Author ID: tlupova.svetlana Recent zbMATH articles by "Tlupova, Svetlana"
Published as: Tlupova, Svetlana
Documents Indexed: 14 Publications since 2005, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint
Co-Authors: 14 Co-Authors with 13 Joint Publications
228 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

11 Publications have been cited 225 times in 164 Documents Cited by Year
Domain decomposition methods for solving Stokes-Darcy problems with boundary integrals. Zbl 1372.76077
Boubendir, Yassine; Tlupova, Svetlana
Boundary integral solutions of coupled Stokes and Darcy flows. Zbl 1188.76232
Tlupova, Svetlana; Cortez, Ricardo
Stokes-Darcy boundary integral solutions using preconditioners. Zbl 1287.76213
Boubendir, Yassine; Tlupova, Svetlana
A study of bacterial flagellar bundling. Zbl 1334.92029
Flores, Heather; Lobaton, Edgar; Méndez-Diez, Stefan; Tlupova, Svetlana; Cortez, Ricardo
Nearly singular integrals in 3D Stokes flow. Zbl 1373.76153
Tlupova, Svetlana; Beale, J. Thomas
A small-scale decomposition for 3D boundary integral computations with surface tension. Zbl 1349.76413
Ambrose, David M.; Siegel, Michael; Tlupova, Svetlana
A kernel-independent treecode based on barycentric Lagrange interpolation. Zbl 1473.65025
Wang, Lei; Krasny, Robert; Tlupova, Svetlana
Regularized single and double layer integrals in 3D Stokes flow. Zbl 1452.76196
Tlupova, Svetlana; Beale, J. Thomas
A treecode algorithm for 3D Stokeslets and stresslets. Zbl 1488.76108
Wang, Lei; Tlupova, Svetlana; Krasny, Robert
A domain decomposition solution of the Stokes-Darcy system in 3D based on boundary integrals. Zbl 07517112
Tlupova, Svetlana
The effect of global smoothness on the accuracy of treecodes. Zbl 1518.70002
Boateng, Henry A.; Tlupova, Svetlana
A domain decomposition solution of the Stokes-Darcy system in 3D based on boundary integrals. Zbl 07517112
Tlupova, Svetlana
The effect of global smoothness on the accuracy of treecodes. Zbl 1518.70002
Boateng, Henry A.; Tlupova, Svetlana
A kernel-independent treecode based on barycentric Lagrange interpolation. Zbl 1473.65025
Wang, Lei; Krasny, Robert; Tlupova, Svetlana
Regularized single and double layer integrals in 3D Stokes flow. Zbl 1452.76196
Tlupova, Svetlana; Beale, J. Thomas
A treecode algorithm for 3D Stokeslets and stresslets. Zbl 1488.76108
Wang, Lei; Tlupova, Svetlana; Krasny, Robert
Domain decomposition methods for solving Stokes-Darcy problems with boundary integrals. Zbl 1372.76077
Boubendir, Yassine; Tlupova, Svetlana
Nearly singular integrals in 3D Stokes flow. Zbl 1373.76153
Tlupova, Svetlana; Beale, J. Thomas
A small-scale decomposition for 3D boundary integral computations with surface tension. Zbl 1349.76413
Ambrose, David M.; Siegel, Michael; Tlupova, Svetlana
Boundary integral solutions of coupled Stokes and Darcy flows. Zbl 1188.76232
Tlupova, Svetlana; Cortez, Ricardo
Stokes-Darcy boundary integral solutions using preconditioners. Zbl 1287.76213
Boubendir, Yassine; Tlupova, Svetlana
A study of bacterial flagellar bundling. Zbl 1334.92029
Flores, Heather; Lobaton, Edgar; Méndez-Diez, Stefan; Tlupova, Svetlana; Cortez, Ricardo
all top 5

