Neidio i'r cynnwys

Wicidestun:Y Sgriptoriwm

Ychwanegu adran
Oddi ar Wicidestun
Sylw diweddaraf: 4 diwrnod yn ôl gan MediaWiki message delivery ym mhwnc Final Reminder: Wikisource Conference 2025 Scholarship Deadline

Croeso i'r Sgriptoriwm - y lle i chi drafod sut mae pethau'n gweithio yma, polisïau, a phroblemau technegol a gofyn cwestiynau Gymraeg neu Saesneg.

Mae'r Sgriptoriwm Saesneg yn y fan hon.

I ychwanegu cwestiwn, cliciwch yma i ddechrau pennawd newydd, a theipiwch eich neges. Cofiwch lofnodi'r neges drwy ychwanegu pedair sgwigl (tilde) (~~~~) ar y diwedd.

Creu biwrocrat ar cy-wicidestun


Carwn gynnig fod @AlwynapHuw: - Defnyddiwr:AlwynapHuw yn cael ei wneud yn Fiwrocrat ar y wici yma, fel y gall, yn ei dro enwebu rhagor o Weinyddwyr. I would like to nominate AlwynApHuw as a Beurocrat on this wiki. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 12:14, 19 Gorffennaf 2021 (UTC)Ateb

Wedi gwneud cais ar Meta. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 05
56, 4 Awst 2021 (UTC)

Gan fod y wici yma'n rhy fach mae nhw wedi gwrthod y cais. Angen gwneud Alwyn yn Weinyddwr felly!

Mae'n rhaid mynd drwy'r broses eto felly! [Hurt bost!] Unwaith eto...

Carwn gynnig fod @AlwynapHuw: - Defnyddiwr:AlwynapHuw yn cael ei wneud yn Weinyddwr ar y wici yma.

I would like to nominate AlwynApHuw as an Admin on this wiki. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 05:00, 7 Awst 2021 (UTC)Ateb

Pwy di'r "Nhw" sydd wedi gwrthod y cais? Y broblem mwyaf rwyf wedi cael ar y safle yw diffyg rheolaeth gan ein cymuned ni! Sut mae ysbrydoli pobl i fod yn rhan o'r gwaith heb ein bod yn ei berchen? Ydy'r pobl sydd yn honni "fod y wici yma'n rhy fach" am gyfrannu iddi i'w gwneud yn fwy? Nac ydynt - Naw wfft iddynt felly! Rwyf wedi bod fel lladd nadroedd yn creu testunau yma dros y chwe mis diwethaf. Wedi esgusodi Wici365 er mwyn ehangu yr adran yma! I ddweud y gwir mae ymateb "nhw" mor ffiaidd, nid ydwyf am gyfrannu mwy, ond diweddu y pethau sydd gennyf ar y gweill. I'r diawl ar eu hawl hwy ar ein hiath ni! Caiff y llyfrau Cymraeg prin sydd gennyf ar fy silffoedd eu rhoi yn y bin lludw. Nid ydwyf am gyfrannu mwyach i safle "CYMRAEG" honedig sydd heb barch i'n hiath AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 03:13, 8 Awst 2021 (UTC)Ateb

Alwyn - does na ddim bwriad ganddyn nhw i fod yn ddibarch at y Gymraeg, hyd y gwn i. Mae eu penderfyniad wedi'i seilio ar hwn, ac mae angen newid y rheolau hyn fel bod pob wici yn medru penodi eu hunain, yn fy marn i. Mae popeth yn frwydr i iethoedd dan fygythiad, yn dydy, ac mae'n blino rhywun, ond paid a chymryd hyn yn bersonol - gem ydy o, yn fancw, Camlan lled braich. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 08:12, 8 Awst 2021 (UTC)Ateb

3,500+ O olygiadau: Wedi creu —

  • Telynegion Maes a Mor
  • Tro yn Llydaw
  • Cartrefi Cymru
  • Hanes Cymru O M Edwards Cyf I
  • Hanes Cymru O M Edwards Cyf II
  • 275 o hwiangerddi
  • 35 o gerddi Mynyddog
  • 8 o gerddi Hedd Wyn
  • Clych Adgof OME
  • Cymru Fu
  • 145 o Emynau
  • Enwogion Sir Aberteifi
  • Enwogion Ceredigion
  • Rhan o waith mewn Cernyweg Canol (Add. Ch. 19491)

A chyfraniadau dirifedi eraill, rwyf yn teimlo bod "na dim digon da " yn sarhad bersonol yn fy erbyn gan bobl sydd wedi cyfrannu fflewj o ddim i'r safle yma, yn beirniadu fy nghyfraniad i, fel "dim yn ddigonol".

