
Behavioral Psychology Quotes

Quotes tagged as "behavioral-psychology" Showing 1-30 of 94
“Much of human behavior can be explained by watching the wild beasts around us. They are constantly teaching us things about ourselves and the way of the universe, but most people are too blind to watch and listen.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Spencer Fraseur
“Great leaders don’t lead others with bitterness or resentfulness of past mistakes, they lead with hope and knowledge of the past to inform greater decision making in the future.”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“Some choices are better than others and we, as mortal humans, cannot be expected to always choose the best ones. What we can control is how we evaluate past decisions. Our readiness to reflect and realize that we were wrong. Our ability to admit our wrongs and move forward. To say we are sorry or make amends for mistakes. To apply what we’ve learned from past follies and choose wiser in the present. I contend that in a random and often chaotic world of choices, that is what we can control.”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“We often trick ourselves into thinking that we possess enough knowledge or control over any given situation to make correct choices. Maybe that is why we hold on to the decisions we make so dearly even when we know we are wrong.”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“We live in a world where people believe they have full control of
their choices and decisions, but rarely have the holistic knowledge to effectively wield such power.”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“Having an understanding of the human mind and how it functions is probably the single most important thing anyone who wants to be successful can do”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“We have two choices when it comes to creating impactful change in
people’s decision-making process. We can create technology to prohibit or create rules to follow”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“The greatest leaders in the world fight cognitive bias by developing 'rules to live by' and carefully following predetermined routines to maximize efficiency and control of their environment”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“Imagine a world full of people who take their choices seriously, carefully weighing the options presented to them. I wonder where we would be if people put as much thought into their decision-making process as they do so many other things in their lives.”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“Even in an age where the answer to almost all of life’s questions is a simple Google search away, we often don’t take the time to read the entire article for the answer. We don’t make time to actively seek out the truth, only the first or most relevant result.”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“What we value and our priorities in life make us who we are. We are unique not only because of our outward differences, but arguably more importantly, our inward differences. Our values steer our personal and professional lives and have a distinct imprint on the decisions we make.”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“We live in an age where people pride themselves on individualism and the concept of living authentically. The human race strives towards self-help and desires nothing if not constant self-improvement both inward and outward. So, I ask you, what can be more authentic than learning the truth? How can one form their unique self without first knowing more possibilities? How can a person truly strive for such grandiose dreams of self-improvement without the ability to listen to the advice and knowledge of others?”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

Spencer Fraseur
“We are all skyscrapers, continually adding rooms and floors to who we are. Once one floor is done, the next begins and the result is a constant work in progress. The best business leaders treat their companies like projects never to be completed, only improved and refined, so why shouldn’t we also treat ourselves as such?”
Spencer Fraseur, The Irrational Mind: How To Fight Back Against The Hidden Forces That Affect Our Decision Making

C.G. Jung
“The healthy man does not torture others; generally, it is the tortured who turn into torturers.”
Carl Gustav Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

C.G. Jung
“The healthy man does not torture others—generally, it is the tortured who turn into torturers.”
C.G. Jung, Psychology of the Unconscious

Jeffrey M. Schwartz
“[...] But although Taub had no trouble questioning the received wisdom in neuroscience and harbored no doubts that he, an outsider from the lowly field of behavioral psychology, had the right to question neuroscience 'facts' dating back a century, it never dawned on him that using what were then (regrettably) not uncommon laboratory procedures would earn him a singular distinction: the first scientist ever charged with animal cruelty.”
Jeffrey M. Schwartz, The Mind & the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Your behavior will be reflected in your eyes.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Benjamin P. Hardy
“From the late 1800s to the late 1900s... science suggested that human beings are the direct byproduct of their own past. [...]

Research now shows that a person’s past does not drive or dictate their actions and behaviors. Rather, we are pulled forward by our future. [...]

From this view, [...] all human-action is goal-driven [or purpose-driven], even if the goal of the behavior isn’t consciously considered by the individual. [...]

There is always a why for everything someone does. That why is their reason or goal for what they’re doing. [...]

While [...] purpose may not [always] be conscious or inspiring, [a person's reason behind their behavior] still exists. Even if the goal is simply immediate gratification or escape, [as in the case of wasting time] on social media.”
Benjamin P. Hardy, Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation

Clare     Shaw
“You were the seed and the leaf and the fruit.
You were the earth and you were the root.

You were the song in the echoing dark.
You were not the snake. You were never the rock.

You were the needle and bark, and you were the river.
You were not winter. You were fresh water.

You were not locked door or slammed door or rattle.
You were not metal. You were not empty bottle.

You were treetop and grassland and night sky and star.
Oh you were warm, you were rain, you were air.

You were the oak leaf and honey and clover
and you were forest and you were my mother.

You were the shore where no crocodiles are.
You were not wire. You were not wire.

- Monkey Writes a Poem About His Mother
Clare Shaw, Towards a General Theory of Love

“A bundle of broken parts cannot create a proper whole”
S.L. Burkhart, Epic of Ryn: The Reconciliation

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Use your behavior according to the human level.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Human nature and behavior cause action, but through action an attempt is made to change attitude.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

“Generational curses are not inherited through mystical means, but rather through the repetitive behaviors of ancestors that eventually manifest in the child's parents.”
Deanna L. Lawlis

Mitta Xinindlu
“Whatever negative behaviour you show infront of your children, it will be a lesson for them. And the children will learn, preparing to use the learnt skills with others in the community. A broken chain of life events.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“It’s the moral fabric that lends to behavioural pattern”
BS Murthy

“It’s the moral fabric that lends to behavioural pattern.”
BS Murthy

“I think it takes an extremely damaged person to not see the pain and anguish they cause another person.”
Niedria Dionne Kenny

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