
Connecting Quotes

Quotes tagged as "connecting" Showing 1-30 of 53
Mother Teresa
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
Mother Teresa

Vera Nazarian
“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey.

At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Shannon L. Alder
“The Anatomy of Conflict:

If there is no communication then there is no respect. If there is no respect then there is no caring. If there is no caring then there is no understanding. If there is no understanding then there is no compassion. If there is no compassion then there is no empathy. If there is no empathy then there is no forgiveness. If there is no forgiveness then there is no kindness. If there is no kindness then there is no honesty. If there is no honesty then there is no love. If there is no love then God doesn't reside there. If God doesn't reside there then there is no peace. If there is no peace then there is no happiness. If there is no happiness ----then there IS CONFLICT BECAUSE THERE IS NO COMMUNICATION!”
Shannon L. Alder

Erik Pevernagie
“Fear is the fruit of powerlessness leading stealthily to exhaustion or aggression. Instead of sheltering and nourishing fear, we must nurture our imagination to foster thus and so sharing and connecting. (“Swimming or sinking")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“Above all, let us take the time to learn to listen intently to ourselves if we want to be mindful and aware of others. If we can untie the knotty points in our minds and become conscious of what is essential in our lives, we can reach the core of our inner selves and then sense how cool it is to listen to others and enjoy the wonder of connecting. ("I am on my own side, but I can listen" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“The best place for discovering what a man is is the heart of the desert. Your plane has broken down, and you walk for hours, heading for the little fort at Nutchott. You wait for the mirages of thirst to gape before you. But you arrive and you find an old sergeant who has been isolated for months among the dunes, and he is so happy to be found that he weeps. And you weep, too. In the arching immensity of the night, each tells the story of his life, each offers the other the burden of memories in which the human bond is discovered. Here two men can meet, and they bestow gifts upon each other with the dignity of ambassadors.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, A Sense Of Life

“We are taught to believe that the ‘alienation’ that we experience sometimes, when we withdraw from everything or feel alone, is a craving for something sexual, material, or in the physical - and can be cured by popping a pill in most cases. When in Truth, it’s the circuitry within our souls and minds that is hinting to be connected - to real flowing energy - outside of our TVs and computer monitors. What many of us mistaken for depression is actually a need to be understood, or to see desires come to fruition. There is absolutely nothing abnormal about feeling disconnected. Your sensitivity only means you are more human than most. If you cry, you are alive. I’d be more worried if you didn’t.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Carson McCullers
“For you see, when us people who know run into each other that's an event. It almost never happens. Sometimes we meet each other and neither guesses that the other is one who knows. That's a bad thing. It's happened to me a lot of times. But you see there are so few of us.”
Carson McCullers, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter

Lara Williams
“But we never really connected; standing side by side like soldiers, we were just marching through. It was sort of understood we wouldn’t stay in touch beyond the last summer of school. We were stand-ins for the people we were eventually supposed to meet.”
Lara Williams, Supper Club

Willie Nelson
“If you really want to get along with somebody, let them be themselves.”
Willie Nelson

Sequoia Nagamatsu
“I was never one to connect. I've been that way my entire life. I went to work, kept my head down, and came home. I let old friendships fizzle. I orbited my family and all of you like a distant planet--there and yet nearly impossible to reach. I know I can't survive alone.”
Sequoia Nagamatsu, How High We Go in the Dark

Criss Jami
“Excitement is a crossroad which runs in all directions. No man lacks personality; he just never connected with you at the intersection.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

“Look, knowing is overrated. When we assume we know something, we don’t venture any further, dig deeper, or ask questions. When we’re married to ‘knowing,’ we overlook curiosity. Curiosity is where it’s at!”
Karen Joy Hardwick, The Connected Leader: 7 Strategies to Empower Your True Self and Inspire Others

Gudjon Bergmann
“Bridges are made with intention. They make it possible to go between two places that were previously difficult to access.”
Gudjon Bergmann, Co-Human Harmony: Using Our Shared Humanity to Bridge Divides

Awdhesh Singh
“True knowledge is thus the key to happiness. However, you can’t have such knowledge merely from books or by listening to scholars. True knowledge comes only by experiencing life and connecting the dots. When you are aware and your mind is disciplined, true knowledge flows from all directions into your being.”
Awdhesh Singh, 31 Ways to Happiness

Steven Magee
“COVID-19 is connecting people to God.”
Steven Magee

Loren Weisman
“Instead of trying to shake 20 hands, get 30 business cards and add 40 people to your LinkedIn, consider taking the time with authentic introductions and conversations that are grounded in connection over racing to see how quickly they can find a new conversion or sale.”
Loren Weisman

Steve Maraboli
“It's amazing how busy someone gets when they have no interest in connecting with you.”
Steve Maraboli

Jane Washington
“I picked fights with them, because I was terrified of connecting with them.”
Jane Washington, A World of Lost Words

Gabriel Wyner
“As long as I could connect every new thing I learned to this universe, I had an easy time with math.
And I noticed that classmates who had problems with math weren’t struggling with math; they were
struggling with connections. They were trying to memorize equations, but no one had successfully
shown them how those equations connect with everything they had already learned. They were
Gabriel Wyner, Fluent Forever: How to Learn Any Language Fast and Never Forget It

Gudjon Bergmann
“If people can be around each other doing co-human things—i.e., things that everyone does, such as eating food, helping others, creating, talking about the weather, etc.—and not feel threatened, anxieties are reduced, empathy is increased, trust is built, and perceptions are changed.”
Gudjon Bergmann, Co-Human Harmony: Using Our Shared Humanity to Bridge Divides

“Architecture Means, Connecting the Unconnected.”
-Dipti Dhakul, Quote+/-

John Seely Brown
“If you don't have a disposition to question, you're going to fear change. But if you're comfortable questioning, experimenting, connecting things—then change is something that becomes an adventure. And if you can see it as an adventure, then you're off and running.”
John Seely Brown

Kathi Lipp
“If we don't attack the heart of the issue - the fear, guilt, and shame in our lives that cause us to buy what we don't really need - we are going to use that clutter to build our own prisons and keep us from connecting with others.”
Kathi Lipp, Clutter Free: Quick and Easy Steps to Simplifying Your Space

“Connection gives us the grace and grit to unleash our potential and endure the challenge of our daily mess.”
Karen Joy Hardwick, The Connected Leader: 7 Strategies to Empower Your True Self and Inspire Others

“Everything that matters rests on the realization that this life is an inside job”
Karen Joy Hardwick, The Connected Leader: 7 Strategies to Empower Your True Self and Inspire Others

“Listening to others can be hard. It is even harder if we don’t learn to listen to ourselves”
Karen Joy Hardwick, The Connected Leader: 7 Strategies to Empower Your True Self and Inspire Others

Timothy Zahn
“Behind her, she heard Luke open the roof door. "Hang on a minute," she called after him."I'll come with you.”
Timothy Zahn, Star Wars: The Last Command

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Knowing and connecting with the Brahma makes you complete.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Smiling Brahma

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