Rwyf wedi sganio dros 20 o lyfrau o fy llyfrgell bersonol ac wedi lawrlwytho dros 100 o safleoedd Internet Archive a Google, gyda'r bwriad o'u gosod yma. Gan hynny, ydwyf, rwyf yn teimlo loes o'u hymateb dan-din, trahaus ac imperialaidd AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 05:28, 9 Awst 2021 (UTC)Ateb

Mi rydan ni gyd yn cytuno efo to Alwyn - 100%. A mi rydan ni i gyd yn gwerthfawrogi'r holl waith caled rwyt ti'n ei wneud dros y Gymraeg. Ges i fwy na llond bol rhyw flwyddyn yn ol, pan es ati i newid pethau gwleidyddol ar wici saesneg, a'r ffycars bach yn dadwneud fy ngwaith yn syth. Mi fyddai'n meddwl llawer amdanat, ers i mi ddarllen iti golli dy wraig ychydig yn ol. Mi fydda inna'n cael dyddia'r ci du, weithiau, ond dydy hynny ddi help i ti. John Jones (sgwrs) 16:34, 9 Awst 2021 (UTC)Ateb

Wedi bod yn trosglwyddo peth o waith Eifion Wyn ac yn cydymdeimlo a fo am golli "Mem", hyd ddagrau am fy ngholled cyffelyb. Cyn sylweddoli mae cariad "llen" ydoedd hi, a bod y bardd wedi ei lladd er mwyn priodi dynes go iawn ychydig cyn i'r llyfr cael ei gyhoeddi!AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 03:12, 10 Awst 2021 (UTC)Ateb

  •  Cwblhawyd(3 Mawrth 2021)
- a llongyfs mawr, Alwyn!
Bydd angen i ti ail-geisio ar y ddolen yma mewn 6 mis. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 04:16, 3 Medi 2021 (UTC)Ateb

Llywelyn2000 Mae hyn yn warthus, yr unig fodd i Gymro Cymraeg cael elfen o reolaeth dros safle Cymraeg yw trwy ganiatâd American Gwrth Gymraeg! Os nad yw pob elfen o deulu Wicipedia yn eiddo i Gymry, does dim pwynt i'w fodolaeth. Mae'r ffaith mae'r unig "reolaeth" o'r safle yn dod o Saeson sydd yn araf osod y Beibl Cysegr Lan dros deng mlynedd (jobyn 5 mis i fi), yn hurt! Rwyf wedi cyfrannu llawer i'r safle ac yn teimlo hawl i allu ei weinyddu. Fy ngobaith oedd dal ati efo #Wicici 365 ac ategu #testun 52. Rwyf bellach wedi cael llond bol o gyfranu, er bod yn berchen llyfrgell helaeth. Heb rheolaeth Cymreig does dim reswm i Gymro gyfrannu! AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 02:29, 8 Medi 2021 (UTC)Ateb

Testunau cyfansawdd


Mae Wicidestun Ffrangeg, yn cyhoeddi nifer o'i lyfrau dwywaith. Unwaith yn y ffordd draddodiadol efo tudalen trawsgrifio ar gyfer pob pennod / cerdd / erthygl etc ac wedyn eilwaith efo'r llyfr cyfan wedi ei drawsgrifio ar un tudalen. Eu rheswm dros wneud hyn yw er mwyn galluogi chwiliad o fewn llyfr yn fwy hylaw. Er enghraifft os ydwyf yn cofio bod cerdd am "bronfraith" yn Nhelynegion Maes a Môr, heb gofio teitl y gerdd, gallwn fynd at y testun cyfansawdd un tudalen a chwilio am y gair bronfraith trwy ddefnyddio Ctrl/F i gael hyd i'r gerdd yn haws na defnyddio'r chwiliad o bopeth sydd ar safle Wicidestun. Rwyf wedi gwneud arbrawf o'r ymarfer Ffrangeg ar Wicidestun Cymraeg efo testunau cyfansawdd o bedwar llyfr [Categori-Testunau cyfansawdd] . Hoffwn wybod barn eraill am werth y fath ymarfer cyn bwrw ymlaen i wneud tudalennau tebyg ar gyfer gweddill y llyfrau rwyf wedi trawsgrifio. AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 17:41, 9 Chwefror 2022 (UTC)Ateb

Cytuno'n llwyr! Mae dewis o ddwy drefn / dau fformat yn llawer gwell! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 13:00, 10 Chwefror 2022 (UTC)Ateb

Canllawiau i olygydd


@AlwynapHuw: Oes na ganllawiau sut i olygu / prawfddarllen? Dw i ddim yn cofio ydy hi'n iawn uno dwy ran o air drwy ddileu'r heiffen (oherwydd diwedd llinell) neu ei adael fel ag y mae?

rhedeg, ac nid

Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 15:35, 10 Chwefror 2022 (UTC)Ateb

Llywelyn2000 Yn ôl y rheolau Saesneg, dylid ddileu'r heiffen a chreu gair cyfan. Os yw heiffen yn croesi tudalen dylid rhoi y gair cyfan ar un dudalen yn hytrach na thori gair dros dwy dudalen AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 06:23, 27 Chwefror 2022 (UTC)Ateb
Diolch Alwyn! Mae hynny'n synhwyrol! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 15:33, 1 Mawrth 2022 (UTC)Ateb