Cited by 262 Authors

23 He, Xiaoming
11 Zheng, Haibiao
10 Li, Rui
9 Li, Jian
9 Tlupova, Svetlana
9 Zuo, Liyun
8 Chen, Zhangxin
8 Cortez, Ricardo
7 Al Mahbub, Md. Abdullah
7 Du, Guangzhi
7 Fauci, Lisa J.
7 Gao, Yali
7 Hou, Yanren
6 Qiu, Changxin
5 Ambrose, David M.
5 Krasny, Robert
5 Rui, Hongxing
5 Shi, Feng
5 Veerapaneni, Shravan Kumar
4 Barnett, Alex H.
4 Gunzburger, Max Donald
4 Hou, Jiangyong
4 Lai, Mingchih
4 Lin, Yanping
4 Nasu, Nasrin Jahan
4 Rahimian, Abtin
4 Tornberg, Anna-Karin
4 Yan, Wenjing
4 Ying, Wenjun
4 Zorin, Denis N.
3 Beale, J. Thomas
3 Hu, Dan
3 Li, Xuejian
3 Li, Yi
3 Ming, Ju
3 Shelley, Michael J.
3 Siegel, Michael
3 Sun, Yizhong
3 Wang, Lei
3 Wang, Xiaoming
2 af Klinteberg, Ludvig
2 Akers, Benjamin F.
2 Bi, Yuxin
2 Boateng, Henry A.
2 Boubendir, Yassine
2 Bouzarth, Elizabeth L.
2 Cai, Wei
2 Cao, Yanzhao
2 Dong, Haixia
2 Hou, Yuanyuan
2 Kan, Yi-Kai
2 Kang, Sangmo
2 Kärtner, Franz X.
2 Le Borne, Sabine
2 Li, Maojun
2 Li, Zhilin
2 Lin, Tao
2 Liu, Xin
2 Maniyeri, Ranjith
2 Mei, Liquan
2 Olson, Sarah D.
2 Ong, Kian Chuan
2 Peng, Hui
2 Rostami, Minghao W.
2 Shiue, Ming-Cheng
2 Smith, David J.
2 Vaughn, Nathan
2 Wang, Bo
2 Wei, Mingzhen
2 Wilkening, Jon A.
2 Wróbel, Jacek K.
2 Wu, Bowei
2 Yu, Jiaping
2 Zemke, Jens-Peter Max
2 Zhai, Qilong
2 Zhang, Ran
2 Zhang, Shangyou
2 Zhang, Wenzhong
2 Zhu, Hai
1 Ahmadi, Ehsan
1 Ainley, Josephine
1 Aranda, Vivian
1 Bai, Baojun
1 Barrett, Aaron
1 Bees, Martin A.
1 Biros, George
1 Boindala, Priya
1 Boveleth, Lioba
1 Bradach, Kyle
1 Camassa, Roberto
1 Cao, Yong
1 Chang, Lin
1 Chen, Duan
1 Chen, Jiahui
1 Chen, Wenbin
1 Chiu, Shang-Huan
1 Chu, Yuchuan
1 Constantinescu, Emil M.
1 Corona, Eduardo
1 Dillon, Robert H.
...and 162 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 56 Serials

32 Journal of Computational Physics
10 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
10 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
9 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
7 Journal of Scientific Computing
6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
6 Communications in Computational Physics
5 Journal of Fluid Mechanics
5 Advances in Computational Mathematics
4 Mathematics of Computation
4 Numerical Algorithms
4 Physics of Fluids
3 Computers and Fluids
3 Computer Physics Communications
3 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
3 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
3 Applied Numerical Mathematics
3 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
2 Applied Mathematics and Computation
2 Numerische Mathematik
2 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
2 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Wave Motion
1 Calcolo
1 Journal of Differential Equations
1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
1 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 Abstract and Applied Analysis
1 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki
1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
1 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids
1 Computational Geosciences
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B
1 Journal of Numerical Mathematics
1 Advances in Difference Equations
1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling
1 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S
1 Involve
1 Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications
1 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
1 Science China. Mathematics
1 Science China. Technological Sciences
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
1 Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 AMM. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition)
1 Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis
1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
1 Computational and Mathematical Biophysics

Citations by Year