
Inner Wisdom Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inner-wisdom" Showing 1-30 of 47
Hermann Hesse
“Each man's life represents a road toward himself, an attempt at such a road, the intimation of a path... But each of us - experiments of the depths - strives toward his own destiny. We can understand one another; but each of us is able to interpret himself to himself alone.”
Herman Hesse

Nikki Rowe
“You are here, alive and awake and for whatever reasons you have fought your battles, it's time to start focusing on what strengths pulled you up when the entire world had knocked you down.
That's where the virtue in self grows.”
Nikki Rowe

Leslie Bratspis
“The crack in your heart allows light in. ~ GOOD FORTUNE page 238”
Leslie Bratspis

Christine Evangelou
“Sometimes the things we do second time around are better and hold more value because we take the time to reflect and review, and revive them through a higher love. Don't be afraid to try again and do-over with greater wisdom, a fresh set of eyes, and a renewed hope. Life is not a straight line of first time successes. It's the road that is paved with failure and seemingly wrong turns that provides us with character, emotional grit and inner muscle to find new perspectives. The only expiry date to your dreams, intentions or goals is the one you allow to soak into your soul.”
Christine Evangelou, Stardust and Star Jumps: A Motivational Guide to Help You Reach Toward Your Dreams, Goals, and Life Purpose

Christine Evangelou

It is only in nothing...
A damp, dull, nothingness
Those cold, sharp, empty spaces
In our times of scarcity and loss
That we understand the true meaning of everything
And the indelible value of what was cost”
Christine Evangelou, Beating Hearts and Butterflies: Poetry of Wounds, Wishes and Wisdom

C. JoyBell C.
“When you feel a child inside of you springing to life, that's how you know you're where you should be.”
C. JoyBell C.

Joan Halifax
“Mountain’s realization comes through the details of the breath, mountain appears in each step. Mountain then lives inside our bones, inside our heart-drum. It stands like a huge mother in the atmosphere of our minds. Mountain draws ancestors together in the form of clouds. Heaven, Earth and human meet in the raining of the past. Heaven, Earth and human meet in the winds of the future. Mountain mother is a birth gate that joins the above and below, she is a prayer house, she is a mountain. Mountain is a mountain.”
Joan Halifax, The Fruitful Darkness: A Journey Through Buddhist Practice and Tribal Wisdom

Christine Evangelou
“Perfection’ is an illusion and we all make mistakes; you must allow yourself the freedom to make mistakes and bad judgements and glimmer wiser through them. We are not meant to live in insulation, within the confines of a box, or beneath a protective shell, so this means that errors are all a part of the human experience, and you strengthen yourself through it all and finding your own peace in forgiveness.”
Christine Evangelou, Stardust and Star Jumps: A Motivational Guide to Help You Reach Toward Your Dreams, Goals, and Life Purpose

Christine Evangelou
“Reflection offers a retrospective exploration, a way to figure out how everything fits and connects now on your journey- and being done so without regret or remorse. Reflection is the birthplace of discernment, an insightful and awakening place that grants you to keep what you need and smartly sift away the rest.”
Christine Evangelou, Stardust and Star Jumps: A Motivational Guide to Help You Reach Toward Your Dreams, Goals, and Life Purpose

Christine Evangelou
“When we see an indistinct flower rise to full bloom through an inconspicuous split in the rock, this inspires hope, faith, and highlights the strength of the gentle flower over the seemingly mighty rock. Suddenly we view the impossible as possible again. Your challenges and tough times may appear as the rigid, prominent and oppressive rocks that force you down, but the splendour of the rose is born through the power of inner wisdom, natural law, and tenacity over tribulation as she ascends toward glory. Even the most beautiful roses lay dormant during winter; life’s darkness is simply a shadow that we can seek our light through.”
christine evangelou, Rocks Into Roses: Life Lessons and Inspiration for Personal Growth

