

swMATH ID: 877
Software Authors: Dercole, Fabio; Kuznetsov, Yuri A.
Description: SLIDECONT, an AUTO97 driver for sliding bifurcation analysis of discontinuous piecewise-smooth autonomous systems, known as Filippov systems, is described in detail. Sliding bifurcations are those in which some sliding on the discontinuity boundary is critically involved. The software allows for detection and continuation of codimension \(-1\) sliding bifurcations as well as detection of some codimension \(-2\) singularities, with special attention to planar systems \((n=2)\). Some bifurcations are also supported for \(n\)-dimensional systems. This article gives a brief introduction to Filippov systems, describes the structure of SLIDECONT and all computations supported by SLIDECONT 2.0. Several examples, which are distributed together with the source code of SLIDECONT, are presented.
Homepage: http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~kouzn101/cm/slidecont.pdf
Keywords: numerical examples; SLIDECONT; sliding bifurcations; Filippov systems; discontinuity boundary
Related Software: TC-HAT; AUTO; MATCONT; HomCont; COCO; Matlab; DDE-BIFTOOL; CONTENT; Knut; AUTO-07P; MATLAB ODE suite; CL_MATCONT; MANPAK; SSMTool; RADAR5; DSTool; XPPAUT; GitHub; Tor; pde2path
Cited in: 57 Documents
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Cited by 89 Authors

7 Dercole, Fabio
7 Páez Chávez, Joseph Nikolai
5 García, Christian Cortés
5 Kuznetsov, Yuriĭ Aleksandrovich
4 di Bernardo, Mario
4 Iskin da Silveira Costa, Michel
4 Kowalczyk, Piotr
4 Piiroinen, Petri T.
3 Colombo, Alessandro G.
3 Gragnani, Alessandra
3 Liu, Yang
3 Mendoza Meza, Magno Enrique
3 Siegmund, Stefan
2 Buřič, Lubor
2 Champneys, Alan R.
2 Dankowicz, Harry J.
2 Hogan, S. John
2 Janovský, Vladimír
2 Jungmann, Dirk
2 Křivan, Vlastimil
2 Liu, Xia
2 Nordmark, Arne B.
2 Rinaldi, Sergio
2 Sieber, Jan
2 Simpson, David John Warwick
2 Tang, Sanyi
2 Xiao, Yanni
1 Ahsan, Zaid
1 Amador, Jorge A.
1 Angulo, Fabiola
1 Arango, Iván
1 Barton, David A. W.
1 Benadero, Luis
1 Bizzarri, Federico
1 Bolzoni, Luca
1 Broer, Henk W.
1 Budd, Christopher John
1 Camara, Baba Issa
1 Cao, Nanbin
1 Cheke, Robert A.
1 Chen, Jiandong
1 Del Buono, Nicoletta
1 Della Rossa, Fabio
1 Ding, Hejiang
1 Donde, Vaibhav
1 Efstathiou, Konstantinos
1 Götz, Thomas
1 Groppi, Maria
1 Guardia, Marcel
1 Guo, Bingyong
1 Gürbüz, Burcu
1 Hiskens, Ian A.
1 Homer, Martin E.
1 Jiang, Ziwang
1 Krauskopf, Bernd
1 Lamiani, Paola
1 Li, Mingwu
1 Li, Peng
1 Liang, Juhua
1 Liu, Caishan
1 Lopez, Luciano
1 Ma, Wei
1 Mapuranga, Tafara
1 Marca, Rossella Della
1 Maurya, Jyoti
1 Misra, Arvind Kumar
1 Mokrani, Houda
1 Mosekilde, Erik
1 Olivar, Gerard
1 Pinto, Carla M. A.
1 Pugliese, Alessandro
1 Qin, Wenjie
1 M-Seara, Tere
1 Storti Gajani, Giancarlo
1 Taborda, John Alexander
1 Tang, Guangyao
1 Teixeira, Marco Antonio
1 Thota, Phanikrishna
1 Vera Cuenca, Jasmidt
1 Vrkoč, Ivo
1 Wang, Aili
1 Wijaya, Karunia Putra
1 Yamapi, René
1 Yan, Yao
1 Yin, Shan
1 Zhang, Jiguang
1 Zhang, Zhi
1 Zhu, Huaiping
1 Zhusubaliev, Zhanybaĭ Tursunbaevich

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