

swMATH ID: 23438
Software Authors: Meier, S.; Schmidt, B.; Cremers, C.; Basin, D.
Description: The TAMARIN prover for the symbolic analysis of security protocols. The Tamarin prover supports the automated, unbounded, symbolic analysis of security protocols. It features expressive languages for specifying protocols, adversary models, and properties, and support for efficient deduction and equational reasoning. We provide an overview of the tool and its applications.
Homepage: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2526920
Related Software: Maude-NPA; Maude; Akiss; ProVerif; AVISPA; GitHub; Apte; scyther; MTT; Yices; z3; Helios; ACUOS2; YAPA; FAST; SPEC; OFMC; OBJ3; Z3str2; CPSA
Cited in: 35 Documents

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