Author ID: zhu.tulong Recent zbMATH articles by "Zhu, Tulong"
Published as: Zhu, Tulong; Zhu, T.; Zhu, T.-L.
Documents Indexed: 16 Publications since 1991
Co-Authors: 5 Co-Authors with 9 Joint Publications
218 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

12 Publications have been cited 1,600 times in 1,141 Documents Cited by Year
A new meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) approach in computational mechanics. Zbl 0932.76067
Atluri, S. N.; Zhu, T.
A local boundary integral equation (LBIE) method in computational mechanics, and a meshless discretization approach. Zbl 0920.76054
Zhu, T.; Zhang, J.-D.; Atluri, S. N.
A modified collocation method and a penalty formulation for enforcing the essential boundary conditions in the element free Galerkin method. Zbl 0947.74080
Zhu, T.; Atluri, S. N.
The meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) approach for solving problems in elasto-statics. Zbl 0976.74078
Atluri, S. N.; Zhu, T.-L.
New concepts in meshless methods. Zbl 0988.74075
Atluri, S. N.; Zhu, Tulong
A meshless local boundary integral equation (LBIE) method for solving nonlinear problems. Zbl 0924.65105
Zhu, T.; Zhang, J.; Atluri, S. N.
The local boundary integral equation (LBIE) and its meshless implementation for linear elasticity. Zbl 1020.74048
Atluri, S. N.; Sladek, J.; Sladek, V.; Zhu, T.
A meshless numerical method based on the local boundary integral equation (LBIE) to solve linear and nonlinear boundary value problems. Zbl 0957.74077
Zhu, Tulong; Zhang, Jindong; Atluri, S. N.
A new meshless regular local boundary integral equation (MRLBIE) approach. Zbl 0951.76073
Zhu, Tulong
The vibrations of pre-twisted rotating Timoshenko beams by the Rayleigh-Ritz method. Zbl 1398.74200
Zhu, T.-L.
Free flapewise vibration analysis of rotating double-tapered Timoshenko beams. Zbl 1293.74222
Zhu, T.-L.
A meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) approach based on the regular local boundary integral equation for linear elasticity. Zbl 1144.74305
Zhu, T.-L.; Zhang, Jian Lin; Wang, D.
Free flapewise vibration analysis of rotating double-tapered Timoshenko beams. Zbl 1293.74222
Zhu, T.-L.
The vibrations of pre-twisted rotating Timoshenko beams by the Rayleigh-Ritz method. Zbl 1398.74200
Zhu, T.-L.
A meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) approach based on the regular local boundary integral equation for linear elasticity. Zbl 1144.74305
Zhu, T.-L.; Zhang, Jian Lin; Wang, D.
The meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) approach for solving problems in elasto-statics. Zbl 0976.74078
Atluri, S. N.; Zhu, T.-L.
New concepts in meshless methods. Zbl 0988.74075
Atluri, S. N.; Zhu, Tulong
The local boundary integral equation (LBIE) and its meshless implementation for linear elasticity. Zbl 1020.74048
Atluri, S. N.; Sladek, J.; Sladek, V.; Zhu, T.
A meshless numerical method based on the local boundary integral equation (LBIE) to solve linear and nonlinear boundary value problems. Zbl 0957.74077
Zhu, Tulong; Zhang, Jindong; Atluri, S. N.
A new meshless regular local boundary integral equation (MRLBIE) approach. Zbl 0951.76073
Zhu, Tulong
A new meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) approach in computational mechanics. Zbl 0932.76067
Atluri, S. N.; Zhu, T.
A local boundary integral equation (LBIE) method in computational mechanics, and a meshless discretization approach. Zbl 0920.76054
Zhu, T.; Zhang, J.-D.; Atluri, S. N.
A modified collocation method and a penalty formulation for enforcing the essential boundary conditions in the element free Galerkin method. Zbl 0947.74080
Zhu, T.; Atluri, S. N.
A meshless local boundary integral equation (LBIE) method for solving nonlinear problems. Zbl 0924.65105
Zhu, T.; Zhang, J.; Atluri, S. N.
all top 5

