Author ID: welham.sue-j Recent zbMATH articles by "Welham, Sue J."
Published as: Welham, Sue J.; Welham, Sue; Welham, S. J.
Documents Indexed: 10 Publications since 1997
Co-Authors: 9 Co-Authors with 10 Joint Publications
111 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

9 Publications have been cited 156 times in 133 Documents Cited by Year
The analysis of designed experiments and longitudinal data by using smoothing splines. (With discussion). Zbl 0956.62062
Verbyla, Arūnas P.; Cullis, Brian R.; Kenward, Michael G.; Welham, Sue J.
A comparison of mixed model splines for curve fitting. Zbl 1117.62041
Welham, Sue J.; Cullis, Brian R.; Kenward, Michael G.; Thompson, Robin
An efficient computing strategy for prediction in mixed linear models. Zbl 1429.62319
Gilmour, Arthur; Cullis, Brian; Welham, Sue; Gogel, Beverley; Thompson, Robin
A variance shift model for detection of outliers in the linear mixed model. Zbl 1284.62129
Gumedze, Freedom N.; Welham, Sue J.; Gogel, Beverley J.; Thompson, Robin
Likelihood ratio tests for mixed model terms using residual maximum likelihood. Zbl 0889.62060
Welham, S. J.; Thompson, R.
The analysis of longitudinal data using mixed model \(L\)-splines. Zbl 1097.62144
Welham, Sue J.; Cullis, Brian R.; Kenward, Michael G.; Thompson, Robin
A comparison of analysis methods for late-stage variety evaluation trials. Zbl 1337.62340
Welham, Sue J.; Gogel, Beverley J.; Smith, Alison B.; Thompson, Robin; Cullis, Brian R.
Prediction in linear mixed models. Zbl 1055.62085
Welham, Sue; Cullis, Brian; Gogel, Beverley; Gilmour, Arthur; Thompson, Robin
A note on bimodality in the log-likelihood function for penalized spline mixed models. Zbl 1452.62295
Welham, S. J.; Thompson, R.
A variance shift model for detection of outliers in the linear mixed model. Zbl 1284.62129
Gumedze, Freedom N.; Welham, Sue J.; Gogel, Beverley J.; Thompson, Robin
A comparison of analysis methods for late-stage variety evaluation trials. Zbl 1337.62340
Welham, Sue J.; Gogel, Beverley J.; Smith, Alison B.; Thompson, Robin; Cullis, Brian R.
A note on bimodality in the log-likelihood function for penalized spline mixed models. Zbl 1452.62295
Welham, S. J.; Thompson, R.
A comparison of mixed model splines for curve fitting. Zbl 1117.62041
Welham, Sue J.; Cullis, Brian R.; Kenward, Michael G.; Thompson, Robin
The analysis of longitudinal data using mixed model \(L\)-splines. Zbl 1097.62144
Welham, Sue J.; Cullis, Brian R.; Kenward, Michael G.; Thompson, Robin
Prediction in linear mixed models. Zbl 1055.62085
Welham, Sue; Cullis, Brian; Gogel, Beverley; Gilmour, Arthur; Thompson, Robin
An efficient computing strategy for prediction in mixed linear models. Zbl 1429.62319
Gilmour, Arthur; Cullis, Brian; Welham, Sue; Gogel, Beverley; Thompson, Robin
The analysis of designed experiments and longitudinal data by using smoothing splines. (With discussion). Zbl 0956.62062
Verbyla, Arūnas P.; Cullis, Brian R.; Kenward, Michael G.; Welham, Sue J.
Likelihood ratio tests for mixed model terms using residual maximum likelihood. Zbl 0889.62060
Welham, S. J.; Thompson, R.
all top 5

