Nerds Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nerds" Showing 31-60 of 87
Jen  Wilde
“Haven't you heard? Nerds are cool now.”
Jen Wilde, Queens of Geek
tags: nerds

Alexene Farol Follmuth
“You're such a nerd."

"Oh, I know. My mom tells me all the time, but apparently nerds are hot now.”
Alexene Farol Follmuth, My Mechanical Romance

“All the geniuses and greats are really just nerds with experience.”
A.D. Posey

Stuart Gibbs
“Usually when people hear my parents are scientists, they assume they're awkward, unathletic nerds whose idea of fun is doing long division. That drives me nuts. My parents are the least nerdy people you've ever met. Mom swam competitively in college and competed in triathlons up until we left earth. Dad is a rugged outdoorsman; he's summited dozens of mountains and once free-climbed El Capitan in Yosemite in a day. They met on a Class 5 rafting trip down the Snake River. But more importantly, my parents aren't unusual. I've met hundreds of scientists, and most are almost as athletic and adventurous as my parents. I'm not sure how the whole idea that scientists are nerds ever got started.”
Stuart Gibbs, Space Case

Whitney Gardner
“I can curl my hair and paint my nails and wear my hand-sewn summer dresses. I can roll dice and design costumes for heroes and flip through comic books. All as myself. Finally.”
Whitney Gardner, Chaotic Good

Frankie Boyle
“I think life is a lot different for alternative kids nowadays. Texting and the internet mean that being a Goth or something means you're part of a big social scene, it's an inclusive thing. Back then, we all just went our different ways in the afterglow,wishing each other all the best with the next ten years of bullying.”
Frankie Boyle, My Shit Life So Far

S.R. Thomas
“It can’t be prevented forever. It’s destiny. It’s inevitable. The geek apocalypse is coming.”
S.R. Thomas, Geeks Beyond Time

Natalie Haynes
“The distinction that only sciences are useful and only arts are spirit-enhancing is a nonsensical one. I couldn't write much without scientists designing my computer. And some of them must want to read about Greek myth after a long day at work. These Muses always remind me that scientists and artists should disregard the idiotic attempts to separate us. We are all nerds, in the end.”
Natalie Haynes, Divine Might: Goddesses in Greek Myth

“Weird: of strange or extraordinary character”

Atom Yang
“The call-and-response rituals of geeks were a thing of beauty, and allowed said geeks to identify each other across time and space.”
Atom Yang, Herc & Pyotr

Karen Thompson Walker
“On dark days like that one, the library windows looked lit up like an aquarium, the inhabitants on display for all the other kids to see: here the most exotic fish, the lonely, the unloved, the weird.”
Karen Thompson Walker, The Age of Miracles

Stewart Stafford
“The late author Philip K. Dick once said that America isn't intellectual, it's anti-intellectual. Initially, I thought that was a harsh statement. But when you see intelligent people routinely branded 'nerds" and hear about the endless school shootings in the United States, it's hard not to think he had a point.”
Stewart Stafford

Danika Stone
“She stared, wide eyed as glass-walled elevators shot up fifty-two floors like pods in a launch tube. Everything - from the glaringly bright carpet swirling with psychedelic lines; to the hotel's open ceiling ringed by storey after storey of balconies, the distant roof so high it made her head spin; to the people decked out in cosplay - was torn from a science fiction novel. It seemed Liv had spent the last eighteen years in search of her people, and in one sudden explosion of fate, they'd all been brought together in this place in time. Her eyes filled with tears as a sudden awareness filled her.
They were all nerds.”
Danika Stone, All the Feels

Judd Apatow
“Cocky nerds. My wife and I always talk about it. It's people who think they don't think ill of themselves --they actually think that there's something special about themselves but no one's noticed it... And that's what makes them interesting. They have an air of superiority as they're getting pummeled.”
Judd Apatow

Cecil Castellucci
“Here is the truth about being a nerd. You don't have to be an expert in something, you just have to be passionate. There is no test and no application. Only a love of a thing that is the best.”
Cecil Castellucci, Don't Cosplay with My Heart

Anyta Sunday
“Books should never be disrespected.”
Anyta Sunday, Liam Davis & The Raven

Steven Magee
“It is going to be a sad legacy of mankind that a group of toxic nerds destroyed society.”
Steven Magee

Adam Rogers
“One thing nerds like to argue about is what nerds are allowed to argue about.”
Adam Rogers
tags: nerds