Oll synnwyr pen Kembero ygyd


@Llywelyn2000: Wedi ceisio uwchlwytho'r llyfr o'r safle wnes ti awgrymu. Mae'n caniatâu lawrlwytho i gyfrifiadur personol ond ddim i'w trosglwyddo i safwe trydydd parti! Rwyf wedi rhoi sganiau amgen, efo problemau, yma; tudalennau ar goll a thudalennau wedi eu copïo'n ddeublyg. Mae copi o lyfr Gwenogfryn yn llyfrgell y Coleg Normal, gallwn mynd yno i sganio y tudalennau coll, efo ffôn neu sganiwr bach a gwirio y PDF. Ond bydd y llyfr sydd wedi ei drawsysgrifio allan o sinc, a bydd angen hawliau gweinyddol i'w adrefnu / dileu a'i osod o'r newydd ac ati. Sorri am fod yn boen yn din am yr un hen gwyn AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 02:07, 2 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb

Cret cael y testun, fel hyn! Ti awydd gofyn i Lyfrgellydd y Normal sganio'r tudalenau coll i ti? O ran hawlfraint: os yw'n agored, yna ni all perchennog y gwaith ddim mynd yn groes i'r hyn sydd ar drwydded Comin Creu. Yn yr un modd, os yw'r llyfr dors 94 mlynedd yna, mae allan o hawlfrain, a dyna ni. Waeth be ddiawl mae'r person sydd a'r llyfr yn ei feddiant yn ei ddweud. Dw i di gwneud cais i'r BL am sgans o'r llyfr gwreiddiol, a does dim o'i le mewn cael sawl cyhoeddiad / fersiwn wahanol o'r un llyfr ar WD. Ti'n gwneud diawch o job da Alwyn: rhagor gen i mewn chwinc. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 13:46, 4 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb

Cael cyfranwyr


@Llywelyn2000: Ffordd amgen o gael gweinyddwyr arall byddai cael mwy o aelodau gweithgar.

Y 30 diwrnod diwethaf bu'r uchaf yn rhif y defnyddwyr gweithgar ers i mi fod yn weithgar ar y safle sef - 7! Fel arfer mae'n ddau neu dri, gan hynny rwy'n ddeall, yn rhannol, pam nad ydynt yn fodlon cael weinyddwr arall (er, yn dal i gredu, mae imperialaeth sy'n gwrthod ystyried anghenion ieithoedd llai yw'r brif broblem)

Mae dwy broblem sy'n rhwystro Cymry rhag cyfrannu i Wicidestun.

1) Mae'r tudalennau help yn mynd i'r safle Saesneg sy'n uffernol o gymhleth, yn delio efo problemau sy'n deillio o uwch lwytho a gwirio miloedd o lyfrau, yn hytrach na'r gwybodaeth elfennol sydd angen i gyfrannwr o'r newydd cyfrannu un!

Mi fûm yn chwarae efo Wicidestun am bron i bum mlynedd cyn gweithio allan sut i wneud iawn ddefnydd ohono. Sydd yn hurt. Heb hawl weinyddwr bydd dim hawl gennyf newid cyfeiriad y tudalen "help" ond gallwn greu "llyfr" sy'n trafod y basics o fformatio tudalennau, a ballu, a'i osod fel llyfr parhaus ym mrig y "llyfrau diweddar"

2) Mae mynd at y tudalennau "indecs" yn cyflwyno chi i ddigon o gig i grogi ci. Ti'n edrych ar y gwaith ac yn meddwl "ffwc na"! Dim i fi!

Mae nifer o'r safleoedd Wicidestun eraill yn dod dros hyn trwy greu prosiectau "Llyfr yr Wythnos" / "Llyfr y mis" ac ati. Yn syml does dim ymrwymiad at lyfr cyfan. Mae llyfr cydweithredol yn cael ei awgrymu yn y Sgriptoriwm (ac yn Y Caffi?) a phawb yn mynd ati megis dipyn.

- Rwy'n dweud cymeraf dudalennau 1-10,
-ti'n dweud 11-20,
-Mari'n dweud 21-30
-&c. AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 03:20, 4 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb
Cytuno - syniadau gwerth chweil! Mi faswn i jyst yn mynd ymlaen a newid yr Hafan, Alwyn; dim angen consenswn yn fy man i. Creu fideos hydfforddi? Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 13:51, 4 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb

Cornel Saesneg


Dw i'n cynnig cael cornel i'r sbwriel canolog Saesneg, sy'n britho'r hen Sgriptoriwm, fel mai dim ond yr heniaith fydd yn cael ei defnyddio yma o hyn ymlaen. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 13:49, 4 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb

Cytuno'n llwyr AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 15:36, 25 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb
Wedi cwbwlhau Wicidestun:Y Sgriptoriwm Saesneg. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 08:42, 27 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb

Hidlydd camddefnydd


Dau Weinyddwr sydd ar y wici yma:

  1. Mae na fot o'r enw Defnyddiwr:Hidlydd camddefnydd a
  2. Defnyddiwr:Mahagaja sydd wedi gwneud 13 golygiad yn y 6 mis diwethaf] ond yn eitha prysur cyn hynny.

Tydy'r bot ddim wedi gwneud unrhyw olygiad o be wela i. Dau Weinyddwr gan y Rheolau Sefydlog ar Meta. Cynigiaf, felly, ein bod yn gofyn i statws y bot gael ei dynnu. Dydy'r bot ddim chwaith yn nodi ei bwrpas ayb ar ei Dudalen Defnyddiwr, ac mae hyn yn groes i'r rheolau. Does dim son pwy sy'n ei reoli! Mae angen consensws i ni ddileu ei hawliau. Diolch!


