
Outlet Quotes

Quotes tagged as "outlet" Showing 1-3 of 3
Jennifer E. Smith
“He was surprised to find how much he missed writing to her. For so many months, she'd been the person on the other end of all his musings, and now she was gone and his thoughts were left buzzing around inside his head like frantic fireflies in a jar. He hadn't realized how much it could mean, having someone to talk to like that; he hadn't realized that it could be a kind of lifeline, and that without it, there would be nobody to save you if you started to drown.”
Jennifer E. Smith, This Is What Happy Looks Like

Jane Washington
“I picked fights with them, because I was terrified of connecting with them.”
Jane Washington, A World of Lost Words

“I think of myself first as a singer, meaning an interpreter. Then I think of myself as a writer. It is an outlet I have to have. I get very hard to live with without something happening to write about.”