
Thiéry, Alexandre H.

Author ID: thiery.alexandre-h Recent zbMATH articles by "Thiéry, Alexandre H."
Published as: Thiery, Alexandre H.; Thiéry, Alexandre H.; Thiery, Alexandre; Thiéry, Alexandre; Thiery, A. H.
External Links: MGP
all top 5


0 single-authored
5 Beskos, Alexandros
5 Jasra, Ajay
5 Pillai, Natesh S.
4 Roberts, Gareth O.
4 Sherlock, Chris
4 Stuart, Andrew M.
2 Chopin, Nicolas
2 Critchley, Frank
2 Doucet, Arnaud
2 Finke, Axel
2 Girolami, Mark A.
2 Golightly, Andrew
2 Graham, Matthew M.
2 Jacob, Pierre E.
2 Johansen, Adam M.
2 Lee, Anthony J. T.
2 Paulin, Daniel
2 Robert, Christian P.
2 Simpson, Daniel Peter
2 Singh, Sumeetpal Sidhu
1 Adams, Ryan Prescott
1 Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim Alejandro
1 Arbel, Julyan
1 Archambeau, Cédric
1 Au, Khai Xiang
1 Bao, Le
1 Barthelmé, Simon
1 Beffy, Magali
1 Bhadra, Anindya
1 Blankenberg, Stefan
1 Bornn, Luke
1 Bouchard, Guillaume
1 Boys, Richard J.
1 Bui-Thanh, Tan
1 Calderhead, Ben
1 Campbell, David A.
1 Cao, Jiguo
1 Castro, Daniela
1 Chen, Yanjiun
1 Chin, Siu A.
1 Christie, Mike
1 Coad, D. Stephen
1 Coolen, Anthony C. C.
1 Cornebise, Julien
1 Cox, David Roxbee
1 Draper, David
1 Dryden, Ian L.
1 Eguchi, Shinto
1 Everitt, Richard Geoffrey
1 Fearnhead, Paul
1 Filippone, Maurizio
1 Friel, Nial
1 Gandy, Axel
1 Gelman, Andrew
1 Gerber, Mathieu
1 Griffin, Jim E.
1 Gripton, Adam
1 Guerrera, Thiago
1 Guillas, Serge
1 Gutenkunst, Ryan
1 Haario, Heikki
1 He, Zhijian
1 Hetland, Andreas L.
1 Higham, Desmond J.
1 Holmes, Christopher C.
1 Honkela, Antti
1 Husmeier, Dirk
1 Ikeda, Shiro
1 Jansen, Max L.
1 Jupp, Peter E.
1 Kantas, Nikolas
1 Künsch, Hans Rudolf
1 Kypraios, Theodore
1 Lacoste-Julien, Simon
1 Latuszynski, Krzysztof
1 Lau, F. Din-Houn
1 L’Ecuyer, Pierre
1 Lemieux, Christiane
1 Lindsten, Fredrik
1 Linton, Oliver Bruce
1 Liu, Han
1 Machta, Benjamin B.
1 Mansinghka, Vikash K.
1 Marin, Jean-Michel
1 Marriott, Paul
1 Mateu, Jorge
1 Meng, Xiaoli
1 Mira, Antonietta
1 Murray, Iain
1 Myers, Aaron
1 Nguyen, Dao
1 Oates, Chris J.
1 Ojeda, Francisco M.
1 Opper, Manfred
1 Owen, Art B.
1 Papaspiliopoulos, Omiros
1 Parry, Matthew F.
1 Peters, Gareth William
1 Pettitt, Anthony N.
1 Pitt, Michael K.
...and 42 more Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

