

swMATH ID: 46008
Software Authors: Janota, Mikoláš; Klieber, William; Marques-Silva, Joao; Clarke, Edmund
Description: RAReQS - Recursive Abstraction Refinement QBF Solver. RAReQS is a solver for Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBFs). The solver tackles the given formula recursively using counterexample abstraction refinement (CEGAR). More details can be found in our SAT 2012 paper [1]. While the RAReQS algorithm [1] is applicable to any QBF in the prenex form, the current implementation supports only the QDIMACS format. The CEGAR technique has also been incorporated, to a limited extent, into the DPLL-based solver GhostQ.
Homepage: http://sat.inesc-id.pt/~mikolas/sw/areqs/
Related Software: DepQBF; Bloqqer; MiniSat; CAQE; Quaffle; QESTO; sQueezeBF; Nenofex; semprop; QUBOS; HQSpre; Quantor; Mjollnir; QUBE; QBFLIB; PicoSAT; QuBE++; Lingeling; z3; sKizzo
Cited in: 46 Documents
all top 5

Cited by 85 Authors

8 Seidl, Martina
6 Beyersdorff, Olaf
6 Slivovsky, Friedrich
5 Marques-Silva, João P.
4 Chew, Leroy
4 Janota, Mikoláš
4 Lonsing, Florian
4 Szeider, Stefan
3 Blinkhorn, Joshua
3 Egly, Uwe
3 Järvisalo, Matti
3 Peitl, Tomáš
3 Scholl, Christoph
2 Clarke, Edmund Melson jun.
2 Finkbeiner, Bernd
2 Jiang, Jie-Hong Roland
2 Klieber, William
2 Kuncak, Viktor
2 Mahajan, Meena
2 Niskanen, Andreas
2 Pulina, Luca
2 Rabe, Markus N.
2 Reynolds, Andrew
2 Tentrup, Leander
2 Wallner, Johannes Peter
2 Wimmer, Ralf D.
2 Woltran, Stefan
1 Amendola, Giovanni
1 Balabanov, Valeriy
1 Barrett, Clark W.
1 Berg, Jeremias
1 Biere, Armin
1 Bloem, Roderick
1 Braud-Santoni, Nicolas
1 Brayton, Robert K.
1 Clymo, Judith
1 Deters, Morgan
1 Dolev, Danny
1 Dvořák, Wolfgang
1 Faymonville, Peter
1 Ge-Ernst, Aile
1 Hadzic, Vedad
1 Heisinger, Simone
1 Heljanko, Keijo
1 Hinde, Luke
1 Hsu, Tzu-Chien
1 Ignatyev, Alexey A.
1 Kiesl, Benjamin
1 King, Tim
1 Klimek, Radosław
1 Korhonen, Janne H.
1 Kronegger, Martin
1 Lenzen, Christoph
1 Linsbichler, Thomas
1 Malik, Sharad
1 Mallik, Kaushik
1 Maratea, Marco
1 Mengel, Stefan
1 Mishchenko, Alan
1 Mustonen, Jere
1 Passing, Noemi
1 Pfandler, Andreas
1 Pich, Ján
1 Reichl, Franz-Xaver
1 Ricca, Francesco
1 Rümmer, Philipp
1 Rybicki, Joel
1 Schledjewski, Malte
1 Schmidt, Renate A.
1 Schmuck, Anne-Kathrin
1 Seshia, Sanjit Arunkumar
1 Şhukla, Anil K.
1 Shukla, Ankit
1 Síč, Juraj
1 Sigley, Sarah
1 Suda, Martin
1 Suomela, Jukka
1 Tinelli, Cesare
1 Tompits, Hans
1 Truszczyński, Mirosław
1 Tu, Kuan-Hua
1 Van Gelder, Allen
1 Wieringa, Siert
1 Wintersteiger, Christoph M.
1 Zeljić, Aleksandar

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