

swMATH ID: 4380
Software Authors: Petri, C. A.
Description: Petri Nets Tools Database. Petri nets is a graphical and mathematical modeling tool. Petri nets are a promising tool for describing and studying information processing systems that are characterized as being concurrent, asynchronous, distributed, parallel, nondeterministic, and/or stochastic.
Homepage: http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/PetriNets/tools/quick.html
Keywords: Petri Nets Tools Database Quick
Related Software: Uppaal; Kronos; TAPAAL; TINA; CMC; IF-2.0; Romeo; TRANSPATH; KEGG; SNOOPY; BRENDA; Reactome; MetaCyc; PNML; Design/CPN; SHARPE; KLAIM; Punf; PEP; Maria
Cited in: 8 Documents