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Rebecca Dawson (commonly known as Awesome Dawson) is one of the most popular girls at Brady and Boomer's old school and is currently Boomer's girlfriend in the live-action television program, Pair of Kings. Since they started dating she calls Boomer "Boomy Bear".

Role in the Series[]

Boomer believed that Rebecca had promised to be his prom date. At the prom, he discovered that she had never agreed to the date. However, they ended up dancing together. They then started dating. (Pair of Prom Kings) After a video chat, Boomer thought that Brady had ruined there relationship. Rebecca ended up coming to visit Boomer, but had to face the wrath of a cave girl. (An Ice Girl for Boomer)

Later, Boomer received a letter from Rebecca telling him that she was breaking up with him as he wasn't mature. (The Young and the Restless)

However, she got back together with Boomer at some point, and visited Kinkow on his birthday. (Bond of Brothers)

Rebecca's father found out about her visits to Kinkow and banned her from seeing Boomer. Boomer, Boz, and Mikayla traveled to Chicago to plead their case, but were attacked by Mary Ann and some Tarantula Warriors.

During the battle, it was revealed that Mr. Dawson is actually Paka Tui, an exiled Tarantula Shaman who was part of a group who didn't agree with their people's violent ways, and sought refuge with Boomer's parents. Boomer's parents helped them escape to Chicago. The real reason he didn't want Rebecca and Boomer to date was that if the Tarantula People discovered she was the daughter of a traitor, they would kill her. In order to keep her safe, her father and Boomer used amnesia powder to make her forget everything about Kinkow and dating Boomer. However, she later found the Bat Medallion. (Meet the Parent)

The Bat Medallion dragged Rebecca to Kinkow. When Rebecca was on a balloon to leave for Chicago, she started remembering everything about Kinkow and dating Boomer while looking at the photo that she gave Boomer on his birthday. She helped the kings defeat Kaita the Bat Rider. She then rekindled her relationship with Boomer. (Long Live The Kings)


Season 1[]

  • "Pair of Prom Kings"

Season 2[]

  • "An Ice Girl for Boomer"

Season 3[]

  • "Bond of Brothers"
  • "Meet the Parent"
  • "Long Live The Kings"

External Links[]
