

swMATH ID: 2154
Software Authors: Rheinboldt, W. C.
Description: MANPAK: A set of algorithms for computations on implicitly defined manifolds. A collection of algorithms is presented for performing a variety of numerical tasks on general implicitly defined (by a system of underdetermined equations) submanifolds of a finite-dimensional space. This includes algorithms for determining local parametrizations and their derivatives, and for evaluating quantities related to the curvature with sensitivity measures. The methods have been implemented as a FORTRAN 77 package, called MANPAK. (netlib contin)
Homepage: http://gams.nist.gov/cgi-bin/serve.cgi/Package/MANPAK
Programming Languages: FORTRAN 77
Keywords: nonlinear equations; Fortran package; system of underdetermined equations; MANPACK; manifolds
Related Software: DASSL; GELDA; HOMPACK; RODAS; NewtonLib; GENDA; MBSPACK; DDE-BIFTOOL; SSMTool; RADAR5; Knut; DSTool; AUTO; XPPAUT; TC-HAT; COCO; GitHub; Tor; pde2path; Dymola
Cited in: 13 Documents

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