Author ID: zaman.arif Recent zbMATH articles by "Zaman, Arif"
Published as: Zaman, Arif; Zaman, A.
Homepage: http://web.lums.edu.pk/~arifz/
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Documents Indexed: 15 Publications since 1983
Co-Authors: 8 Co-Authors with 8 Joint Publications
58 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

12 Publications have been cited 140 times in 122 Documents Cited by Year
A new class of random number generators. Zbl 0733.65005
Marsaglia, George; Zaman, Arif
Toward a universal random number generator. Zbl 0692.65001
Marsaglia, George; Zaman, Arif; Tsang, Wai Wan
A random number generator for PC’s. Zbl 0997.65510
Marsaglia, George; Narasimhan, B.; Zaman, Arif
Monkey tests for random number generators. Zbl 0788.65007
Marsaglia, G.; Zaman, A.
Numerical simulation of pulsatile flow of blood in a porous-saturated overlapping stenosed artery. Zbl 1540.76141
Zaman, A.; Ali, N.; Sajid, M.
Urn models for Markov exchangeability. Zbl 0542.60065
Zaman, Arif
Numerical solution of some classical differential-difference equations. Zbl 0675.65073
Marsaglia, George; Zaman, Arif; Marsaglia, John C. W.
A finite form of de Finetti’s theorem for stationary Markov exchangeability. Zbl 0608.60032
Zaman, Arif
Stationarity on finite strings and shift register sequences. Zbl 0518.60056
Zaman, Arif
The distance between random points in rectangles. Zbl 0731.60012
Marsaglia, George; Narasimhan, B.; Zaman, Arif
Rapid evaluation of the inverse of the normal distribution function. Zbl 0798.65132
Marsaglia, George; Zaman, Arif; Marsaglia, John C. W.
A non-clustering property of stationary sequences. Zbl 0536.60044
Zaman, Arif
Numerical simulation of pulsatile flow of blood in a porous-saturated overlapping stenosed artery. Zbl 1540.76141
Zaman, A.; Ali, N.; Sajid, M.
Rapid evaluation of the inverse of the normal distribution function. Zbl 0798.65132
Marsaglia, George; Zaman, Arif; Marsaglia, John C. W.
Monkey tests for random number generators. Zbl 0788.65007
Marsaglia, G.; Zaman, A.
A new class of random number generators. Zbl 0733.65005
Marsaglia, George; Zaman, Arif
Toward a universal random number generator. Zbl 0692.65001
Marsaglia, George; Zaman, Arif; Tsang, Wai Wan
A random number generator for PC’s. Zbl 0997.65510
Marsaglia, George; Narasimhan, B.; Zaman, Arif
The distance between random points in rectangles. Zbl 0731.60012
Marsaglia, George; Narasimhan, B.; Zaman, Arif
Numerical solution of some classical differential-difference equations. Zbl 0675.65073
Marsaglia, George; Zaman, Arif; Marsaglia, John C. W.
A finite form of de Finetti’s theorem for stationary Markov exchangeability. Zbl 0608.60032
Zaman, Arif
Urn models for Markov exchangeability. Zbl 0542.60065
Zaman, Arif
A non-clustering property of stationary sequences. Zbl 0536.60044
Zaman, Arif
Stationarity on finite strings and shift register sequences. Zbl 0518.60056
Zaman, Arif
all top 5

