Author ID: tiwari.prasoon Recent zbMATH articles by "Tiwari, Prasoon"
Published as: Tiwari, Prasoon
External Links: MGP
Documents Indexed: 24 Publications since 1981
Co-Authors: 22 Co-Authors with 17 Joint Publications
1,158 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

19 Publications have been cited 289 times in 268 Documents Cited by Year
The electrical resistance of a graph captures its commute and cover times. Zbl 0905.60049
Chandra, Ashok K.; Raghavan, Prabhakar; Ruzzo, Walter L.; Smolensky, Roman; Tiwari, Prasoon
Scheduling malleable and nonmalleable parallel tasks. Zbl 0873.68004
Ludwig, Walter; Tiwari, Prasoon
The computational complexity of universal hashing. Zbl 0764.68080
Mansour, Yishay; Nisan, Noam; Tiwari, Prasoon
Determining DNA sequence similarity using maximum independent set algorithms for interval graphs. Zbl 1502.92009
Joseph, Deborah; Meidanis, Joao; Tiwari, Prasoon
Lower bounds on communication complexity in distributed computer networks. Zbl 0629.68024
Tiwari, Prasoon
Simple algorithms for approximating all roots of a polynomial with real roots. Zbl 0723.12011
Ben-Or, Michael; Tiwari, Prasoon
A fast parallel algorithm for determining all roots of a polynomial with real roots. Zbl 0663.68047
Ben-Or, Michael; Feig, Ephraim; Kozen, Dexter; Tiwari, Prasoon
A direct version of Shamir and Snir’s lower bounds on monotone circuit depth. Zbl 0795.68102
Tiwari, Prasoon; Tompa, Martin
Optimal time bounds for some proximity problems in the plane. Zbl 0761.68093
Aggarwal, Alok; Edelsbrunner, Herbert; Raghavan, Prahakar; Tiwari, Prasoon
Lower bounds for computations with the floor operation. Zbl 0724.68051
Mansour, Yishay; Schieber, Baruch; Tiwari, Prasoon
A lower bound for integer greatest common divisor computations. Zbl 0819.11066
Mansour, Yishay; Schieber, Baruch; Tiwari, Prasoon
A problem that is easier to solve on the unit-cost algebraic RAM. Zbl 0759.68039
Tiwari, Prasoon
Decomposition of product graphs into complete bipartite subgraphs. Zbl 0588.05034
Reznick, Bruce; Tiwari, Prasoon; West, Douglas B.
On the decidability of sparse univariate polynomial interpolation. Zbl 0774.68067
Borodin, Allan; Tiwari, Prasoon
Lower bounds for computations with the floor operation. Zbl 0682.68035
Mansour, Yishay; Schieber, Baruch; Tiwari, Prasoon
Fast exponentiation using the truncation operation. Zbl 0771.65008
Bshouty, Nader H.; Mansour, Yishay; Schieber, Baruch; Tiwari, Prasoon
An efficient parallel algorithm for shifting the root of a depth first spanning tree. Zbl 0594.68043
Tiwari, Prasoon
A tight bound for approximating the square root. Zbl 1336.68095
