Author ID: suter.bruce-w Recent zbMATH articles by "Suter, Bruce W."
Published as: Suter, Bruce W.; Suter, B. W.; Suter, Bruce
Documents Indexed: 30 Publications since 1974, including 1 Book
Co-Authors: 35 Co-Authors with 27 Joint Publications
574 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

18 Publications have been cited 213 times in 201 Documents Cited by Year
From error bounds to the complexity of first-order descent methods for convex functions. Zbl 1373.90076
Bolte, Jérôme; Nguyen, Trong Phong; Peypouquet, Juan; Suter, Bruce W.
Framelet algorithms for de-blurring images corrupted by impulse plus Gaussian noise. Zbl 1372.94153
Li, Yan-Ran; Shen, Lixin; Dai, Dao-Qing; Suter, Bruce W.
The fractional wave packet transform. Zbl 0912.42020
Huang, Ying; Suter, Bruce
Adaptive inpainting algorithm based on DCT induced wavelet regularization. Zbl 1373.94242
Li, Yan-Ran; Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.
Structured sparsity promoting functions. Zbl 1428.90140
Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.; Tripp, Erin E.
Multirate and wavelet signal processing. Zbl 0997.94520
Suter, Bruce W.
Analysis of adaptive short-time Fourier transform-based synchrosqueezing transform. Zbl 1472.42043
Cai, Haiyan; Jiang, Qingtang; Li, Lin; Suter, Bruce W.
Extragradient method in optimization: convergence and complexity. Zbl 1386.49051
Nguyen, Trong Phong; Pauwels, Edouard; Richard, Emile; Suter, Bruce W.
A hub matrix theory and applications to wireless communications. Zbl 1168.90370
Kung, H. T.; Suter, B. W.
A family of two-dimensional nonseparable Malvar wavelets. Zbl 0844.42016
Xia, Xiang-Gen; Suter, Bruce W.
Bounds for eigenvalues of arrowhead matrices and their applications to hub matrices and wireless communications. Zbl 1192.15018
Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.
Construction of Malvar wavelets on hexagons. Zbl 0862.65096
Xia, Xiang-Gen; Suter, Bruce W.
Algorithmic versatility of SPF-regularization methods. Zbl 1512.94007
Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.; Tripp, Erin E.
Linearized polynomial interpolation and its applications. Zbl 1393.94936
Xie, Hongmei; Lin, Jun; Yan, Zhiyuan; Suter, Bruce W.
Finding Dantzig selectors with a proximity operator based fixed-point algorithm. Zbl 1468.62160
Prater, Ashley; Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.
Foundations of Hankel transform algorithms. Zbl 0731.65112
Suter, Bruce W.
A parallel alpha/beta tree searching algorithm. Zbl 0673.68043
Hyatt, Robert M.; Suter, Bruce W.; Nelson, Harry L.
Nesterov’s algorithm solving dual formulation for compressed sensing. Zbl 1293.65090
Chen, Feishe; Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.; Xu, Yuesheng
Analysis of adaptive short-time Fourier transform-based synchrosqueezing transform. Zbl 1472.42043
Cai, Haiyan; Jiang, Qingtang; Li, Lin; Suter, Bruce W.
Algorithmic versatility of SPF-regularization methods. Zbl 1512.94007
Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.; Tripp, Erin E.
Structured sparsity promoting functions. Zbl 1428.90140
Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.; Tripp, Erin E.
Extragradient method in optimization: convergence and complexity. Zbl 1386.49051
Nguyen, Trong Phong; Pauwels, Edouard; Richard, Emile; Suter, Bruce W.
From error bounds to the complexity of first-order descent methods for convex functions. Zbl 1373.90076
Bolte, Jérôme; Nguyen, Trong Phong; Peypouquet, Juan; Suter, Bruce W.
Finding Dantzig selectors with a proximity operator based fixed-point algorithm. Zbl 1468.62160
Prater, Ashley; Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.
Nesterov’s algorithm solving dual formulation for compressed sensing. Zbl 1293.65090
Chen, Feishe; Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.; Xu, Yuesheng
Adaptive inpainting algorithm based on DCT induced wavelet regularization. Zbl 1373.94242
Li, Yan-Ran; Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.
Linearized polynomial interpolation and its applications. Zbl 1393.94936
Xie, Hongmei; Lin, Jun; Yan, Zhiyuan; Suter, Bruce W.
Framelet algorithms for de-blurring images corrupted by impulse plus Gaussian noise. Zbl 1372.94153
Li, Yan-Ran; Shen, Lixin; Dai, Dao-Qing; Suter, Bruce W.
Bounds for eigenvalues of arrowhead matrices and their applications to hub matrices and wireless communications. Zbl 1192.15018
Shen, Lixin; Suter, Bruce W.
A hub matrix theory and applications to wireless communications. Zbl 1168.90370
Kung, H. T.; Suter, B. W.
The fractional wave packet transform. Zbl 0912.42020
Huang, Ying; Suter, Bruce
Multirate and wavelet signal processing. Zbl 0997.94520
Suter, Bruce W.
Construction of Malvar wavelets on hexagons. Zbl 0862.65096
Xia, Xiang-Gen; Suter, Bruce W.
A family of two-dimensional nonseparable Malvar wavelets. Zbl 0844.42016
Xia, Xiang-Gen; Suter, Bruce W.
Foundations of Hankel transform algorithms. Zbl 0731.65112
Suter, Bruce W.
A parallel alpha/beta tree searching algorithm. Zbl 0673.68043
Hyatt, Robert M.; Suter, Bruce W.; Nelson, Harry L.
all top 5

