Author ID: virnik.elena Recent zbMATH articles by "Virnik, Elena"
Published as: Virnik, Elena
External Links: MGP · ResearchGate · dblp
Documents Indexed: 9 Publications since 2007, including 1 Book
Co-Authors: 6 Co-Authors with 5 Joint Publications
508 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

7 Publications have been cited 74 times in 66 Documents Cited by Year
Stability analysis of positive descriptor systems. Zbl 1147.93033
Virnik, Elena
Positivity preserving balanced truncation for descriptor systems. Zbl 1203.93042
Reis, Timo; Virnik, Elena
An algebraic multigrid preconditioner for a class of singular M-matrices. Zbl 1155.65037
Virnik, Elena
Analysis of positive descriptor systems. Zbl 1210.93007
Virnik, Elena
Generalisation of the Perron-Frobenius theory to matrix pencils. Zbl 1130.15007
Mehrmann, Volker; Nabben, Reinhard; Virnik, Elena
An SVD approach to identifying metastable states of Markov chains. Zbl 1171.15008
Fritzsche, David; Mehrmann, Volker; Szyld, Daniel B.; Virnik, Elena
Nonnegativity of Schur complements of nonnegative idempotent matrices. Zbl 1151.15008
Friedland, Shmuel; Virnik, Elena
Positivity preserving balanced truncation for descriptor systems. Zbl 1203.93042
Reis, Timo; Virnik, Elena
Stability analysis of positive descriptor systems. Zbl 1147.93033
Virnik, Elena
Analysis of positive descriptor systems. Zbl 1210.93007
Virnik, Elena
Generalisation of the Perron-Frobenius theory to matrix pencils. Zbl 1130.15007
Mehrmann, Volker; Nabben, Reinhard; Virnik, Elena
An SVD approach to identifying metastable states of Markov chains. Zbl 1171.15008
Fritzsche, David; Mehrmann, Volker; Szyld, Daniel B.; Virnik, Elena
Nonnegativity of Schur complements of nonnegative idempotent matrices. Zbl 1151.15008
Friedland, Shmuel; Virnik, Elena
An algebraic multigrid preconditioner for a class of singular M-matrices. Zbl 1155.65037
Virnik, Elena
all top 5

Cited by 113 Authors

15 Kaczorek, Tadeusz
4 Vũ Ngoc Phát
3 Borawski, Kamil
3 Lam, James
3 Sau, Nguyen Huu
2 Herrero, Alicia
2 Huang, Ting-Zhu
2 Kirkland, Stephen J.
2 Mehrmann, Volker
2 Niamsup, Piyapong
2 Ramírez, Francisco J.
2 Ruszewski, Andrzej
2 Shen, Jun
2 Shorten, Robert N.
2 Tanaka, Tamaki
2 Thome, Néstor
2 Wen, Chun
2 Zhang, Qingling
2 Zhang, Youmei
1 Ahmad, Sohaira
1 Ait Rami, Mustapha
1 Baum, Ann-Kristin
1 Benzi, Michele
1 Bittracher, Andreas
1 Bolten, Matthias
1 Breen, Jane
1 Breiten, Tobias
1 Brunk, Markus
1 Bulatov, Mikhail Valer’yanovich
1 Cai, Min
1 Cantó, Rafael
1 Cole, Sam
1 Crisostomi, Emanuele
1 Date, Paresh M.
1 De Sterck, Hans
1 Ding, Xiuyong
1 Do Duc Thuan
1 Ech-charqy, Ahmed
1 Efimov, Denis V.
1 Fackeldey, Konstantin
1 Faizrahnemoon, Mahsa
1 Ferronato, Massimiliano
1 Friedhoff, Stephanie
1 Frommer, Andreas
1 Gaubert, Stéphane
1 Grussler, Christian
1 Heming, Matthias
1 Izadbakhsh, Alireza
1 Kahl, Karsten
1 Knorn, Florian
1 Kuhlemann, Verena
1 Kvaerno, Anne
1 la Cruz, William
1 Li, Ping
1 Li, Rencang
1 Lin, Yiqin
1 Liu, Guobao
1 Liu, Lili
1 Liu, Tingting
1 Liu, Yujie
1 Lyons, Carter G.
1 Mai Viet Thuan
1 Mansouri, Mahmoud
1 Manteuffel, Thomas A.
1 Mason, Oliver
1 Maxson, Carlton James
1 Miller, Killian
1 Moll, Santiago
1 Muhafzan
1 Muoi, Nguyen H.
1 Napp, Diego
1 Nassiri, Kameleh
1 Nazir, Muhammad Shahid
1 Nguyen Chi Liem
1 Nguyen Huu Du
1 Nguyen Huu Sau
1 Notay, Yvan
1 Ouahi, Mohamed
1 Polyakov, Andrey
1 Pu, Bingyuan
1 Qi, Liqun
1 Rantzer, Anders
1 Rehan, Muhammad
1 Reiter, Michael
1 Ricarte, Beatriz
1 Richard, Jean-Pierre
1 Sanders, Geoffrey D.
1 Schütte, Christof
1 Sergeev, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich
1 Shafiee, Masoud
1 Shaheen, Bilal
1 Sikorski, Alexander
1 Song, Yisheng
1 Stykel, Tatjana
1 Thuan, Do Duc
1 Tissir, El Houssaine
1 Treister, Eran
1 Urbano, Ana María
1 Virnik, Elena
1 Wang, Chao
...and 13 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 38 Serials

8 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
7 Linear Algebra and its Applications
4 Journal of the Franklin Institute
3 Automatica
2 Numerische Mathematik
2 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
2 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
2 Archives of Control Sciences
2 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
2 European Journal of Control
2 Asian Journal of Control
2 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 International Journal of Systems Science
1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Kybernetika
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods
1 Semigroup Forum
1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
1 Systems & Control Letters
1 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
1 Physica D
1 Applied Numerical Mathematics
1 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control
1 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
1 Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics
1 Advances in Computational Mathematics
1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
1 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis
1 IET Control Theory & Applications
1 International Journal of Differential Equations
1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM
1 ISRN Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Computational Dynamics
1 Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics

Citations by Year