Christine Evangelou
“We should not elevate anyone higher than our own heart.
If you do not value what you have to give then no one else will ever come close to what you truly deserve.”
Christine Evangelou, Beating Hearts and Butterflies: Poetry of Wounds, Wishes and Wisdom

“The soul knows what to do to heal itself.
The challenge is to silence the mind.”
Raegan Robinson

“Soul is found where life deepens us, where meaning calls to us, where trouble deters us, wherever and however we slow down in the midst of the rushing and racing at the surface level of life.”
Michael Meade, Why the World Doesn't End: Tales of Renewal in Times of Loss

Christine Evangelou
“There is no finish-line on the path to soul growth- there is no race, no perfect place to get to where life is easy. We can release judgement and fear-based thinking when we entertain that life is a journey with many pit-stops along the way and we are responsible for finding the beauty at every twist and turn.”
Christine Evangelou, Rocks Into Roses: Life Lessons and Inspiration for Personal Growth

Christine Evangelou

Truth is everything.
If you can reach for your dreams and aspirations
From a place of pure truth and honesty
Then life will find a way to guide you to where you are meant to be.”
Christine Evangelou, A Shore of Spiritual Shells: Poetry For Inner Strength And Faith

“Each time we offer a reflection, we are also quietly repairing/disconfirming attachment wounds that always contain elements of our parents or others not being able to see us because of their own injuries.”
Bonnie Badenoch, The Heart of Trauma: Healing the Embodied Brain in the Context of Relationships

“The Yoga is in the in-between. 
It’s between each breath, each posture, each experience. It’s in the growing, the learning, the doing, and, often, the waiting. We can grow more when we lean into the in-between and see the beauty in the process.”
Raegan Robinson

Nancy Wagaman
“Dreams provide glimpses of yourself and your life that you might not otherwise see: your deepest desires, untapped potential, self-defeating patterns, and opportunities for greater happiness.”
Nancy Wagaman, The Curious Dreamer’s Practical Guide to Dream Interpretation

T.F. Hodge
“Third eye never has an opinion... like a lighthouse - it guides the navigator.”
T.F. Hodge

J.R. Incer
“Allow your creativity to flourish, your imagination to soar, your inner wisdom to guide you, and your consciousness to identify your true Self.”
J.R. Incer, Boost Your Brainpower 365

“When things start to fall apart, they fall together perfectly. Like sand falling through your fingers, you have to let it fall, then come together naturally.”
Darice Carins

Jan Christenson
“Your inner wisdom will always guide you, if you listen and let it in. If you get quiet inside of your head, then your inner thoughts can come from your inner wisdom. When we are feeling judgmental, or self-conscious, or just plain uncomfortable inside, then usually it is just that noise in our head talking loudly. I call this noise your intellectual thinking which results from your opinions and beliefs. True wisdom holds pretty much no opinions or judgments. A lot of inner chatter is usually just going to mess you up with ideas that are not coming from your true inner wisdom or your mind.”
Jan Christenson, Magnificent Mind: Uncover Your Psychological Well Being So You Can Live in Heaven While on Earth

Sam Izad
“What you are seeking is seeking you. Don't waste your time searching for something that is already within you.”
Sam Izad, Snackable Existentialism: Small Portions, Big Ideas

Brittany Burgunder
“Sometimes you have to make the decision that feels best, even when it’s not the smart or practical one. Some things we must do for our hearts and not our minds.”
Brittany Burgunder

Laurie E.    Smith
“Does doing it bring you joy?
Does it boost your confidence?
Does it help you stay inspired?
Does it help you connect with that part of you that is always peaceful and filled with wonder and possibilities?”
Laurie E. Smith

“The path of the heart is not about controlling or changing your mind. It is about cultivating a willingness to let go of false identification and returning to the simplicity and humility of empty-headedness and not knowing.”
Christine Samuel

“Nurturing our creativity means asking for support when we need it while also trusting our own inner wisdom.”
Laurie E. Smith

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