Author ID: wang.kaizheng Recent zbMATH articles by "Wang, Kaizheng"
Published as: Wang, Kaizheng
Documents Indexed: 15 Publications since 2014, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint
Co-Authors: 13 Co-Authors with 11 Joint Publications
501 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

10 Publications have been cited 238 times in 192 Documents Cited by Year
Entrywise eigenvector analysis of random matrices with low expected rank. Zbl 1450.62066
Abbe, Emmanuel; Fan, Jianqing; Wang, Kaizheng; Zhong, Yiqiao
Distributed estimation of principal eigenspaces. Zbl 1450.62067
Fan, Jianqing; Wang, Dong; Wang, Kaizheng; Zhu, Ziwei
Implicit regularization in nonconvex statistical estimation: gradient descent converges linearly for phase retrieval, matrix completion, and blind deconvolution. Zbl 1445.90089
Ma, Cong; Wang, Kaizheng; Chi, Yuejie; Chen, Yuxin
Spectral method and regularized MLE are both optimal for top-\(K\) ranking. Zbl 1425.62038
Chen, Yuxin; Fan, Jianqing; Ma, Cong; Wang, Kaizheng
Communication-efficient accurate statistical estimation. Zbl 07707218
Fan, Jianqing; Guo, Yongyi; Wang, Kaizheng
Factor-adjusted regularized model selection. Zbl 1456.62114
Fan, Jianqing; Ke, Yuan; Wang, Kaizheng
Robust high-dimensional factor models with applications to statistical machine learning. Zbl 07368239
Fan, Jianqing; Wang, Kaizheng; Zhong, Yiqiao; Zhu, Ziwei
On the Neumann problem for harmonic functions in the upper half plane. Zbl 1296.35052
Wang, Kaizheng
An \({\ell_p}\) theory of PCA and spectral clustering. Zbl 1539.62174
Abbe, Emmanuel; Fan, Jianqing; Wang, Kaizheng
Comment on “A tuning-free robust and efficient approach to high-dimensional regression”. Zbl 1452.62519
Fan, Jianqing; Ma, Cong; Wang, Kaizheng
Communication-efficient accurate statistical estimation. Zbl 07707218
Fan, Jianqing; Guo, Yongyi; Wang, Kaizheng
An \({\ell_p}\) theory of PCA and spectral clustering. Zbl 1539.62174
Abbe, Emmanuel; Fan, Jianqing; Wang, Kaizheng
Robust high-dimensional factor models with applications to statistical machine learning. Zbl 07368239
Fan, Jianqing; Wang, Kaizheng; Zhong, Yiqiao; Zhu, Ziwei
Entrywise eigenvector analysis of random matrices with low expected rank. Zbl 1450.62066
Abbe, Emmanuel; Fan, Jianqing; Wang, Kaizheng; Zhong, Yiqiao
Implicit regularization in nonconvex statistical estimation: gradient descent converges linearly for phase retrieval, matrix completion, and blind deconvolution. Zbl 1445.90089
Ma, Cong; Wang, Kaizheng; Chi, Yuejie; Chen, Yuxin
Factor-adjusted regularized model selection. Zbl 1456.62114
Fan, Jianqing; Ke, Yuan; Wang, Kaizheng
Comment on “A tuning-free robust and efficient approach to high-dimensional regression”. Zbl 1452.62519
Fan, Jianqing; Ma, Cong; Wang, Kaizheng
Distributed estimation of principal eigenspaces. Zbl 1450.62067
Fan, Jianqing; Wang, Dong; Wang, Kaizheng; Zhu, Ziwei
Spectral method and regularized MLE are both optimal for top-\(K\) ranking. Zbl 1425.62038
Chen, Yuxin; Fan, Jianqing; Ma, Cong; Wang, Kaizheng
On the Neumann problem for harmonic functions in the upper half plane. Zbl 1296.35052
Wang, Kaizheng
all top 5

