
Manifest Destiny Quotes

Quotes tagged as "manifest-destiny" Showing 1-30 of 30
Beth Fantaskey
“As you know, I have always been curious about our immortality... how it feels to live on and on through time....I need speculate no longer, I have sampled eternity in Miss Campbell's fifth period "social studies" class. Three days on the concept of "manifest destiny," Vasile. THREE DAYS. I yearned to stand up, rip her lecture notes from her pallid hands, and scream, 'Yes, America expanded westward! Is that not logical, given that Europeans settled on the Eastern shore? What else were they to do? Advance vainly into the sea?”
Beth Fantaskey, Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side

Dee Brown
“I want to say that further you are not a great chief of this country. That you have no following, no power, no control." Logan continued, "You are on an Indian reservation merely at the sufferance of the government. You are fed by the government, clothed by the government, your children are educated by the government, and all you have and are today is because of the government. If it were not for the government you would be freezing and starving today in the mountains. I merely say these things to notify you that you cannot insult the people of the United States of America or its committees ...the government feeds and clothes and educates your children now, and desires to teach you to become farmers, and to civilize you, and make you as white men.
-Senator John Logan, 1883”
Dee Brown, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West

Anthon St. Maarten
“A psychic reading is not just about career opportunities, good fortune or meeting tall, dark strangers. It is a sacred portal to manifesting your true destiny.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Israel Morrow
“I firmly believe that American society would not endure ten years if subjected to half the trials and tortures we’ve put Natives through. And yet Native peoples have not been utterly destroyed, not by the world’s strongest military. They have not been totally assimilated, not by the world’s largest religion. Native religions are indeed concerned with being a good person, respecting one’s family, ancestors, community, and the Earth—and when these principles are lived, there is great strength.”
Israel Morrow, Gods of the Flesh: A Skeptic's Journey Through Sex, Politics and Religion

Tony Warrick
“God has the Power to make it happen. You have the Authority to make it happen. So stop complaining, get up, & manifest your destiny.”
Tony Warrick

“When the culture of the East, its chief characteristic, is added to the strength of body and the strength of mind of the agricultural center, its special contribution, and these two great characteristics are constantly imbued with the spirit of independence and love of liberty which lives in the hearts of the dwellers of the mountains, their main quality added to the national character, there is every reason to believe that we shall have a people and institutions such as will be permanent; with such wealth of resources, of such high education and intelligence, and of such vitality, of such longevity, of such devotion to freedom and hostility to centralization and tyranny as shall enable this Nation of ours to stand indefinitely; and to maintain in the future years its manifest destiny of leading the peoples and nations of earth in the principles of free government, constitutional security and individual liberty. Under these and under these alone, the faculties, the aspirations and inspirations of mankind may be unfolded into their full flowering to the fruition of an ever greater and more humane civilization.”
Charles Edwin Winter, Four Hundred Million Acres: The Public Lands and Resources

“Although most Americans believed in Manifest Destiny, few could agree on exactly which lands the United States was supposed to govern.”
Charles W. Carey Jr.

Henry Clay
“Their disappearance from the human family would be no great loss to the world.”
Henry Clay

William T. Sherman
“These men flocked to the plains, and were rather stimulated than retarded by the danger of an Indian war. This was another potent agency in producing the result we enjoy to-day, in having in so short a time replaced the wild buffaloes by more numerous herds of tame cattle, and by substituting for the useless Indians the intelligent owners of productive farms and cattle-ranches.”
William T. Sherman, Memoirs of General W.T. Sherman

Walter M. Miller Jr.
“There were spaceships again in that century, and the ships were manned by fuzzy impossibilities that walked on two legs and sprouted tufts of hair in unlikely anatomical regions. They were a garrulous kind. They belonged to a race quite capable of admiring its own image in a mirror, and equally capable of cutting its own throat before the altar of some god, such as the deity of Daily Shaving. It was a species which often considered itself to be, basically, a race of divinely inspired toolmakers; any intelligent entity from Arcturus would instantly have perceived them to be, basically, a race of impassioned after-dinner speechmakers.

It was inevitable, it was manifest destiny, they felt (and not for the first time) that such a race go forth to conquer stars. To conquer them several times, if need be, and certainly to make speeches about the conquest. But, too, it was inevitable that the race succumb again to the old maladies on new worlds, even as on Earth before, in the litany of life and in the special liturgy of Man...”
Walter M. Miller Jr.