14 Publications have been cited 241 times in 207 Documents Cited by Year
Riemann manifold Langevin and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods. With discussion and authors’ reply. Zbl 1411.62071
Girolami, Mark; Calderhead, Ben
On the efficiency of pseudo-marginal random walk Metropolis algorithms. Zbl 1326.65015
Sherlock, Chris; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Roberts, Gareth O.; Rosenthal, Jeffrey S.
Consistency and fluctuations for stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics. Zbl 1360.60144
Teh, Yee Whye; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Vollmer, Sebastian J.
Optimal scaling and diffusion limits for the Langevin algorithm in high dimensions. Zbl 1272.60053
Pillai, Natesh S.; Stuart, Andrew M.; Thiéry, Alexandre H.
Sequential quasi Monte Carlo. With discussion and authors’ reply. Zbl 1414.62109
Gerber, Mathieu; Chopin, Nicolas
On the convergence of adaptive sequential Monte Carlo methods. Zbl 1342.82127
Beskos, Alexandros; Jasra, Ajay; Kantas, Nikolas; Thiery, Alexandre
On nonnegative unbiased estimators. Zbl 1321.65015
Jacob, Pierre E.; Thiery, Alexandre H.
On coupling particle filter trajectories. Zbl 1384.65006
Sen, Deborshee; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Jasra, Ajay
Pseudo-marginal Metropolis-Hastings sampling using averages of unbiased estimators. Zbl 07072238
Sherlock, Chris; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Lee, Anthony
Noisy gradient flow from a random walk in Hilbert space. Zbl 1308.60005
Pillai, Natesh S.; Stuart, Andrew M.; Thiéry, Alexandre H.
Error bounds for sequential Monte Carlo samplers for multimodal distributions. Zbl 07007209
Paulin, Daniel; Jasra, Ajay; Thiery, Alexandre
Efficiency of delayed-acceptance random walk metropolis algorithms. Zbl 1478.60093
Sherlock, Chris; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Golightly, Andrew
A discrete bouncy particle sampler. Zbl 07543327
Sherlock, C.; Thiery, A. H.
Manifold Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inference in diffusion models. Zbl 07909613
Graham, Matthew M.; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Beskos, Alexandros
A discrete bouncy particle sampler. Zbl 07543327
Sherlock, C.; Thiery, A. H.
Manifold Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inference in diffusion models. Zbl 07909613
Graham, Matthew M.; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Beskos, Alexandros
Efficiency of delayed-acceptance random walk metropolis algorithms. Zbl 1478.60093
Sherlock, Chris; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Golightly, Andrew
Error bounds for sequential Monte Carlo samplers for multimodal distributions. Zbl 07007209
Paulin, Daniel; Jasra, Ajay; Thiery, Alexandre
On coupling particle filter trajectories. Zbl 1384.65006
Sen, Deborshee; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Jasra, Ajay
Pseudo-marginal Metropolis-Hastings sampling using averages of unbiased estimators. Zbl 07072238
Sherlock, Chris; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Lee, Anthony
Consistency and fluctuations for stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics. Zbl 1360.60144
Teh, Yee Whye; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Vollmer, Sebastian J.
On the convergence of adaptive sequential Monte Carlo methods. Zbl 1342.82127
Beskos, Alexandros; Jasra, Ajay; Kantas, Nikolas; Thiery, Alexandre
On the efficiency of pseudo-marginal random walk Metropolis algorithms. Zbl 1326.65015
Sherlock, Chris; Thiery, Alexandre H.; Roberts, Gareth O.; Rosenthal, Jeffrey S.
Sequential quasi Monte Carlo. With discussion and authors’ reply. Zbl 1414.62109
Gerber, Mathieu; Chopin, Nicolas
On nonnegative unbiased estimators. Zbl 1321.65015
Jacob, Pierre E.; Thiery, Alexandre H.
Noisy gradient flow from a random walk in Hilbert space. Zbl 1308.60005
Pillai, Natesh S.; Stuart, Andrew M.; Thiéry, Alexandre H.
Optimal scaling and diffusion limits for the Langevin algorithm in high dimensions. Zbl 1272.60053
Pillai, Natesh S.; Stuart, Andrew M.; Thiéry, Alexandre H.
Riemann manifold Langevin and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods. With discussion and authors’ reply. Zbl 1411.62071
Girolami, Mark; Calderhead, Ben
all top 5

