

swMATH ID: 9734
Software Authors: Lonsing, F.; Biere, A.
Description: DepQBF is a search-based solver for quantified boolean formulae (QBF) in prenex conjunctive normal form. It is based on the DPLL algorithm for QBF with conflict-driven clause and solution-driven cube learning. By analyzing the structure of a formula, DepQBF tries to identify independent variables. In addition to other benefits, this often increases freedom for decision making. See also the JSAT system description of DepQBF 0.1 from QBFEVAL’10 for references and a brief outline of the idea. DepQBF 0.1 participated in QBFEVAL’10. See the competition website for performance results. For bug reports etc., please contact Florian Lonsing.
Homepage: http://fmv.jku.at/depqbf/
Source Code:  https://github.com/lonsing/depqbf
Related Software: RAReQS; Bloqqer; Quaffle; MiniSat; sQueezeBF; CAQE; QESTO; HQSpre; semprop; Nenofex; Quantor; QUBOS; QUBE; sKizzo; Chaff; Clingo; QRATPre+; QBFLIB; MPIDepQBF; DRAT-trim
Cited in: 57 Documents
all top 5

Cited by 94 Authors

12 Lonsing, Florian
10 Seidl, Martina
9 Beyersdorff, Olaf
7 Egly, Uwe
5 Biere, Armin
5 Janota, Mikoláš
5 Scholl, Christoph
4 Böhm, Benjamin
4 Heule, Marijn J. H.
4 Marques-Silva, João P.
4 Wimmer, Ralf D.
3 Peitl, Tomáš
3 Shukla, Ankit
2 Bacchus, Fahiem
2 Becker, Bernd
2 Blinkhorn, Joshua
2 Chew, Leroy
2 Clarke, Edmund Melson jun.
2 Goultiaeva, Alexandra
2 Jiang, Jie-Hong Roland
2 Klieber, William
2 Linsbichler, Thomas
2 Niskanen, Andreas
2 Pulina, Luca
2 Slivovsky, Friedrich
2 Szeider, Stefan
2 Woltran, Stefan
1 Balabanov, Valeriy
1 Balyo, Tomáš
1 Berg, Jeremias
1 Bhattacharyya, Arnab
1 Bloem, Roderick
1 Boucher, Steve
1 Braud-Santoni, Nicolas
1 Brayton, Robert K.
1 Brewka, Gerhard
1 Bryant, Randal E.
1 Clymo, Judith
1 Denecker, Marc
1 Diller, Martin
1 Fandinno, Jorge
1 Fichte, Johannes Klaus
1 Finkbeiner, Bernd
1 Ge-Ernst, Aile
1 Gitina, Karina
1 Gupta, Ashutosh
1 Hadzic, Vedad
1 Heisinger, Simone
1 Heissenberger, Georg
1 Hsu, Tzu-Chien
1 Janssens, Gerda
1 Järvisalo, Matti
1 Jordan, Charles
1 Kaiser, Lukasz
1 Kauers, Manuel
1 Kiesl, Benjamin
1 Kontchakov, Roman
1 Kronegger, Martin
1 Kuppusamy, Lakshmanan
1 Laferriere, Francois
1 Lagniez, Jean-Marie
1 Magaña López, Gustavo
1 Mani, Somya
1 Maratea, Marco
1 Mayer-Eichberger, Valentin
1 Mengel, Stefan
1 Mishchenko, Alan
1 Möhle, Sibylle
1 Mustonen, Jere
1 Nist, Jennifer
1 Paramonov, Sergey
1 Paulevé, Loïc
1 Pfandler, Andreas
1 Rabe, Markus N.
1 Riva, Sara
1 Romero, Javier
1 Saffidine, Abdallah
1 Schaub, Torsten H.
1 Schmidt, Renate A.
1 Seshia, Sanjit Arunkumar
1 Síč, Juraj
1 Sigley, Sarah
1 Son, Tran Cao
1 Srivas, Mandayam K.
1 Suda, Martin
1 Thattai, Mukund
1 Tu, Kuan-Hua
1 van der Hallen, Matthias
1 Van Gelder, Allen
1 Villemaire, Roger
1 Wallner, Johannes Peter
1 Wimmer, Karina
1 Wolter, Frank
1 Zakharyaschev, Michael Viktorovich

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