

swMATH ID: 21804
Software Authors: Gronau, Quentin F.; Singmann, Henrik; Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan
Description: bridgesampling: An R Package for Estimating Normalizing Constants. Statistical procedures such as Bayes factor model selection and Bayesian model averaging require the computation of normalizing constants (e.g., marginal likelihoods). These normalizing constants are notoriously difficult to obtain, as they usually involve high-dimensional integrals that cannot be solved analytically. Here we introduce an R package that uses bridge sampling (Meng & Wong, 1996; Meng & Schilling, 2002) to estimate normalizing constants in a generic and easy-to-use fashion. For models implemented in Stan, the estimation procedure is automatic. We illustrate the functionality of the package with three examples.
Homepage: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/bridgesampling/index.html
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/bridgesampling
Dependencies: R
Keywords: Computation; arXiv stat.CO; arXiv; R package; bridge sampling; marginal likelihood; model selection; Bayes factor; Warp-III
Related Software: Stan; tsbridge; R; RStan; rstan; BayesDA; brms; JAGS; BayesFactor; NUTS; loo; rstanarm; WinBUGS; CODA; rethinking; GitHub; pyABC; Mcmcpack; bayesplot; shinystan
Cited in: 20 Documents
all top 5

Cited by 79 Authors

2 Forster, Jonathan J.
2 Gelman, Andrew
2 Gronau, Quentin F.
2 Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan
1 Ahfock, Daniel C.
1 Akkaya Hocagil, Tugba
1 Annis, Jeffrey
1 Boehm, Udo
1 Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre
1 Buchholz, Alexander
1 Bürkner, Paul-Christian
1 Coles, Claire D.
1 Cook, Richard John
1 Corander, Jukka
1 Costa, Eliardo G.
1 Culpepper, Steven Andrew
1 Dai, Chenguang
1 Dang, Khue-Dung
1 Day, Nancy L.
1 Evans, Nathan J.
1 Fiecas, Mark B.
1 Gallardo, Diego I.
1 Gómez, Yolanda M.
1 Guedj, Benjamin
1 Hadj-Amar, Beniamino
1 Haucke, Matthias N.
1 Hennig, Christian
1 Hoekstra, Rink
1 Homer, Saskia
1 Jacobson, Joseph L.
1 Jacobson, Sandra W.
1 Jewson, Jack
1 Jones, David E.
1 Klugkist, Irene
1 Lakens, Daniel
1 Leslie, David S.
1 Li, Le
1 Liu, Jun S.
1 Liverani, Silvia
1 Loustau, Sébastien
1 Ly, Alexander
1 Man, Albert Xingyi
1 Marsman, Maarten
1 Matzke, Dora
1 Meng, Xiaoli
1 Miller, Brent J.
1 Morey, Richard D.
1 Mortier, Frédéric
1 Murray, Lawrence M.
1 Ntzoufras, Ioannis
1 Olson, Heather Carmichael
1 Palmeri, Thomas J.
1 Papastamoulis, Panagiotis
1 Pesonen, Henri
1 Peyhardi, Jean
1 Radev, Stefan T.
1 Richardson, Gale A.
1 Richardson, Sylvia
1 Rotiroti, Frank
1 Rue, Håvard
1 Ryan, Louise Marie
1 Santos-Neto, Manoel
1 Sarafoglou, Alexandra
1 Scholz, Maximilian
1 Shenvi, Aditi
1 Smith, Peter W. F.
1 Steingroever, Helen
1 Štrumbelj, Erik
1 Toulemonde, Gwladys
1 Valiquette, Samuel
1 van Dongen, Noah N. N.
1 van Doorn, Johnny B.
1 van Ravenzwaaij, Don
1 Veen, Duco
1 Vehtari, Aki
1 Walker, Stephen Grahm
1 Wang, Lazhi
1 Wong, Jackie S. T.
1 Wong, Wing Hung

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