  1. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 14:10, 4 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb
  2. Mahāgaja · sgwrs 14:23, 4 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb
  3. AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 16:07, 5 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb
  4. Craigysgafn --Craigysgafn (sgwrs) 20:04, 6 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb
  5. -Brin Rees (sgwrs) 00:43, 7 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb
Diolch bawb! Dw i wedi gwneud cais yn fama. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 08:13, 7 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb
Er gwybodaeth - mae'r hen gais am statws Gwenyddwr i Alwyn yma. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 08:27, 8 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb
Hyd y gwelaf dydy Defnyddiwr:Hidlydd camddefnydd dim yn fodoli ac erioed wedi bodoli, ar unrhyw gyfrif Wici trwy'r byd, mae'n edrych fel cyfieithiad o enw'r bot "Abuse Filter" (sydd a hawl yma heb hawliau gweinyddol) a chafodd hawliau gweinyddol gan sylfaenydd y safwe, ar gam. Mae'n bosib ei fod yn Weinyddwr, trwy gam, ar Wiciadur, Wiicidyfynu ac ati hefyd! (sgwrs) 03:50, 9 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb
Dyna pam wnes i ei enwebu Alwyn ("Tydy'r bot ddim wedi gwneud unrhyw olygiad o be wela i"). Smonach gan Meta! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 17:02, 10 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb

Creu Gweinyddwr arall ar cy-wicidestun; cais 2


Cefnidir: cais ar Meta.

Carwn gynnig Defnyddiwr:AlwynapHuw yn Weinyddwr ar yr wici yma (Wicidestun), gyda @Mahagaja:. Rhowch eich pleidlais neu sylwadau os gwelwch yn dda. Bydd y cyfle i gefnogi neu wrthod ar agor am gyfnod o 5 diwrnod. Diolch. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 08:31, 27 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb





Derbyn yr enwebiad,

Mae'n debyg nad ydwyf yn cael pleidleisio i fi fy hun. Sy'n drefn pleidleisio od. Mae llun o bob darpar arweinydd gwlad yn pleidleisio iddo ef / hi ei hunan yn rhan o eiconograffi pob etholiad.

Hoffwn nodi fy mod yn dderbyn yr enwebiad.

Rwyf ar hyn o bryd yn sefyll etholiad i geisio cael fy ail ethol i Gyngor Cymuned Llansanffraid Glan Conwy, rwy'n cael pleidleisio i fi fy hun yn yr etholiad yna; yn cael canfasio a thaflennu yn agored. Pam fod drefn y Wici yn llai democrataidd na threfn cyngor bach y Llan? AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 08:51, 29 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)Ateb


Gweler: Meta. Diolch i bawb!

  Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 08:19, 12 Mai 2022 (UTC)Ateb

O Lygad y Ffynnon, JO Jones a Tro yn yr Eidal OM Edwards


Gair byr i ddweud mod i wedi digideiddio'r llyfrau yma ac yn gobeithio eu ryddhau'n fuan. Rwy'n newydd i'r maes wicipedia ac i ddigideiddio felly, mae 'na ffordd i fynd! :-) Defnyddiwr:Rhoslyn2 (15:37, 3 Mai 2022) (Arwyddwyd ar ei ran gan Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 13:47, 4 Mai 2022 (UTC) )Ateb

Gwych iawn gyfaill! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 13:47, 4 Mai 2022 (UTC)Ateb



Rwyf wedi gosod nodwedd newydd ar Wicidestun, rwy'n gobeithio bydd yn ategu at werth y safle. Ar ddiwedd llinell teitl pob tudalen indecs mae 'na icon bach bellach, sy'n edrych fel dau dudalen o lyfr.

O roi clec ar yr icon bydd modd mynd i safle Wikimedia Bookreader a darllen unrhyw lyfr sydd wedi uwchlwytho yma, boed wedi ei drawsysgrifio neu beidio, fel rhith lyfr. Mantais hyn yw ei fod yn golygu bod gwerth inni rŵan gosod llyfrau sydd yn rhy fawr i obeithio y caent eu trawsysgrifio am flynyddoedd maith, megis 10 cyfrol (9,000 tudalen, 11 miliwn gair) Y Gwyddoniadur Cymreig Dr John Parry a Thomas Gee. Rwyf wedi creu tudalen sy'n cynnwys rhestr o'r holl dudalennau Indecs Rhestr o dudalennau Indecs ac rwyf wrthi'n rhoi categorïau testun ac awdur ar yr holl dudalennau indecs hefyd, fel bydd modd eu canfod trwy Categori:Nofelau Categori:Owen Morgan Edwards ac ati. AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 15:26, 7 Hydref 2022 (UTC)Ateb