Cited by 400 Authors

26 Fan, Jianqing
10 Chen, Yuxin
9 Wang, Hansheng
8 Wang, Kaizheng
7 Ma, Cong
6 Chen, Xi
6 Chi, Yuejie
6 Zhu, Xuening
5 Gao, Yuan
4 Chen, Canyi
4 Ke, Zheng Tracy
4 Priebe, Carey E.
4 Yan, Yuling
4 Zhang, Anderson Y.
4 Zhu, Liping
3 Cai, Tianwen
3 Cape, Joshua
3 Ding, Xiucai
3 Gao, Chao
3 Jin, Jiashun
3 Ke, Yuan
3 Liao, Yuan
3 Ling, Shuyang
3 Mao, Xiaojun
3 Pan, Rui
3 Qi, Haobo
3 Sun, Qiang
3 Tang, Minh
3 Verzelen, Nicolas
3 Wang, Kangning
3 Wang, Lei
3 Yu, Mengxin
3 Zhang, Riquan
2 Abbe, Emmanuel
2 Cai, Changxiao
2 Carmon, Yair
2 Chen, Elynn Y.
2 Chen, Pinhan
2 Damle, Anil
2 Dobriban, Edgar
2 Duchi, John C.
2 Fan, Yingying
2 Feng, Yang
2 Giraud, Christophe
2 Huang, DanYang
2 Krahmer, Felix
2 Li, Gen
2 Li, Guodong
2 Li, Runze
2 Li, Shaomin
2 Li, Tianxi
2 Liu, Jingyuan
2 Lou, Zhipeng
2 Ma, Rong
2 Masini, Ricardo P.
2 Medeiros, Marcelo C.
2 Poor, Harold Vincent
2 Sarkar, Purnamrita
2 Sheng, Yue
2 Stöger, Dominik
2 Strohmer, Thomas
2 Wang, Feifei
2 Wang, Xiaozhou
2 Wei, Hongji
2 Weng, Haolei
2 Wu, Shuyuan
2 Xia, Dong
2 Xie, Fangzheng
2 Yang, Zhuoyi
2 Zhang, Jingfei
2 Zhang, Yichen
2 Zhong, Yiqiao
2 Zhou, Jing
2 Zhou, Zhixin
2 Zhu, Yingqiu
2 Zhu, Yizhe
2 Zhu, Ziwei
1 Ahn, Jeongyoun
1 Akbari, Sina
1 Allen, Genevera I.
1 Amini, Arash Ali
1 Arjevani, Yossi
1 Arroyo, Jesús
1 Ataei, Masoud
1 Athreya, Avanti
1 Bahmani, Sohail
1 Balasubramanian, Krishnakumar
1 Bao, Han
1 Bao, Yajie
1 Bartlett, Peter L.
1 Benson, Austin R.
1 Bhamidi, Shankar
1 Bhattacharyya, Sharmodeep
1 Bi, Shujun
1 Bickel, Peter John
1 Bodelet, Julien
1 Boedihardjo, March T.
1 Bondon, Pascal
1 Borgs, Christian
1 Braun, Guillaume
...and 300 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 61 Serials

27 The Annals of Statistics
25 Journal of the American Statistical Association
16 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
10 Journal of Econometrics
9 Electronic Journal of Statistics
8 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
5 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
5 Statistica Sinica
5 Statistics and Computing
4 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
4 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science
3 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
3 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B
3 SIAM Journal on Optimization
3 Bernoulli
3 Stat
2 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
2 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
2 Operations Research
2 Statistical Science
2 Linear Algebra and its Applications
2 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
2 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
2 The Annals of Applied Statistics
2 Statistical Theory and Related Fields
1 Advances in Applied Probability
1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Metrika
1 Physica A
1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
1 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
1 Theoretical Computer Science
1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica
1 Statistics
1 Journal of Complexity
1 Machine Learning
1 Computational Statistics
1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
1 SIAM Review
1 Test
1 Statistical Papers
1 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica
1 Optimization Methods & Software
1 Extremes
1 Foundations of Computational Mathematics
1 Analysis and Applications (Singapore)
1 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing
1 Acta Numerica
1 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
1 Optimization Letters
1 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
1 Science China. Mathematics
1 Random Matrices: Theory and Applications
1 Electronic Research Archive
1 Foundations of Data Science

Citations by Year