Sereda Aleta Dailey
“Expansion (both far and wide) is the order of the day”
Sereda Aleta Dailey, The Art of Manifesting Abundance

Libba Bray
“The steam trains crossed the country, the gleaming tracks clumsy sutures across wounded miles of stolen land.”
Libba Bray, Lair of Dreams

Germany Kent
“Once you begin to change the way you think, you will begin to inspire innovation that will help you to manifest greatness in your life.”
Germany Kent

“Powell was first of all a scientist with a deep curiosity about nature, and this curiosity motivated his explorations. Because Powell viewed the landscape and waterscape as a scientist, he realized that the arid West couldn't fit into America's Manifest Destiny dreams, and thus he became a pioneering conservationist.”
Don Lago, The Powell Expedition: New Discoveries about John Wesley Powell's 1869 River Journey

Edward J. Santella
“What violent, good luck you had. When you bought your home you received stolen property, but the blood had dried, the war forgotten, and it seemed your god himself had granted you this land.”
Edward J. Santella, American Ghosts

“Both nations have an idea of Manifest Destiny and a concept of the Monroe Doctrine in their ideological arsenal, and both are continental powers with political and cultural influence that extends far beyond their national borders.”
Patrick Mendis, Peaceful War: How the Chinese Dream and the American Destiny Create a New Pacific World Order

Robert Chao Romero
“The failure to recognize the important role of ethnic culture and experience in shaping biblical interpretation can produce damaging results because it can lead a culturally dominant community to insist that its own interpretations of the Bible are "objective" and "official" to the exclusion of all others. The end result is the tribalization of Jesus in the circumscription of God within the narrow cultural understanding of a single ethnic racial community. Such biblical nationalism is idolatry, and it has historically lead to biblical interpretation that have oppressed Latinas/os, blacks, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and other people of color in the United States.”
Robert Chao Romero, Brown Church: Five Centuries of Latina/o Social Justice, Theology, and Identity

A.D. Aliwat
“America is the most masculine nation-state that’s ever existed. America is more like Wall Street. Mean as hell, straight, big dick swinging, winner-takes-all mindset.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Elizabeth Martínez
“Manifest Destiny saw Yankee conquest as the inevitable result of a confrontation between enterprise and progress (white) versus passivity and backwardness (Indian, Mexican).”
Elizabeth Martínez, De Colores Means All of Us: Latina Views for a Multi-Colored Century

Elizabeth Martínez
“The concept of Manifest Destiny, with its assertion of racial superiority sustained by military power, has defined U.S. identity for 150 years. Only the Vietnam War brought a serious challenge to that concept of almightiness. Bitter debate, moral anguish, images of My Lai and the prospect of military defeat for the first time in U.S. history all suggested that the long-standing marriage of virtue and violence might soon be on the rocks.”
Elizabeth Martínez, De Colores Means All of Us: Latina Views for a Multi-Colored Century

Julissa  Arce
“Many of us understand that America was built on the brutality of slavery and the looting of Indigenous land. Fewer recognize the colonization of Mexico by the United States as a third pillar in the creation of present-day America. The first colonization of Mexico was of course by Spain. But the second colonization of my people came at the hands of the United States during the Mexican-American War. In school we learn of it as Manifest Destiny, as the God-given right of white people to steal native land. The result was not only the taking of land...but the reluctant acquisition of Mexicans.
...The annexation of Texas into the United States and a dispute over where the Texas border should be drawn gave President James Polk an excuse to loot more Mexican land...There were between 80,000 and 100,000 Mexicans living in the land stolen by the United States. Polk wanted the land, but not the Mexicans on it. They were never immigrants; they didn't come to the United States or cross the border; the border crossed them. After the war, the Mexico-U.S. border was carefully drawn to keep as many Mexicans out as possible, a purpose it still serves. But the border never stopped out roots from growing on both sides.”
Julissa Arce, You Sound Like a White Girl: The Case for Rejecting Assimilation

Abhijit Naskar
“99 percent of the world's warzones are the legacy of white, western imperialism. Until you get your head around this simple fact, your views, your opinion, your advocacy, all are worthless to the peace struggles of these "westsploited" nations.

In the modern age no other country has wrecked more nations than America. Like father, like son - first it was England, then it's its rebellious runaway child America. That's why China is such an enemy in the westwashed narrative of the world - because when one nation has somewhat maintained an autocratic control over the planet since the 1800s (under the banner of "Manifest Destiny"), it would never want that control be undermined by another budding power - particularly when that power is far superior in infrastructure. Sure, the state of China tries to influence every move of its people, that's the first unwritten rule in the handbook of "democracy" - but Uncle Sam has been manipulating the moves of every single state for over two hundred years. Now tell me, which state should you be more cautious of?

No country is free from human rights violation, but America's share in global transgressions is right at the very top. America is the top exporter of humanitarian crisis in the world, and as such, US is the least qualified nation to be the moral guardian on anything.

It doesn't matter whether you are white, colored or martian - denial never solves nothing. To treat a disease we must first acknowledge the disease. And what is the disease? Is it white people - is it whiteness? No - whiteness is not the disease, but white imperialism is. And how do you treat this disease? You gotta strip yourself of all the privileges of skin, and make yourself one with the world - you gotta denounce the privilege of your whiteness and embrace the responsibility of your humanness. Only then, shall there be peace in the world - only then, shall there be integration - only then, shall there be a civilized world to begin with.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth

“And I grew up believing these myths of manifest destiny and exceptionalism, the idea that I could do or be anything that I ever dreamed of, and assumed it was true of everyone else if they only did right and tried hard.”
D. L. Mayfield