
Profiling Quotes

Quotes tagged as "profiling" Showing 1-29 of 29
Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“Maybe, to do what you and I do, we have to have a little bit of the monster in us.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Killer Instinct

Erik Pevernagie
“Emotional predictive profiling may help identify contingent fissures in the stature of endangered relationships. Still and all, it might be wise to let the genie out of problematic bottles in the first place, in advance of scouting the causes of surreptitious subliminal convulsions. ("Beware of the neighbor")”
Erik Pevernagie

Bill Maher
“If we stopped calling it profiling and started calling it "proactive intelligence screening" or "high alert detecting", people would be saying "Well, it's about time".”
Bill Maher

“They say the apple don't fall far from the tree but every apple has it own seeds”
O. S. Hickman

Shannon L. Alder
“Every time you read into something you miss the soul, while searching for the motive.”
Shannon L. Alder

G. Willow Wilson
“There's always that one group of people who think they have special permission to terrorize anybody who disagrees with them. And then everybody who looks like them suffers.”
G. Willow Wilson, Ms. Marvel, Vol. 3: Crushed

Louis Yako
“The story always starts in the same way when people ask me the simple, yet most difficult question to answer: “where are you from?” I often wonder why of all questions people start with this one that has become the hardest for me and countless other exiled people to answer. The question is especially hard when asked in crowded and fast-paced places, or during quick encounters which make a short answer inadequate and a long one potentially uncalled for…I thought to myself: why is it that the first thing people want to know about me is where I am from? If they only knew where I am from, they would perhaps know that where I am from—Iraq—happens to also be the deepest wound on the geography of my body and soul, and so they would tread gently on my wound by not asking that question in the first place. Is there something in my eyes, something written on my forehead, something in my looks, or some marks inscribed on my other body parts that immediately tell people that I am from a place that lost itself and lost me to exile on a cold, dark, and sad winter night? Why don’t these strangers just start with the more common and safer usual remarks about the weather being nice, dreadful, or whatever? Of all questions, “where are you from,” is the most delicate and complicated for people who have lost their home and all the things they loved.”
Louis Yako

“Tell me, have you done much circus work in your life?' [asked Mulder].
Nutt drew himself up to his full height. 'And what makes you think I've ever even gone to a circus, let alone been a slave in one?' he demanded...
Finally Mulder managed to say, 'I didn't mean any offense.'
'Offended? Why should I be offended?' Nutt demanded. 'It's human nature to make quick judgements of people based only on their looks. Why, I have done the same thing to you.'
'Have you?' said Mulder. 'And what have you concluded?'
'I have taken in your all-American face, your unsmiling expression, your boring necktie. I have decided you work for the government,' Nutt said. 'You are- an FBI agent.'
'Am I really?' Mulder said.
'I hope you get my point,' Nutt said. 'I want to show how stupid it would be to look at you as a type, rather than as an individual.'
'But I am an FBI agent,' Mulder said, showing Nutt his badge.
There was a loud silence.
Then Nutt said, 'Sign the book please.”
Les Martin, Humbug

Ken Kesey
“They didn’t mind so much when I was a dumb logger and got into a hassle; that’s excusable, they say, that’s a hard-workin’ feller blowing off steam, they say. But if you’re a gambler, if they know you to get up a back-room game now and then, all you have to do is spit slantwise and you’re a goddamned criminal.”
Ken Kesey, Ken Kesey's One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest

“That's the essence of being profiled: judging someone on first impressions. So again, you are being asked to do better than the cop who pulled you over for the "broken taillight". Don't you go around profiling all cops!”
D.L. Hughley, How Not to Get Shot: And Other Advice From White People

“You sit alone by choice, dismiss any attention sent your way... You're someone who is hard to get close to because trust isn't something you share too often. It keeps you from being hurt by people but it also keeps you from having anyone in your life... You're detached by necessity, most likely a painful past that pushed you into this direction... Maybe pushed into solitude by life and staying there by choice?”
S.T. Abby, The Risk

Nina D'Angelo
“I needed to know, Jesse. I needed to get inside his head. To find this son of a bitch, I need to get inside his head.” - Stephanie Carovella”
Nina D'Angelo, Nowhere to Run

“Discrimination -in the sense of sustaining a statistical predictive trait of an individual’s group to make a decision about the individual -is not always immoral, or at least we don't always treat it as immoral...Decisions that have to be made with finite time and resources, and which have high costs for certain kinds of errors, must use some trait as a basis for judging a person. And that necessarily judges the person according to a stereotype.”
Stephen Pinker