Archif cylchgrawn Y Casglwr


Sylwaf bod cynnwys holl wefan Y Casglwr ar drwydded CY-BY-3.0, gan gynnwys archif o hen erthyglau o 1977 lle maen't wedi dechrau eu digideiddio gan dddefnyddio OCR. Mae erthyglau 1977-1980 (a falle mwy) ar ffurff HTML sydd ond angen mân dwtio acenion. Gan gymryd bod y drwydded hon yn dderbyniol ar gyfer ailgynhyrchu o edrych ar ganllawiau Wikisource, dwi'n awyddus dechrau gyda'r gwaith o'u trosi yma, yn arbennig gan bod yr erthyglau, oherwydd diben Cymdeithas Bob Owen, yn frith o gyfeiriadau at hen lyfrau, rhai mae'n ddigon posib sydd eisoes ar Wicidestun, gan gynnig cyfle i gyfeirio at gynnwys sydd yma'n barod. Gwerthfawrogaf unrhyw sylwadau neu dips cyn imi ddechrau arni, ac mae'n siwr bydd gennyf gwestiynau wrth fynd ati gan mod i'n ddibrofiad yma. Rhyswynne (sgwrs) 11:37, 12 Mehefin 2023 (UTC)Ateb

Awduron rhydd o hawlfraint 2024


Yn ôl y ddeddf, mae cyhoeddiad yn dod yn rhydd o hawlfraint ar y 1af o Ionawr 70 mlynedd ar ôl farwolaeth yr awdur. Felly bydd llyfrau ac ati gan awduron a fu farw yn ystod 1953 yn symud i'r parth cyhoeddus ac yn rhydd i'w cyhoeddi ar Wicidestun. Ymysg yr awduron Cymraeg a fu farw ym 1953 mae :-

  • Winnie Parry. (mae Craigysgafn wedi trawsysgrifio un o'i llyfrau hi, Cerrig y Rhyd, yn barod a bydd yn cael ei gyhoeddi o fewn munudau i glychau 'r flwyddyn Newydd ganu yn Seland Newydd.
  • Ellen Evans
  • Bu farw Thomas Lewis a'i frawd Elfed o fewn ychydig misoedd i'w gilydd ym 1953.
  • T Mardy Rees
  • Moelona. Rwyf wedi paratoi chwech o'i nofelau hi i'w cyhoeddi yn gynnar yn y flwyddyn Newydd-Beryl, Breuddwydion Myfanwy, Bugail y Bryn, Ffynonloyw, Plant y goedwig, a'r Lleian Lwyd ond rwy'n methu yn fy myw cael gafael o gopi o'i nofel enwocaf Teulu Bach Nantoer a gyhoeddwyd cyn 1953
  • John Glyn Davies (Oes gan unrhyw un copïau cynnar o'i lyfrau caneuon Cerddi Huw Puw 1923, Cerddi Robin Goch 1935 a Cherddi Portinllaen 1936)?

Ac ymysg yr awduron Eingl-gymreig Dylan Thomas ac Idris Davies.

Os oes gynnoch chi lyfrau ar eich silff gan rai o'r awduron hyn (neu eraill a bu farw cyn Rhagfyr 31 1953) a modd i'w gopïo fel ffeiliau PDF efo printer 3 yn 1 neu app ffôn uwch lwythwch nhw ar Gomin er mwyn eu rhannu a'r byd. AlwynapHuw (sgwrs) 15:21, 6 Rhagfyr 2023 (UTC)Ateb

Invitation to join April Wikisource Community Meeting


Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!

We are the hosting this month’s Wikisource Community meeting on 27 April 2024, 7 AM UTC (check your local time).

Similar to previous meetings, the agenda will be split into two segments. The first half will cover non-technical updates, such as events, conferences, proofread-a-thons, and collaborations. In the second half, we'll dive into technical updates and discussions, addressing key challenges faced by Wikisource communities.

Simply follow the link below to secure your spot and engage with fellow Wikisource enthusiasts:

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Thank you for your continued dedication to Wikisource. We look forward to your active participation in our upcoming meeting.

Regards KLawal-WMF, Sam Wilson (WMF), and Satdeep Gill (WMF)

Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (sgwrs) 12:21, 22 Ebrill 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Vote now to select members of the first U4C

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Cyfieithu i'ch iaith chi

Dear all,

I am writing to you to let you know the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is open now through May 9, 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members were invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

On behalf of the UCoC project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 20:20, 25 Ebrill 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Sign up for the language community meeting on May 31st, 16:00 UTC


Hello all,

The next language community meeting is scheduled in a few weeks - May 31st at 16:00 UTC. If you're interested, you can sign up on this wiki page.

This is a participant-driven meeting, where we share language-specific updates related to various projects, collectively discuss technical issues related to language wikis, and work together to find possible solutions. For example, in the last meeting, the topics included the machine translation service (MinT) and the languages and models it currently supports, localization efforts from the Kiwix team, and technical challenges with numerical sorting in files used on Bengali Wikisource.

Do you have any ideas for topics to share technical updates related to your project? Any problems that you would like to bring for discussion during the meeting? Do you need interpretation support from English to another language? Please reach out to me at ssethi(__AT__) and add agenda items to the document here.

We look forward to your participation!

MediaWiki message delivery 21:22, 14 Mai 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Invitation to join May Wikisource Community Meeting


Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!