Bshouty, Nader H.; Mansour, Yishay; Schieber, Baruch; Tiwari, Prasoon
Allowable processing orders in the accelerated cascade algorithm. Zbl 0587.90095
Goldman, A. J.; Tiwari, Prasoon
The electrical resistance of a graph captures its commute and cover times. Zbl 0905.60049
Chandra, Ashok K.; Raghavan, Prabhakar; Ruzzo, Walter L.; Smolensky, Roman; Tiwari, Prasoon
A tight bound for approximating the square root. Zbl 1336.68095
Bshouty, Nader H.; Mansour, Yishay; Schieber, Baruch; Tiwari, Prasoon
Scheduling malleable and nonmalleable parallel tasks. Zbl 0873.68004
Ludwig, Walter; Tiwari, Prasoon
A direct version of Shamir and Snir’s lower bounds on monotone circuit depth. Zbl 0795.68102
Tiwari, Prasoon; Tompa, Martin
The computational complexity of universal hashing. Zbl 0764.68080
Mansour, Yishay; Nisan, Noam; Tiwari, Prasoon
Determining DNA sequence similarity using maximum independent set algorithms for interval graphs. Zbl 1502.92009
Joseph, Deborah; Meidanis, Joao; Tiwari, Prasoon
Optimal time bounds for some proximity problems in the plane. Zbl 0761.68093
Aggarwal, Alok; Edelsbrunner, Herbert; Raghavan, Prahakar; Tiwari, Prasoon
A problem that is easier to solve on the unit-cost algebraic RAM. Zbl 0759.68039
Tiwari, Prasoon
Fast exponentiation using the truncation operation. Zbl 0771.65008
Bshouty, Nader H.; Mansour, Yishay; Schieber, Baruch; Tiwari, Prasoon
Lower bounds for computations with the floor operation. Zbl 0724.68051
Mansour, Yishay; Schieber, Baruch; Tiwari, Prasoon
A lower bound for integer greatest common divisor computations. Zbl 0819.11066
Mansour, Yishay; Schieber, Baruch; Tiwari, Prasoon
On the decidability of sparse univariate polynomial interpolation. Zbl 0774.68067
Borodin, Allan; Tiwari, Prasoon
Simple algorithms for approximating all roots of a polynomial with real roots. Zbl 0723.12011
Ben-Or, Michael; Tiwari, Prasoon
Lower bounds for computations with the floor operation. Zbl 0682.68035
Mansour, Yishay; Schieber, Baruch; Tiwari, Prasoon
A fast parallel algorithm for determining all roots of a polynomial with real roots. Zbl 0663.68047
Ben-Or, Michael; Feig, Ephraim; Kozen, Dexter; Tiwari, Prasoon
Lower bounds on communication complexity in distributed computer networks. Zbl 0629.68024
Tiwari, Prasoon
An efficient parallel algorithm for shifting the root of a depth first spanning tree. Zbl 0594.68043
Tiwari, Prasoon
Allowable processing orders in the accelerated cascade algorithm. Zbl 0587.90095
Goldman, A. J.; Tiwari, Prasoon
Decomposition of product graphs into complete bipartite subgraphs. Zbl 0588.05034
Reznick, Bruce; Tiwari, Prasoon; West, Douglas B.
all top 5

