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Air is the fourth element controlled by one of the Guardians, specifically Hay Lin and Yan Lin.

The Element[]

Air is one of the four classical elements along with water, fire, and earth, and is bound to the others through Quintessence. Even though it is considered as the weakest element, Air can be a very powerful element at times.

Air in W.I.T.C.H.[]

Air symbol

Symbol of Air

Air; as light and free as it is, can be a very dangerous and lethal element when used right in combat. Although being described as very easy to manipulate and control, it allows the Guardian who possesses it many advantages. For instance, a Guardian of Air can choke the oxygen out of living things and lower the air's temperature to subzero. Nevertheless, Air is the calmest and most serene of the five elements, allowing the user to fly gracefully and more skillfully than her fellow Guardians and to contract memories through sound waves.


The abilities of a Guardian of air include:

  • Aerokinesis: Power over Air and can manipulate aspects of said element.
  • Conjure clouds
  • Create windstorms and tornadoes
  • Control temperature of air
  • Freeze people and objects
  • Create air bubbles for traveling underwater
  • Super-Hearing abilities
  • Use Empathic Precognition (Also seen as Premonitions)
  • Suck the air and wind out of living beings
  • Create a multitude of shapes out of air such as weapons, animals and creatures
  • Manipulate and control steam (as it is a form of a gas element)
  • Greatly strengthened and amplified agility and flight
  • Create highly destructive windstorms, whirlwinds, tornadoes and storms
  • Manipulate and control the weather and surrounding climate at will
  • Recall memories from the sounds of objects
  • Use empathic precognition
  • Soundproof rooms
  • Shape shifting
  • Use wind to move objects
  • Use her breath as a weapon
  • Act as an empath
  • Read the history of an object by touching it and closing her eyes      
  • Transmute objects
  • Invisibility
  • Shoot beams of silver blue energy
  • Manipulate aspects of said element.
    Yan lin Air

    Yan Lin attacking with Air

  • Use her breath as ice
  • Use air shields
  • Shoot air blasts at her opponents                         
  • Use her breath as wind
  • Control air vortexes
  • Give others and herself the ability to fly  
  • Communicate with the air

Besides control over air, the Guardian can:

  • Fly
  • Cast a glamor
  • Teleport
  • Recall other peoples' memories
  • Make herself and others completely invisible


Known Guardians of air include:


  • Something to note within the canon is that so far the known guardians of Air are Chinese, an ironic fact seeing as how Air is not part of the classic elements in China (their elements being: Fire, Wood, Earth, Metal, Water and Void).
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W.I.T.C.H. • Uriah's Gang • C.H.Y.K.N. • Knights of Destruction • Guardians of Kandrakar • The Runics
Heart of Kandrakar • Heart of Meridian • Heart of Zamballa • Aurameres • Seal of Phobos • Seal of Nerissa • Horn of Hypnos
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The Disney Afternoon
Elements: Quintessence • Fire • Air • Water • Earth