

swMATH ID: 16103
Software Authors: Guo, Jiqiang; Gabry, Jonah; Goodrich, Ben; Lee, Daniel; Sakrejda, Krzysztof; Sklyar, Oleg; Oehlschlaegel-Akiyoshi, Jens; Wickham, Hadley; Guzman, Joel de; Fletcher, John; Heller, Thomas; Niebler, Eric
Description: R package rstan. User-facing R functions are provided to parse, compile, test, estimate, and analyze Stan models by accessing the header-only Stan library provided by the ’StanHeaders’ package. The Stan project develops a probabilistic programming language that implements full Bayesian statistical inference via Markov Chain Monte Carlo, rough Bayesian inference via variational approximation, and (optionally penalized) maximum likelihood estimation via optimization. In all three cases, automatic differentiation is used to quickly and accurately evaluate gradients without burdening the user with the need to derive the partial derivatives.
Homepage: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rstan/index.html
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/rstan
Dependencies: R
Keywords: CRAN; R package; Interface; Stan
Related Software: RStan; Stan; R; BayesDA; NUTS; JAGS; brms; CODA; GitHub; loo; lme4; rstanarm; spBayes; bridgesampling; ggplot2; PRMLT; tsbridge; SemiPar; rethinking; bayesplot
Cited in: 133 Documents
all top 5

Cited by 379 Authors

5 Wand, Matthew P.
3 Ulitzsch, Esther
3 Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan
2 Arellano-Valle, Reinaldo Boris
2 Asar, Ozgur
2 Batchelder, William Howard
2 Bazán, Jorge Luis
2 Bradley, Jonathan R.
2 Bürkner, Paul-Christian
2 Dai, Chenguang
2 Datta, Abhirup
2 Emura, Takeshi
2 Farhin, Shazia
2 Golightly, Andrew
2 Gronau, Quentin F.
2 Holan, Scott H.
2 Jones, Galin L.
2 Khan, Athar Ali
2 Klein, Nadja
2 Selland Kleppe, Tore
2 Lewis-Beck, Colin
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2 Matzke, Dora
2 Michimae, Hirofumi
2 Nolan, Tui H.
2 Ntzoufras, Ioannis
2 Quijano Xacur, Oscar Alberto
2 Vehtari, Aki
2 Wikle, Christopher K.
2 Zhang, Jing
1 Abdel-Ghaly, Abdalla A.
1 Abdel-Rahman, Elham
1 Acharyya, Satwik
1 Alawamy, Eman Ahmed
1 Aliverti, Emanuele
1 Alkema, Leontine
1 Allen, Ben
1 Alvares, Danilo
1 Alves, Jessica S. B.
1 Aly, Hanan M.
1 Amouzou, Agbessi
1 Antonelli, Joseph L.
1 Arbel, Julyan
1 Ashraf-Ul-alam, Md
1 Bailer, A. John
1 Baillien, Jonas
1 Bandyopadhyay, Dipankar
1 Banerjee, Sudipto
1 Bao, Le
1 Barbaro, Ryan P.
1 Basharat, Nyla
1 Becker, Benjamin
1 Beebe, Nigel
1 Belzile, Léo R.
1 Bender, Andreas O.
1 Benrimoh, David
1 Berg, Emily J.
1 Berrocal, Veronica J.
1 Berthouze, Luc
1 Betancourt, Brenda
1 Blagus, Rok
1 Blencowe, Hannah
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1 Bogaerts, Stefan
1 Bonat, Wagner Hugo
1 Boonstra, Philip S.
1 Botsas, Themistoklis
1 Boys, Richard J.
1 Briš, Radim
1 Buderman, Frances E.
1 Bulut, Okan
1 Cai, Yan
1 Calcagnì, Antonio
1 Chan, Duo
1 Chan, Jennifer So Kuen
1 Che, Jonathan
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1 Chen, Yiyang
1 Clancy, John P.
1 Coelho, Fabiano R.
1 Colegate, Stephen P.
1 Comment, Leah
1 Coolen, Frank P. A.
1 Cordoba, Karen Rosana
1 Costa, Eliardo G.
1 Coull, Brent A.
1 Curtis, Thomas P.
1 da Paz, Rosineide Fernando
1 Dai, Ning
1 De Souza, Camila P. E.
1 Delbianco, Fernando
1 Denis, Jean-Baptiste
1 Detyniecki, Marcin
1 Dogucu, Mine
1 Dortet-Bernadet, Jean-Luc
1 Downs, Robert T.
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Cited in 56 Serials

10 The Annals of Applied Statistics
9 Stat
7 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
6 Journal of Mathematical Psychology
6 Statistics and Computing
5 Psychometrika
5 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology
5 Journal of the American Statistical Association
5 Computational Statistics
5 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
4 Biometrics
4 Bayesian Analysis
3 Biometrical Journal
3 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
3 Statistical Modelling
3 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
2 International Statistical Review
2 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
2 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
2 Journal of Applied Statistics
2 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
2 Statistical Methods and Applications
2 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics
2 Statistics in Medicine
1 The American Statistician
1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
1 Journal of Mathematical Biology
1 Mathematical Biosciences
1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 Journal of Applied Probability
1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
1 Insurance Mathematics & Economics
1 Revista Colombiana de Estadística
1 Statistical Science
1 Journal of Jiangxi Normal University. Natural Science Edition
1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
1 Machine Learning
1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
1 Statistica Sinica
1 Extremes
1 Applied Mathematics E-Notes
1 ASTIN Bulletin
1 Journal of Shenyang Normal University. Natural Science Edition
1 Thailand Statistician
1 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
1 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
1 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis
1 Mathematical Geosciences
1 Sankhyā. Series B
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 Mathematics for Applications
1 Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications
1 Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science Series

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