Cited by 1,614 Authors

48 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi
39 Liu, Gui-Rong
33 Sladek, Jan
33 Sladek, Vladimir
22 Zhang, Chuanzeng
21 Shivanian, Elyas
20 Gu, Yuantong
19 Belinha, Jorge
18 Liew, Kim Meow
17 Wen, Pihua
16 Mirzaei, Davoud
15 Abbasbandy, Saeid
15 Atluri, Satya N.
15 Cheng, Yumin
14 Natal Jorge, Renato Manuel
13 Li, Guangyao
12 Chen, Jiun-Shyan
12 Long, Shuyao
12 Mikhailov, Sergey E.
12 Shirzadi, Ahmad
11 Li, Xiaolin
11 Wang, Dongdong
10 Afshar, Mohammad Hadi
10 Augarde, Charles Edward
10 Boroomand, Bijan
10 Dinis, Lúcia M. J. S.
10 Wang, Lihua
10 Zhang, GuiYong
9 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa
9 Chen, Shenshen
9 Cheng, Rongjun
9 Han, Xu
9 Miao, Yu
9 Ooi, Ean-Hin
9 Popov, Victor S.
9 Salehi, Rezvan
9 Schaback, Robert
9 Yan, Fei
9 Zheng, Hong
8 Bourantas, George C.
8 Bui, Tinh Quoc
8 Liu, Yinghua
8 Shu, Chang
8 Zhang, Lu-Wen
7 Assari, Pouria
7 Batra, Romesh C.
7 Chen, Wen
7 Dong, Leiting
7 Duan, Qinglin
7 Enjilela, Vali
7 Fan, Chia-Ming
7 Feng, Xiating
7 Hematiyan, Mohammad Rahim
7 Hon, Yiu-Chung
7 Kostin, Georgy Viktorovich
7 Lin, Ji
7 Mukherjee, Subrata
7 Power, Henry
6 Aslefallah, Mohammad
6 Chkadua, Otar
6 Ding, Hang
6 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein
6 Hu, Dean
6 Joldes, Grand Roman
6 Kovářik, Karel
6 Li, Hua
6 Miller, Karol
6 Mužík, Juraj
6 Najafi, Mohammad Javid
6 Qu, Wenzhen
6 Telles, José Claudio de Faria
6 Vaghefi, Reza Monir
6 Wang, Bingbing
6 Wittek, Adam
6 Wu, Junchao
6 Xu, Xu
6 Yang, Yongtao
6 Youn, Sung-Kie
6 Zhang, Jianming
5 Belytschko, Ted Bohdan
5 Dai, Baodong
5 Divo, Eduardo A.
5 Eldho, T. I.
5 Gu, Yan
5 Habibirad, Ali
5 Hillman, Michael C.
5 Hosseini, Seyed Mahmoud
5 Hu, Hsin-Yun
5 Kassab, Alain J.
5 Li, Shaojun
5 Liu, Wing Kam
5 Natroshvili, David
5 Nguyen, Minh Ngoc
5 Nie, Yufeng
5 Noormohammadi, Nima
5 Parand, Kourosh
5 Rabczuk, Timon
5 Ruess, Martin
5 Šarler, Božidar
5 Seaïd, Mohammed
...and 1,514 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 97 Serials

347 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
113 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
106 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
74 Computational Mechanics
47 International Journal of Computational Methods
39 Applied Mathematics and Computation
32 Applied Mathematical Modelling
29 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
26 Journal of Computational Physics
21 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
18 Applied Numerical Mathematics
14 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering
13 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
13 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
13 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
12 Acta Mechanica
12 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics
11 Computers and Fluids
11 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
10 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
9 Acta Mechanica Sinica
7 Meccanica
7 Computational and Applied Mathematics
7 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids
7 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
6 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
6 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition)
5 Advances in Computational Mathematics
5 Engineering Computations
4 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
4 Journal of Engineering Mathematics
4 Numerical Algorithms
4 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
4 International Journal of Fracture
4 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
4 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
4 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
3 Computer Physics Communications
3 International Journal of Engineering Science
3 International Journal of Solids and Structures
3 Archive of Applied Mechanics
3 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
3 AMM. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition)
2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
2 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
2 Numerische Mathematik
2 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
2 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
2 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
2 Advances in Difference Equations
2 Journal of Mathematical Extension
2 Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute
1 Modern Physics Letters B
1 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 Computing
1 Information Sciences
1 Integral Equations and Operator Theory
1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
1 Mechanics Research Communications
1 Computer Aided Geometric Design
1 Journal of Complexity
1 Journal of Scientific Computing
1 European Journal of Applied Mathematics
1 Computational Mathematics and Modeling
1 Georgian Mathematical Journal
1 Filomat
1 Monte Carlo Methods and Applications
1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
1 Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
1 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids
1 Computational Geosciences
1 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics
1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences
1 Journal of Applied Mathematics
1 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science
1 Sādhanā
1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis
1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
1 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
1 Analysis and Applications (Singapore)
1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série
1 Science in China. Series G
1 Boundary Value Problems
1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
1 Engineering Optimization
1 Waves in Random and Complex Media
1 Journal of Zhejiang University. Science A
1 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
1 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
1 Afrika Matematika
1 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal
1 ISRN Applied Mathematics
1 Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization
1 Results in Applied Mathematics

Citations by Year