Cited by 254 Authors

11 Wand, Matthew P.
9 Cullis, Brian R.
8 Durban, Maria
8 Verbyla, Arūnas P.
6 Currie, Iain D.
6 Molenberghs, Geert
6 Thompson, Robin
5 Gumedze, Freedom N.
5 Piepho, Hans-Peter
4 Kauermann, Goran
4 Welham, Sue J.
3 Beran, Jan
3 de Faveri, Joanne
3 Goicoa, Tomás
3 Kenward, Michael G.
3 Lee, Dae-Jin
3 Lee, Youngjo
3 Liu, Haiyan
3 Militino, Ana Fernández
3 Ormerod, John T.
3 Smith, Alison B.
3 Tutz, Gerhard E.
3 Ugarte, Maria Dolores
3 Verbeke, Geert N.
3 Williams, Emlyn R.
2 Aerts, Marc
2 Alonso, Ariel
2 Babadi, Babak
2 Boer, Martin P.
2 Butler, David G.
2 Carroll, Raymond James
2 da Motta Singer, Julio
2 Dai, Xiaowen
2 Eilers, Paul H. C.
2 Geys, Helena
2 Jin, Libin
2 Lee, Woojoo
2 Nobre, Juvêncio Santos
2 Nummi, Tapio
2 Rasekh, Abdolrahman
2 Shi, Anqi
2 Shi, Lei
2 Trindade, A. Alexandre
2 Vangeneugden, Tony
2 Wood, Simon N.
1 Aguilera-Morillo, M. Carmen
1 Aguilera, Ana M.
1 Ahnaou, Abdellah
1 Arief, Vivi N.
1 Attaoui, Said
1 Basford, Kaye Enid
1 Benaissa, Fadila
1 Bertolazzi, Enrico
1 Beutels, Philippe
1 Bijnens, Luc
1 Binder, Harald
1 Biral, Francesco
1 Bray, Andrew
1 Brien, Christopher James
1 Butler, Neil A.
1 Caliński, Tadeusz
1 Canale, Antonio
1 Carballo, Alba
1 Cavanagh, Colin R
1 Charif, Husni A.
1 Chatora, Tinashe D.
1 Chen, Tom
1 Chouaf, Abdelhak
1 Cocks, Nicole A.
1 Cortinas Abrahantes, José
1 Crăiniceanu, Ciprian-Mugur
1 Czajka, Stanisław
1 da Silva, Michel Ferreira
1 Daniels, Michael J.
1 De Deyn, Peter Paul
1 Dean, Charmaine B.
1 Deery, D. M.
1 DeLacy, Ian H.
1 Demétrio, Clarice Garcia Borges
1 Dempsey, Walter
1 Djeundje, Viani A. Biatat
1 Drinkenburg, Wilhelmus H. I. M.
1 Dubin, Joel A.
1 Duczmal, Luiz Henrique
1 Dunne, Timothy T.
1 Dutta, Somak
1 Eapen, Sara
1 Edwards, Lloyd J.
1 Elbassiouni, Mohamed Y.
1 Etxeberria, Jaione
1 Eubank, Randall L.
1 Faes, Christel
1 Fan, Jie
1 Faraway, Julian J.
1 Fjell, Anders M.
1 Flaschel, Peter
1 Forkman, Johannes
1 Frego, Marco
1 Gagui, Abdelmalek
1 Gao, Fangyu
...and 154 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 43 Serials

16 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
13 Biometrics
11 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
9 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
7 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C. Applied Statistics
6 Electronic Journal of Statistics
5 Biometrical Journal
5 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
5 Journal of Applied Statistics
5 Statistical Modelling
3 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
2 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
2 Psychometrika
2 International Statistical Review
2 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
2 Statistica Neerlandica
2 Statistics & Probability Letters
2 Computational Statistics
2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
2 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
2 Linear Algebra and its Applications
2 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis
2 Statistics and Computing
1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 The Annals of Statistics
1 Journal of Classification
1 Statistical Science
1 Computational Economics
1 Test
1 Statistical Papers
1 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations
1 Lifetime Data Analysis
1 Bernoulli
1 Abstract and Applied Analysis
1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology
1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
1 Statistical Methods and Applications
1 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC
1 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
1 Bayesian Analysis
1 Statistical Theory and Related Fields

Citations by Year