
Found 4 Software Packages (Results 1–4)


Cited in 20 Documents (2008–2023)
Software Authors: Mocken, Guido R.; Keitel, Christoph H.
Related Software: FFTW; Dirac_Laczos; wavepacket; …
Main Fields: Partial differential equations (35-XX); Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); …


Cited in 7 Documents (2011–2023)
Software Authors: Ekstrand, Joel
Related Software: Mathematica; DLMF; MasterPVAmulti; …
Main Fields: Algebraic geometry (14-XX); Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX); Computer science (68-XX); …


Cited in 7 Documents (2016–2024)
Software Authors: Hossein Poor, Jamal; Raab, Clemens G.; Regensburger, Georg
Related Software: Mathematica; OreModules; Maple; …
Main Fields: Commutative algebra (13-XX); Associative rings and algebras (16-XX); Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX); …


Cited in 5 Documents (1996–2004)
Software Authors: Schray, Jörg; Tucker, Robin W.; Wang, Charles H.-T.
Related Software: CLICAL; Mathematica; CLIFFORD; …
Main Fields: Number theory (11-XX); Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX); Numerical analysis (65-XX); …

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