Cited by 209 Authors

6 Hamilton, Kenneth G.
6 L’Ecuyer, Pierre
5 Wu, Shufei
4 Chen, Hubert Jan-peing
4 Marsaglia, George
4 Tang, Hui-Chin
3 Couture, Raymond
3 Fortini, Sandra
3 Zimmerman, Donald W.
2 Deng, Lih-Yuan
2 González, Jorge A.
2 Guerrero, Laura Elena Morales
2 Kao, Chiang
2 Klapper, Andrew M.
2 Ladelli, Lucia
2 Mrenna, Stephen
2 Narasimhan, Balasubramanian
2 Regazzini, Eugenio
2 Reyes, L. I.
2 Rojas, Cristian R.
2 Sauer, Timothy D.
2 Sjöstrand, Torbjörn
2 Skands, Peter Z.
2 Suárez, J. J.
2 Valenzuela, Patricio E.
2 Zaman, Arif
1 Agapie, Stefan C.
1 Ahmadian, K.
1 Al-Sharhan, Salah
1 Ala-Nissila, Tapio
1 Anderson, Joshua A.
1 Annink, Ben
1 Ask, Stefan
1 Astola, Jaakko T.
1 Bach, Eric
1 Bai, Fengshan
1 Bakiri, Mohammed
1 Berdnikov, Aleksandr S.
1 Berg, Bernd A.
1 Bhattacharjee, Kamalika
1 Bilke, S.
1 Bobrowski, Adam
1 Bogdan, Małgorzata
1 Bopp, Fritz W.
1 Bourceret, Erwan
1 Burda, Zdzislaw
1 Chen, Tai-Been
1 Christiansen, Jesper R.
1 Cifarelli, Donato Michele
1 Clerc, Maurice
1 Compagner, Aaldert
1 Corke, Richard
1 Couchot, Jean-François
1 Cozman, Fabio G.
1 Dahlin, Johan
1 Dang, Xin
1 Danshin, A. A.
1 Das, Sukanta
1 Davis, Charles S.
1 de B. Edwardes, Michael D.
1 Demchik, Vadim
1 Desai, Nishita
1 Devroye, Luc P. J. A.
1 Di Cecco, Davide
1 Di Pierro, Massimo
1 Doherty, Bernard S.
1 Drummond, Peter D.
1 Dwyer, Gerald P.
1 Dyadkin, Iosif G.
1 Entacher, Karl
1 Epifani, Ilenia
1 Fischer, Simon
1 Gammerman, Alexander
1 Ganz, Reinhard E.
1 Ghorbani, Ali A.
1 Giles, Michael B.
1 Glotzer, Sharon C.
1 Golestani, Abbas
1 Goresky, Robert Mark
1 Goroshin, Samuel
1 Gravel, Claude
1 Guo, Rui
1 Gurevich, M. I.
1 Guyeux, Christophe
1 Hellekalek, Peter
1 Hennecke, Michael
1 Higgins, Andrew J.
1 Higgins, Kevin
1 Hjalmarsson, Håkan
1 Hu, BangYou
1 Hu, Tienchung
1 Hu, Yiping
1 Huffer, Fred W.
1 Ilten, Philip
1 Il’yin, V. A.
1 Jadach, Stanisław
1 Jahed-Motlagh, Mohammad Reza
1 Janic-Wróblewska, Alicja
1 Jiabo, Wang
1 Jungblut-Hessel, Roberta
...and 109 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 64 Serials

23 Computer Physics Communications
6 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
5 Mathematics of Computation
4 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
4 Statistics & Probability Letters
4 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
3 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
3 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
2 Journal of Computational Physics
2 Automatica
2 Computing
2 Statistics
2 Cryptography and Communications
2 Computer Science Review
1 Advances in Applied Probability
1 Physica A
1 Physics Letters. A
1 Physics Reports
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
1 Information Sciences
1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II
1 Synthese
1 Theoretical Computer Science
1 Theoretical Population Biology
1 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences
1 Insurance Mathematics & Economics
1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica
1 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences
1 Applied Numerical Mathematics
1 Statistical Science
1 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control
1 Journal of Cryptology
1 Annals of Operations Research
1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
1 European Journal of Operational Research
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series
1 Experimental Mathematics
1 Computational Optimization and Applications
1 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
1 Monte Carlo Methods and Applications
1 INFORMS Journal on Computing
1 Science in China. Series E
1 Chaos
1 Journal of Applied Statistics
1 Natural Resource Modeling
1 Combustion Theory and Modelling
1 Journal of High Energy Physics
1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
1 RAIRO. Operations Research
1 Integers
1 Foundations of Physics
1 Statistical Methodology
1 Journal of Mathematical Cryptology
1 Electronic Journal of Statistics
1 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology

Citations by Year

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