Philip K. Dick
“Diante dos seus olhos apareceu então a imagem minúscula e claramente iluminada de Adolf Hitler dirigindo-se ao servis lacaios que deviam constituir o Reichtag por finais dos anos 30. Der Führer estava então com o seu ar sarcástico, jovial e zombeteiro. Aquela cena famosa ― que todos os homens de Yancy conheciam de cor― era aquela em que Hitler respondia ao requerimento que lhe fora feito pelo presidente Roosevelt para que garantisse as fronteiras de uma boa dúzia de minúsculas nações europeias. Uma a uma Hitler enunciava as nações que constituíam tal lista, a voz ia num crescendo ao ler o nome de cada uma, e de cada vez, as marionetes articuladas exultavam com o crescendo de troça do seu líder. A emotividade de tudo aquilo ― der Führer, possesso de um divertimento titânico perante aquela lista tão absurda (mais tarde iria invadir, sistematicamente, quase todas as nações então referidas), os rugidos daqueles loucos… Joseph Adams escutava, observava, sentia ecoarem dentro de si esses berros, sentia um divertimento sarcástico em consonância com o de Hitler ― e ao mesmo tempo sentia um receio pura e simplesmente infantil de que aquela cena tivesse alguma vez ocorrido realmente. O que de fato acontecera. Aquele segmento, do primeiro episódio do documentário A, era ― por estranho que tal pudesse parecer, dada a sua natureza de tal modo demoníaca ― autêntico.”
Philip K. Dick, The Penultimate Truth

“I'd rather hang out with nerds that were kind than with jocks that hated me.”
Fracaswell Hyman, Mango Delight

Elizabeth Warren
“I like people who live in the world of data, even if they’re sometimes a little, um, unusual.”
Elizabeth Warren, This Fight Is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America's Middle Class

Steven Magee
“I hope history remembers me as a cool scientist, not a nerdy one!”
Steven Magee

Chaz Hayden
“I guess we’re two lonely nerds sharing our sad stories over lunch.”
Chaz Hayden, The First Thing About You
tags: nerds

Grant Morrison
“Wanted's lead was Wesley Gibson, drawn by J.G. Jones to resemble handsome rapper Eminem with an eye on the movie potential, but who stood for every shy, overweight, underweight, misunderstood kid reveling in the power to trash, denigrate, and insult his imagined enemies - who were just about everybody, especially the creators of the comic books, music, games, and movies that brought to these miserable lives the only meaning they would ever know. Geek royalty. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Wesley acted out the new porn-fueled fantasies of dumping the fat girlfriend, hooking up with the hot sex-mad assassin chicks, raping pretty newsreaders, and Getting Away with It All. At its best, reminiscent of the cool, amused cruelty of a Joe Orton play, the bludgeoning effect of Wanted's uneasy satire exposed the horrible truth: The fragile, asocial, and different really just wanted to do coke, fuck bimbos, and bully people. The revolution had arrived.”
Grant Morrison, Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human

“Previously, I had always found joy in doing stupid things like bashing someone’s mailbox with a baseball bat, or throwing eggs at nerds, or making fun of losers. We thought that we were being rebellious, but most kids do stupid stuff like that. We’re all trying to make a name for ourselves and stand out. It wasn’t rebellious at all; self-absorption and self-advocacy were the norm. What I was doing now was true rebellion, truly unique, and meaningful in every way.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

Steven Magee
“The geeks have taken over planet Earth!”
Steven Magee

Abhijit Naskar
“The Humanitarian Nerd
(Sonnet 1538)

Machines have a tendency of
disconnecting mind from society.
Unless you're driven by a humane dream,
silicon dreams only facilitate inhumanity.

Worse than silicosis is silicon psychosis,
Worse than septicemia es la indiferencia.
Worse than writer's block is fighter's block,
to settle in ice-age is insult of la conciencia.

Before you master raspberry and arduino,
learn to master common everyday humanity.
If you're not burning with the fire to do good,
there's no point to your gray's anatomy.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Before you master raspberry and arduino,
learn to master common everyday humanity.
If you're not burning with the fire to do good,
there's no point to your gray's anatomy.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Michael Bassey Johnson
“It is easy to criticize the antisocial, but hard to get close to know what keeps them at bay.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Stamerenophobia

Rick Remender
“Geeks are good. Nerds are the sniveling, pedantic dipshits who suck the joy out of everything they claim to love. Nerds are bad.”
Rick Remender, Deadly Class: Compendium