We're excited to announce our upcoming Wikisource Community meeting, scheduled for 25 May 2024, 3 PM UTC (check your local time). As always, your participation is crucial to the success of our community discussions.

Similar to previous meetings, the agenda will be split into two segments. The first half will cover non-technical updates, such as events, conferences, proofread-a-thons, and collaborations. In the second half, we'll dive into technical updates and discussions, addressing key challenges faced by Wikisource communities.

Simply follow the link below to secure your spot and engage with fellow Wikisource enthusiasts:

Event Registration Page

Agenda Suggestions: Your input matters! Feel free to suggest any additional topics you'd like to see included in the agenda.

If you have any suggestions or would just prefer being added to the meeting the old way, simply drop a message on

Thank you for your continued dedication to Wikisource. We look forward to your active participation in our upcoming meeting.

Regards, KLawal-WMF, Sam Wilson (WMF), and Satdeep Gill (WMF)

Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (sgwrs) 11:34, 20 Mai 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Feedback invited on Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Cyfieithu i'ch iaith chi

Dear community members,

The Community Affairs Committee (CAC) of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees invites you to give feedback on a draft Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle. This draft Procedure outlines proposed steps and requirements for opening and closing Wikimedia Sibling Projects, and aims to ensure any newly approved projects are set up for success. This is separate from the procedures for opening or closing language versions of projects, which is handled by the Language Committee or closing projects policy.

You can find the details on this page, as well as the ways to give your feedback from today until the end of the day on June 23, 2024, anywhere on Earth.

You can also share information about this with the interested project communities you work with or support, and you can also help us translate the procedure into more languages, so people can join the discussions in their own language.

On behalf of the CAC,

RamzyM (WMF) 02:25, 22 Mai 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Announcing the first Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Cyfieithu i'ch iaith chi


The scrutineers have finished reviewing the vote results. We are following up with the results of the first Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) election.

We are pleased to announce the following individuals as regional members of the U4C, who will fulfill a two-year term:

  • North America (USA and Canada)
  • Northern and Western Europe
  • Latin America and Caribbean
  • Central and East Europe (CEE)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Middle East and North Africa
  • East, South East Asia and Pacific (ESEAP)
  • South Asia

The following individuals are elected to be community-at-large members of the U4C, fulfilling a one-year term:

Thank you again to everyone who participated in this process and much appreciation to the candidates for your leadership and dedication to the Wikimedia movement and community.

Over the next few weeks, the U4C will begin meeting and planning the 2024-25 year in supporting the implementation and review of the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines. Follow their work on Meta-wiki.

On behalf of the UCoC project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 08:15, 3 Mehefin 2024 (UTC)Ateb

The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now on Meta

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Cyfieithu i'ch iaith chi

Hi everyone,

The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now up on Meta in more than 20 languages for your reading.

What is the Wikimedia Movement Charter?

The Wikimedia Movement Charter is a proposed document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia movement, including the creation of a new body – the Global Council – for movement governance.

Join the Wikimedia Movement Charter “Launch Party”

Join the “Launch Party” on June 20, 2024 at 14.00-15.00 UTC (your local time). During this call, we will celebrate the release of the final Charter and present the content of the Charter. Join and learn about the Charter before casting your vote.

Movement Charter ratification vote

Voting will commence on SecurePoll on June 25, 2024 at 00:01 UTC and will conclude on July 9, 2024 at 23:59 UTC. You can read more about the voting process, eligibility criteria, and other details on Meta.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment on the Meta talk page or email the MCDC at

On behalf of the MCDC,

RamzyM (WMF) 08:45, 11 Mehefin 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Voting to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now open – cast your vote

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Cyfieithu i'ch iaith chi

Hello everyone,

The voting to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now open. The Wikimedia Movement Charter is a document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia movement, including the creation of a new body – the Global Council – for movement governance.

The final version of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is available on Meta in different languages and attached here in PDF format for your reading.

Voting commenced on SecurePoll on June 25, 2024 at 00:01 UTC and will conclude on July 9, 2024 at 23:59 UTC. Please read more on the voter information and eligibility details.

After reading the Charter, please vote here and share this note further.

If you have any questions about the ratification vote, please contact the Charter Electoral Commission at

On behalf of the CEC,

RamzyM (WMF) 10:52, 25 Mehefin 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Invitation to join June Wikisource Community Meeting


Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!

We're excited to announce our upcoming Wikisource Community meeting, scheduled for 29 June 2024, 7 AM UTC (check your local time). As always, your participation is crucial to the success of our community discussions.

Similar to previous meetings, the agenda will be split into two segments. The first half will cover non-technical updates, such as events, conferences, proofread-a-thons, and collaborations. In the second half, we'll dive into technical updates and discussions, addressing key challenges faced by Wikisource communities.

Simply follow the link below to secure your spot and engage with fellow Wikisource enthusiasts:

Event Registration Page

Agenda Suggestions: Your input matters! Feel free to suggest any additional topics you'd like to see included in the agenda.

If you have any suggestions or would just prefer being added to the meeting the old way, simply drop a message on

Thank you for your continued dedication to Wikisource. We look forward to your active participation in our upcoming meeting.


