

swMATH ID: 2891
Software Authors: Dix, Jürgen; Zhang, Yingqian
Description: Impact: A Multi-Agent Framework with Declarative Semantics. The IMPACT project (http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/impact) aims at developing a powerful multi-agent system platform, which (1) is able to deal with heterogenous and distributed data, (2) can be realised on top of arbitrary legacy code, (3) is built on a clear foundational basis, and (4) scales up for realistic applications. We will describe its main features and several extensions of the language that have been investigated (and partially implemented).
Homepage: https://rd.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/0-387-26350-0_3
Related Software: Jason; Jadex; AgentSpeak; KARO; 3APL; SCIFF; MCMAS; GOLOG; VAMPIRE; PRMLT; BLOG; Church; ETPS; Haskell; Isabelle/HOL; EVOLP; LUPS; ConGolog; Datalog; Smodels
Cited in: 4 Documents

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