

swMATH ID: 34060
Software Authors: Stabile, G.; Rozza, G.
Description: ITHACA-FV (In real Time Highly Advanced Computational Applications for Finite Volumes) is C++ library based on the finite volume solver OpenFOAM . It consists of the implementation of several reduced order modeling techniques for parametrized problems. ITHACA-FV is developed and maintained by Dr. Giovanni Stabile under the supervision of Prof. Gianluigi Rozza at SISSA mathLab an applied math laboratory of the International School for advanced studies .
Homepage: https://mathlab.github.io/ITHACA-FV/
Source Code:  https://github.com/mathLab/ITHACA-FV
Related Software: redbKIT; OpenFOAM; solids4foam; FEATFLOW; ANSYS-CFX; RBniCS; Adam; ITHACA-DG; multiphenics; PyDMD; EZyRB; FLUENT; BladeX; PyTorch; GPy; Nektar++; STAR-CCM+; Spalart-Allmaras; HODMD; xAMC
Cited in: 8 Documents