Cited by 360 Authors

13 Shen, Lixin
7 Dossal, Charles
7 Lu, Jian
7 Rondepierre, Aude
6 Pong, Ting Kei
6 Prasad, Akhilesh
6 Villa, Silvia
5 Aujol, Jean-François
5 Grimmer, Benjamin
5 Hu, Yaohua
5 Jiang, Qingtang
5 Li, Guoyin
5 Li, Minghua
5 Zhuang, Xiaosheng
4 Bolte, Jérôme
4 Chui, Charles Kam-tai
4 Han, Bin
4 Li, Lin
4 Suter, Bruce W.
4 Tripp, Erin E.
4 Xu, Yuesheng
4 Zhang, Hui
3 Chan, Raymond Hon-Fu
3 Fercoq, Olivier
3 Garrigos, Guillaume
3 Iutzeler, Franck
3 Kruger, Alexander Y.
3 Li, Qia
3 Li, Yanran
3 Lourenço, Bruno F.
3 Lu, Zhaosong
3 Luke, David Russell
3 Nghia, Tran Thai An
3 Pauwels, Edouard Jean Robert
3 Rosasco, Lorenzo A.
3 So, Anthony Man-Cho
3 Yang, Xiaoqi
3 Zhang, Na
2 Apidopoulos, Vassilis
2 Bareilles, Gilles
2 Bello Cruz, Yunier Y.
2 Bernardini, Riccardo
2 Braverman, Elena
2 Burachik, Regina Sandra
2 Cuong, Nguyen Duy
2 d’Aspremont, Alexandre
2 Deng, Sien
2 Ji, Hui
2 Jiang, Rujun
2 Jung, Miyoun
2 Kovačević, Jelena
2 Lee, Ching-Pei
2 Li, Xiaobing
2 Lin, Qihang
2 Lindstrom, Scott B.
2 Liu, Huikang
2 Luo, Jun-Ren
2 Malick, Jérôme
2 Pan, Shaohua
2 Peng, Wei
2 Peypouquet, Juan
2 Phạm Tiên So’n
2 Pokutta, Sebastian
2 Prater-Bennette, Ashley
2 Rinaldi, Francesco
2 Robini, Marc C.
2 Salzo, Saverio
2 Shah, Firdous Ahmad
2 Shen, Yi
2 Shen, Zuowei
2 Tam, Matthew K.
2 Teboulle, Marc
2 Wang, Shawn Xianfu
2 Wu, Yuqia
2 Xu, Chen
2 Yan, Mingsong
2 Yang, Tianbao
2 Ye, Jane J.
2 Yu, Carisa Kwok Wai
2 Yu, Peiran
2 Yuan, Xiaoming
2 Zeffiro, Damiano
2 Zeng, Shangzhi
2 Zhang, Jin
2 Zhao, Zhenpeng
2 Zhu, Daoli
2 Zhu, Yuemin
1 Abbaszadehpeivasti, Hadi
1 Abboud, Feriel
1 Ahmad, Owais
1 Ahookhosh, Masoud
1 Al-Homidan, Suliman S.
1 Ansari, Qamrul Hasan
1 Arela, Pérez Susana
1 Attouch, Hedy
1 Avis, David M.
1 Bai, Sixuan
1 Balamurugan, Palaniappan
1 Balashov, Maxim Viktorovich
1 Basu, Sankar
...and 260 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 75 Serials

21 SIAM Journal on Optimization
20 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B
19 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
13 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
7 Computational Optimization and Applications
6 Journal of Global Optimization
6 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis
5 Inverse Problems
5 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
4 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
4 Foundations of Computational Mathematics
4 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
3 Applied Mathematics and Optimization
3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
3 Mathematics of Operations Research
3 Journal of Scientific Computing
3 Analysis and Applications (Singapore)
3 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing
3 Optimization Letters
2 Journal of the Franklin Institute
2 Applied Mathematics and Computation
2 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
2 Applied Mathematical Modelling
2 The Journal of Analysis
2 Computational and Applied Mathematics
2 Advances in Computational Mathematics
2 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
2 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis
1 Israel Journal of Mathematics
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
1 Journal of Functional Analysis
1 Journal of Number Theory
1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
1 Results in Mathematics
1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
1 Operations Research Letters
1 Optimization
1 Applied Mathematics Letters
1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
1 Neural Networks
1 Machine Learning
1 Designs, Codes and Cryptography
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 Pattern Recognition
1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
1 Journal of Convex Analysis
1 Integral Transforms and Special Functions
1 Sbornik: Mathematics
1 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
1 The Ramanujan Journal
1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations
1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
1 Abstract and Applied Analysis
1 Positivity
1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
1 Journal of Inequalities and Applications
1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series
1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
1 The ANZIAM Journal
1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series
1 Stochastics
1 Proyecciones
1 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S
1 Mathematical Programming Computation
1 Science China. Information Sciences
1 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics
1 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
1 Evolution Equations and Control Theory
1 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
1 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana
1 OJMO. Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization

Citations by Year