Cited by 453 Authors

6 Li, Shuchao
6 Pan, Victor Yakovlevich
6 Peres, Yuval
6 Tiwari, Prasoon
5 Ding, Jian
5 Feige, Uriel
5 Palacios, Jose Luis
4 Nachmias, Asaf
4 Sauerwald, Thomas
4 Ye, Deshi
4 Zhang, Guochuan
3 Brand, Michael
3 Bshouty, Nader H.
3 Church, Richard L.
3 Chwa, Kyungyong
3 Jansen, Klaus
3 Kwon, Oh-Heum
3 Lau, Lap Chi
3 Lee, James R.
3 Mansour, Yishay
3 Markowsky, Greg T.
3 Nisan, Noam
3 Peleg, David
3 Rau, Malin
3 Woelfel, Philipp
3 Yukna, Stasys P.
2 Abe, Yoshihiro
2 Aggarwal, Alok
2 Avin, Chen
2 Balaji, Nikhil
2 Ben Arous, Gérard
2 Bini, Dario Andrea
2 Bogdanov, Andrej
2 Boley, Daniel L.
2 Chaplick, Steven
2 Croydon, David A.
2 Dai, Meifeng
2 de Keijzer, Bart
2 Dietzfelbinger, Martin
2 Dinitz, Yefim
2 Fan, Chenglin
2 Fukushima, Ryoki
2 García-Marco, Ignacio
2 Guo, Ziliang
2 Hammond, Alan
2 Henning, Sören
2 Hershberger, John E.
2 Huang, Jing
2 Ioannidis, Stavros D.
2 Jeffery, Stacey
2 Jiang, Minghui
2 Junk, Stefan
2 Kasue, Atsushi
2 Klein, Douglas J.
2 Koiran, Pascal
2 Korach, Ephraim
2 Koucký, Michal
2 Kozma, Gady
2 Loiseau, Patrick
2 Luo, Jun
2 Moran, Shlomo
2 Mulmuley, Ketan D.
2 Murray, Alan T.
2 Ostfeld, Zvi
2 Pandurangan, Gopal
2 Pecatte, Timothée
2 Radzik, Tomasz
2 Rajsbaum, Sergio
2 Ranjan, Gyan
2 Reif, John H.
2 Rojas, J. Maurice
2 Rossman, Benjamin
2 Saerens, Marco
2 Schieber, Baruch
2 Schmarje, Lars
2 Scquizzato, Michele
2 Sun, Weigang
2 Suri, Subhash
2 Ueckerdt, Torsten
2 Vaskouski, Maksim
2 Ventre, Carmine
2 Wigderson, Avi
2 Wu, Fangfang
2 Wu, Xiaohu
2 Yang, Yujun
2 Yehudayoff, Amir
2 Zadorozhnyuk, Anna Olegovna
2 Zaks, Joseph
2 Zaman, Shahid
2 Zanetti, Luca
2 Zhang, Jingyuan
2 Zhang, Xiandong
2 Zhang, Zhili
2 Zhong, Farong
2 Zhou, Hong
1 Aamand, Anders
1 Abdullah, Mohammed Amin
1 Abed, Farzaneh
1 Adler, Micah
1 Akavia, Adi
...and 353 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 104 Serials

18 Theoretical Computer Science
13 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
10 Discrete Applied Mathematics
10 Information Processing Letters
7 Journal of Scheduling
5 Discrete Mathematics
5 Physica A
5 SIAM Journal on Computing
5 Journal of Complexity
5 Algorithmica
5 European Journal of Operational Research
5 Linear Algebra and its Applications
4 The Annals of Probability
4 Probability Theory and Related Fields
4 Random Structures & Algorithms
4 Computational Complexity
3 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A
3 Journal of Symbolic Computation
3 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
3 Theory of Computing Systems
3 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
2 Linear and Multilinear Algebra
2 Journal of Graph Theory
2 Statistics & Probability Letters
2 Computers & Operations Research
2 Journal of Theoretical Probability
2 Journal of Cryptology
2 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
2 The Annals of Applied Probability
2 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA
2 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B
2 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
2 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
2 Journal of Discrete Algorithms
2 The European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems
1 Acta Informatica
1 American Mathematical Monthly
1 Communications in Mathematical Physics
1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Journal of Statistical Physics
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Mathematics of Computation
1 Mathematics Magazine
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Computing
1 Information Sciences
1 Inventiones Mathematicae
1 Journal of the American Statistical Association
1 Journal of Functional Analysis
1 Journal of Geometry
1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Mathematika
1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
1 Systems & Control Letters
1 Combinatorica
1 Graphs and Combinatorics
1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
1 Information and Computation
1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society
1 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
1 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
1 Neural Networks
1 Annals of Operations Research
1 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications
1 Computational Geometry
1 Designs, Codes and Cryptography
1 Numerical Algorithms
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
1 Distributed Computing
1 SIAM Journal on Optimization
1 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
1 Potential Analysis
1 Computational Optimization and Applications
1 Fractals
1 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic
1 Chaos
1 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series
1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
1 Trudy Instituta Matematiki
1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series
1 Doklady Natsional’noĭ Akademii Nauk Belarusi
1 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
1 Optimization Letters
1 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics
1 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications
1 Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning
1 Algorithms
1 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics
1 Symmetry
1 Theory of Computing
1 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
...and 4 more Serials

Citations by Year