Cited by 395 Authors

19 Jasra, Ajay
11 Golightly, Andrew
11 Sherlock, Chris
10 Kohn, Robert J.
10 Roberts, Gareth O.
9 Beskos, Alexandros
9 Stuart, Andrew M.
8 Law, Kody J. H.
7 Drovandi, Christopher C.
7 Thiéry, Alexandre H.
7 Tran, Minh Ngoc
6 Pillai, Natesh S.
6 Quiroz, Matias
5 Latuszynski, Krzysztof
5 Latz, Jonas
5 Ullmann, Elisabeth
5 Villani, Mattias
4 Dang, Khue-Dung
4 Fearnhead, Paul
4 Kamatani, Kengo
4 Lee, Anthony J. T.
4 Marzouk, Youssef M.
4 Nemeth, Christopher
4 Ottobre, Michela
4 Papaioannou, Iason
4 Vihola, Matti
4 Zhou, Yan
3 Chopin, Nicolas
3 Cotter, Simon L.
3 Crisan, Dan O.
3 Doucet, Arnaud
3 Franks, Jordan J.
3 Friel, Nial
3 Gillespie, Colin S.
3 Heng, Jeremy
3 Jacob, Pierre E.
3 Kantas, Nikolas
3 Liang, Faming
3 Majka, Mateusz B.
3 Miasojedow, Błażej
3 Paulin, Daniel
3 Pereyra, Marcelo
3 Picchini, Umberto
3 Rásonyi, Miklós
3 Robert, Christian P.
3 South, Leah F.
3 Szpruch, Lukasz
3 Tempone, Raúl F.
3 Vollmer, Sebastian J.
3 Wilkinson, Darren James
3 Zhu, Lingjiong
2 Andrieu, Christophe
2 Bédard, Myléne
2 Botha, Imke
2 Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre
2 Campbell, Trevor
2 Cui, Tiangang
2 Dalalyan, Arnak S.
2 Deligiannidis, George
2 Eberle, Andreas
2 Everitt, Richard Geoffrey
2 Fox, Emily B.
2 Gao, Xuefeng
2 Girolami, Mark A.
2 Gunawan, David
2 Gürbüzbalaban, Mert
2 Johansen, Adam M.
2 Jourdain, Benjamin
2 Karagulyan, Avetik G.
2 Kendall, Wilfrid S.
2 King, Ruth
2 Kuntz, Juan
2 Kypraios, Theodore
2 Leimkuhler, Benedict J.
2 Lelièvre, Tony
2 Lindsten, Fredrik
2 Lovas, Attila
2 Lowe, Tom E.
2 Maire, Florian
2 Mathew, Joseph
2 McKinley, Trevelyan J.
2 Mijatović, Aleksandar
2 Moulines, Eric
2 Neal, Peter J.
2 Nott, David John
2 Osei, Prince Peprah
2 Owen, Jamie
2 Prangle, Dennis
2 Qian, Hang
2 Rosenthal, Jeffrey S.
2 Schmidler, Scott C.
2 Schön, Thomas B.
2 Schweizer, Nikolaus
2 Singh, Sumeetpal Sidhu
2 Song, Qifan
2 Spencer, Simon Edward Frank
2 Spiliopoulos, Konstantinos V.
2 Strathmann, Heiko
2 Vogrinc, Jure
2 Wagner, Fabian J.
...and 295 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 59 Serials

38 Statistics and Computing
14 The Annals of Applied Probability
11 Bernoulli
10 Bayesian Analysis
9 Journal of the American Statistical Association
9 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
8 Journal of Computational Physics
8 The Annals of Statistics
8 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
6 Statistical Science
6 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
5 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
5 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
4 Advances in Applied Probability
4 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
3 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
3 The Annals of Applied Statistics
3 Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations. Analysis and Computations
2 Inverse Problems
2 International Statistical Review
2 Operations Research
2 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
2 Stochastic Analysis and Applications
2 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control
2 Machine Learning
2 Computational Statistics
2 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
2 Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology
1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
1 Nonlinearity
1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
1 Mathematics of Computation
1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization
1 Econometrica
1 Journal of Applied Probability
1 Journal of Econometrics
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Theoretical Population Biology
1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
1 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences
1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
1 European Journal of Operational Research
1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
1 Statistica Sinica
1 Complexity
1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics
1 Foundations of Computational Mathematics
1 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
1 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S
1 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
1 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
1 Sankhyā. Series A
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics
1 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science
1 Stat

Citations by Year