Elizabeth Heiter
“She didn't remember feeling nervous, as though someone was stalking her, watching her every move.”
Elizabeth Heiter, Vanished

Elizabeth Bear
“Whichever group is in ascension at a given moment is, historically speaking, both unlikely to acknowledge the existence of abuses or bias, and also to justify the bias on any grounds they can - social, biological, what have you.”
Elizabeth Bear, Carnival

Jennifer Hillier
“You know those FBI shows on TV? Where they do the profiling?”
“Cops hate that stuff. While it's all well and good to sit behind a desk and have assigned characteristics and fancy medical names for criminals,” Jerry said in a prissy voice, “at the end of the day, you just don't know what anybody's gonna do. You gotta prepare for everything. Human beings are unpredictable. After three decades with PD, I still get surprised.”
Jennifer Hillier, Creep

Kara Lee Corthron
“I don't like being profiled. Doesn't matter what the truth is.”
Kara Lee Corthron, The Truth of Right Now

Stewart Stafford
“Criminal profiling is the writing process in reverse. Writers create characters and project their actions forwards into a timeline. Profilers are left with the aftermath of an offender's behaviour and must extrapolate backwards to establish their characteristics.”
Stewart Stafford

Elizabeth Heiter
“Bakersville was never going to be the same. She'd been to other small towns where the residents all thought serial killers looked like monsters, that no member of their community could hide such dark desires. Once upon a time, she'd lived in one.

And the monster there had ripped her life apart.”
Elizabeth Heiter, Hunted

Elizabeth Heiter
“For two years, she and Cassie had been inseparable. And then one night, Cassie had disappeared from her bed. In her place, her abductor had left his calling card, a macabre nursery rhyme. Cassie had never come home.”
Elizabeth Heiter, Vanished

N.K. Jemisin
“Jija killed his own son for what a completely different person did, long before that son's birth. This, more than anything, helps her finally understand that there is no reasoning with her father's hatred.”
N.K. Jemisin, The Obelisk Gate

“[...] we argue against the false equivalency of viewing anti-immigrant and pro-integration laws in the same light: the former often play on misperception and group stereotypes and explicitly call out particular groups for differential treatment. By contrast, many of the integrationist measures passed by state legislatures have couched their policies in universalistic terms, and often do not make reference to particular classes of persons.”
Pratheepan Gulasekaram, The New Immigration Federalism

“Use to spend on my jeans now I spend on my genes”
Omar Hickman

Ken  Goldstein
“As someone who has spent three decades in media, I can tell you the technology around profiling is advancing way faster than our ability to digest its implications, and I urge you to continue asking a lot of questions and not take simple solutions at face value.”
Ken Goldstein

Colby Marshall
“Isaac was a sociopath, and all sociopaths, be they Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, or Jenna's own mother, shared certain traits. One of those traits: they always played by their own rules, rules that set double standards—one standard for only them, and another standard for everyone else.”
Colby Marshall, Color Blind

“Q?” I say. “You here?” Q emerges from behind the car. “Where you hiding?” says Joy. “You know cops shoot kids like me when they’re along on streets like this,” says Q.”
David Yoon

“Those who think it was abolished with slavery are in denial, we experience it in the Bus, school, at work, in preference and choice, in continued ridicule, by suspicion and distrust, by avoidance, Just that we who are deprived have developed a tough skin and a better knowledge to avoid the sentiment and publicity.”
Oluseyi Akinbami

Wajahat Ali
“The Patriot Act vastly expanded our domestic security apparatus and allowed the government to surveil Americans under the guise of combating terrorism. Americans are historically fine with castrating their own civil liberties, because we'd rather feel safe than actually be free, especially when our illusory feelings of safety can come at the expense of people of color, immigrants, and Muslims--you know, "them.”
Wajahat Ali, Go Back to Where You Came From: And Other Helpful Recommendations on How to Become American

Asa Don Brown
“When conducting an investigation, it’s important to establish a connection with the individual in question, since knowing their common routines and the behaviors related to those routines will offer more insight when determining their baseline. This way, your analysis will be able to pick up normal nonverbal cues and any particular deviation from those established parameters.

wikihow (dot) com/Profile-People”
Asa Don Brown