)
Making 10 edits
Hero Hero Silver
(50 points)
Making 25 edits
Destroyer Destroyer Silver
(50 points)
Making 50 edits
Conqueror Conqueror Silver
(50 points)
Making 100 edits
Guardian Guardian Gold
(100 points)
Making 250 edits
The Nephalem The Nephalem Gold
(100 points)
Making 500 edits
Assembler Assembler Bronze
(10 points)
Adding 1 picture to pages
Smith Smith Bronze
(10 points)
Adding 5 pictures to pages
Artisan Artisan Bronze
(10 points)
Adding 10 pictures to pages
Crafter Crafter Silver
(50 points)
Adding 25 pictures to pages
Imbuer Imbuer Silver
(50 points)
Adding 50 pictures to pages
Hellforger Hellforger Silver
(50 points)
Adding 100 pictures to pages
Transmuter Transmuter Gold
(100 points)
Adding 250 pictures to pages
Reforger Reforger Gold
(100 points)
Adding 500 pictures to pages
Inquirer Inquirer Bronze
(10 points)
Adding 1 page to a category
Researcher Researcher Bronze
(10 points)
Adding 5 pages to categories
Scholar Scholar Bronze
(10 points)
Adding 10 pages to categories
Historian Historian Silver
(50 points)
Adding 25 pages to categories
Disciple Disciple Silver
(50 points)
Adding 50 pages to categories
Archivist Archivist Silver
(50 points)
Adding 100 pages to categories
Loremaster Loremaster Gold
(100 points)
Adding 250 pages to categories
Gibbering Active Gibbering Active Bronze
(10 points)
Writing 1 blog post
Chat Gem Activated Chat Gem Activated Bronze
(10 points)
Comment on 3 different blog posts
Perfect Gem Activated Perfect Gem Activated Silver
(50 points)
Comment on 10 different blog posts
Apprentice Apprentice Silver
(50 points)
Contributing every day for 5 days
Mentor Mentor Gold
(100 points)
Contributing every day for 14 days
Elder Elder Gold
(100 points)
Contributing every day for 30 days
Exemplar Exemplar Gold
(100 points)
Contributing every day for 60 days
Sage Sage Gold
(100 points)
Contributing every day for 100 days
Ancient Ancient Gold
(100 points)
Contributing every day for 200 days
Legend Legend Platinum
(250 points)
Contributing every day for 365 days
Boon of the Editor Boon of the Editor Gold
(100 points)
Awarded on every 1000th edit
Eternal Conflict Eternal Conflict Silver
(50 points)
Making edits on 100 pages within an hour of the pages' creation
Heavenly Host Heavenly Host Silver
(50 points)
Making 100 edits in a single day
The Creator Creator Gold
(100 points)
Founding the wiki