

swMATH ID: 20605
Software Authors: Chadha, Rohit; Cheval, Vincent; Ciobâcă, Ștefan; Kremer, Steve
Description: Akiss is a verification tool for checking trace equivalence of security protocols. It works in the so-called symbolic model, representing protocols by processes in the applied pi-calculus, and allowing the user to describe various security primitives by an equational theory. In order to show that two processes are trace equivalent, Akiss derives a complete set of tests for each trace of each process, using a saturation procedure that performs Horn clause resolution with selection.
Homepage: https://github.com/akiss/akiss
Source Code:  https://github.com/akiss/akiss
Related Software: TAMARIN; AVISPA; Maude-NPA; YAPA; Apte; scyther; ProVerif; FAST; SPEC; Maude; z3; CPSA; GitHub; Helios; ConfiChair; Yices; Anima; margrave; MiniSat; Darwin
Cited in: 21 Documents

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