KLawal-WMF, Sam Wilson (WMF), and Satdeep Gill (WMF)

Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (sgwrs) 17:17, 26 Mehefin 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Voting to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter is ending soon

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Cyfieithu i'ch iaith chi

Hello everyone,

This is a kind reminder that the voting period to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter will be closed on July 9, 2024, at 23:59 UTC.

If you have not voted yet, please vote on SecurePoll.

On behalf of the Charter Electoral Commission,

RamzyM (WMF) 03:47, 8 Gorffennaf 2024 (UTC)Ateb

U4C Special Election - Call for Candidates

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Cyfieithu i'ch iaith chi

Hello all,

A special election has been called to fill additional vacancies on the U4C. The call for candidates phase is open from now through July 19, 2024.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members are invited to submit their applications in the special election for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

In this special election, according to chapter 2 of the U4C charter, there are 9 seats available on the U4C: four community-at-large seats and five regional seats to ensure the U4C represents the diversity of the movement. No more than two members of the U4C can be elected from the same home wiki. Therefore, candidates must not have English Wikipedia, German Wikipedia, or Italian Wikipedia as their home wiki.

Read more and submit your application on Meta-wiki.

In cooperation with the U4C,

-- Keegan (WMF) (talk) 00:03, 10 Gorffennaf 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Wikimedia Movement Charter ratification voting results

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Cyfieithu i'ch iaith chi

Hello everyone,

After carefully tallying both individual and affiliate votes, the Charter Electoral Commission is pleased to announce the final results of the Wikimedia Movement Charter voting.  

As communicated by the Charter Electoral Commission, we reached the quorum for both Affiliate and individual votes by the time the vote closed on July 9, 23:59 UTC. We thank all 2,451 individuals and 129 Affiliate representatives who voted in the ratification process. Your votes and comments are invaluable for the future steps in Movement Strategy.

The final results of the Wikimedia Movement Charter ratification voting held between 25 June and 9 July 2024 are as follows:

Individual vote:

Out of 2,451 individuals who voted as of July 9 23:59 (UTC), 2,446 have been accepted as valid votes. Among these, 1,710 voted “yes”; 623 voted “no”; and 113 selected “–” (neutral). Because the neutral votes don’t count towards the total number of votes cast, 73.30% voted to approve the Charter (1710/2333), while 26.70% voted to reject the Charter (623/2333).

Affiliates vote:

Out of 129 Affiliates designated voters who voted as of July 9 23:59 (UTC), 129 votes are confirmed as valid votes. Among these, 93 voted “yes”; 18 voted “no”; and 18 selected “–” (neutral). Because the neutral votes don’t count towards the total number of votes cast, 83.78% voted to approve the Charter (93/111), while 16.22% voted to reject the Charter (18/111).

Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation:

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees voted not to ratify the proposed Charter during their special Board meeting on July 8, 2024. The Chair of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, Nataliia Tymkiv, shared the result of the vote, the resolution, meeting minutes and proposed next steps.  

With this, the Wikimedia Movement Charter in its current revision is not ratified.

We thank you for your participation in this important moment in our movement’s governance.

The Charter Electoral Commission,

Abhinav619, Borschts, Iwuala Lucy, Tochiprecious, Der-Wir-Ing

MediaWiki message delivery (sgwrs) 17:53, 18 Gorffennaf 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Vote now to fill vacancies of the first U4C

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Cyfieithu i'ch iaith chi

Dear all,

I am writing to you to let you know the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is open now through August 10, 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members were invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

In cooperation with the U4C,

RamzyM (WMF) 02:47, 27 Gorffennaf 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Reminder! Vote closing soon to fill vacancies of the first U4C

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Cyfieithu i'ch iaith chi

Dear all,

The voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is closing soon. It is open through 10 August 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility. If you are eligible to vote and have not voted in this special election, it is important that you vote now.

Why should you vote? The U4C is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community input into the committee membership is critical to the success of the UCoC.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

In cooperation with the U4C,

-- Keegan (WMF) (talk) 15:30, 6 Awst 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Coming soon: A new sub-referencing feature – try it!


Hello. For many years, community members have requested an easy way to re-use references with different details. Now, a MediaWiki solution is coming: The new sub-referencing feature will work for wikitext and Visual Editor and will enhance the existing reference system. You can continue to use different ways of referencing, but you will probably encounter sub-references in articles written by other users. More information on the project page.

We want your feedback to make sure this feature works well for you:

Wikimedia Deutschland’s Technical Wishes team is planning to bring this feature to Wikimedia wikis later this year. We will reach out to creators/maintainers of tools and templates related to references beforehand.

Please help us spread the message. --Johannes Richter (WMDE) (talk) 10:36, 19 August 2024 (UTC)

Sign up for the language community meeting on August 30th, 15:00 UTC


Hi all,

The next language community meeting is scheduled in a few weeks—on August 30th at 15:00 UTC. If you're interested in joining, you can sign up on this wiki page.

This participant-driven meeting will focus on sharing language-specific updates related to various projects, discussing technical issues related to language wikis, and working together to find possible solutions. For example, in the last meeting, topics included the Language Converter, the state of language research, updates on the Incubator conversations, and technical challenges around external links not working with special characters on Bengali sites.

