
Defect Quotes

Quotes tagged as "defect" Showing 1-14 of 14
Mitch Albom
“Look, no matter where you live, the biggest defect we human beings have is our shortsightedness. We don’t see what we could be. We should be looking at our potential, stretching ourselves into everything we can become. But if you’re surrounded by people who say ‘I want mine now,’ you end up with a few people with everything and a military to keep the poor ones from rising up and stealing it.”
Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

Ottessa Moshfegh
“When she asked the birds what to do, they answered that they didn't know anything about love, that love was a distinctly human defect which God had created to counterbalance the power of human greed.”
Ottessa Moshfegh, Lapvona

Ryann Kerekes
“They can only take what you give them.”
Ryann Kerekes, Defect

Anthony Liccione
“We are equal by fault, but never equal in acceptance.”
Anthony Liccione

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Miracles' rely on their observer’s ignorance. 'Perfection' relies on the observer’s failure to notice the observed’s defects.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Criss Jami
“The factory of love encompasses all, but on some days, does it seem to be one of suffocation, squeezing its target too tightly? And on other days not tight enough? Or maybe that is the breath of a living love knowing when to protect, when to release, and when to protect again. For we are the products of an active love - the Father the creator, the Son the perfecter, the Spirit the supervisor - but just like in a factory, to deny the process is to ultimately create a defect of oneself.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

C. Lynn Schneider
“Only a mental illness is not like a disease of the body, where there’s something wrong with your lungs or there’s something wrong with your diet, and you are just a reasonable person with a defect. When you’re mentally ill, you are the defect; you are broken, fundamentally flawed, and you cannot be trusted with anything, not even your own treatment. You need a support system to make sure you don’t fuck it all up.”
C. Lynn Schneider, The Kilmer Cure

Steven Magee
“My Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) appeared to be caused by blood clots in the brain which had to be flushed out to cure it. The mystery was why I had the blood clots there, which recently was solved by the medical profession as I have a hole in my heart that creates them. It is estimated that 25% of the population have a hole in their heart and Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) may be one of the triggers for the onset of EHS in a person.”
Steven Magee

Dada Bhagwan
“If someone finds a flaw [shortcoming] in us, know that there is imperfection [defect] in us. However, it is a different matter if that person has a habit of talking negatively, but generally that is not the case.”
Dada Bhagwan

Enock Maregesi
“Lakini kanuni hii (‘optimal stopping’) ina walakini. Kwa mfano utajuaje watu au wapenzi utakaotembea nao au kuachana nao katika kipindi chote cha maisha yako? Au itakuaje kama mpenzi wako wa kwanza uliyemwacha ndiye yule ambaye Mungu alikupangia kuwa naye maishani?”
Enock Maregesi

Steven Magee
“An ASD is an atrial septal defect. It is a hole in the heart. It is supposed to close at birth, but in some people it stays open. It causes low oxygen blood that is returning to the heart to mix with high oxygen blood. ASD’s can damage the lungs in the long term and can cause hypoxic blood to occur!”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

“Ignore defects, errors, tolerate imperfections
it won't make your loved one a better person,
but it can make you a better person.”
Augusto Branco

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When you have a defect, some people try not to see it only as a defect, but as your entire identity.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Stamerenophobia