In Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, the Merchant Convoy's vendor Aimee is in charge of Bargains for rare items or weaponry that are available for sale. These items are typically limited in quantity and Aimee usually sells a different stock in each chapter that she is accessible in. The items are usually rare and powerful and either cannot be found until later in the game or can only be found in her bargains. Bargains also tend to be quite expensive, so the player should decide carefully what to buy.
Begnion - Crimea - Daein - Marado - Gallia - Goldoa - Hatari - Kilvas - Phoenicis - Tellius - Serenes Forest - Grann Desert - Sienne - Ohma - Castle Crimea - Ribahn River - Fort Alpea - Castle Nox - Desert of Death - Kauku Caves - Mainal Cathedral
Part 1 | P: Under Gray Skies - 1: Maiden of Miracles - 2: The Dispossessed - 3: A Faint Light - 4: A Distant Voice - 5: The Lost Heir - 6: Raise the Standard - 7: A Gathering Hope - 8: Glory Unwanted - 9: One Survives - E: Daein, Arise! | |
Part 2 | P: On Drifting Clouds - 1: Winds of Rebellion - 2: Tides of Intrigue - 3: Geoffrey's Charge - E: Elincia's Gambit | |
Part 3 | P: The Great Advance - 1: Laguz and Beorc - 2: Stormclouds - 3: River Crossing - 4: The General's Hand - 5: Retreat! - 6: A Reason to Fight - 7: Rivals Collide - 8: Incandescent Glow - 9: Marauders - 10: The Heart of Crimea - 11: Just Cause - 12: The Price - 13: Blood Contract - E: From Pain, Awakening | |
Part 4 | P: Chaos Named - 1: Road to the Empire - 2: Silent World - 3: Distortions - 4: Revelations - 5: Unforgivable Sin - E1: Rebirth - E2: Rebirth - E3: Rebirth - E4: Rebirth - E5: Rebirth |
Ashera's Judgement - Bargains - Biorhythm - Bonus Experience - Feral One - Fire Spirit - Hidden Treasure - Laguz-Begnion War - Order Incarnate - Royal Laguz - Skills - The Great Flood - Thunder Spirit - Translations - Wind Spirit
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