Do you have any ideas for topics to share technical updates or discuss challenges? Please add agenda items to the document here and reach out to ssethi(__AT__) We look forward to your participation!

MediaWiki message delivery (sgwrs) 23:20, 22 Awst 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Announcing the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee

Original message at wikimedia-l. You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Cyfieithu i'ch iaith chi

Hello all,

The scrutineers have finished reviewing the vote and the Elections Committee have certified the results for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) special election.

I am pleased to announce the following individual as regional members of the U4C, who will fulfill a term until 15 June 2026:

  • North America (USA and Canada)
    • Ajraddatz

The following seats were not filled during this special election:

  • Latin America and Caribbean
  • Central and East Europe (CEE)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • South Asia
  • The four remaining Community-At-Large seats

Thank you again to everyone who participated in this process and much appreciation to the candidates for your leadership and dedication to the Wikimedia movement and community.

Over the next few weeks, the U4C will begin meeting and planning the 2024-25 year in supporting the implementation and review of the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines. You can follow their work on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the U4C and the Elections Committee,

RamzyM (WMF) 14:06, 2 Medi 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Have your say: Vote for the 2024 Board of Trustees!


Hello all,

The voting period for the 2024 Board of Trustees election is now open. There are twelve (12) candidates running for four (4) seats on the Board.

Learn more about the candidates by reading their statements and their answers to community questions.

When you are ready, go to the SecurePoll voting page to vote. The vote is open from September 3rd at 00:00 UTC to September 17th at 23:59 UTC.

To check your voter eligibility, please visit the voter eligibility page.

Best regards,

The Elections Committee and Board Selection Working Group

MediaWiki message delivery (sgwrs) 12:15, 3 Medi 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Scholarship Applications Now Open for Wikisource Conference 2025!


Dear Wikimedians,

We are thrilled to announce that the Wikisource Conference is returning after a decade! It will be held from 14 to 16 February 2025 in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. This event will be a great opportunity for us to come together, share experiences, and discuss the future of Wikisource and its community. We are now accepting scholarship applications for the Wikisource Conference 2025 to promote diversity and inclusion. Scholarships are open to active contributors, community members, developers, and partners involved with Wikisource or related projects.

Important Details:

  • Application Period: 1 September 2024 to 20 September 2024
  • Application Deadline: 20 September 2024
  • Meta page: Link

We encourage everyone who is passionate about Wikisource and interested in attending this unique gathering to apply for a scholarship. The selection committee will carefully review all applications, focusing on contributions to the Wikisource project, community engagement, and the potential impact of participation in the conference.

To apply, please fill out the scholarship application form. We will provide updates soon for more information about the conference, including program details, speakers, and venue.

If you have any questions or need help with your application, feel free to reach out on the Meta Talk page or email us at

We look forward to receiving your applications and hope to see many of you in Bali for the Wikisource Conference 2025!


Nitesh Gill

The Wikisource Conference 2025 Team

MediaWiki message delivery (sgwrs) 11:14, 5 Medi 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Your wiki will be in read-only soon


Trizek_(WMF), 09:36, 20 Medi 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Scholarship Application Deadline Extended for Wikisource Conference 2025!


Dear Wikimedians,

This message is about the Wikisource Conference, taking place from 14 to 16 February 2025 in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, after a decade-long break. This conference will be a fantastic opportunity to reconnect, share insights, and discuss the future of Wikisource and its vibrant community.

In the spirit of promoting diversity and inclusion, we're pleased to inform you that the deadline for scholarship applications has been extended to 29 September 2024.

If you still need to apply, please fill out the application form.

For any questions or assistance, feel free to contact us via the Meta Talk page or by email at

We look forward to your applications and hope to see you at the Wikisource Conference 2025!

Thank you MediaWiki message delivery (sgwrs) 13:32, 20 Medi 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Wikisource Conference 2025 Scholarship Team

Apologies for cross-posting in English. Please consider translating this message.Nodyn:Tracked

Hello everyone, a small change will soon be coming to the user-interface of your Wikimedia project. The Wikidata item sitelink currently found under the General section of the Tools sidebar menu will move into the In Other Projects section.

We would like the Wiki communities feedback so please let us know or ask questions on the Discussion page before we enable the change which can take place October 4 2024, circa 15:00 UTC+2. More information can be found on the project page.

We welcome your feedback and questions.
MediaWiki message delivery (sgwrs) 18:57, 27 Medi 2024 (UTC)Ateb

Final Reminder: Wikisource Conference 2025 Scholarship Deadline


Dear Wikimedians,

This is a final reminder that the scholarship application deadline for the Wikisource Conference 2025 is 29 September 2024. The conference will take place from 14-16 February 2025 in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, after a decade-long break.

If you haven’t applied yet, please do so by completing the scholarship application form by 11:59 AM UTC, 29th September 2024.

For any questions, reach out via the Meta Talk page or email us at

We look forward to your participation!

Regards, Wikisource Conference 2025 Scholarship Team

MediaWiki message delivery (sgwrs) 17:31, 29 Medi 2024 (UTC)Ateb